Map Feature Plugin


The Map Feature plugin displays a world map. It can display street maps, satellite imagery as well as custom map types. On top of this, it can plot data from other plugins, such as: * APRS symbols from the APRS Feature, * Aircraft from the ADS-B Demodulator, * Ships from the AIS Demodulator, * Satellites from the Satellite Tracker, * The Sun, Moon and Stars from the Star Tracker, * Beacons based on the IARU Region 1 beacon database. * Radio time transmitters. It can also create tracks showing the path aircraft, ships and APRS objects have taken, as well as predicted paths for satellites. ![Map feature](../../../doc/img/Map_plugin_beacons.png)


![Map feature plugin GUI](../../../doc/img/Map_plugin.png)

1: Find

To centre the map on an object or location, enter: * An object name. * Latitude and longitude. This can be in decimal degrees (E.g: -23.666413, -46.573550) or degrees, minutes and seconds (E.g: 50°40'46.461"N 95°48'26.533"W or 33d51m54.5148sS 151d12m35.6400sE). * A Maidenhead locator (E.g: IO86av). * An address (E.g: St Katharine's & Wapping, London EC3N 4AB)

2: Map Type

Allows you to select a map type. The available types will depend upon the Map provider selected under Display Settings (7).

3: Maidenhead locator conversion

When checked, opens the Maidenhead locator converter dialog, which allows conversion between addresses, latitude and longitude and Maidenhead locators.

4: Display Beacon dialog

When clicked, opens the Beacon dialog. Initially, no beacons will be listed. To download the IARU Region 1 beacon list, click the download button in the top right. The beacons will then be displayed in the table and on the map. * Double clicking in a cell in the beacon table in the Callsign or Location columns, will centre the map on that beacon. * Double clicking on the Frequency column will set the Device center frequency. ![Beacon dialog](../../../doc/img/Map_plugin_beacon_dialog.png)

5: Display Radio Time Transmitters dialog

When clicked, opens the Radio Time Transmitters dialog. * Double clicking in a cell in the table in the Callsign or Location columns, will centre the map on that transmitter. * Double clicking on the Frequency column will set the Device center frequency. ![Radio Time transmitters dialog](../../../doc/img/Map_plugin_radiotime_dialog.png)

6: Display Names

When checked, names of objects are displayed in a bubble next to each object.

7: Display tracks for selected object

When checked, displays the track (taken or predicted) for the selected object.

8: Display tracks for all objects

When checked, displays the track (taken or predicted) for the all objects.

9: Delete

When clicked, all items will be deleted from the map.

10: Display settings

When clicked, opens the Map Display Settings dialog, which allows setting: * Which data the Map will display. * The colour of the taken and predicted tracks. * Which Map provider will be used to source the map image. * API keys, required to access maps from different providers. Free API keys are available by signing up for an accounts with: * [Thunderforest]( * [Maptiler]( * [Mapbox]( If API keys are not specified, a default key will be used, but this may not work if too many users use it. When OpenStreetMap is used as the provider, a custom map URL can be entered. For example, or


The map displays objects reported by other SDRangel channels and features, as well as beacon locations. * The "Home" antenna location is placed according to My Position set under the Preferences > My Position menu. The position is only updated when the Map plugin is first opened. * To pan around the map, click the left mouse button and drag. To zoom in or out, use the mouse scroll wheel. * Single clicking on an object in the map will display a text bubble with additional information about the object. * Right clicking on a object will open a context menu, which allows: * To set an object as the target. The target object will have its azimuth and elevation displayed in the text bubble and sent to the Rotator Controller feature. * Setting the Device center frequency to the first frequency found in the text bubble for the object. * Changing the order in which the objects are drawn, which can help to cycle through multiple objects that are at the same location on the map.


IARU Region 1 beacon list used with permission from: To add or update a beacon, see: Mapping and geolocation services are by Open Street Map: esri: and Mapbox: Icons made by Google from Flaticon


Full details of the API can be found in the Swagger documentation. Here is a quick example of how to centre the map on an object from the command line: curl -X POST "" -d '{"featureType": "Map", "MapActions": { "find": "M7RCE" }}' And to centre the map at a particular latitude and longitude: curl -X POST "" -d '{"featureType": "Map", "MapActions": { "find": "51.2 0.0" }}'