/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB // // written by Edouard Griffiths // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "glscope.h" const GLfloat GLScope::m_q3RadiiConst[] = { 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, // 0 0.0f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 0.25f, // 30 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, // 45 0.25f, 1.0f, 0.75f, 0.0f, // 60 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, // 90 0.75f, 1.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f, // 120 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // 135 1.0f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 0.25f // 150 }; GLScope::GLScope(QWidget *parent) : QOpenGLWidget(parent), m_tracesData(nullptr), m_traces(nullptr), m_projectionTypes(nullptr), m_processingTraceIndex(-1), m_bufferIndex(0), m_displayMode(DisplayX), m_displayPolGrid(false), m_masterTimer(nullptr), m_dataChanged(0), m_configChanged(false), m_sampleRate(0), m_timeOfsProMill(0), m_triggerPre(0), m_traceSize(0), m_traceModulo(0), m_timeBase(1), m_timeOffset(0), m_focusedTraceIndex(0), m_displayGridIntensity(10), m_displayTraceIntensity(50), m_displayXYPoints(false) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); connect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); m_timer.start(50); m_y1Scale.setFont(font()); m_y1Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); m_y2Scale.setFont(font()); m_y2Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); m_x1Scale.setFont(font()); m_x1Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); m_x2Scale.setFont(font()); m_x2Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); m_channelOverlayFont = QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont); m_channelOverlayFont.setBold(true); m_channelOverlayFont.setPointSize(font().pointSize() + 1); m_textOverlayFont = font(); // QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont); m_textOverlayFont.setBold(true); // m_textOverlayFont.setPointSize(font().pointSize() - 1); m_q3Radii.allocate(4*8); std::copy(m_q3RadiiConst, m_q3RadiiConst + 4*8, m_q3Radii.m_array); m_q3Circle.allocate(4*96); // 96 segments = 4*24 with 1/24 being 15 degrees drawCircle(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 96, false, m_q3Circle.m_array); //m_traceCounter = 0; } GLScope::~GLScope() { } void GLScope::setDisplayGridIntensity(int intensity) { m_displayGridIntensity = intensity; if (m_displayGridIntensity > 100) { m_displayGridIntensity = 100; } else if (m_displayGridIntensity < 0) { m_displayGridIntensity = 0; } update(); } void GLScope::setDisplayTraceIntensity(int intensity) { m_displayTraceIntensity = intensity; if (m_displayTraceIntensity > 100) { m_displayTraceIntensity = 100; } else if (m_displayTraceIntensity < 0) { m_displayTraceIntensity = 0; } update(); } void GLScope::setTraces(std::vector *tracesData, std::vector *traces) { m_tracesData = tracesData; m_traces = traces; } void GLScope::newTraces(std::vector *traces, int traceIndex, std::vector *projectionTypes) { if (traces->size() > 0) { if (!m_mutex.tryLock(0)) { return; } if (m_dataChanged.testAndSetOrdered(0, 1)) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0) m_processingTraceIndex.storeRelaxed(traceIndex); #else m_processingTraceIndex.store(traceIndex); #endif m_traces = &traces[traceIndex]; m_projectionTypes = projectionTypes; } m_mutex.unlock(); } } void GLScope::initializeGL() { QOpenGLContext *glCurrentContext = QOpenGLContext::currentContext(); if (glCurrentContext) { if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->isValid()) { qDebug() << "GLScope::initializeGL: context:" << " major: " << (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->format()).majorVersion() << " minor: " << (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->format()).minorVersion() << " ES: " << (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->isOpenGLES() ? "yes" : "no"); } else { qDebug() << "GLScope::initializeGL: current context is invalid"; } } else { qCritical() << "GLScope::initializeGL: no current context"; return; } QSurface *surface = glCurrentContext->surface(); if (surface == 0) { qCritical() << "GLScope::initializeGL: no surface attached"; return; } else { if (surface->surfaceType() != QSurface::OpenGLSurface) { qCritical() << "GLScope::initializeGL: surface is not an OpenGLSurface: " << surface->surfaceType() << " cannot use an OpenGL context"; return; } else { qDebug() << "GLScope::initializeGL: OpenGL surface:" << " class: " << (surface->surfaceClass() == QSurface::Window ? "Window" : "Offscreen"); } } connect(glCurrentContext, &QOpenGLContext::aboutToBeDestroyed, this, &GLScope::cleanup); QOpenGLFunctions *glFunctions = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions(); glFunctions->initializeOpenGLFunctions(); //glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); m_glShaderSimple.initializeGL(); m_glShaderColors.initializeGL(); m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initializeGL(); m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initializeGL(); m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initializeGL(); m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initializeGL(); m_glShaderPowerOverlay.initializeGL(); m_glShaderTextOverlay.initializeGL(); } void GLScope::resizeGL(int width, int height) { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex); QOpenGLFunctions *glFunctions = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions(); glFunctions->glViewport(0, 0, width, height); m_configChanged = true; } void GLScope::paintGL() { if (!m_mutex.tryLock(2)) { return; } if (m_configChanged) { applyConfig(); m_configChanged = false; } // qDebug("GLScope::paintGL: m_traceCounter: %d", m_traceCounter); // m_traceCounter = 0; QOpenGLFunctions *glFunctions = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions(); glFunctions->glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glFunctions->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); if ((m_displayMode == DisplayX) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH)) // display trace #0 { // draw rect around { GLfloat q3[]{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}; QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 4); } // paint grid const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; // Y1 (X trace or trace #0) { tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList(); //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY1.m_array; int