/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2022 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // Based on code and docs by einergehtnochrein, rs1729 and bazjo // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "util/radiosonde.h" #include "util/coordinates.h" RS41Frame::RS41Frame(const QByteArray ba) : m_statusValid(false), m_batteryVoltage(0.0), m_pcbTemperature(0), m_humiditySensorHeating(0), m_transmitPower(0), m_maxSubframeNumber(0), m_subframeNumber(0), m_measValid(false), m_gpsInfoValid(false), m_posValid(false), m_latitude(0.0), m_longitude(0.0), m_height(0.0), m_bytes(ba), m_pressureCalibrated(false), m_temperatureCalibrated(false), m_humidityTemperatureCalibrated(false), m_humidityCalibrated(false) { int length = getFrameLength(ba[RS41_OFFSET_FRAME_TYPE]); for (int i = RS41_OFFSET_BLOCK_0; i < length; ) { uint8_t blockID = ba[i+0]; uint8_t blockLength = ba[i+1]; switch (blockID) { case RS41_ID_STATUS: decodeStatus(ba.mid(i+2, blockLength)); break; case RS41_ID_MEAS: decodeMeas(ba.mid(i+2, blockLength)); break; case RS41_ID_GPSINFO: decodeGPSInfo(ba.mid(i+2, blockLength)); break; case RS41_ID_GPSRAW: break; case RS41_ID_GPSPOS: decodeGPSPos(ba.mid(i+2, blockLength)); break; case RS41_ID_EMPTY: break; } i += 2 + blockLength + 2; // ID, length, data, CRC } } QString RS41Frame::toHex() { return m_bytes.toHex(); } uint16_t RS41Frame::getUInt16(const QByteArray ba, int offset) const { return (ba[offset] & 0xff) | ((ba[offset+1] & 0xff) << 8); } uint32_t RS41Frame::getUInt24(const QByteArray ba, int offset) const { return (ba[offset] & 0xff) | ((ba[offset+1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((ba[offset+2] & 0xff) << 16); } uint32_t RS41Frame::getUInt32(const QByteArray ba, int offset) const { return (ba[offset] & 0xff) | ((ba[offset+1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((ba[offset+2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((ba[offset+3] & 0xff) << 24); } void RS41Frame::decodeStatus(const QByteArray ba) { m_statusValid = true; m_frameNumber = getUInt16(ba, 0); m_serial = QString(ba.mid(0x2, 8)); m_batteryVoltage = (ba[0xa] & 0xff) / 10.0; QStringList phases = {"Ground", "Ascent", "0x2", "Descent"}; int phase = ba[0xd] & 0x3; m_flightPhase = phases[phase]; m_batteryStatus = (ba[0xe] & 0x10) == 0 ? "OK" : "Low"; m_pcbTemperature = (ba[0x10] & 0xff); m_humiditySensorHeating = getUInt16(ba, 0x13); m_transmitPower = ba[0x15] & 0xff; m_maxSubframeNumber = ba[0x16] & 0xff; m_subframeNumber = ba[0x17] & 0xff; m_subframe = ba.mid(0x18, 16); } void RS41Frame::decodeMeas(const QByteArray ba) { m_measValid = true; m_tempMain = getUInt24(ba, 0x0); m_tempRef1 = getUInt24(ba, 0x3); m_tempRef2 = getUInt24(ba, 0x6); m_humidityMain = getUInt24(ba, 0x9); m_humidityRef1 = getUInt24(ba, 0xc); m_humidityRef2 = getUInt24(ba, 0xf); m_humidityTempMain = getUInt24(ba, 0x12); m_humidityTempRef1 = getUInt24(ba, 0x15); m_humidityTempRef2 = getUInt24(ba, 0x18); m_pressureMain = getUInt24(ba, 0x1b); m_pressureRef1 = getUInt24(ba, 0x1e); m_pressureRef2 = getUInt24(ba, 0x21); m_pressureTemp = getUInt16(ba, 0x26) / 100.0f; } void RS41Frame::decodeGPSInfo(const QByteArray ba) { m_gpsInfoValid = true; uint16_t gpsWeek = getUInt16(ba, 0x0); uint32_t gpsTimeOfWeek = getUInt32(ba, 0x2); // Milliseconds QDateTime epoch(QDate(1980, 1, 6), QTime(0, 0, 0), Qt::OffsetFromUTC, 18); // GPS doesn't count leap seconds m_gpsDateTime = epoch.addDays(gpsWeek*7).addMSecs(gpsTimeOfWeek); } void RS41Frame::decodeGPSPos(const QByteArray ba) { m_satellitesUsed = ba[0x12] & 0xff; if (m_satellitesUsed > 0) { m_posValid = true; int32_t ecefX = (int32_t)getUInt32(ba, 0x0); int32_t ecefY = (int32_t)getUInt32(ba, 0x4); int32_t ecefZ = (int32_t)getUInt32(ba, 0x8); // Convert