/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2020 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef INCLUDE_APRS_H #define INCLUDE_APRS_H #include #include #include #include #include "export.h" #include "ax25.h" #include "util/units.h" struct SDRBASE_API APRSPacket { QString m_from; QString m_to; QString m_via; QString m_data; // Original ASCII data QDateTime m_dateTime; // Date/time of reception / decoding // Timestamp (where fields are not transmitted, time of decoding is used) QDateTime m_timestamp; bool m_utc; // Whether UTC (true) or local time (false) bool m_hasTimestamp; // Position float m_latitude; float m_longitude; bool m_hasPosition; float m_altitudeFt; bool m_hasAltitude; // Symbol char m_symbolTable; char m_symbolCode; bool m_hasSymbol; QString m_symbolImage; // Image filename for the symbol // Course and speed int m_course; int m_speed; bool m_hasCourseAndSpeed; // Power, antenna height, gain, directivity int m_powerWatts; int m_antennaHeightFt; int m_antennaGainDB; QString m_antennaDirectivity; // Omni, or N, NE... bool m_hasStationDetails; // Radio range int m_radioRangeMiles; bool m_hasRadioRange; // Omni-DF int m_dfStrength; int m_dfHeightFt; int m_dfGainDB; QString m_dfAntennaDirectivity; bool m_hasDf; QString m_objectName; // Also used for items bool m_objectLive; bool m_objectKilled; QString m_comment; // Weather reports int m_windDirection; // In degrees bool m_hasWindDirection; int m_windSpeed; // In mph bool m_hasWindSpeed; int m_gust; // Peak wind speed in last 5 minutes in mph bool m_hasGust; int m_temp; // Fahrenheit, can be negative down to -99 bool m_hasTemp; int m_rainLastHr; // Hundreths of an inch bool m_hasRainLastHr; int m_rainLast24Hrs; bool m_hasRainLast24Hrs; int m_rainSinceMidnight; bool m_hasRainSinceMidnight; int m_humidity; // % bool m_hasHumidity; int m_barometricPressure; // Tenths of millibars / tenths of hPascal bool m_hasBarometricPressure; int m_luminosity; // Watts per m^2 bool m_hasLuminsoity; int m_snowfallLast24Hrs; // In inches bool m_hasSnowfallLast24Hrs; int m_rawRainCounter; bool m_hasRawRainCounter; int m_radiationLevel; bool m_hasRadiationLevel; int m_floodLevel; // Tenths of a foot. Can be negative bool m_hasFloodLevel; int m_batteryVolts; // Tenths of a volt bool m_hasBatteryVolts; QString m_weatherUnitType; bool m_hasWeather; int m_stormDirection; int m_stormSpeed; QString m_stormType; int m_stormSustainedWindSpeed; // knots int m_stormPeakWindGusts; // knots int m_stormCentralPresure; // millibars/hPascal int m_stormRadiusHurricanWinds; // nautical miles int m_stormRadiusTropicalStormWinds;// nautical miles int m_stormRadiusWholeGail; // nautical miles bool m_hasStormRadiusWholeGail; bool m_hasStormData; // Status messages QString m_status; QString m_maidenhead; int m_beamHeading; int m_beamPower; bool m_hasBeam; bool m_hasStatus; // Messages QString m_addressee; QString m_message; QString m_messageNo; bool m_hasMessage; QList m_telemetryNames; QList m_telemetryLabels; double m_telemetryCoefficientsA[5]; double m_telemetryCoefficientsB[5]; double m_telemetryCoefficientsC[5]; int m_hasTelemetryCoefficients; int m_telemetryBitSense[8]; bool m_hasTelemetryBitSense; QString m_telemetryProjectName; // Telemetry int m_seqNo; bool m_hasSeqNo; int m_a1; bool m_a1HasValue; int m_a2; bool m_a2HasValue; int m_a3; bool m_a3HasValue; int m_a4; bool m_a4HasValue; int m_a5; bool m_a5HasValue; bool m_b[8]; bool m_bHasValue; QString m_telemetryComment; bool m_hasTelemetry; bool decode(AX25Packet