MapSettings: description: Map properties: displayNames: description: Display object names on the map (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer terrain: description: "Terrain used for 3D map (E.g: 'Ellipsoid' or 'Cesium World Terrain')" type: string title: type: string rgbColor: type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex: type: integer reverseAPIFeatureIndex: type: integer rollupState: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RollupState.yaml#/RollupState" MapReport: description: Map properties: dateTime: description: "Current date and time being displayed by 3D map" type: string MapActions: description: Map properties: find: description: "The name of the item or the location to centre the map on" type: string setDateTime: description: "Date and time to set for the map (ISO 8601 extended format)" type: string MapItem: description: "An item to draw on the map. Set image to an empty string to remove item from the map." required: - name properties: name: description: "A name for the item" type: string image: description: "Filename or URL of image to draw on the 2D map" type: string imageRotation: description: "Angle to rotate the image by" type: integer default: 0 text: descrption: "Text to draw on the map when item is selected" type: string latitude: description: "Latitude in decimal degrees, positive to the North" type: number format: float longitude: description: "Longitude in decimal degrees, positive to the East" type: number format: float altitude: description: "Altitude / height above sea level in metres" type: number format: float fixedPosition: description: "Indicates whether position of item is constant with time (0 - variable, 1 - fixed)" type: integer positionDateTime: description: "Date and time at this position (ISO 8601 extended format)" type: string track: description: "Track/path the item has taken" type: array items: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Map.yaml#/MapCoordinate" predictedTrack: description: "Track/path the item is predicted to take" type: array items: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Map.yaml#/MapCoordinate" model: description: "3D .glb/*.gltf model for displaying on 3D map" type: string orientation: description: "How to orientate the model (0 - Along direction of motion, 1 - Use heading, pitch and roll)" type: integer heading: description: "Heading angle, in decimal degrees clockwise from North" type: number format: float pitch: description: "Pitch angle, in decimal degrees" type: number format: float roll: description: "Roll angle, in decimal degrees" type: number format: float orientationDateTime: description: "Date and time at this orientation (ISO 8601 extended format)" type: string label: description: "Label for the model" type: string labelAltitudeOffset: description: "Veritical offset to position label at" type: number format: float modelAltitudeOffset: description: "Vertical offset to adjust model by to prevent it from going underground when altitude is 0" type: number format: float altitudeReference: description: "0 - NONE (Absolute), 1 - CLAMP_TO_GROUND, 2 - RELATIVE_TO_GROUND, 3 - CLIP_TO_GROUND." type: integer animations: description: "Animations to play" type: array items: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Map.yaml#/MapAnimation" type: description: "(0 - Map Item, 1 - Image Tile, 2 - Polygon, 3 - Polyline)" type: integer imageTileWest: type: number format: float imageTileSouth: type: number format: float imageTileEast: type: number format: float imageTileNorth: type: number format: float imageZoomLevel: description: "For 2D map" type: number format: float coordinates: description: "Polygon/polyline coordinates" type: array items: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Map.yaml#/MapCoordinate" extrudedHeight: description: "Extruded height (from surface) for polygons" type: number format: float availableUntil: description: "Date and time until after which this item should no longer appear on 3D map" type: string colorValid: description: "0 - Use default color, 1 - Use specified color" type: integer color: description: "RGBA for polygon and polyline" type: integer MapAnimation: description: "Animation to play in the model on the 3D map" properties: name: description: "Name of animation to play (As in .glb/.glTF file)" type: string reverse: description: "(0 - Forward, 1 - Reverse)" type: integer loop: description: "(0 - Play once, 1 - Play in loop)" type: integer startDateTime: description: "Date and time to start playing this animation (ISO 8601 extended format)" type: string startOffset: description: "Fractional [0..1] offset in to animations timeline to start animation at" type: number format: float default: 0.0 multiplier: description: "Speed multiplier for animation. >1 plays faster" type: number format: float default: 1.0 duration: description: "Time in seconds to play animation for. 0 to play whole animation" type: number format: float default: 0.0 stop: description: "Stop a looped animation from playing" type: integer MapCoordinate: description: "A map coordinate" properties: latitude: description: "Latitude in decimal degrees, positive to the North" type: number format: float longitude: description: "Longitude in decimal degrees, positive to the East" type: number format: float altitude: description: "Altitude / height above sea level in metres" type: number format: float dateTime: description: "Date and time at this coordinate (ISO 8601 extended format)" type: string