effectiveTicks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y1Scale.getSize()); q3[4 * effectiveTicks] = 0; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 1] = y; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 2] = 1; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 3] = y; effectiveTicks++; } } float blue = 1.0f; QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, blue, (float)m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2 * effectiveTicks); } // X1 (time) { tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList(); //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickX1.m_array; int effectiveTicks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { float x = tick->pos / m_x1Scale.getSize(); q3[4 * effectiveTicks] = x; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 1] = 0; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 2] = x; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 3] = 1; effectiveTicks++; } } QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float)m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2 * effectiveTicks); } // paint left #1 scale { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; m_glShaderLeft1Scale.drawSurface(m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4); } // paint bottom #1 scale { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; m_glShaderBottom1Scale.drawSurface(m_glBot1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4); } // paint trace #1 if (m_traceSize > 0) { const float *trace = (*m_traces)[0]; const GLScopeSettings::TraceData &traceData = (*m_tracesData)[0]; if (traceData.m_viewTrace) { int start = (m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * m_traceSize; int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize / m_timeBase, m_traceSize); if (end - start < 2) { start--; } float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x(); float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width() * (float)m_timeBase / (float)(m_traceSize - 1); //float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f) * traceData.m_amp; float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; //QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f); QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, (GLfloat *)&trace[2 * start], end - start); // Paint trigger level if any if ((traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel > -1.0f) && (traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel < 1.0f)) { GLfloat q3[]{ 0, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel, 1, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel}; float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x(); float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width(); float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; QVector4D color( m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorR, m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorG, m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorB, 0.4f); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(mat, color, q3, 2); } // display trigger // Paint overlay if any if ((m_focusedTraceIndex == 0) && (traceData.m_hasTextOverlay)) { drawChannelOverlay( traceData.m_textOverlay, traceData.m_traceColor, m_channelOverlayPixmap1, m_glScopeRect1); } // display overlay } // displayable trace } // trace length > 0 } // Display X if ((m_displayMode == DisplayY) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH)) // display traces #1..n { // draw rect around { GLfloat q3[]{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}; QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 4); } // paint grid drawRectGrid2(); // paint traces #1..n if (m_traceSize > 0) { int start = (m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * m_traceSize; int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize / m_timeBase, m_traceSize); if (end - start < 2) { start--; } for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_traces->size(); i++) { const float *trace = (*m_traces)[i]; const GLScopeSettings::TraceData &traceData = (*m_tracesData)[i]; if (!traceData.m_viewTrace) { continue; } float rectX = m_glScopeRect2.x(); float rectY = m_glScopeRect2.y() + m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f; float rectW = m_glScopeRect2.width() * (float)m_timeBase / (float)(m_traceSize - 1); //float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f) * traceData.m_amp; float rectH = -m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f; //QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f); QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, (GLfloat *)&trace[2 * start], end - start); // Paint trigger level if any if ((traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel > -1.0f) && (traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel < 1.0f)) { GLfloat q3[]{ 0, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel, 1, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel}; float rectX = m_glScopeRect2.x(); float rectY = m_glScopeRect2.y() + m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f; float rectW = m_glScopeRect2.width(); float rectH = -m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f; QVector4D color( m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorR, m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorG, m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorB, 0.4f); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(mat, color, q3, 2); } // Paint overlay if any if ((i == m_focusedTraceIndex) && (traceData.m_hasTextOverlay)) { drawChannelOverlay( traceData.m_textOverlay, traceData.m_traceColor, m_channelOverlayPixmap2, m_glScopeRect2); } } // one trace display } // trace length > 0 } // Display Y if (m_displayMode == DisplayPol) { // paint left display: mixed XY // draw rect around { GLfloat q3[]{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}; QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 4); } // paint grid const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; // Horizontal grid Y1 tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList(); { //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY1.m_array; int effectiveTicks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y1Scale.getSize()); q3[4 * effectiveTicks] = 0; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 1] = y; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 2] = 1; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 