SatelliteTrackerSettings: description: "Satellite Tracker settings" properties: latitude: description: "Latitude in decimal degrees (North positive) of antenna location" type: number format: float longitude: description: "Longitude in decimal degrees (East positive) of antenna location" type: number format: float heightAboveSeaLevel: description: "Height above sea level in metres of antenna location" type: number format: float target: description: "Target satellite" type: string satellites: description: "Satellites to track" type: array items: type: string tles: description: "Two line element files" type: array items: type: string dateTime: description: "Date and time of observation. ISO 8601 extended format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss with Z suffix for UTC. Empty string for current time." type: string minAOSElevation: description: "Minimum elevation in degrees for AOS" type: integer minPassElevation: description: "Minimum elevation in degrees for a pass" type: integer rotatorMaxAzimuth: description: "Maximum azimuth in degrees for the rotator" type: integer rotatorMaxElevation: description: "Maximum elevation in degrees for elevation" type: integer azElUnits: description: "DMS (0) DM (1) D (2) Decimal (3)" type: integer groundTrackPoints: description: "Number of points used to draw ground tracks" type: integer dateFormat: desciption: "Format for dates in the GUI (E.g: yy/MM/dd)" type: string utc: description: "Times are UTC (1) or local (0)" type: integer updatePeriod: description: "Time in seconds between each calculation of the target's position" type: number format: float dopplerPeriod: description: "Time in seconds between each Doppler correction" type: number format: float predictionPeriod: description: "How many days ahead to predict passes in" type: integer passStartTime: description: "Time after which a pass must start" type: string passFinishTime: description: "Time before which a pass must finish" type: string defaultFrequency: description: "Frequency to use for Doppler and free space path loss calculations in Satellite data table" type: number format: float drawOnMap: description: "Draw satellites on the Map (1 for yes, 0 for no)" type: integer autoTarget: description: "Automatically select target on AOS (1 for yes, 0 for no)" type: integer aosSpeech: description: "Speech warning on AOS" type: string losSpeech: description: "Speech warning on LOS" type: string aosCommand: description: "Command to execute on AOS for all satellites" type: string losCommand: description: "Command to execute on LOS for all satellites" type: string title: type: string rgbColor: type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer reverseAPIChannelIndex: type: integer