cm to m // Convert to latitude, longitude and altitude Coordinates::ecefToGeodetic(ecefX / 100.0, ecefY / 100.0, ecefZ / 100.0, m_latitude, m_longitude, m_height); int32_t velX = (int16_t)getUInt16(ba, 0xc); int32_t velY = (int16_t)getUInt16(ba, 0xe); int32_t velZ = (int16_t)getUInt16(ba, 0x10); // Convert cm/s to m/s // Calculate speed / heading Coordinates::ecefVelToSpeedHeading(m_latitude, m_longitude, velX / 100.0, velY / 100.0, velZ / 100.0, m_speed, m_verticalRate, m_heading); } } // Find the water vapor saturation pressure for a given temperature (for tCelsius < 0C). static float waterVapourSaturationPressure(float tCelsius) { // Convert to Kelvin float T = tCelsius + 273.15f; // Correction T = - 0.4931358f + (1.0f + 4.6094296e-3f) * T - 1.3746454e-5f * T * T + 1.2743214e-8f * T * T * T; // Hyland and Wexler equation float p = expf(-5800.2206f / T + 1.3914993f + 6.5459673f * logf(T) - 4.8640239e-2f * T + 4.1764768e-5f * T * T - 1.4452093e-8f * T * T * T); // Scale result to hPa return p / 100.0f; } static float calcT(int f, int f1, int f2, float r1, float r2, float *poly, float *cal) { /*float g = (float)(f2-f1) / (r2-r1); // gain float Rb = (f1*r2-f2*r1) / (float)(f2-f1); // offset float Rc = f/g - Rb; float R = Rc * cal[0]; float T = (poly[0] + poly[1]*R + poly[2]*R*R + cal[1])*(1.0 + cal[2]); return T; */ // Convert integer measurement to scale factor float s = (f-f1)/(float)(f2-f1); // Calculate resistance (scale between two reference resistors) float rUncal = r1 + (r2 - r1) * s; float r = rUncal * cal[0]; // Convert resistance to temperature float tUncal = poly[0] + poly[1]*r + poly[2]*r*r; // Correct temperature (5th order polynomial) float tCal = 0.0f; for (int i = 6; i > 0; i--) { tCal *= tUncal; tCal += cal[i]; } tCal += tUncal; return tCal; } static float calcU(int cInt, int cMin, int cMax, float c1, float c2, float T, float HT, float *capCal, float *matrixCal, float height, float *vectorPCal, float *matrixPCal) { //qDebug() << "cInt " << cInt << " cMin " << cMin << " cMax " << cMax << " c1 " << c1 << " c2 " << c2 << " T " << T << " HT " << HT << " capCal[0] " << capCal[0] << " capCal[1] " << capCal[1] << "height" << height; /*float a0 = 7.5f; float a1 = 350.0f / capCal[0]; float fh = (cInt-cMin) / (float)(cMax-cMin); float rh = 100.0f * (a1*fh - a0); float T0 = 0.0f; float T1 = -25.0f; rh += T0 - T/5.5; if (T < T1) { rh *= 1.0 + (T1-T)/90.0; } if (rh < 0.0) { rh = 0.0; } if (rh > 100.0) { rh = 100.0; } if (T < -273.0) { rh = -1.0; } qDebug() << "RH old method: " << rh;*/ // Convert integer measurement to scale factor float s = (cInt - cMin) / (float)(cMax-cMin); // Calculate capacitance (scale between two reference caps) float cUncal = c1 + (c2 - c1) * s; float cCal = (cUncal / capCal[0] - 1.0f) * capCal[1]; float t = (HT - 20.0f) / 180.0f; // Calculate standard pressure at given height in hPa float pressure = 1013.25f * expf(-1.18575919e-4f * height); // Compensation for pressure float p = pressure / 1000.0f; float powc = 1.0f; float sum = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float l = 0.0f; float powt = 1.0f; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { l += matrixPCal[4*i+j] * powt; powt *= t; } float x = vectorPCal[i]; sum += l * (x * p / (1.0f + x * p) - x * powc / (1.0f + x)); powc *= cCal; } cCal -= sum; float uUncal = 0.0f; float f1 = 1.