3] = y; effectiveTicks++; } } QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, (float)m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2 * effectiveTicks); } // Vertical grid X1 tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList(); { //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickX1.m_array; int effectiveTicks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { float x = tick->pos / m_x1Scale.getSize(); q3[4 * effectiveTicks] = x; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 1] = 0; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 2] = x; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 3] = 1; effectiveTicks++; } } QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float)m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2 * effectiveTicks); } // paint left #1 scale { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; m_glShaderLeft1Scale.drawSurface(m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4); } // paint bottom #1 scale { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; m_glShaderBottom1Scale.drawSurface(m_glBot1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4); } // Paint secondary grid // Horizontal secondary grid Y2 tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList(); { //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY2.m_array; int effectiveTicks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y2Scale.getSize()); q3[4 * effectiveTicks] = 0; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 1] = y; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 2] = 1; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 3] = y; effectiveTicks++; } } QVector4D color(0.25f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float)m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2 * effectiveTicks); } // Paint secondary scale { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; m_glShaderLeft2Scale.drawSurface(m_glRight1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4); } // paint all traces if (m_traceSize > 0) { int start = (m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * m_traceSize; int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize / m_timeBase, m_traceSize); if (end - start < 2) { start--; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_traces->size(); i++) { const float *trace = (*m_traces)[i]; const GLScopeSettings::TraceData &traceData = (*m_tracesData)[i]; if (!traceData.m_viewTrace) { continue; } float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x(); float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width() * (float)m_timeBase / (float)(m_traceSize - 1); //float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f) * traceData.m_amp; float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; //QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f); QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); if (i == 1) { // Y1 in rainbow color m_glShaderColors.drawPolyline(mat, (GLfloat *)&trace[2 * start], m_q3Colors.m_array, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f, end - start); } else { m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, (GLfloat *)&trace[2 * start], end - start); } // Paint trigger level if any if ((traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel > -1.0f) && (traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel < 1.0f)) { GLfloat q3[]{ 0, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel, 1, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel}; float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x(); float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width(); float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f; QVector4D color( m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorR, m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorG, m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorB, 0.4f); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(mat, color, q3, 2); } // Paint overlay if any if ((i == m_focusedTraceIndex) && (traceData.m_hasTextOverlay)) { drawChannelOverlay( traceData.m_textOverlay, traceData.m_traceColor, m_channelOverlayPixmap1, m_glScopeRect1); } } // all traces display } // trace length > 0 // paint right display: polar XY // draw rect around { GLfloat q3[]{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}; QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 4); } // paint grid if (m_displayPolGrid) { drawPolarGrid2(); } else { drawRectGrid2(); } // paint polar traces if (m_traceSize > 0) { int start = (m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * m_traceSize; int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize / m_timeBase, m_traceSize); if (end - start < 2) start--; //GLfloat q3[2*(end - start)]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3Polar.m_array; const float *trace0 = (*m_traces)[0]; // If X is an angle and XY display is in polar grid we will perform polar conversion of traces bool polarConversion = m_projectionTypes ? (*m_projectionTypes).size() > 0 ? ((*m_projectionTypes)[0] == Projector::ProjectionPhase) || ((*m_projectionTypes)[0] == Projector::ProjectionDOAP) || ((*m_projectionTypes)[0] == Projector::ProjectionDOAN) : false : false; polarConversion &= m_displayPolGrid; if (!polarConversion) { // When there is no polar conversion X values are fixed memcpy(q3, &(trace0[2*start + 1]), (2*(end-start) - 1)*sizeof(float)); // copy X values } // TODO: with polar conversion X can be converted to fixed sin(theta) and cos(theta) for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_traces->size(); i++) { const float *trace = (*m_traces)[i]; const GLScopeSettings::TraceData &traceData = (*m_tracesData)[i]; if (!traceData.m_viewTrace) { continue; } if (polarConversion) { bool positiveProjection = m_projectionTypes && (i < m_projectionTypes->size()) ? isPositiveProjection((*m_projectionTypes)[i]) : false; for (int j = start; j < end; j++) { float r; if (positiveProjection) { r = 0.5f*trace[2*j + 1] + 0.5f; } else { r = trace[2*j + 1]; } float theta = M_PI*trace0[2*j + 1]; // TODO: fixed X to theta conversion (see above) float x = r*cos(theta); float y = r*sin(theta); q3[2*(j-start)] = x; q3[2*(j-start) + 1] = y; } } else { for (int j = start; j < end; j++) { float y = trace[2*j + 1]; q3[2*(j-start) + 1] = y; } } float rectX = m_glScopeRect2.x() + m_glScopeRect2.width() / 2.0f; float rectY = m_glScopeRect2.y() + m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f; float rectW = m_glScopeRect2.width() / 