/* This file is a part of JRTPLIB Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Jori Liesenborgs Contact: jori.liesenborgs@gmail.com This library was developed at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (http://www.edm.uhasselt.be), a research center of the Hasselt University (http://www.uhasselt.be). The library is based upon work done for my thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology (Belgium/The Netherlands). Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "rtpsourcedata.h" #include "rtpdefines.h" #include "rtpaddress.h" #include "rtpmemorymanager.h" #define ACCEPTPACKETCODE \ *accept = true; \ \ sentdata = true; \ packetsreceived++; \ numnewpackets++; \ \ if (pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber() == 0) \ { \ baseseqnr = 0x0000FFFF; \ numcycles = 0x00010000; \ } \ else \ baseseqnr = pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber() - 1; \ \ exthighseqnr = baseseqnr + 1; \ prevpacktime = receivetime; \ prevexthighseqnr = baseseqnr; \ savedextseqnr = baseseqnr; \ \ pack->SetExtendedSequenceNumber(exthighseqnr); \ \ prevtimestamp = pack->GetTimestamp(); \ lastmsgtime = prevpacktime; \ if (!ownpacket) /* for own packet, this value is set on an outgoing packet */ \ lastrtptime = prevpacktime; namespace qrtplib { void RTPSourceStats::ProcessPacket(RTPPacket *pack,const RTPTime &receivetime,double tsunit, bool ownpacket,bool *accept,bool applyprobation,bool *onprobation) { JRTPLIB_UNUSED(applyprobation); // possibly unused // Note that the sequence number in the RTP packet is still just the // 16 bit number contained in the RTP header *onprobation = false; if (!sentdata) // no valid packets received yet { #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_PROBATION if (applyprobation) { bool acceptpack = false; if (probation) { uint16_t pseq; uint32_t pseq2; pseq = prevseqnr; pseq++; pseq2 = (uint32_t)pseq; if (pseq2 == pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber()) // ok, its the next expected packet { prevseqnr = (uint16_t)pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber(); probation--; if (probation == 0) // probation over acceptpack = true; else *onprobation = true; } else // not next packet { probation = RTP_PROBATIONCOUNT; prevseqnr = (uint16_t)pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber(); *onprobation = true; } } else // first packet received with this SSRC ID, start probation { probation = RTP_PROBATIONCOUNT; prevseqnr = (uint16_t)pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber(); *onprobation = true; } if (acceptpack) { ACCEPTPACKETCODE } else { *accept = false; lastmsgtime = receivetime; } } else // No probation { ACCEPTPACKETCODE } #else // No compiled-in probation support ACCEPTPACKETCODE #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_PROBATION } else // already got packets { uint16_t maxseq16; uint32_t extseqnr; // Adjust max extended sequence number and set extende seq nr of packet *accept = true; packetsreceived++; numnewpackets++; maxseq16 = (uint16_t)(exthighseqnr&0x0000FFFF); if (pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber() >= maxseq16) { extseqnr = numcycles+pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber(); exthighseqnr = extseqnr; } else { uint16_t dif1,dif2; dif1 = ((uint16_t)pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber()); dif1 -= maxseq16; dif2 = maxseq16; dif2 -= ((uint16_t)pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber()); if (dif1 < dif2) { numcycles += 0x00010000; extseqnr = numcycles+pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber(); exthighseqnr = extseqnr; } else extseqnr = numcycles+pack->GetExtendedSequenceNumber(); } pack->SetExtendedSequenceNumber(extseqnr); // Calculate jitter if (tsunit > 0) { #if 0 RTPTime curtime = receivetime; double diffts1,diffts2,diff; curtime -= prevpacktime; diffts1 = curtime.GetDouble()/tsunit; diffts2 = (double)pack->GetTimestamp() - (double)prevtimestamp; diff = diffts1 - diffts2; if (diff < 0) diff = -diff; diff -= djitter; diff /= 16.0; djitter += diff; jitter = (uint32_t)djitter; #else RTPTime curtime = receivetime; double diffts1,diffts2,diff; uint32_t curts = pack->GetTimestamp(); curtime -= prevpacktime; diffts1 = curtime.GetDouble()/tsunit; if (curts > prevtimestamp) { uint32_t unsigneddiff = curts - prevtimestamp; if (unsigneddiff < 0x10000000) // okay, curts realy is larger than prevtimestamp diffts2 = (double)unsigneddiff; else { // wraparound occurred and curts is actually smaller than prevtimestamp unsigneddiff = -unsigneddiff; // to get the actual difference (in absolute value) diffts2 = -((double)unsigneddiff); } } else if (curts < prevtimestamp) { uint32_t unsigneddiff = prevtimestamp - curts; if (unsigneddiff < 0x10000000) // okay, curts really is smaller than prevtimestamp diffts2 = -((double)unsigneddiff); // negative since we actually need curts-prevtimestamp else { // wraparound occurred and curts is actually larger than prevtimestamp unsigneddiff = -unsigneddiff; // to get the actual difference (in absolute value) diffts2 = (double)unsigneddiff; } } else diffts2 = 0; diff = diffts1 - diffts2; if (diff < 0) diff = -diff; diff -= djitter; diff /= 16.0; djitter += diff; jitter = (uint32_t)djitter; #endif } else { djitter = 0; jitter = 0; } prevpacktime = receivetime; prevtimestamp = pack->GetTimestamp(); lastmsgtime = prevpacktime; if (!ownpacket) // for own packet, this value is set on an outgoing packet lastrtptime = prevpacktime; } } RTPSourceData::RTPSourceData(uint32_t s, RTPMemoryManager *mgr) : RTPMemoryObject(mgr),SDESinf(mgr),byetime(0,0) { ssrc = s; issender = false; iscsrc = false; timestampunit = -1; receivedbye = false; byereason = 0; byereasonlen = 0; rtpaddr = 0; rtcpaddr = 0; ownssrc = false; validated = false; processedinrtcp = false; isrtpaddrset = false; isrtcpaddrset = false; } RTPSourceData::~RTPSourceData() { FlushPackets(); if (byereason) RTPDeleteByteArray(byereason,GetMemoryManager()); if (rtpaddr) RTPDelete(rtpaddr,GetMemoryManager()); if (rtcpaddr) RTPDelete(rtcpaddr,GetMemoryManager()); } double RTPSourceData::INF_GetEstimatedTimestampUnit() const { if (!SRprevinf.HasInfo()) return -1.0; RTPTime t1 = RTPTime(SRinf.GetNTPTimestamp()); RTPTime t2 = RTPTime(SRprevinf.GetNTPTimestamp()); if (t1.IsZero() || t2.IsZero()) // one of the times couldn't be calculated return -1.0; if (t1 <= t2) return -1.0; t1 -= t2; // get the time difference uint32_t tsdiff = SRinf.GetRTPTimestamp()-SRprevinf.GetRTPTimestamp(); return (t1.GetDouble()/((double)tsdiff)); } RTPTime RTPSourceData::INF_GetRoundtripTime() const { if (!RRinf.HasInfo()) return RTPTime(0,0); if (RRinf.GetDelaySinceLastSR() == 0 && RRinf.GetLastSRTimestamp() == 0) return RTPTime(0,0); RTPNTPTime recvtime = RRinf.GetReceiveTime().GetNTPTime(); uint32_t rtt = ((recvtime.GetMSW()&0xFFFF)<<16)|((recvtime.GetLSW()>>16)&0xFFFF); rtt -= RRinf.GetLastSRTimestamp(); rtt -= RRinf.GetDelaySinceLastSR(); double drtt = (((double)rtt)/65536.0); return RTPTime(drtt); } } // end namespace