NoiseFigureControlDialog 0 0 514 531 Liberation Sans 9 Noise Source Control Settings 0 0 Programs / scripts Power on Program or script to execute to turn on the noise source's power Program or script to execute to turn off the noise source's power Power off 0 0 VISA / SCPI Device VISA device address to send SCPI commands to. E.g: USB0::0x1234::0xabcd::DP8C1234::0::INSTR TCPIP0:: Power On SCPI SCPI commands to power on noise source. Lines beginning with # are comments Power Off SCPI SCPI commands to power off noise source Timing Delay in seconds between power on/off and measurement Delay in seconds between the noise source being powered on or off and when the measurement starts 3 100.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok powerOnCommand powerOffCommand device powerOnSCPI powerOffSCPI delay buttonBox accepted() NoiseFigureControlDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() NoiseFigureControlDialog reject() 316 260 286 274