2.0f; float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f); QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); if (i == 1) // Y1 in rainbow color { if (m_displayXYPoints) { m_glShaderColors.drawPoints(mat, q3, m_q3Colors.m_array, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f, end - start); } else { m_glShaderColors.drawPolyline(mat, q3, m_q3Colors.m_array, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f, end - start); } } else { if (m_displayXYPoints) { m_glShaderSimple.drawPoints(mat, color, q3, end - start); } else { m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, q3, end - start); } } } // XY polar display } // trace length > 0 } // XY mixed + polar display drawMarkers(); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0) m_dataChanged.storeRelaxed(0); m_processingTraceIndex.storeRelaxed(-1); #else m_dataChanged.store(0); m_processingTraceIndex.store(-1); #endif m_mutex.unlock(); } void GLScope::drawMarkers() { QVector4D markerColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f); QVector4D markerTextColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f); if ((m_markers1.size() > 0) && ((m_displayMode == DisplayX) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV))) // Draw markers1 { // crosshairs for (int i = 0; i < m_markers1.size(); i++) { GLfloat h[] { (float) m_markers1.at(i).m_point.x(), 0, (float) m_markers1.at(i).m_point.x(), 1 }; m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, markerColor, h, 2); GLfloat v[] { 0, (float) m_markers1.at(i).m_point.y(), 1, (float) m_markers1.at(i).m_point.y() }; m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, markerColor, v, 2); } // text for (int i = 0; i < m_markers1.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { drawTextOverlay( m_markers1.at(i).m_timeStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, m_markers1.at(i).m_point.x() * m_glScopeRect1.width(), m_glScopeRect1.height(), m_markers1.at(i).m_point.x() < 0.5f, false, m_glScopeRect1); drawTextOverlay( m_markers1.at(i).m_valueStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, 0, m_markers1.at(i).m_point.y() * m_glScopeRect1.height(), true, m_markers1.at(i).m_point.y() < 0.5f, m_glScopeRect1); } else { drawTextOverlay( m_markers1.at(i).m_timeDeltaStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, m_markers1.at(i).m_point.x() * m_glScopeRect1.width(), 0, m_markers1.at(i).m_point.x() < 0.5f, true, m_glScopeRect1); drawTextOverlay( m_markers1.at(i).m_valueDeltaStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, m_glScopeRect1.width(), m_markers1.at(i).m_point.y() * m_glScopeRect1.height(), false, m_markers1.at(i).m_point.y() < 0.5f, m_glScopeRect1); } } } if ((m_markers2.size() > 0) && ((m_displayMode == DisplayY) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV))) // Draw markers2 { // crosshairs for (int i = 0; i < m_markers2.size(); i++) { GLfloat h[] { (float) m_markers2.at(i).m_point.x(), 0, (float) m_markers2.at(i).m_point.x(), 1 }; m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, markerColor, h, 2); GLfloat v[] { 0, (float) m_markers2.at(i).m_point.y(), 1, (float) m_markers2.at(i).m_point.y() }; m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, markerColor, v, 2); } // text for (int i = 0; i < m_markers2.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { drawTextOverlay( m_markers2.at(i).m_timeStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, m_markers2.at(i).m_point.x() * m_glScopeRect2.width(), m_glScopeRect2.height(), m_markers2.at(i).m_point.x() < 0.5f, false, m_glScopeRect2); drawTextOverlay( m_markers2.at(i).m_valueStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, 0, m_markers2.at(i).m_point.y() * m_glScopeRect2.height(), true, m_markers2.at(i).m_point.y() < 0.5f, m_glScopeRect2); } else { drawTextOverlay( m_markers2.at(i).m_timeDeltaStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, m_markers2.at(i).m_point.x() * m_glScopeRect2.width(), 0, m_markers2.at(i).m_point.x() < 0.5f, true, m_glScopeRect2); drawTextOverlay( m_markers2.at(i).m_valueDeltaStr, QColor(255, 255, 255, 192), m_textOverlayFont, m_glScopeRect2.width(), m_markers2.at(i).m_point.y() * m_glScopeRect2.height(), false, m_markers2.at(i).m_point.y() < 0.5f, m_glScopeRect2); } } } } void GLScope::setSampleRate(int sampleRate) { m_mutex.lock(); m_sampleRate = sampleRate; m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); emit sampleRateChanged(m_sampleRate); } void GLScope::setTimeBase(int timeBase) { m_mutex.lock(); m_timeBase = timeBase; m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); } void GLScope::setTriggerPre(uint32_t triggerPre, bool emitSignal) { m_mutex.lock(); m_triggerPre = triggerPre; m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); if (emitSignal) { emit preTriggerChanged(m_triggerPre); } } void GLScope::setTimeOfsProMill(int timeOfsProMill) { m_mutex.lock(); m_timeOfsProMill = timeOfsProMill; m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); } void GLScope::setFocusedTraceIndex(uint32_t traceIndex) { m_mutex.lock(); m_focusedTraceIndex = traceIndex; m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); } void GLScope::setDisplayMode(DisplayMode displayMode) { m_mutex.lock(); m_displayMode = displayMode; m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); } void GLScope::setTraceSize(int traceSize, bool emitSignal) { m_mutex.lock(); m_traceSize = traceSize; m_q3Colors.allocate(3*traceSize); setColorPalette(traceSize, m_traceModulo, m_q3Colors.m_array); m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); if (emitSignal) { emit traceSizeChanged(m_traceSize); } } void GLScope::updateDisplay() { m_mutex.lock(); m_configChanged = true; m_mutex.unlock(); update(); } void GLScope::applyConfig() { QFontMetrics fm(font()); //float t_start = ((m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * ((float) m_traceSize / m_sampleRate)) - ((float) m_triggerPre / m_sampleRate); float t_start = (((m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0f) * (float)m_traceSize) / m_sampleRate) - ((float)m_triggerPre / m_sampleRate); float t_len = ((float)m_traceSize / m_sampleRate) / (float)m_timeBase; // scales m_x1Scale.setRange(Unit::Time, t_start, t_start + t_len); // time scale if (m_displayMode == DisplayPol) { setYScale(m_x2Scale, 0); // polar scale (X) } else { m_x2Scale.setRange(Unit::Time, t_start, t_start + t_len); // time scale } if (m_traces->size() > 0) { setYScale(m_y1Scale, 0); // This is always the X trace (trace #0) } if ((m_traces->size() > 1) && (m_focusedTraceIndex < m_traces->size())) { setYScale(m_y2Scale, m_focusedTraceIndex > 0 ? m_focusedTraceIndex : 1); // if Highlighted trace is #0 (X trace) set it to first Y trace (trace #1) } else { setYScale(m_y2Scale, 0); // Default to the X trace (trace #0) - If there is only one trace it should not get there (Y displays disabled in the UI) } // display arrangements if ((m_displayMode == DisplayX) || (m_displayMode == DisplayY)) { // unique displays setUniqueDisplays(); } else if (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) { // both displays vertically arranged setVerticalDisplays(); } else if (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH) { // both displays horizontally arranged setHorizontalDisplays(); } else if (m_displayMode == DisplayPol) { // horizontal arrangement: XY stacked on left and polar on right setPolarDisplays(); } m_q3TickY1.allocate(4 * m_y1Scale.getTickList().count()); m_q3TickY2.allocate(4 * m_y2Scale.getTickList().count()); m_q3TickX1.allocate(4 * m_x1Scale.getTickList().count()); m_q3TickX2.allocate(4 * m_x2Scale.getTickList().count()); int start = (m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * m_traceSize; int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize / m_timeBase, m_traceSize); if (end - start < 2) start--; m_q3Polar.allocate(2 * (end - start)); } void GLScope::setUniqueDisplays() { QFontMetrics fm(font()); int M = fm.horizontalAdvance("-"); int scopeHeight = height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin; int scopeWidth = width() - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin; // X display m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF( (float)m_leftMargin / (float)width(), (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(), (float)scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix1.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix1.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); // Y displays m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF( (float)m_leftMargin / (float)width(), (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(), (float)scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix2.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix2.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); { // X horizontal scale (X1) m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth); m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeWidth, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // X horizontal scale { // Y horizontal scale (X2) m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeWidth); m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeWidth, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Y horizontal scale { // X vertical scale (Y1) m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // X vertical scale { // Y vertical scale (Y2) m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Y vertical scale } void GLScope::setVerticalDisplays() { QFontMetrics fm(font()); int M = fm.horizontalAdvance("-"); int scopeHeight = (height() - m_topMargin) / 2 - m_botMargin; int scopeWidth = width() - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin; // X display m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF( (float)m_leftMargin / (float)width(), (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(), (float)scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix1.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix1.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); // Y display m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF( (float)m_leftMargin / (float)width(), (float)(m_botMargin + m_topMargin + scopeHeight) / (float)height(), (float)scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix2.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (m_botMargin + m_topMargin + scopeHeight) / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix2.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + scopeHeight + m_botMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)2 * (m_topMargin + scopeHeight + m_botMargin) / (float)height())); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); { // X horizontal scale (X1) m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth); m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeWidth, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // X horizontal scale (X1) { // Y horizontal scale (X2) m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeWidth); m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeWidth, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Y horizontal scale (X2) { // X vertical scale (Y1) m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // X vertical scale (Y1) { // Y vertical scale (Y2) m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Y vertical scale (Y2) } void GLScope::setHorizontalDisplays() { QFontMetrics fm(font()); int M = fm.horizontalAdvance("-"); int scopeHeight = height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin; int scopeWidth = (width() - m_rightMargin) / 2 - m_leftMargin; // X display m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF( (float)m_leftMargin / (float)width(), (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(), (float)scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix1.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix1.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); // Y display m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF( (float)(m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + ((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2)) / (float)width(), (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(), (float)((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2) / (float)width(), (float)(height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix2.