SDRdaemonSourceSettings: description: SDRdaemonSource properties: apiAddress: type: string apiPort: type: integer dataAddress: type: string dataPort: type: integer dcBlock: type: integer iqCorrection: type: integer fileRecordName: type: string useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer SDRdaemonSourceReport: description: SDRdaemonSource properties: centerFrequency: type: integer format: uint64 sampleRate: type: integer bufferRWBalance: description: percentage off the mid buffer (positive read leads) type: integer daemonTimestamp: description: string representation of timestamp as sent by the SDRdaemon instance type: string minNbBlocks: description: Minimum number of blocks retrieved per frame type: integer maxNbRecovery: description: Maximum number of recovery blocks used per frame type: integer