swagger: "2.0" info: description: > This is the web REST/JSON API of SDRangel SDR software. SDRangel is an Open Source Qt5/OpenGL 3.0+ (4.3+ in Windows) GUI and server Software Defined Radio and signal analyzer in software. It supports Airspy, BladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay RSP1 and FunCube --- Limitations and specifcities: * In SDRangel GUI the first Rx device set cannot be deleted. Conversely the server starts with no device sets and its number of device sets can be reduced to zero by as many calls as necessary to /sdrangel/deviceset with DELETE method. * Preset import and export from/to file is a server only feature. * Device set focus is a GUI only feature. * The following channels are not implemented (status 501 is returned): ATV and DATV demodulators, Channel Analyzer NG, LoRa demodulator * The device settings and report structures contains only the sub-structure corresponding to the device type. The DeviceSettings and DeviceReport structures documented here shows all of them but only one will be or should be present at a time * The channel settings and report structures contains only the sub-structure corresponding to the channel type. The ChannelSettings and ChannelReport structures documented here shows all of them but only one will be or should be present at a time --- version: "4.3.0" title: SDRangel contact: url: "https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel" email: "f4exb06@gmail.com" # basePath prefixes all resource paths basePath: / # schemes: # tip: remove http to make production-grade - http # format of bodies a client can send (Content-Type) consumes: - application/json # format of the responses to the client (Accepts) produces: - application/json paths: /sdrangel: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: SDRangel instance summary # used as the method name of the controller operationId: instanceSummary tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: Success schema: # a pointer to a definition $ref: "#/definitions/InstanceSummaryResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" delete: description: Stop SDRangel instance (server only) # used as the method name of the controller operationId: instanceDelete tags: - Instance responses: "202": description: Message to stop the SDRangel instance was sent successfully schema: # a pointer to a definition $ref: "#/definitions/InstanceSummaryResponse" "400": description: Unsupported (GUI instance) schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/devices: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: Get a list of sampling devices that can be used to take part in a device set operationId: instanceDevices tags: - Instance parameters: - name: tx in: query description: Set to non zero (true) for Tx direction (default Rx) required: false type: integer responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/InstanceDevicesResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/channels: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: Get a list of channel plugins available in this instance operationId: instanceChannels tags: - Instance parameters: - name: tx in: query description: Set to non zero (true) for Tx channels (default Rx) required: false type: integer responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/InstanceChannelsResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/logging: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: Get logging information for this instance operationId: instanceLoggingGet tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LoggingInfo" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" put: description: Change logging parmeters for this instance operationId: instanceLoggingPut tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: Logging information required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LoggingInfo" responses: "200": description: Return new data on success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LoggingInfo" "400": description: Invalid data schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/audio: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: Get audio devices list available to this instance operationId: instanceAudioGet tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioDevices" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/audio/input/parameters: x-swagger-router-controller: instance patch: description: Set audio input device paramaters operationId: instanceAudioInputPatch tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: Audio input parameters. Index is used to identify the device. Only settable fields are considered. required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioInputDevice" responses: "200": description: Success. Returns actual data in particular the actual sample rate. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioInputDevice" "404": description: Audio input device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" delete: description: Delete audio input device paramaters and return to defaults operationId: instanceAudioInputDelete tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: Audio input parameters. Index is used to identify the device. required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioInputDevice" responses: "200": description: Success. Returns default parameters. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioInputDevice" "404": description: Audio input device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/audio/input/cleanup: x-swagger-router-controller: instance patch: description: Remove registered parameters for devices not in list of available input devices for this instance operationId: instanceAudioInputCleanupPatch tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: Success. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/SuccessResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/audio/output/parameters: x-swagger-router-controller: instance patch: description: Set audio output device parameters operationId: instanceAudioOutputPatch tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: Audio output parameters. Index is used to identify the device. Only settable fields are considered. required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioOutputDevice" responses: "200": description: Success. Returns actual data in particular the actual sample rate. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioOutputDevice" "404": description: Audio output device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" delete: description: Delete audio output device paramaters and return to defaults operationId: instanceAudioOutputDelete tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: Audio output parameters. Index is used to identify the device. required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioOutputDevice" responses: "200": description: Success. Returns actual data in particular the actual sample rate. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioOutputDevice" "404": description: Audio output device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/audio/output/cleanup: x-swagger-router-controller: instance patch: description: Remove registered parameters for devices not in list of available output devices for this instance operationId: instanceAudioOutputCleanupPatch tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: Success. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/SuccessResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/location: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: Get instance geolocation information operationId: instanceLocationGet tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: On success return location schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LocationInformation" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" put: description: Set instance geolocation information operationId: instanceLocationPut tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: Location of instance in latitude and longitude required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LocationInformation" responses: "200": description: On success return location schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LocationInformation" "400": description: Location invalid "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/dvserial: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: Get DV serial processing parameters for AMBE frames decoding in digital voice modes operationId: instanceDVSerialGet tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: On success return list of devices or empty list if unset schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DVSeralDevices" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" patch: description: Set or reset DV serial processing for AMBE frames decoding in digital voice modes operationId: instanceDVSerialPatch tags: - Instance parameters: - name: dvserial in: query description: Set to non zero (true) to set DV serial processing required: false type: integer responses: "200": description: On success return list of devices or empty list if unset schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DVSeralDevices" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/presets: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: List all presets in the instance operationId: instancePresetGet tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: On success return preset list schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Presets" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/preset: x-swagger-router-controller: instance patch: description: Load a preset in a device set operationId: instancePresetPatch tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: Load preset settings to the device set required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetTransfer" responses: "202": description: On successful sending of the message the selected preset identification is returned schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" "400": description: Invalid JSON request or preset type and device set type mismatch schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: No preset or device set found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" put: description: Update an existing preset with device set settings. operationId: instancePresetPut tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: save device set settings to the preset required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetTransfer" responses: "202": description: On successful sending of the message the selected preset identification is returned schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" "400": description: Invalid JSON request schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: No preset or device set found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" post: description: Create a new preset from a device set settings. Frequency and type is ignored and taken from the the device set values. operationId: instancePresetPost tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: save device set settings on a new preset required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetTransfer" responses: "202": description: On successful sending of the message the created preset identification is returned schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" "400": description: Invalid JSON request schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device set not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "409": description: Preset already exists schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" delete: description: Deletes a preset operationId: instancePresetDelete tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: delete this preset required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" responses: "202": description: On successful sending of the message the selected preset identification is returned schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" "400": description: Invalid JSON request schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Preset not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/preset/file: x-swagger-router-controller: instance put: description: import a preset from file as a new preset (server only). operationId: instancePresetFilePut tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: import details