PlutoSdrInputSettings: description: PlutoSDR properties: centerFrequency: type: integer format: int64 devSampleRate: type: integer LOppmTenths: type: integer lpfFIREnable: description: Low pass FIR filter enable (1 if enabled else 0) type: integer lpfFIRBW: description: digital lowpass FIR filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer lpfFIRlog2Decim: description: digital lowpass FIR filter log2 of decimation factor (0..2) type: integer lpfFIRGain: description: digital lowpass FIR filter gain (dB) type: integer fcPos: description: 0=Infra 1=Supra 2=Center type: integer dcBlock: type: integer iqCorrection: type: integer hwBBDCBlock: type: integer hwRFDCBlock: type: integer hwIQCorrection: type: integer log2Decim: type: integer lpfBW: description: Analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer gain: description: Hardware gain type: integer antennaPath: type: integer gainMode: type: integer transverterMode: type: integer transverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 iqOrder: type: integer description: > IQ samples order * 0 - Q then I (swapped) * 1 - I then Q (straight) useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer PlutoSdrOutputSettings: description: PlutoSDR properties: centerFrequency: type: integer format: int64 devSampleRate: type: integer LOppmTenths: type: integer lpfFIREnable: description: Low pass FIR filter enable (1 if enabled else 0) type: integer lpfFIRBW: description: digital lowpass FIR filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer lpfFIRlog2Interp: description: digital lowpass FIR filter log2 of interpolation factor (0..2) type: integer lpfFIRGain: description: digital lowpass FIR filter gain (dB) type: integer log2Interp: type: integer lpfBW: description: Analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer att: description: Hardware attenuator gain in decibel fourths (negative) type: integer antennaPath: type: integer transverterMode: type: integer transverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer PlutoSdrMIMOSettings: description: PlutoSDR properties: devSampleRate: type: integer LOppmTenths: type: integer rxCenterFrequency: type: integer format: int64 dcBlock: type: integer iqCorrection: type: integer hwBBDCBlock: type: integer hwRFDCBlock: type: integer hwIQCorrection: type: integer fcPosRx: description: 0=Infra 1=Supra 2=Center type: integer rxTransverterMode: type: integer rxTransverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 iqOrder: type: integer description: > IQ samples order * 0 - Q then I (swapped) * 1 - I then Q (straight) lpfBWRx: description: Analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer lpfRxFIREnable: description: Low pass FIR filter enable (1 if enabled else 0) type: integer lpfRxFIRBW: description: digital lowpass FIR filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer lpfRxFIRlog2Decim: description: digital lowpass FIR filter log2 of decimation factor (0..2) type: integer lpfRxFIRGain: description: digital lowpass FIR filter gain (dB) type: integer log2Decim: type: integer rx0Gain: description: Hardware gain type: integer rx0GainMode: type: integer rx0AntennaPath: type: integer rx1Gain: description: Hardware gain type: integer rx1GainMode: type: integer rx1AntennaPath: type: integer txCenterFrequency: type: integer format: int64 fcPosTx: description: 0=Infra 1=Supra 2=Center type: integer txTransverterMode: type: integer txTransverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 lpfBWTx: description: Analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer lpfTxFIREnable: description: Low pass FIR filter enable (1 if enabled else 0) type: integer lpfTxFIRBW: description: digital lowpass FIR filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer lpfTxFIRlog2Interp: description: digital lowpass FIR filter log2 of interpolation factor (0..2) type: integer lpfTxFIRGain: description: digital lowpass FIR filter gain (dB) type: integer log2Interp: type: integer tx0Att: description: Hardware attenuator gain in decibel fourths (negative) type: integer tx0AntennaPath: type: integer tx1Att: description: Hardware attenuator gain in decibel fourths (negative) type: integer tx1AntennaPath: type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer PlutoSdrInputReport: description: PlutoSDR properties: adcRate: type: integer rssi: type: string gainDB: type: integer temperature: type: number format: float PlutoSdrOutputReport: description: PlutoSDR properties: dacRate: type: integer rssi: type: string temperature: type: number format: float PlutoSdrMIMOReport: description: PlutoSDR properties: adcRate: type: integer dacRate: type: integer rx0GainDB: type: integer rx1GainDB: type: integer rssiRx0: type: string rssiRx1: type: string rssiTx0: type: string rssiTx1: type: string