MapGUI 0 0 491 507 0 0 400 0 Liberation Sans 9 Qt::StrongFocus Map 0 0 480 41 400 0 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 Find 0 0 60 0 Enter name of object to find, latitude and longitude, Maidenhead locator or an address 0 0 60 0 Select type of map to display Maidenhead locator conversion :/mem.png:/mem.png Display Beacon dialog :/antenna.png:/antenna.png Display IBP Beacon dialog IBP :/map/icons/ibp.png:/map/icons/ibp.png Display radio time transmitters dialog :/map/icons/clock.png:/map/icons/clock.png Display MUF contours ^ :/map/icons/muf.png:/map/icons/muf.png true true Display foF2 contours ^ :/map/icons/fof2.png:/map/icons/fof2.png true true Display names ^ :/info.png:/info.png true true Display ground tracks for selected item ^ :/logarithmic.png:/logarithmic.png true true Display all ground tracks ^ :/map/icons/groundtracks.png:/map/icons/groundtracks.png true true Delete all items on the map :/bin.png:/bin.png Show settings dialog :/listing.png:/listing.png 0 60 483 223 0 0 Map 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Vertical 0 0 100 100 Map QQuickWidget::SizeRootObjectToView QQuickWidget QWidget
ButtonSwitch QToolButton
RollupContents QWidget
find mapTypes maidenhead beacons displayNames deleteAll displaySettings map