/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2018 F4HKW // // for F4EXB / SDRAngel // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "datvideorender.h" DATVideoRender::DATVideoRender(QWidget * parent): TVScreen(true, parent) { installEventFilter(this); m_blnIsFullScreen = false; m_blnRunning = false; m_blnIsFFMPEGInitialized = false; m_blnIsOpen = false; m_objFormatCtx = nullptr; m_objDecoderCtx = nullptr; m_objSwsCtx = nullptr; m_audioBuffer.resize(1<<14); m_audioBufferFill = 0; m_audioFifo = nullptr; m_intVideoStreamIndex = -1; m_audioStreamIndex = -1; m_intCurrentRenderWidth=-1; m_intCurrentRenderHeight=-1; m_objFrame=nullptr; m_intFrameCount=-1; } bool DATVideoRender::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { SetFullScreen(false); return true; } else { // standard event processing return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } } void DATVideoRender::SetFullScreen(bool blnFullScreen) { if (m_blnIsFullScreen == blnFullScreen) { return; } if (blnFullScreen == true) { setWindowFlags(Qt::Window); setWindowState(Qt::WindowFullScreen); show(); m_blnIsFullScreen=true; } else { setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); setWindowState(Qt::WindowNoState); show(); m_blnIsFullScreen=false; } } static int ReadFunction(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) { QIODevice* objStream = reinterpret_cast(opaque); int intNbBytes = objStream->read((char*)buf, buf_size); return intNbBytes; } static int64_t SeekFunction(void* opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) { QIODevice* objStream = reinterpret_cast(opaque); if (whence == AVSEEK_SIZE) { return -1; } if (objStream->isSequential()) { return -1; } if (objStream->seek(offset) == false) { return -1; } return objStream->pos(); } void DATVideoRender::ResetMetaData() { MetaData.CodecID=-1; MetaData.PID=-1; MetaData.Program=""; MetaData.Stream=""; MetaData.Width=-1; MetaData.Height=-1; MetaData.BitRate=-1; MetaData.Channels=-1; MetaData.CodecDescription= ""; MetaData.OK_Decoding=false; MetaData.OK_TransportStream=false; MetaData.OK_VideoStream=false; emit onMetaDataChanged(&MetaData); } bool DATVideoRender::InitializeFFMPEG() { ResetMetaData(); if (m_blnIsFFMPEGInitialized) { return false; } avcodec_register_all(); av_register_all(); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_FATAL); //av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_ERROR); m_blnIsFFMPEGInitialized=true; return true; } bool DATVideoRender::PreprocessStream() { AVDictionary *objOpts = nullptr; AVCodec *objCodec = nullptr; int intRet=-1; char *objBuffer=nullptr; //Identify stream if (avformat_find_stream_info(m_objFormatCtx, nullptr) < 0) { avformat_close_input(&m_objFormatCtx); m_objFormatCtx=nullptr; qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::PreprocessStream cannot find stream info"; return false; } //Find video stream intRet = av_find_best_stream(m_objFormatCtx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, nullptr, 0); if (intRet < 0) { avformat_close_input(&m_objFormatCtx); qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::PreprocessStream cannot find video stream"; return false; } m_intVideoStreamIndex = intRet; //Find audio stream intRet = av_find_best_stream(m_objFormatCtx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, nullptr, 0); if (intRet < 0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::PreprocessStream cannot find audio stream"; } m_audioStreamIndex = intRet; //Prepare Codec and extract meta data // FIXME: codec is depreecated but replacement fails // AVCodecParameters *parms = m_objFormatCtx->streams[m_intVideoStreamIndex]->codecpar; // m_objDecoderCtx = new AVCodecContext(); // avcodec_parameters_to_context(m_objDecoderCtx, parms); m_objDecoderCtx = m_objFormatCtx->streams[m_intVideoStreamIndex]->codec; //Meta Data MetaData.PID = m_objFormatCtx->streams[m_intVideoStreamIndex]->id; MetaData.CodecID = m_objDecoderCtx->codec_id; MetaData.OK_TransportStream = true; MetaData.Program=""; MetaData.Stream=""; if(m_objFormatCtx->programs) { objBuffer=nullptr; av_dict_get_string(m_objFormatCtx->programs[m_intVideoStreamIndex]->metadata,&objBuffer,':','\n'); if(objBuffer!