PERTesterSettings: description: "PER Tester settings" properties: packetCount: type: integer interval: type: number format: float start: description: "0 - immediately, 1 - on satellite AOS, 2 - on satellite mid pass" type: integer satellites: description: "Satellite names to start test on" type: array items: type: string packet: description: "Packet of data to send" type: string ignoreLeadingBytes: type: integer ignoreTrailingBytes: type: integer txUDPAddress: description: "UDP address to sent packets to be transmitted to" type: string txUDPPort: description: "UDP port to sent packets to be transmitted to" type: integer rxUDPAddress: description: "UDP address to receive packets via" type: string rxUDPPort: description: "UDP port to receive packets via" type: integer title: type: string rgbColor: type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer reverseAPIChannelIndex: type: integer PERTesterActions: description: PERTester properties: aos: description: "Acquisition of signal" type: object properties: satelliteName: description: "Name of the satellite" type: string aosTime: description: "Time of AOS" type: string losTime: description: "Time of LOS" type: string