/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB. // // // // Swagger server adapter interface // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "util/simpleserializer.h" #include "settings/preset.h" #include Preset::Preset() { resetToDefaults(); } Preset::Preset(const Preset& other) : m_group(other.m_group), m_description(other.m_description), m_centerFrequency(other.m_centerFrequency), m_spectrumConfig(other.m_spectrumConfig), m_dcOffsetCorrection(other.m_dcOffsetCorrection), m_iqImbalanceCorrection(other.m_iqImbalanceCorrection), m_channelConfigs(other.m_channelConfigs), m_deviceConfigs(other.m_deviceConfigs), m_layout(other.m_layout) {} void Preset::resetToDefaults() { m_sourcePreset = true; m_group = "default"; m_description = "no name"; m_centerFrequency = 0; m_spectrumConfig.clear(); m_layout.clear(); m_channelConfigs.clear(); m_dcOffsetCorrection = false; m_iqImbalanceCorrection = false; } QByteArray Preset::serialize() const { // qDebug("Preset::serialize: m_group: %s mode: %s m_description: %s m_centerFrequency: %llu", // qPrintable(m_group), // m_sourcePreset ? "Rx" : "Tx", // qPrintable(m_description), // m_centerFrequency); SimpleSerializer s(1); s.writeString(1, m_group); s.writeString(2, m_description); s.writeU64(3, m_centerFrequency); s.writeBlob(4, m_layout); s.writeBlob(5, m_spectrumConfig); s.writeBool(6, m_sourcePreset); s.writeS32(20, m_deviceConfigs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < m_deviceConfigs.size(); i++) { s.writeString(24 + i*4, m_deviceConfigs[i].m_deviceId); s.writeString(25 + i*4, m_deviceConfigs[i].m_deviceSerial); s.writeS32(26 + i*4, m_deviceConfigs[i].m_deviceSequence); s.writeBlob(27 + i*4, m_deviceConfigs[i].m_config); // qDebug("Preset::serialize: source: id: %s, ser: %s, seq: %d", // qPrintable(m_deviceConfigs[i].m_deviceId), // qPrintable(m_deviceConfigs[i].m_deviceSerial), // m_deviceConfigs[i].m_deviceSequence); if (i >= (200-23)/4) // full! { qWarning("Preset::serialize: too many sources"); break; } } s.writeS32(200, m_channelConfigs.size()); for(int i = 0; i < m_channelConfigs.size(); i++) { // qDebug("Preset::serialize: channel: id: %s", qPrintable(m_channelConfigs[i].m_channel)); s.writeString(201 + i * 2, m_channelConfigs[i].m_channelIdURI); s.writeBlob(202 + i * 2, m_channelConfigs[i].m_config); } return s.final(); } bool Preset::deserialize(const QByteArray& data) { SimpleDeserializer d(data); if (!d.isValid()) { resetToDefaults(); return false; } if (d.getVersion() == 1) { d.readString(1, &m_group, "default"); d.readString(2, &m_description, "no name"); d.readU64(3, &m_centerFrequency, 0); d.readBlob(4, &m_layout); d.readBlob(5, &m_spectrumConfig); d.readBool(6, &m_sourcePreset, true); // qDebug("Preset::deserialize: m_group: %s mode: %s m_description: %s m_centerFrequency: %llu", // qPrintable(m_group), // m_sourcePreset ? "Rx" : "Tx", // qPrintable(m_description), // m_centerFrequency); qint32 sourcesCount = 0; d.readS32(20, &sourcesCount, 0); if (sourcesCount >= (200-23)/4) // limit was hit! { sourcesCount = ((200-23)/4) - 1; } m_deviceConfigs.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < sourcesCount; i++) { QString sourceId, sourceSerial; int sourceSequence; QByteArray sourceConfig; d.readString(24 + i*4, &sourceId, ""); d.readString(25 + i*4, &sourceSerial, ""); d.readS32(26 + i*4, &sourceSequence, 0); d.readBlob(27 + i*4, &sourceConfig); if (!sourceId.isEmpty()) { // qDebug("Preset::deserialize: source: id: %s, ser: %s, seq: %d", // qPrintable(sourceId), // qPrintable(sourceSerial), // sourceSequence); m_deviceConfigs.append(DeviceConfig(sourceId, sourceSerial, sourceSequence, sourceConfig)); } } qint32 channelCount; d.readS32(200, &channelCount, 0); m_channelConfigs.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { QString channel; QByteArray config; d.readString(201 + i * 2, &channel, "unknown-channel"); d.readBlob(202 + i * 2, &config); // qDebug("Preset::deserialize: channel: id: %s", qPrintable(channel)); m_channelConfigs.append(ChannelConfig(channel, config)); } return true; } else { resetToDefaults(); return false; } } void Preset::addOrUpdateDeviceConfig(const QString& sourceId, const QString& sourceSerial, int sourceSequence, const QByteArray& config) { DeviceeConfigs::iterator it = m_deviceConfigs.begin(); for (; it != m_deviceConfigs.