=nullptr) { MetaData.Program = QString("%1").arg(objBuffer); } } objBuffer=nullptr; av_dict_get_string(m_objFormatCtx->streams[m_intVideoStreamIndex]->metadata,&objBuffer,':','\n'); if (objBuffer != nullptr) { MetaData.Stream = QString("%1").arg(objBuffer); } emit onMetaDataChanged(&MetaData); //Decoder objCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(m_objDecoderCtx->codec_id); if (objCodec == nullptr) { avformat_close_input(&m_objFormatCtx); m_objFormatCtx=nullptr; qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::PreprocessStream cannot find associated CODEC"; return false; } av_dict_set(&objOpts, "refcounted_frames", "1", 0); if (avcodec_open2(m_objDecoderCtx, objCodec, &objOpts) < 0) { avformat_close_input(&m_objFormatCtx); m_objFormatCtx=nullptr; qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::PreprocessStream cannot open associated CODEC"; return false; } //Allocate Frame m_objFrame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!m_objFrame) { avformat_close_input(&m_objFormatCtx); m_objFormatCtx=nullptr; qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::PreprocessStream cannot allocate frame"; return false; } m_intFrameCount=0; MetaData.Width=m_objDecoderCtx->width; MetaData.Height=m_objDecoderCtx->height; MetaData.BitRate= m_objDecoderCtx->bit_rate; MetaData.Channels=m_objDecoderCtx->channels; MetaData.CodecDescription= QString("%1").arg(objCodec->long_name); MetaData.OK_VideoStream = true; emit onMetaDataChanged(&MetaData); return true; } bool DATVideoRender::OpenStream(DATVideostream *objDevice) { int intIOBufferSize = 32768; unsigned char * ptrIOBuffer = nullptr; AVIOContext * objIOCtx = nullptr; if(m_blnRunning) { return false; } if (objDevice == nullptr) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::OpenStream QIODevice is nullptr"; return false; } if (m_blnIsOpen) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::OpenStream already open"; return false; } if (objDevice->bytesAvailable() <= 0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::OpenStream no data available"; MetaData.OK_Data = false; emit onMetaDataChanged(&MetaData); return false; } //Only once execution m_blnRunning = true; MetaData.OK_Data = true; emit onMetaDataChanged(&MetaData); InitializeFFMPEG(); if (!m_blnIsFFMPEGInitialized) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::OpenStream FFMPEG not initialized"; m_blnRunning = false; return false; } if (!objDevice->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::OpenStream cannot open QIODevice"; m_blnRunning = false; return false; } //Connect QIODevice to FFMPEG Reader m_objFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context(); if (m_objFormatCtx == nullptr) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::OpenStream cannot alloc format FFMPEG context"; m_blnRunning = false; return false; } ptrIOBuffer = (unsigned char *)av_malloc(intIOBufferSize+ AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); objIOCtx = avio_alloc_context(ptrIOBuffer, intIOBufferSize, 0, reinterpret_cast(objDevice), &ReadFunction, nullptr, &SeekFunction); m_objFormatCtx->pb = objIOCtx; m_objFormatCtx->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO; if (avformat_open_input(&m_objFormatCtx, nullptr , nullptr, nullptr) < 0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::OpenStream cannot open stream"; m_blnRunning=false; return false; } if (!PreprocessStream()) { m_blnRunning=false; return false; } m_blnIsOpen=true; m_blnRunning=false; return true; } bool DATVideoRender::RenderStream() { AVPacket objPacket; int intGotFrame; bool blnNeedRenderingSetup; if(!m_blnIsOpen) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::RenderStream Stream not open"; return false; } if(m_blnRunning) { return false; } //Only once execution m_blnRunning=true; //********** Rendering ********** if (av_read_frame(m_objFormatCtx, &objPacket) < 0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::RenderStream reading packet error"; m_blnRunning=false; return false; } //Video channel if (objPacket.stream_index == m_intVideoStreamIndex) { memset(m_objFrame, 0, sizeof(AVFrame)); av_frame_unref(m_objFrame); intGotFrame = 0; if (new_decode( m_objDecoderCtx, m_objFrame, &intGotFrame, &objPacket)<0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::RenderStream decoding packet error"; m_blnRunning=false; return false; } if (intGotFrame) { //Rendering and RGB Converter setup blnNeedRenderingSetup=(m_intFrameCount==0); blnNeedRenderingSetup|=(m_objSwsCtx==nullptr); if ((m_intCurrentRenderWidth!