/** @file @author Stefan Frings */ #include "httpresponse.h" using namespace stefanfrings; HttpResponse::HttpResponse(QTcpSocket* socket) { this->socket=socket; statusCode=200; statusText="OK"; sentHeaders=false; sentLastPart=false; chunkedMode=false; } void HttpResponse::setHeader(QByteArray name, QByteArray value) { Q_ASSERT(sentHeaders==false); headers.insert(name,value); } void HttpResponse::setHeader(QByteArray name, int value) { Q_ASSERT(sentHeaders==false); headers.insert(name,QByteArray::number(value)); } QMap& HttpResponse::getHeaders() { return headers; } void HttpResponse::setStatus(int statusCode, QByteArray description) { this->statusCode=statusCode; statusText=description; } int HttpResponse::getStatusCode() const { return this->statusCode; } void HttpResponse::writeHeaders() { Q_ASSERT(sentHeaders==false); QByteArray buffer; buffer.append("HTTP/1.1 "); buffer.append(QByteArray::number(statusCode)); buffer.append(' '); buffer.append(statusText); buffer.append("\r\n"); foreach(QByteArray name, headers.keys()) { buffer.append(name); buffer.append(": "); buffer.append(headers.value(name)); buffer.append("\r\n"); } foreach(HttpCookie cookie,cookies.values()) { buffer.append("Set-Cookie: "); buffer.append(cookie.toByteArray()); buffer.append("\r\n"); } buffer.append("\r\n"); writeToSocket(buffer); sentHeaders=true; } bool HttpResponse::writeToSocket(QByteArray data) { int remaining=data.size(); char* ptr=data.data(); while (socket->isOpen() && remaining>0) { // If the output buffer has become large, then wait until it has been sent. if (socket->bytesToWrite()>16384) { socket->waitForBytesWritten(-1); } int written=socket->write(ptr,remaining); if (written==-1) { return false; } ptr+=written; remaining-=written; } return true; } void HttpResponse::write(QByteArray data, bool lastPart) { Q_ASSERT(sentLastPart==false); // Send HTTP headers, if not already done (that happens only on the first call to write()) if (sentHeaders==false) { // If the whole response is generated with a single call to write(), then we know the total // size of the response and therefore can set the Content-Length header automatically. if (lastPart) { // Automatically set the Content-Length header headers.insert("Content-Length",QByteArray::number(data.size())); } // else if we will not close the connection at the end, them we must use the chunked mode. else { QByteArray connectionValue=headers.value("Connection",headers.value("connection")); bool connectionClose=QString::compare(connectionValue,"close",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0; if (!connectionClose) { headers.insert("Transfer-Encoding","chunked"); chunkedMode=true; } } writeHeaders(); } // Send data if (data.size()>0) { if (chunkedMode) { if (data.size()>0) { QByteArray size=QByteArray::number(data.size(),16); writeToSocket(size); writeToSocket("\r\n"); writeToSocket(data); writeToSocket("\r\n"); } } else { writeToSocket(data); } } // Only for the last chunk, send the terminating marker and flush the buffer. if (lastPart) { if (chunkedMode) { writeToSocket("0\r\n\r\n"); } socket->flush(); sentLastPart=true; } } bool HttpResponse::hasSentLastPart() const { return sentLastPart; } void HttpResponse::setCookie(const HttpCookie& cookie) { Q_ASSERT(sentHeaders==false); if (!cookie.getName().isEmpty()) { cookies.insert(cookie.getName(),cookie); } } QMap& HttpResponse::getCookies() { return cookies; } void HttpResponse::redirect(const QByteArray& url) { setStatus(303,"See Other"); setHeader("Location",url); write("Redirect",true); } void HttpResponse::flush() { socket->flush(); } bool HttpResponse::isConnected() const { return socket->isOpen(); }