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_deviceId == sourceId) { if (sourceSerial.isNull() || sourceSerial.isEmpty()) { if (it->m_deviceSequence == sourceSequence) { break; } } else { if (it->m_deviceSerial == sourceSerial) { break; } } } } if (it == m_deviceConfigs.end()) { m_deviceConfigs.append(DeviceConfig(sourceId, sourceSerial, sourceSequence, config)); } else { it->m_config = config; } } const QByteArray* Preset::findDeviceConfig( const QString& deviceId, const QString& deviceSerial, int deviceSequence) const { DeviceeConfigs::const_iterator it = m_deviceConfigs.begin(); for (; it != m_deviceConfigs.end(); ++it) { if ((it->m_deviceId == deviceId) && (it->m_deviceSerial == deviceSerial) && (it->m_deviceSerial == deviceSerial)) { return &it->m_config; } } return nullptr; } const QByteArray* Preset::findBestDeviceConfig( const QString& sourceId, const QString& sourceSerial, int sourceSequence) const { // Special case for SoapySDR based on serial (driver name) if (sourceId == "sdrangel.samplesource.soapysdrinput") { return findBestDeviceConfigSoapy(sourceId, sourceSerial); } else if (sourceId == "sdrangel.samplesource.soapysdroutput") { return findBestDeviceConfigSoapy(sourceId, sourceSerial); } DeviceeConfigs::const_iterator it = m_deviceConfigs.begin(); DeviceeConfigs::const_iterator itFirstOfKind = m_deviceConfigs.end(); DeviceeConfigs::const_iterator itMatchSequence = m_deviceConfigs.end(); for (; it != m_deviceConfigs.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_deviceId == sourceId) { if (itFirstOfKind == m_deviceConfigs.end()) { itFirstOfKind = it; } if (sourceSerial.isNull() || sourceSerial.isEmpty()) { if (it->m_deviceSequence == sourceSequence) { break; } } else { if (it->m_deviceSerial == sourceSerial) { break; } else if(it->m_deviceSequence == sourceSequence) { itMatchSequence = it; } } } } if (it == m_deviceConfigs.end()) // no exact match { if (itMatchSequence != m_deviceConfigs.end()) // match sequence ? { qDebug("Preset::findBestSourceConfig: sequence matched: id: %s ser: %s seq: %d", qPrintable(itMatchSequence->m_deviceId), qPrintable(itMatchSequence->m_deviceSerial), itMatchSequence->m_deviceSequence); return &(itMatchSequence->m_config); } else if (itFirstOfKind != m_deviceConfigs.end()) // match source type ? { qDebug("Preset::findBestSourceConfig: first of kind matched: id: %s ser: %s seq: %d", qPrintable(itFirstOfKind->m_deviceId), qPrintable(itFirstOfKind->m_deviceSerial), itFirstOfKind->m_deviceSequence); return &(itFirstOfKind->m_config); } else // definitely not found ! { qDebug("Preset::findBestSourceConfig: no match"); return 0; } } else // exact match { qDebug("Preset::findBestSourceConfig: serial matched (exact): id: %s ser: %s", qPrintable(it->m_deviceId), qPrintable(it->m_deviceSerial)); return &(it->m_config); } } const QByteArray* Preset::findBestDeviceConfigSoapy(const QString& sourceId, const QString& sourceSerial) const { QStringList sourceSerialPieces = sourceSerial.split("-"); if (sourceSerialPieces.size() == 0) { return 0; // unable to process } DeviceeConfigs::const_iterator it = m_deviceConfigs.begin(); DeviceeConfigs::const_iterator itFirstOfKind = m_deviceConfigs.end(); for (; it != m_deviceConfigs.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_deviceId != sourceId) // skip non matching device { continue; } else if (it->m_deviceSerial == sourceSerial) // exact match { break; } else // try to find best match on driver id (first part of serial) { QStringList serialPieces = it->m_deviceSerial.split("-"); if (serialPieces.size() == 0) { continue; } else if (sourceSerialPieces[0] == serialPieces[0]) { if (itFirstOfKind == m_deviceConfigs.end()) { itFirstOfKind = it; break; } } } } if (it == m_deviceConfigs.end()) // no exact match { if (itFirstOfKind == m_deviceConfigs.end()) { qDebug("Preset::findBestDeviceConfigSoapy: no match"); return 0; } else { qDebug("Preset::findBestSourceConfig: first of kind matched: id: %s ser: %s seq: %d", qPrintable(itFirstOfKind->m_deviceId), qPrintable(itFirstOfKind->m_deviceSerial), itFirstOfKind->m_deviceSequence); return &(itFirstOfKind->m_config); } } else // exact match { qDebug("Preset::findBestDeviceConfigSoapy: serial matched (exact): id: %s ser: %s seq: %d", qPrintable(it->m_deviceId), qPrintable(it->m_deviceSerial), it->m_deviceSequence); return &(it->m_config); } }