required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetImport" responses: "200": description: On success return preset identification schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" "400": description: Invalid JSON request schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: File not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" post: description: export a preset to file (server only). operationId: instancePresetFilePost tags: - Instance consumes: - application/json parameters: - name: body in: body description: export details required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetExport" responses: "200": description: On success return preset identification schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" "400": description: Invalid JSON request schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Preset or file path not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/devicesets: x-swagger-router-controller: instance get: description: Get summary information about device sets opened in the instance operationId: instanceDeviceSetsGet tags: - Instance responses: "200": description: On success return device set list schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSetList" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset: x-swagger-router-controller: instance post: description: Add (append) a new device set with default values operationId: instanceDeviceSetPost tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - name: tx in: query description: Set to non zero (true) for a Tx device set (default Rx) required: false type: integer responses: "202": description: Message to add a new device set was sent successfully schema: $ref: "#/definitions/SuccessResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" delete: description: Remove last device set. The GUI version does not remove the first device. operationId: instanceDeviceSetDelete tags: - DeviceSet responses: "202": description: Message to remove last device set was sent successfully schema: $ref: "#/definitions/SuccessResponse" "404": description: "No more device sets to be deleted" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset get: description: Get device set information operationId: devicesetGet tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "200": description: On success return details on the device set schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSet" "404": description: Invalid index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/focus: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset patch: description: Set focus on device set (GUI only) operationId: devicesetFocusPatch tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "202": description: Message to focus on device set was sent successfully schema: $ref: "#/definitions/SuccessResponse" "400": description: Unsupported (srver instance) schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Invalid index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/device: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset put: description: Set the device used in the device set operationId: devicesetDevicePut tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - name: body in: body description: Device item to look for. Specify only the fields you want to search for. You must at least specify one among displayedName, hwType or serial. index and nbStreams are ignored. Rx is assumed if tx is not specified. required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceListItem" responses: "202": description: On successful semdomg of the message it returns the details of the device being set schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceListItem" "400": description: Device set and device type mismatch (Rx vs Tx) schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Invalid device set index or device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/device/settings: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset get: description: Get device settings operationId: devicesetDeviceSettingsGet tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "200": description: On success returns current settings values schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSettings" "404": description: Invalid device set index or device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" put: description: Apply all settings unconditionally (force) operationId: devicesetDeviceSettingsPut tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - name: body in: body description: Device settings to apply required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSettings" responses: "200": description: On success returns new settings values schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSettings" "404": description: Invalid device set index or device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" patch: description: Apply settings differentially (no force) operationId: devicesetDeviceSettingsPatch tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - name: body in: body description: Device settings to apply required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSettings" responses: "200": description: On success returns new settings values schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSettings" "404": description: Invalid device set index or device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/device/run: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset get: description: get device rune status operationId: devicesetDeviceRunGet tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "200": description: On success return current state schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceState" "400": description: Invalid device set index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" post: description: start device operationId: devicesetDeviceRunPost tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "200": description: On success return state before change schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceState" "400": description: Invalid device set index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" delete: description: stop device operationId: devicesetDeviceRunDelete tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "200": description: On success return state before change schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceState" "400": description: Invalid device set index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/device/report: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset get: description: get the device report operationId: devicesetDeviceReportGet tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "200": description: On success return device report schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceReport" "400": description: Invalid device set schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/channels/report: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset get: description: get channels report operationId: devicesetChannelsReportGet tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list responses: "200": description: On success return channels report information schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelsDetail" "400": description: Invalid device set index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/channel: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset post: description: add a channel operationId: devicesetChannelPost tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - name: body in: body description: Channel identification (no settings data) required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelSettings" responses: "202": description: Message to add a channel was sent successfully schema: $ref: "#/definitions/SuccessResponse" "400": description: Invalid device set index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/channel/{channelIndex}: delete: description: delete channel (server only) operationId: devicesetChannelDelete tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - in: path name: channelIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of channel in the channels list responses: "200": description: On success return deleted channel settings schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelSettings" "400": description: Invalid device set or channel index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device or channel not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/channel/{channelIndex}/settings: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset get: description: get a channel settings operationId: devicesetChannelSettingsGet tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - in: path name: channelIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of the channel in the channels list for this device set responses: "200": description: On success return channel settings schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelSettings" "400": description: Invalid device set or channel index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device or channel not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" put: description: apply all settings unconditionally (force) operationId: devicesetChannelSettingsPut tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - in: path name: channelIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of the channel in the channels list for this device set - name: body in: body description: Channel settings to apply required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelSettings" responses: "200": description: On success return channel new settings schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelSettings" "400": description: Invalid device set or channel index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device or channel not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" patch: description: apply settings differentially (no force) operationId: devicesetChannelSettingsPatch tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - in: path name: channelIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of the channel in the channels list for this device set - name: body in: body description: Channel settings to apply required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelSettings" responses: "200": description: On success return channel new settings schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelSettings" "400": description: Invalid device set or channel index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device or channel not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/channel/{channelIndex}/report: x-swagger-router-controller: deviceset get: description: get a channel report operationId: devicesetChannelReportGet tags: - DeviceSet parameters: - in: path name: deviceSetIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of device set in the device set list - in: path name: channelIndex type: integer required: true description: Index of the channel in the channels list for this device set responses: "200": description: On success return channel report schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelReport" "400": description: Invalid device set or channel index schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": description: Device or channel not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "500": $ref: "#/responses/Response_500" "501": $ref: "#/responses/Response_501" /swagger: x-swagger-pipe: swagger_raw # complex objects have schema definitions definitions: InstanceSummaryResponse: description: "Summarized information about this SDRangel instance" required: - version - qtVersion - dspRxBits - dspTxBits - pid - appname - devicesetlist - architecture - os properties: version: description: "Current software version" type: string qtVersion: description: "Qt version with which the software was compiled" type: string dspRxBits: description: "Number of samples significant bits in software Rx DSP" type: integer dspTxBits: description: "Number of samples significant bits in software Tx DSP" type: integer pid: description: "PID of the SDRangel instance" type: integer appname: description: "Application name: SDRangel for a GUI instance and SDRangelSrv for a server instance" type: string architecture: description: "Codename of the CPU architecture on which the instance is running (available with Qt >= 5.4)" type: string os: description: "Descriptive text of the operating system running the instance (available with Qt >= 5.4)" type: string logging: $ref: "#/definitions/LoggingInfo" devicesetlist: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSetList" InstanceDevicesResponse: description: "Summarized information about logical devices from hardware devices attached to this SDRangel instance" required: - devicecount properties: devicecount: description: "Number of devices attached" type: integer devices: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceListItem" InstanceChannelsResponse: description: "Summarized information about channel plugins available in this SDRangel instance" required: - channelcount properties: channelcount: description: "Number of plugins available" type: integer channels: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelListItem" ErrorResponse: required: - message properties: message: type: string example: "KO" SuccessResponse: required: - message properties: message: type: string LoggingInfo: description: "Logging parameters setting" properties: consoleLevel: description: "Minimum level of messages printed to console: debug, info, warning, error" type: string fileLevel: description: "Minimum level of messages written to file: debug, info, warning, error" type: string dumpToFile: description: "not zero (true) if messages are written to file" type: integer fileName: description: "Name of the log file" type: string DeviceListItem: description: "Summarized information about attached hardware device" properties: displayedName: description: "Displayable name that uniquely identifies this device instance" type: string hwType: description: "Key to identify the type of hardware device" type: string serial: description: "Serial number of the hardware device" type: string sequence: description: "Sequence in the enumeration of same device types" type: integer tx: description: "Set to not zero (true) if this is a Tx device" type: integer nbStreams: description: "Number of channels or streams in the device" type: integer streamIndex: description: "Index of the channel in the device" type: integer deviceSetIndex: description: "Index of the device set that claimed this device (-1 if not claimed)" type: integer index: description: "Index of the device in the list of registered devices" type: integer ChannelListItem: description: "Summarized information about channel plugin" required: - id properties: name: description: "Displayable name of the channel plugin" type: string idURI: description: "Key to identify the channel plugin type in URI form" type: string id: description: "Key to identify the channel plugin type as short object name" type: string tx: description: "Not zero (true) if this is a Tx channel" type: integer version: description: "Channel plugin version number" type: string index: description: "Index of the channel in the list of registered channels" type: integer DeviceSet: description: "Sampling device and its associated channels" required: - samplingDevice - channelcount properties: samplingDevice: $ref: "#/definitions/SamplingDevice" channelcount: description: "Number of channels in the set" type: integer channels: description: "Channels list" type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Channel" DeviceSetList: description: "List of device sets opened in this instance" required: - devicesetcount properties: devicesetcount: description: "Number of device sets opened in this instance" type: integer devicesetfocus: description: "Index of the deviceset that has focus (relevant for GUI only)" type: integer deviceSets: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceSet" DeviceState: description: "Device running state" required: - state properties: state: description: "State: notStarted, idle, ready, running, error" type: string SamplingDevice: description: "Information about a logical device available from an attached hardware device that can be used as a sampling device" required: - index - hwType - streamIndex - sequence - serial - centerFrequency - bandwidth - state properties: index: description: "Index in the list of device sets opened in this instance" type: integer hwType: description: "Key to identify the type of hardware device" type: string tx: description: "Not zero (true) if this is a Tx device" type: integer nbStreams: description: "Number of channels or streams in the device" type: integer streamIndex: description: "Index of the channel in the device" type: integer sequence: description: "Sequence in the enumeration of same device types" type: integer serial: description: "Serial number of the hardware device" type: string centerFrequency: description: "Center frequency in Hz at which the device is tuned possibly taking NCO into account" type: integer format: int64 bandwidth: description: "Bandwidth in Hz or complex S/s of baseband" type: integer state: description: "State: notStarted, idle, ready, running, error" type: string Channel: description: "Channel summarized information" required: - index - id - uid - title - deltaFrequency properties: index: description: "Index in the list of channels" type: integer id: description: "Key to identify the type of channel" type: string uid: description: "Channel instance unique id" type: integer format: int64 title: description: "Freeform title of the channel" type: string deltaFrequency: description: "Channel shift frequency in Hz from the center of baseband" type: integer report: $ref: "#/definitions/ChannelReport" ChannelsDetail: description: "All channels detailed information" required: - channelcount properties: channelcount: description: "Number of channels in the set" type: integer channels: description: "Channels list" type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Channel" AudioDevices: description: "List of audio devices available in the system" required: - nbInputDevices - nbOutputDevices properties: nbInputDevices: description: "Number of input audio devices" type: integer inputDevices: description: "List of input devices" type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioInputDevice" nbOutputDevices: description: "Number of output audio devices" type: integer outputDevices: description: "List of output devices" type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/AudioOutputDevice" AudioInputDevice: description: "Audio input device" properties: name: description: "Displayable name of the device" type: string index: description: "Index in attached devices list. -1 for system default" type: integer sampleRate: description: "Device sample rate in S/s" type: integer isSystemDefault: description: "1 if this device is the system default else 0" type: integer defaultUnregistered: description: "1 if this device is unregistered and therefore will inherit default values else 0" type: integer volume: description: "Audio input volume [0.0..1.0]" type: number format: float AudioOutputDevice: description: "Audio output device" properties: name: description: "Displayable name of the device" type: string index: description: "Index in attached devices list. -1 for system default" type: integer sampleRate: description: "Device sample rate in S/s" type: integer isSystemDefault: description: "1 if this device is the system default else 0" type: integer defaultUnregistered: description: "1 if this device is unregistered and therefore will inherit default values else 0" type: integer copyToUDP: description: '1 if audio is copied to UDP else 0' type: integer udpUsesRTP: description: '1 if RTP protocol is used over UDP else 0' type: integer udpChannelMode: description: 'How audio data is copied to UDP: 0: left 1: right 2: mixed 3: stereo' type: integer udpAddress: description: "UDP destination address" type: string udpPort: description: "UDP destination port" type: integer LocationInformation: description: "Instance geolocation information" required: - latitude - longitude properties: latitude: description: "Lautitude in decimal degrees positive to the north" type: number format: float longitude: description: "Longitude in decimal degrees positive to the east" type: number format: float DVSeralDevices: description: "List of DV serial devices available in the system" required: - nbDevices properties: nbDevices: description: "Number of DV serial devices" type: integer dvSerialDevices: description: "Device names of DV serial devices" type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/DVSerialDevice" DVSerialDevice: description: "DV serial device details" properties: deviceName: description: "Name of the serial device in the system" type: string Presets: description: "Settings presets" required: - nbGroups properties: nbGroups: description: "Number of preset groups" type: integer groups: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetGroup" PresetGroup: description: "Group of presets" required: - groupName - nbPresets properties: groupName: description: "Name of the preset group" type: string nbPresets: description: "Number of presets in the group" type: integer presets: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetItem" PresetIdentifier: description: "Settings preset item" required: - groupName - centerFrequency - type - name properties: groupName: description: "Name of the preset group" type: string centerFrequency: description: "Center freqeuency in Hz" type: integer format: int64 type: description: "Type of device set (R: Rx, T: Tx)" type: string name: description: "Descriptive name of the preset" type: string PresetItem: description: "Settings preset item" required: - centerFrequency - type - name properties: centerFrequency: description: "Center freqeuency in Hz" type: integer format: int64 type: description: "Type of device set (R: Rx, T: Tx)" type: string name: description: "Descriptive name of the preset" type: string PresetTransfer: description: "Preset transfer to or from a device set" required: - deviceSetIndex - preset properties: deviceSetIndex: description: "Index of the device set" type: integer preset: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" PresetImport: description: "Details to import preset from file in preset list" required: - filePath properties: groupName: description: "If present overrides imported preset group name with this name" type: string description: description: "If present overrides imported preset description with this description" type: string filePath: description: "Path of the import file" type: string PresetExport: description: "Details to export a preset to file" properties: filePath: description: "Path of the import file" type: string preset: $ref: "#/definitions/PresetIdentifier" DeviceSettings: description: Base device settings. Only the device settings corresponding to the device specified in the deviceHwType field is or should be present. discriminator: deviceHwType required: - deviceHwType - tx properties: deviceHwType: description: Device hardware type code type: string tx: description: Not zero if it is a tx device else it is a rx device type: integer airspySettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Airspy.yaml#/AirspySettings" airspyHFSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/AirspyHF.yaml#/AirspyHFSettings" bladeRF1InputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BladeRF1.yaml#/BladeRF1InputSettings" bladeRF2InputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BladeRF2.yaml#/BladeRF2InputSettings" bladeRF1OutputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BladeRF1.yaml#/BladeRF1OutputSettings" bladeRF2OutputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BladeRF2.yaml#/BladeRF2OutputSettings" fcdProSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/FCDPro.yaml#/FCDProSettings" fcdProPlusSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/FCDProPlus.yaml#/FCDProPlusSettings" fileSourceSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/FileSource.yaml#/FileSourceSettings" hackRFInputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/HackRF.yaml#/HackRFInputSettings" hackRFOutputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/HackRF.yaml#/HackRFOutputSettings" limeSdrInputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/LimeSdr.yaml#/LimeSdrInputSettings" limeSdrOutputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/LimeSdr.yaml#/LimeSdrOutputSettings" perseusSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Perseus.yaml#/PerseusSettings" plutoSdrInputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/PlutoSdr.yaml#/PlutoSdrInputSettings" plutoSdrOutputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/PlutoSdr.yaml#/PlutoSdrOutputSettings" rtlSdrSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RtlSdr.yaml#/RtlSdrSettings" sdrDaemonSinkSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SDRDaemonSink.yaml#/SDRdaemonSinkSettings" sdrDaemonSourceSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SDRDaemonSource.yaml#/SDRdaemonSourceSettings" sdrPlaySettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SDRPlay.yaml#/SDRPlaySettings" soapySDRInputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SoapySDR.yaml#/SoapySDRInputSettings" soapySDROutputSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SoapySDR.yaml#/SoapySDROutputSettings" testSourceSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/TestSource.yaml#/TestSourceSettings" DeviceReport: description: Base device report. Only the device report corresponding to the device specified in the deviceHwType is or should be present. discriminator: deviceHwType required: - deviceHwType - tx properties: deviceHwType: description: Device hardware type code type: string tx: description: Not zero if it is a tx device else it is a rx device type: integer airspyReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Airspy.yaml#/AirspyReport" airspyHFReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/AirspyHF.yaml#/AirspyHFReport" bladeRF2InputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BladeRF2.yaml#/BladeRF2InputReport" bladeRF2OutputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BladeRF2.yaml#/BladeRF2OutputReport" fileSourceReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/FileSource.yaml#/FileSourceReport" limeSdrInputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/LimeSdr.yaml#/LimeSdrInputReport" limeSdrOutputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/LimeSdr.yaml#/LimeSdrOutputReport" perseusReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/Perseus.yaml#/PerseusReport" plutoSdrInputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/PlutoSdr.yaml#/PlutoSdrInputReport" plutoSdrOutputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/PlutoSdr.yaml#/PlutoSdrOutputReport" rtlSdrReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RtlSdr.yaml#/RtlSdrReport" sdrDaemonSinkReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SDRDaemonSink.yaml#/SDRdaemonSinkReport" sdrDaemonSourceReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SDRDaemonSource.yaml#/SDRdaemonSourceReport" sdrPlayReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SDRPlay.yaml#/SDRPlayReport" soapySDRInputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SoapySDR.yaml#/SoapySDRReport" soapySDROutputReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SoapySDR.yaml#/SoapySDRReport" ChannelSettings: description: Base channel settings. Only the channel settings corresponding to the channel specified in the channelType field is or should be present. discriminator: channelType required: - channelType - tx properties: channelType: description: Channel type code type: string tx: description: Not zero if it is a tx channel else it is a rx channel type: integer AMDemodSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/AMDemod.yaml#/AMDemodSettings" AMModSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/AMMod.yaml#/AMModSettings" ATVModSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/ATVMod.yaml#/ATVModSettings" BFMDemodSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BFMDemod.yaml#/BFMDemodSettings" DSDDemodSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/DSDDemod.yaml#/DSDDemodSettings" NFMDemodSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/NFMDemod.yaml#/NFMDemodSettings" NFMModSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/NFMMod.yaml#/NFMModSettings" DaemonSinkSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/DaemonSink.yaml#/DaemonSinkSettings" DaemonSourceSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/DaemonSource.yaml#/DaemonSourceSettings" SSBModSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SSBMod.yaml#/SSBModSettings" SSBDemodSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SSBDemod.yaml#/SSBDemodSettings" UDPSourceSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/UDPSource.yaml#/UDPSourceSettings" UDPSinkSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/UDPSink.yaml#/UDPSinkSettings" WFMDemodSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/WFMDemod.yaml#/WFMDemodSettings" WFMModSettings: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/WFMMod.yaml#/WFMModSettings" ChannelReport: description: Base channel report. Only the channel report corresponding to the channel specified in the channelType field is or should be present. discriminator: channelType properties: channelType: description: Channel type code type: string tx: description: Not zero if it is a tx channel else it is a rx channel type: integer AMDemodReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/AMDemod.yaml#/AMDemodReport" AMModReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/AMMod.yaml#/AMModReport" ATVModReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/ATVMod.yaml#/ATVModReport" BFMDemodReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/BFMDemod.yaml#/BFMDemodReport" DSDDemodReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/DSDDemod.yaml#/DSDDemodReport" NFMDemodReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/NFMDemod.yaml#/NFMDemodReport" NFMModReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/NFMMod.yaml#/NFMModReport" SSBDemodReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SSBDemod.yaml#/SSBDemodReport" DaemonSourceReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/DaemonSource.yaml#/DaemonSourceReport" SSBModReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/SSBMod.yaml#/SSBModReport" UDPSourceReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/UDPSource.yaml#/UDPSourceReport" UDPSinkReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/UDPSink.yaml#/UDPSinkReport" WFMDemodReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/WFMDemod.yaml#/WFMDemodReport" WFMModReport: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/WFMMod.yaml#/WFMModReport" responses: Response_500: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" Response_501: description: Function not implemented schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"