packet); APRSPacket() : m_hasTimestamp(false), m_hasPosition(false), m_hasAltitude(false), m_hasSymbol(false), m_hasCourseAndSpeed(false), m_hasStationDetails(false), m_hasRadioRange(false), m_hasDf(false), m_objectLive(false), m_objectKilled(false), m_hasWindDirection(false), m_hasWindSpeed(false), m_hasGust(false), m_hasTemp(false), m_hasRainLastHr(false), m_hasRainLast24Hrs(false), m_hasRainSinceMidnight(false), m_hasHumidity(false), m_hasBarometricPressure(false), m_hasLuminsoity(false), m_hasSnowfallLast24Hrs(false), m_hasRawRainCounter(false), m_hasRadiationLevel(false), m_hasFloodLevel(false), m_hasBatteryVolts(false), m_hasWeather(false), m_hasStormRadiusWholeGail(false), m_hasStormData(false), m_hasBeam(false), m_hasStatus(false), m_hasMessage(false), m_hasTelemetryCoefficients(0), m_hasTelemetryBitSense(false), m_hasSeqNo(false), m_a1HasValue(false), m_a2HasValue(false), m_a3HasValue(false), m_a4HasValue(false), m_a5HasValue(false), m_bHasValue(false), m_hasTelemetry(false) { } QString date() { if (m_hasTimestamp) return m_timestamp.date().toString("yyyy/MM/dd"); else return QString(""); } QString time() { if (m_hasTimestamp) return m_timestamp.time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); else return QString(""); } QString dateTime() { return QString("%1 %2").arg(date()).arg(time()); } QString position() { return QString("%1,%2").arg(m_latitude).arg(m_longitude); } QString toTNC2(QString igateCallsign) { return m_from + ">" + m_to + (m_via.isEmpty() ? "" : ("," + m_via)) + ",qAR," + igateCallsign + ":" + m_data + "\r\n"; } // Convert a TNC2 formatted packet (as sent by APRS-IS Igates) to an AX25 byte array static QByteArray toByteArray(QString tnc2) { QByteArray bytes; QString tmp = ""; QString from; int state = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tnc2.length(); i++) { if (state == 0) { // From if (tnc2[i] == '>') { from = tmp; tmp = ""; state = 1; } else tmp.append(tnc2[i]); } else if (state == 1) { // To if (tnc2[i] == ':') { bytes.append(AX25Packet::encodeAddress(tmp)); bytes.append(AX25Packet::encodeAddress(from, 1)); state = 3; } else if (tnc2[i] == ',') { bytes.append(AX25Packet::encodeAddress(tmp)); bytes.append(AX25Packet::encodeAddress(from)); tmp = ""; state = 2; } else tmp.append(tnc2[i]); } else if (state == 2) { // Via if (tnc2[i] == ':') { bytes.append(AX25Packet::encodeAddress(tmp, 1)); state = 3; } else if (tnc2[i] == ',') { bytes.append(AX25Packet::encodeAddress(tmp)); tmp = ""; } else tmp.append(tnc2[i]); } else if (state == 3) { // UI Type and PID bytes.append(3); bytes.append(-16); // 0xf0 // APRS message bytes.append(tnc2.mid(i).toLatin1().trimmed()); // CRC bytes.append((char)0); bytes.append((char)0); break; } } return bytes; } QString toText(bool includeFrom=true, bool includePosition=false, char separator='\n', bool altitudeMetres=false, int speedUnits=0, bool tempCelsius=false, bool rainfallMM=false) { QStringList text; if (!m_objectName.isEmpty()) { text.append(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(m_objectName).arg(m_from)); } else { if (includeFrom) text.append(m_from); } if (m_hasTimestamp) { QStringList time; time.append(this->date()); time.append(this->time()); if (m_utc) time.append("UTC"); else time.append("local"); text.append(time.join(' ')); } if (includePosition && m_hasPosition) text.append(QString("Latitude: %1 Longitude: %2").arg(m_latitude).arg(m_longitude)); if (m_hasAltitude) { if (altitudeMetres) text.append(QString("Altitude: %1 m").arg((int)std::round(Units::feetToMetres(m_altitudeFt)))); else text.append(QString("Altitude: %1 ft").arg(m_altitudeFt)); } if (m_hasCourseAndSpeed) { if (speedUnits == 0) text.append(QString("Course: %1%3 Speed: %2 knts").arg(m_course).arg(m_speed).arg(QChar(0xb0))); else if (speedUnits == 1) text.append(QString("Course: %1%3 Speed: %2 mph").arg(m_course).arg(Units::knotsToIntegerMPH(m_speed)).arg(QChar(0xb0))); else text.append(QString("Course: %1%3 Speed: %2 kph").arg(m_course).arg(Units::knotsToIntegerKPH(m_speed)).arg(QChar(0xb0))); } if (m_hasStationDetails) text.append(QString("TX Power: %1 Watts Antenna Height: %2 m Gain: %3 dB Direction: %4").arg(m_powerWatts).arg(std::round(Units::feetToMetres(m_antennaHeightFt))).arg(m_antennaGainDB).arg(m_antennaDirectivity)); if (m_hasRadioRange) text.append(QString("Range: %1 km").arg(Units::milesToKilometres(m_radioRangeMiles))); if (m_hasDf) text.append(QString("DF Strength: S %1 Height: %2 m Gain: %3 dB Direction: %4").arg(m_dfStrength).arg(std::round(Units::feetToMetres(m_dfHeightFt))).arg(m_dfGainDB).arg(m_dfAntennaDirectivity)); if (m_hasWeather) { QStringList weather, wind, air, rain; wind.append(QString("Wind")); if (m_hasWindDirection) wind.append(QString("%1%2").arg(m_windDirection).arg(QChar(0xb0))); if (m_hasWindSpeed) wind.append(QString("%1 mph").arg(m_windSpeed)); if (m_hasGust) wind.append(QString("Gusts %1 mph").arg(m_gust)); weather.append(wind.join(' ')); if (m_hasTemp || m_hasHumidity || m_hasBarometricPressure) { air.append("Air"); if (m_hasTemp) { if (tempCelsius) air.append(QString("Temperature %1C").arg(Units::fahrenheitToCelsius(m_temp), 0, 'f', 1)); else air.append(QString("Temperature %1F").arg(m_temp)); } if (m_hasHumidity) air.append(QString("Humidity %1%").arg(m_humidity)); if (m_hasBarometricPressure) air.append(QString("Pressure %1 mbar").arg(m_barometricPressure/10.0)); weather.append(air.join(' ')); } if (m_hasRainLastHr || m_hasRainLast24Hrs || m_hasRainSinceMidnight) { rain.append("Rain"); if (m_hasRainLastHr) { if (rainfallMM) rain.append(QString("%1 mm last hour").arg(std::round(Units::inchesToMilimetres(m_rainLastHr/100.0)))); else rain.append(QString("%1 1/100\" last hour").arg(m_rainLastHr)); } if (m_hasRainLast24Hrs) { if (rainfallMM) rain.append(QString("%1 mm last 24 hours").arg(std::round(Units::inchesToMilimetres(m_rainLast24Hrs/100.0)))); else rain.append(QString("%1 1/100\" last 24 hours").arg(m_rainLast24Hrs)); } if (m_hasRainSinceMidnight) { if (rainfallMM) rain.append(QString("%1 mm since midnight").arg(std::round(Units::inchesToMilimetres(m_rainSinceMidnight/100.0)))); else rain.append(QString("%1 1/100\" since midnight").arg(m_rainSinceMidnight)); } weather.append(rain.join(' ')); } if (!m_weatherUnitType.isEmpty()) weather.append(m_weatherUnitType); text.append(weather.join(separator)); } if (m_hasStormData) { QStringList storm; storm.append(m_stormType); storm.append(QString("Direction: %1%3 Speed: %2").arg(m_stormDirection).arg(m_stormSpeed).arg(QChar(0xb0))); storm.append(QString("Sustained wind speed: %1 knots Peak wind gusts: %2 knots Central pressure: %3 mbar").arg(m_stormSustainedWindSpeed).arg(m_stormPeakWindGusts).arg(m_stormCentralPresure)); storm.append(QString("Hurrican winds radius: %1 nm Tropical storm winds radius: %2 nm%3").arg(m_stormRadiusHurricanWinds).arg(m_stormRadiusTropicalStormWinds).arg(m_hasStormRadiusWholeGail ? QString("") : QString(" Whole gail radius: %3 nm").arg(m_stormRadiusWholeGail))); text.append(storm.join(separator)); } if (!m_comment.isEmpty()) text.append(m_comment); return text.join(separator); } private: int charToInt(QString &s, int idx); bool parseTime(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseTimeMDHM(QString& info, int& idx); bool isLatLongChar(QCharRef c); bool parsePosition(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseDataExension(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseComment(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseInt(QString& info, int& idx, int chars, int& value, bool& hasValue); bool parseWeather(QString& info, int& idx, bool positionLess); bool parseStorm(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseObject(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseItem(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseStatus(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseMessage(QString& info, int& idx); bool parseTelemetry(QString& info, int& idx); }; #endif // INCLUDE_APRS_H