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { float f2 = 1.0; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { uUncal += f1 * f2 * matrixCal[i*6+j]; f2 *= t; } f1 *= cCal; } // Adjust for difference in outside air temperature and the humidty sensor temperature float uCal = uUncal * waterVapourSaturationPressure(HT) / waterVapourSaturationPressure(T); // Ensure within range of 0..100% uCal = std::min(100.0f, uCal); uCal = std::max(0.0f, uCal); //qDebug() << "RH new method" << uCal; return uCal; } static float calcP(int f, int f1, int f2, float pressureTemp, float *cal) { // Convert integer measurement to scale factor float s = (f-f1) / (float)(f2-f1); float t = pressureTemp; float t2 = t * t; float t3 = t2 * t; float poly[6]; poly[0] = cal[0] + cal[7] * t + cal[11] * t2 + cal[15] * t3; poly[1] = cal[1] + cal[8] * t + cal[12] * t2 + cal[16] * t3; poly[2] = cal[2] + cal[9] * t + cal[13] * t2 + cal[17] * t3; poly[3] = cal[3] + cal[10] * t + cal[14] * t2; poly[4] = cal[4]; poly[5] = cal[5]; float p = cal[6] / s; float p2 = p * p; float p3 = p2 * p; float p4 = p3 * p; float p5 = p4 * p; float pCal = poly[0] + poly[1] * p + poly[2] * p2 + poly[3] * p3 + poly[4] * p4 + poly[5] * p5; return pCal; } float RS41Frame::getPressureFloat(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { if (!m_pressureCalibrated) { calcPressure(subframe); } return m_pressure; } QString RS41Frame::getPressureString(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { if (!m_pressureCalibrated) { calcPressure(subframe); } return m_pressureString; } float RS41Frame::getTemperatureFloat(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { if (!m_temperatureCalibrated) { calcTemperature(subframe); } return m_temperature; } QString RS41Frame::getTemperatureString(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { if (!m_temperatureCalibrated) { calcTemperature(subframe); } return m_temperatureString; } void RS41Frame::calcPressure(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { float cal[18]; if (m_pressureMain == 0) { m_pressure = 0.0f; m_pressureString = ""; return; } m_pressureCalibrated = subframe->getPressureCal(cal); m_pressure = calcP(m_pressureMain, m_pressureRef1, m_pressureRef2, m_pressureTemp, cal); // RS41 pressure resolution of 0.01hPa m_pressureString = QString::number(m_pressure, 'f', 2); if (!m_pressureCalibrated) { m_pressureString = m_pressureString + "U"; // U for uncalibrated } } void RS41Frame::calcTemperature(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { float r1, r2; float poly[3]; float cal[7]; if (m_tempMain == 0) { m_temperature = 0.0f; m_temperatureString = ""; return; } m_temperatureCalibrated = subframe->getTempCal(r1, r2, poly, cal); m_temperature = calcT(m_tempMain, m_tempRef1, m_tempRef2, r1, r2, poly, cal); // RS41 temperature resolution of 0.01C m_temperatureString = QString::number(m_temperature, 'f', 2); if (!m_temperatureCalibrated) { m_temperatureString = m_temperatureString + "U"; // U for uncalibrated } } float RS41Frame::getHumidityTemperatureFloat(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { if (!m_humidityTemperatureCalibrated) { calcHumidityTemperature(subframe); } return m_humidityTemperature; } void RS41Frame::calcHumidityTemperature(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { float r1, r2; float poly[3]; float cal[7]; if (m_humidityTempMain == 0) { m_humidityTemperature = 0.0f; return; } m_humidityTemperatureCalibrated = subframe->getHumidityTempCal(r1, r2, poly, cal); m_humidityTemperature = calcT(m_humidityTempMain, m_humidityTempRef1, m_humidityTempRef2, r1, r2, poly, cal); } float RS41Frame::getHumidityFloat(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { if (!m_humidityCalibrated) { calcHumidity(subframe); } return m_humidity; } QString RS41Frame::getHumidityString(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { if (!m_humidityCalibrated) { calcHumidity(subframe); } return m_humidityString; } void RS41Frame::calcHumidity(const RS41Subframe *subframe) { float c1, c2; float capCal[2]; float calMatrix[7*6]; float pCalMatrix[12]; float pCalVector[3]; if (m_humidityMain == 