MorseDecoderSettings: description: MorseDecoder properties: title: type: string rgbColor: type: integer useReverseAPI: type: integer description: > Synchronize with reverse API * 1 - yes * 0 - no reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer udpEnabled: type: integer description: > Send decoded text via UDP * 1 - send * 0 - do not send udpAddress: type: string description: Address to semd text via UDP udpPort: type: integer description: Port to semd text via UDP logFiledName: type: string description: File to log the decoded text to logEnabled: type: integer description: > Log decoded text to file * 1 - log * 0 - do not log auto: type: integer description: > Auto detect CW pitch and keying speed * 1 - auto detect * 0 - use last values showThreshold: type: integer description: > Show GGMorse decoder threshold on the imaginary part of the scope trace * 1 - show * 0 - do not show reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex: type: integer reverseAPIFeatureIndex: type: integer scopeConfig: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/GLScope.yaml#/GLScope" rollupState: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RollupState.yaml#/RollupState" MorseDecoderActions: description: "Morse Decoder actions" properties: deviceId: type: integer required: true description: "Device Id/Number that channel belongs to" channelId: type: integer required: true description: "Channel Id/Number of the channel within the device"