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * (m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + ((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2)) / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix2.scale( (float)2 * ((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float)height()); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * (m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + (float)2 * (m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float)width(), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); { // X horizontal scale (X1) m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth); m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeWidth, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // X horizontal scale (X1) { // Y horizontal scale (X2) m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeWidth); m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeWidth, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Y horizontal scale (X2) { // X vertical scale (Y1) m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // X vertical scale (Y1) { // Y vertical scale (Y2) m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Y vertical scale (Y2) } void GLScope::setPolarDisplays() { QFontMetrics fm(font()); int M = fm.horizontalAdvance("-"); int scopeHeight = height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin; int scopeWidth = (width() - m_rightMargin) / 2 - m_leftMargin; int scopeDim = std::min(scopeWidth, scopeHeight); scopeWidth += scopeWidth - scopeDim; // Mixed XY display (left) m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF( (float)m_leftMargin / (float)width(), (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(), (float)(scopeWidth - m_leftMargin) / (float)width(), (float)scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix1.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix1.scale( (float)2 * (scopeWidth - m_leftMargin) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * m_leftMargin / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (scopeWidth - m_leftMargin) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); m_glRight1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glRight1ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * scopeWidth / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glRight1ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); // Polar XY display (right) m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF( (float)(m_leftMargin + scopeWidth + m_leftMargin) / (float)width(), (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(), (float)scopeDim / (float)width(), (float)(height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float)height()); m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity(); m_glScopeMatrix2.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * (m_leftMargin + scopeWidth + m_leftMargin) / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glScopeMatrix2.scale( (float)2 * scopeDim / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float)height()); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + ((float)2 * (m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float)width()), 1.0f - ((float)2 * (scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float)height())); m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * scopeDim / (float)width(), (float)-2 * (m_botMargin - 1) / (float)height()); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity(); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate( -1.0f + (float)2 * (m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float)width(), 1.0f - ((float)2 * m_topMargin / (float)height())); m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale( (float)2 * (m_leftMargin - 1) / (float)width(), (float)-2 * scopeHeight / (float)height()); { // Mixed XY horizontal scale (X1) m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth); m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeWidth, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Mixed XY horizontal scale (X1) { // Polar XY horizontal scale (X2) m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeDim); m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( scopeDim, m_botMargin - 1); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text); } } m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Polar XY horizontal scale (X2) { // Mixed XY vertical scale (Y1) m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Mixed XY vertical scale (Y1) { // Polar XY vertical scale (Y2) m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight); m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap( m_leftMargin - 1, scopeHeight); const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap); painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff)); painter.setFont(font()); tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList(); for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent() / 2), tick->text); } } m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage()); } // Polar XY vertical scale (Y2) } void GLScope::setYScale(ScaleEngine &scale, uint32_t highlightedTraceIndex) { GLScopeSettings::TraceData &traceData = (*m_tracesData)[highlightedTraceIndex]; double amp_range = 2.0 / traceData.m_amp; double amp_ofs = traceData.m_ofs; double pow_floor = -100.0 + traceData.m_ofs * 100.0; double pow_range = 100.0 / traceData.m_amp; switch (traceData.m_projectionType) { case Projector::ProjectionMagDB: // dB scale scale.setRange(Unit::Decibel, pow_floor, pow_floor + pow_range); break; case Projector::ProjectionMagLin: case Projector::ProjectionMagSq: if (amp_range < 1e-9) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e12, amp_range * 1e12 + amp_ofs * 1e12); } else if (amp_range < 1e-6) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e9, amp_range * 1e9 + amp_ofs * 1e9); } else if (amp_range < 1e-3) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e6, amp_range * 1e6 + amp_ofs * 1e6); } else if (amp_range < 1.0) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e3, amp_range * 1e3 + amp_ofs * 1e3); } else if (amp_range < 1e3) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e0, amp_range * 1e0 + amp_ofs * 1e0); } else if (amp_range < 1e6) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e3, amp_range * 1e3 + amp_ofs * 1e3); } else if (amp_range < 1e9) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e6, amp_range * 1e6 + amp_ofs * 1e6); } else { scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1e9, amp_range * 1e9 + amp_ofs * 1e9); } break; case Projector::ProjectionPhase: // Phase or frequency (should be +/- 1) case Projector::ProjectionDOAP: case Projector::ProjectionDOAN: case Projector::ProjectionDPhase: // scale.setRange(Unit::None, -1.0 / traceData.m_amp + amp_ofs, 1.0 / traceData.m_amp + amp_ofs); // break; case Projector::ProjectionReal: // Linear generic case Projector::ProjectionImag: default: if (amp_range < 1e-9) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e11 + amp_ofs * 1e12, amp_range * 5e11 + amp_ofs * 1e12); } else if (amp_range < 1e-6) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e8 + amp_ofs * 1e9, amp_range * 