0) { m_humidity = 0.0f; m_humidityString = ""; return; } float temperature = getTemperatureFloat(subframe); float humidityTemperature = getHumidityTemperatureFloat(subframe); bool humidityCalibrated = subframe->getHumidityCal(c1, c2, capCal, calMatrix); m_humidityCalibrated = m_temperatureCalibrated && m_humidityTemperatureCalibrated && humidityCalibrated; subframe->getHumidityPressureCal(pCalVector, pCalMatrix); m_humidity = calcU(m_humidityMain, m_humidityRef1, m_humidityRef2, c1, c2, temperature, humidityTemperature, capCal, calMatrix, m_height, pCalVector, pCalMatrix); // RS41 humidity resolution of 0.1% m_humidityString = QString::number(m_humidity, 'f', 1); if (!m_humidityCalibrated) { m_humidityString = m_humidityString + "U"; // U for uncalibrated } } RS41Frame* RS41Frame::decode(const QByteArray ba) { return new RS41Frame(ba); } int RS41Frame::getFrameLength(int frameType) { return frameType == RS41_FRAME_STD ? RS41_LENGTH_STD : RS41_LENGTH_EXT; } RS41Subframe::RS41Subframe() : m_subframe(51*16, (char)0) { for (int i = 0; i < 51; i++) { m_subframeValid[i] = false; } } // Update subframe with subframe data from received message void RS41Subframe::update(RS41Frame *message) { m_subframeValid[message->m_subframeNumber] = true; int offset = message->m_subframeNumber * 16; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { m_subframe[offset+i] = message->m_subframe[i]; } } // Indicate if we have all the required temperature calibration data bool RS41Subframe::hasTempCal() const { return m_subframeValid[3] && m_subframeValid[4] && m_subframeValid[5] && m_subframeValid[6] && m_subframeValid[7]; } // Get temperature calibration data // r1, r2 - Temperature reference resistances (Ohms) // poly - Resistance to temperature 2nd order polynomial bool RS41Subframe::getTempCal(float &r1, float &r2, float *poly, float *cal) const { if (hasTempCal()) { r1 = getFloat(0x3d); r2 = getFloat(0x41); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { poly[i] = getFloat(0x4d + i * 4); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { cal[i] = getFloat(0x59 + i * 4); } return true; } else { // Use default values r1 = 750.0f; r2 = 1100.0f; poly[0] = -243.9108f; poly[1] = 0.187654f; poly[2] = 8.2e-06f; cal[0] = 1.279928f; for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { cal[i] = 0.0f; } return false; } } // Indicate if we have all the required humidty calibration data bool RS41Subframe::hasHumidityCal() const { return m_subframeValid[4] && m_subframeValid[7] && m_subframeValid[8] && m_subframeValid[9] && m_subframeValid[0xa] && m_subframeValid[0xb] && m_subframeValid[0xc] && m_subframeValid[0xd] && m_subframeValid[0xe] && m_subframeValid[0xf] && m_subframeValid[0x10] && m_subframeValid[0x11] && m_subframeValid[0x12]; } // Get humidty calibration data bool RS41Subframe::getHumidityCal(float &c1, float &c2, float *capCal, float *calMatrix) const { if (hasHumidityCal()) { c1 = getFloat(0x45); c2 = getFloat(0x49); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { capCal[i] = getFloat(0x75 + i * 4); } for (int i = 0; i < 7*6; i++) { calMatrix[i] = getFloat(0x7d + i * 4); } return true; } else { // Use default values c1 = 0.0f; c2 = 47.0f; capCal[0] = 45.9068f; capCal[1] = 4.92924f; static const float calMatrixDefault[7*6] = { -0.002586f, -2.24367f, 9.92294f, -3.61913f, 54.3554f, -93.3012f, 51.7056f, 38.8709f, 209.437f, -378.437f, 9.17326f, 19.5301f, 150.257f, -150.907f, -280.315f, 182.293f, 3247.39f, 4083.65f, -233.568f, 345.375f, 200.217f, -388.246f, -3617.66f, 0.0f, 225.841f, -233.051f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -93.0635f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; std::copy(calMatrixDefault, calMatrixDefault + 7*6, calMatrix); return false; } } // Indicate