=m_objFrame->width) || (m_intCurrentRenderHeight!=m_objFrame->height)) { blnNeedRenderingSetup=true; } if (blnNeedRenderingSetup) { if (m_objSwsCtx != nullptr) { sws_freeContext(m_objSwsCtx); m_objSwsCtx=nullptr; } //Convertisseur YUV -> RGB m_objSwsCtx = sws_alloc_context(); av_opt_set_int(m_objSwsCtx,"srcw",m_objFrame->width,0); av_opt_set_int(m_objSwsCtx,"srch",m_objFrame->height,0); av_opt_set_int(m_objSwsCtx,"src_format",m_objFrame->format,0); av_opt_set_int(m_objSwsCtx,"dstw",m_objFrame->width,0); av_opt_set_int(m_objSwsCtx,"dsth",m_objFrame->height,0); av_opt_set_int(m_objSwsCtx,"dst_format",AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24 ,0); av_opt_set_int(m_objSwsCtx,"sws_flag", SWS_FAST_BILINEAR /* SWS_BICUBIC*/,0); if (sws_init_context(m_objSwsCtx, nullptr, nullptr) < 0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::RenderStream cannont init video data converter"; m_objSwsCtx=nullptr; m_blnRunning=false; return false; } if ((m_intCurrentRenderHeight>0) && (m_intCurrentRenderWidth>0)) { //av_freep(&m_pbytDecodedData[0]); //av_freep(&m_pintDecodedLineSize[0]); } if (av_image_alloc(m_pbytDecodedData, m_pintDecodedLineSize,m_objFrame->width, m_objFrame->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, 1)<0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::RenderStream cannont init video image buffer"; sws_freeContext(m_objSwsCtx); m_objSwsCtx=nullptr; m_blnRunning=false; return false; } //Rendering device setup resizeTVScreen(m_objFrame->width,m_objFrame->height); update(); resetImage(); m_intCurrentRenderWidth=m_objFrame->width; m_intCurrentRenderHeight=m_objFrame->height; MetaData.Width = m_objFrame->width; MetaData.Height = m_objFrame->height; MetaData.OK_Decoding = true; emit onMetaDataChanged(&MetaData); } //Frame rendering if (sws_scale(m_objSwsCtx, m_objFrame->data, m_objFrame->linesize, 0, m_objFrame->height, m_pbytDecodedData, m_pintDecodedLineSize)<0) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::RenderStream error converting video frame to RGB"; m_blnRunning=false; return false; } renderImage(m_pbytDecodedData[0]); av_frame_unref(m_objFrame); m_intFrameCount ++; } } else if (objPacket.stream_index == m_audioStreamIndex) { } av_packet_unref(&objPacket); //********** Rendering ********** m_blnRunning=false; return true; } bool DATVideoRender::CloseStream(QIODevice *objDevice) { if (m_blnRunning) { return false; } if (!objDevice) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::CloseStream QIODevice is nullptr"; return false; } if (!m_blnIsOpen) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::CloseStream Stream not open"; return false; } if (!m_objFormatCtx) { qDebug() << "DATVideoProcess::CloseStream FFMEG Context is not initialized"; return false; } //Only once execution m_blnRunning=true; // maybe done in the avcodec_close // avformat_close_input(&m_objFormatCtx); // m_objFormatCtx=nullptr; if (m_objDecoderCtx) { avcodec_close(m_objDecoderCtx); m_objDecoderCtx = nullptr; } if (m_objFrame) { av_frame_unref(m_objFrame); av_frame_free(&m_objFrame); } if (m_objSwsCtx != nullptr) { sws_freeContext(m_objSwsCtx); m_objSwsCtx = nullptr; } objDevice->close(); m_blnIsOpen=false; m_blnRunning=false; m_intCurrentRenderWidth=-1; m_intCurrentRenderHeight=-1; ResetMetaData(); emit onMetaDataChanged(&MetaData); return true; } /** * Replacement of deprecated avcodec_decode_video2 with the same signature * https://blogs.gentoo.org/lu_zero/2016/03/29/new-avcodec-api/ */ int DATVideoRender::new_decode(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *frame, int *got_frame, AVPacket *pkt) { int ret; *got_frame = 0; if (pkt) { ret = avcodec_send_packet(avctx, pkt); // In particular, we don't expect AVERROR(EAGAIN), because we read all // decoded frames with avcodec_receive_frame() until done. if (ret < 0) { return ret == AVERROR_EOF ? 0 : ret; } } ret = avcodec_receive_frame(avctx, frame); if (ret < 0 && ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN) && ret != AVERROR_EOF) { return ret; } if (ret >= 0) { *got_frame = 1; } return 0; }