5e8 + amp_ofs * 1e9); } else if (amp_range < 1e-3) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e5 + amp_ofs * 1e6, amp_range * 5e5 + amp_ofs * 1e6); } else if (amp_range < 1.0) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e2 + amp_ofs * 1e3, amp_range * 5e2 + amp_ofs * 1e3); } else if (amp_range < 1e3) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e-1 + amp_ofs * 1e0, amp_range * 5e-1 + amp_ofs * 1e0); } else if (amp_range < 1e6) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e-4 + amp_ofs * 1e3, amp_range * 5e-4 + amp_ofs * 1e3); } else if (amp_range < 1e9) { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e-7 + amp_ofs * 1e6, amp_range * 5e-7 + amp_ofs * 1e6); } else { scale.setRange(Unit::None, -amp_range * 5e-10 + amp_ofs * 1e9, amp_range * 5e-10 + amp_ofs * 1e9); } break; } } void GLScope::drawChannelOverlay( const QString &text, const QColor &color, QPixmap &channelOverlayPixmap, const QRectF &glScopeRect) { if (text.isEmpty()) { return; } QFontMetricsF metrics(m_channelOverlayFont); QRectF textRect = metrics.boundingRect(text); QRectF overlayRect(0, 0, textRect.width() * 1.05f + 4.0f, textRect.height()); channelOverlayPixmap = QPixmap(overlayRect.width(), overlayRect.height()); channelOverlayPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&channelOverlayPixmap); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing, false); painter.fillRect(overlayRect, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0x80)); QColor textColor(color); textColor.setAlpha(0xC0); painter.setPen(textColor); painter.setFont(m_channelOverlayFont); painter.drawText(QPointF(2.0f, overlayRect.height() - 4.0f), text); painter.end(); m_glShaderPowerOverlay.initTexture(channelOverlayPixmap.toImage()); { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; float shiftX = glScopeRect.width() - ((overlayRect.width() + 4.0f) / width()); float shiftY = 4.0f / height(); float rectX = glScopeRect.x() + shiftX; float rectY = glScopeRect.y() + shiftY; float rectW = overlayRect.width() / (float)width(); float rectH = overlayRect.height() / (float)height(); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); m_glShaderPowerOverlay.drawSurface(mat, tex1, vtx1, 4); } } void GLScope::drawTextOverlay( const QString &text, const QColor &color, const QFont& font, float shiftX, float shiftY, bool leftHalf, bool topHalf, const QRectF &glRect) { if (text.isEmpty()) { return; } QFontMetricsF metrics(font); QRectF textRect = metrics.boundingRect(text); QRectF overlayRect(0, 0, textRect.width() * 1.05f + 4.0f, textRect.height()); QPixmap channelOverlayPixmap = QPixmap(overlayRect.width(), overlayRect.height()); channelOverlayPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&channelOverlayPixmap); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing, false); painter.fillRect(overlayRect, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0x80)); QColor textColor(color); textColor.setAlpha(0xC0); painter.setPen(textColor); painter.setFont(font); painter.drawText(QPointF(2.0f, overlayRect.height() - 4.0f), text); painter.end(); m_glShaderTextOverlay.initTexture(channelOverlayPixmap.toImage()); { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; // float shiftX = glRect.width() - ((overlayRect.width() + 4.0f) / width()); // float shiftY = 4.0f / height(); float rectX = glRect.x() + shiftX - (leftHalf ? 0 : (overlayRect.width()+1)/width()); float rectY = glRect.y() + shiftY + (4.0f / height()) - (topHalf ? 0 : (overlayRect.height()+5)/height()); float rectW = overlayRect.width() / (float) width(); float rectH = overlayRect.height() / (float) height(); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.setToIdentity(); mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY); mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH); m_glShaderTextOverlay.drawSurface(mat, tex1, vtx1, 4); } } void GLScope::tick() { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0) if (m_dataChanged.loadRelaxed()) { update(); } #else if (m_dataChanged.load()) { update(); } #endif } void GLScope::connectTimer(const QTimer &timer) { qDebug() << "GLScope::connectTimer"; disconnect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); m_timer.stop(); m_masterTimer = &timer; } void GLScope::disconnectTimer() { qDebug() << "GLScope::disconnectTimer"; if (m_masterTimer) { disconnect(m_masterTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); } m_masterTimer = nullptr; } void GLScope::cleanup() { //makeCurrent(); m_glShaderSimple.cleanup(); m_glShaderBottom1Scale.cleanup(); m_glShaderBottom2Scale.cleanup(); m_glShaderLeft1Scale.cleanup(); m_glShaderPowerOverlay.cleanup(); m_glShaderTextOverlay.cleanup(); //doneCurrent(); } void GLScope::drawRectGrid2() { const ScaleEngine::TickList *tickList; const ScaleEngine::Tick *tick; // Horizontal Y2 tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList(); { //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY2.m_array; int effectiveTicks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y2Scale.getSize()); q3[4 * effectiveTicks] = 0; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 1] = y; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 2] = 1; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 3] = y; effectiveTicks++; } } QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float)m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 2 * effectiveTicks); } // Vertical X2 tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList(); { //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()]; GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickX2.m_array; int effectiveTicks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) { tick = &(*tickList)[i]; if ((tick->major) && (tick->textSize > 0)) { float x = tick->pos / m_x2Scale.getSize(); q3[4 * effectiveTicks] = x; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 1] = 0; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 2] = x; q3[4 * effectiveTicks + 3] = 1; effectiveTicks++; } } QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float)m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 2 * effectiveTicks); } // paint left #2 scale { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; m_glShaderLeft2Scale.drawSurface(m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4); } // paint bottom #2 scale { GLfloat vtx1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GLfloat tex1[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; m_glShaderBottom2Scale.drawSurface(m_glBot2ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4); } } void