if we have all the required humidty temperature sensor calibration data bool RS41Subframe::hasHumidityTempCal() const { return m_subframeValid[3] && m_subframeValid[4] && m_subframeValid[0x12] && m_subframeValid[0x13] && m_subframeValid[0x14]; } // Get humidty temperature sensor calibration data bool RS41Subframe::getHumidityTempCal(float &r1, float &r2, float *poly, float *cal) const { if (hasHumidityTempCal()) { r1 = getFloat(0x3d); r2 = getFloat(0x41); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { poly[i] = getFloat(0x125 + i * 4); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { cal[i] = getFloat(0x131 + i * 4); } return true; } else { // Use default values r1 = 750.0f; r2 = 1100.0f; poly[0] = -243.9108f; poly[1] = 0.187654f; poly[2] = 8.2e-06f; cal[0] = 1.279928f; for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { cal[i] = 0.0f; } return false; } } // Indicate if we have all the required pressure calibration data bool RS41Subframe::hasPressureCal() const { return m_subframeValid[0x25] && m_subframeValid[0x26] && m_subframeValid[0x27] && m_subframeValid[0x28] && m_subframeValid[0x29] && m_subframeValid[0x2a]; } // Get pressure calibration data bool RS41Subframe::getPressureCal(float *cal) const { if (hasPressureCal()) { for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { cal[i] = getFloat(0x25e + i * 4); } return true; } else { // Use default values - TODO: Need to obtain from inflight device for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { cal[i] = 0.0f; } return false; } } // Indicate if we have all the required humidity pressure calibration data bool RS41Subframe::hasHumidityPressureCal() const { return m_subframeValid[0x2a] && m_subframeValid[0x2b] && m_subframeValid[0x2c] && m_subframeValid[0x2d] && m_subframeValid[0x2e] && m_subframeValid[0x2f]; } bool RS41Subframe::getHumidityPressureCal(float *vec, float *mat) const { if (hasHumidityPressureCal()) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vec[i] = getFloat(0x2a6 + i * 4); } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { mat[i] = getFloat(0x2ba + i * 4); } return true; } else { // Use default values - TODO: Need to obtain from inflight device for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vec[i] = 0.0f; } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { mat[i] = 0.0f; } qDebug() << "hasHumidityPressureCal: false"; return false; } } // Get type of RS41. E.g. "RS41-SGP" QString RS41Subframe::getType() const { if (m_subframeValid[0x21] && m_subframeValid[0x22]) { QByteArray bytes = m_subframe.mid(0x218, 10); while ((bytes.size() > 0) && (bytes.back() == 0)) { bytes.removeLast(); } return QString(bytes).trimmed(); } else { return "RS41"; } } // Get transmission frequency in MHz QString RS41Subframe::getFrequencyMHz() const { if (m_subframeValid[0]) { uint8_t lower = m_subframe[2] & 0xff; uint8_t upper = m_subframe[3] & 0xff; float freq = 400.0 + (upper + (lower / 255.0)) * 0.04; return QString::number(freq, 'f', 3); } else { return ""; } } QString RS41Subframe::getBurstKillStatus() const { if (m_subframeValid[2]) { uint8_t status = m_subframe[0x2b]; return status == 0 ? "Inactive" : "Active"; } else { return ""; } } // Seconds until power-off once active QString RS41Subframe::getBurstKillTimer() const { if (m_subframeValid[0x31]) { uint16_t secs = getUInt16(0x316); QTime t(0, 0, 0); t = t.addSecs(secs); return t.toString("hh:mm:ss"); } else { return ""; } } uint16_t RS41Subframe::getUInt16(int offset) const { return (m_subframe[offset] & 0xff) | ((m_subframe[offset+1] & 0xff) << 8); } float RS41Subframe::getFloat(int offset) const { float f; // Assumes host is little endian with 32-bit float memcpy(&f, m_subframe.data() + offset, 4); return f; }