PacketModTXSettingsDialog 0 0 351 449 Liberation Sans 9 Packet TX Extra Settings Ramp up bits Number of bits at start of frame during which output power is ramped up. Ramp down bits Number of bits at end of frame during which output power is ramped down. Ramp range (dB) Range in dB over which power is ramped up or down. E.g. a value of 60 causes power to be ramped from -60dB to 0dB. 120 Modulate during ramping. Modulate while ramping Mark frequency (Hz) Frequency of tone to generate for a mark (1). 24000 100 Space frequency (Hz) Frequency of tone to generate for a space (0). 24000 100 AX.25 preamble flags Number of flags to be transmitted before the frame. This gives more time for a receiver to unmute. 1 1024 AX.25 postamble flags Number of flags to be transmitted after the frame. 1 1024 AX.25 control Value of control field in AX.25 frame. 0x 255 3 16 AX.25 PID Value of PID field in AX.25 frame. Use 0xf0 for no L3. 0x 255 240 16 Lowpass taps Number of taps in LPF for RF BW filter. 10000 Generate white noise as RF signal. Generate RF noise 0 0 Write baseband signal to a CSV file named packetmod.csv Write baseband to CSV Generate white noise as baseband signal. Generate BB noise Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok rampUp rampDown rampRange modulateWhileRamping markFrequency spaceFrequency ax25PreFlags ax25PostFlags ax25Control ax25PID lpfTaps bbNoise rfNoise writeToFile buttonBox accepted() PacketModTXSettingsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() PacketModTXSettingsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274