GLScope::drawPolarGrid2() { QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f); m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, m_q3Radii.m_array, 2*8); // Radii m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, m_q3Circle.m_array, 2*96); // Unit circle } // inspired by http://slabode.exofire.net/circle_draw.shtml void GLScope::drawCircle(float cx, float cy, float r, int num_segments, bool dotted, GLfloat *vertices) { float theta = 2*M_PI / float(num_segments); float tangential_factor = tanf(theta); //calculate the tangential factor float radial_factor = cosf(theta); //calculate the radial factor float x = r; //we start at angle = 0 float y = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < num_segments; ii++) { //output vertex if (dotted) { vertices[2*ii] = x + cx; vertices[2*ii+1] = y + cy; } else { vertices[4*ii] = x + cx; vertices[4*ii+1] = y + cy; } // calculate the tangential vector // remember, the radial vector is (x, y) // to get the tangential vector we flip those coordinates and negate one of them float tx = -y; float ty = x; //add the tangential vector x += tx * tangential_factor; y += ty * tangential_factor; //correct using the radial factor x *= radial_factor; y *= radial_factor; if (!dotted) { vertices[4*ii+2] = x + cx; vertices[4*ii+3] = y + cy; } } } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19452530/how-to-render-a-rainbow-spectrum void GLScope::setColorPalette(int nbVertices, int modulo, GLfloat *colors) { for (int v = 0; v < nbVertices; v++) { int ci = modulo < 2 ? v : v % modulo; int nbColors = modulo < 2 ? nbVertices : modulo; float x = 0.8f*(((float) ci)/nbColors); QColor c = QColor::fromHslF(x, 0.8f, 0.6f); colors[3*v] = c.redF(); colors[3*v+1] = c.greenF(); colors[3*v+2] = c.blueF(); } } void GLScope::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (m_displayMode == DisplayPol) { // Ignore mouse press on Polar displays return; } const QPointF& ep = event->localPos(); // x, y pixel position in whole scope window bool doUpdate = false; if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { QPointF p1 = ep; // relative position in graph #1 p1.rx() = (ep.x()/width() - m_glScopeRect1.left()) / m_glScopeRect1.width(); p1.ry() = (ep.y()/height() - m_glScopeRect1.top()) / m_glScopeRect1.height(); QPointF p2 = ep; // relative position in graph #2 p2.rx() = (ep.x()/width() - m_glScopeRect2.left()) / m_glScopeRect2.width(); p2.ry() = (ep.y()/height() - m_glScopeRect2.top()) / m_glScopeRect2.height(); if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { if ((p1.x() >= 0) && (p1.y() >= 0) && (p1.x() <= 1) && (p1.y() <= 1)) { m_markers1.clear(); doUpdate = true; } if ((p2.x() >= 0) && (p2.y() >= 0) && (p2.x() <= 1) && (p2.y() <= 1)) { m_markers2.clear(); doUpdate = true; } } else { if ((m_markers1.size() > 0) && (p1.x() >= 0) && (p1.y() >= 0) && (p1.x() <= 1) && (p1.y() <= 1)) { m_markers1.pop_back(); doUpdate = true; } if ((m_markers2.size() > 0) && (p2.x() >= 0) && (p2.y() >= 0) && (p2.x() <= 1) && (p2.y() <= 1)) { m_markers2.pop_back(); doUpdate = true; } } } else if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { QPointF p1 = ep; // relative position in graph #1 p1.rx() = (ep.x()/width() - m_glScopeRect1.left()) / m_glScopeRect1.width(); p1.ry() = (ep.y()/height() - m_glScopeRect1.top()) / m_glScopeRect1.height(); QPointF p2 = ep; // relative position in graph #2 p2.rx() = (ep.x()/width() - m_glScopeRect2.left()) / m_glScopeRect2.width(); p2.ry() = (ep.y()/height() - m_glScopeRect2.top()) / m_glScopeRect2.height(); if ((p1.x() >= 0) && (p1.y() >= 0) && (p1.x() <= 1) && (p1.y() <= 1) && ((m_displayMode == DisplayX) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH))) { if (m_markers1.size() < 2) { m_markers1.push_back(ScopeMarker()); m_markers1.back().m_point = p1; m_markers1.back().m_time = p1.x() * m_x1Scale.getRange() + m_x1Scale.getRangeMin(); m_markers1.back().m_value = (1.0f - p1.y()) * m_y1Scale.getRange() + m_y1Scale.getRangeMin(); m_markers1.back().m_timeStr = displayScaled(m_markers1.back().m_time, 'f', 1); m_markers1.back().m_valueStr = displayScaled(m_markers1.back().m_value, 'f', 1); if (m_markers1.size() > 1) { float deltaTime = m_markers1.back().m_time - m_markers1.at(0).m_time; float deltaValue = m_markers1.back().m_value - m_markers1.at(0).m_value; m_markers1.back().m_timeDeltaStr = displayScaled(deltaTime, 'f', 1); m_markers1.back().m_valueDeltaStr = displayScaled(deltaValue, 'f', 1); } qDebug("GLScope::mousePressEvent: M1: t: %f v: %f", m_markers1.back().m_time, m_markers1.back().m_value); doUpdate = true; } } if ((p2.x() >= 0) && (p2.y() >= 0) && (p2.x() <= 1) && (p2.y() <= 1) && ((m_displayMode == DisplayY) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH))) { if (m_markers2.size() < 2) { m_markers2.push_back(ScopeMarker()); m_markers2.back().m_point = p2; m_markers2.back().m_time = p2.x() * m_x2Scale.getRange() + m_x2Scale.getRangeMin(); m_markers2.back().m_value = (1.0f - p2.y()) * m_y2Scale.getRange() + m_y2Scale.getRangeMin(); m_markers2.back().m_timeStr = displayScaled(m_markers2.back().m_time, 'f', 1); m_markers2.back().m_valueStr = displayScaled(m_markers2.back().m_value, 'f', 1); if (m_markers2.size() > 1) { float deltaTime = m_markers2.back().m_time - m_markers2.at(0).m_time; float deltaValue = m_markers2.back().m_value - m_markers2.at(0).m_value; m_markers2.back().m_timeDeltaStr = displayScaled(deltaTime, 'f', 1); m_markers2.back().m_valueDeltaStr = displayScaled(deltaValue, 'f', 1); } qDebug("GLScope::mousePressEvent: M2: t: %f v: %f", m_markers2.back().m_time, m_markers2.back().m_value); doUpdate = true; } } } } if (doUpdate) { update(); } } QString GLScope::displayScaled(float value, char type, int precision) { float posValue = (value < 0) ? -value : value; if (posValue == 0) { return tr("%1").arg(QString::number(value, 'f', precision)); } else if (posValue < 1) { if (posValue > 0.001) { return tr("%1m").arg(QString::number(value * 1000.0, type, precision)); } else if (posValue > 0.000001) { return tr("%1u").arg(QString::number(value * 1000000.0, type, precision)); } else if (posValue > 1e-9) { return tr("%1n").arg(QString::number(value * 1e9, type, precision)); } else if (posValue > 1e-12) { return tr("%1p").arg(QString::number(value * 1e12, type, precision)); } else { return tr("%1").arg(QString::number(value, 'e', precision)); } } else { if (posValue < 1000) { return tr("%1").arg(QString::number(value, type, precision)); } else if (posValue < 1000000) { return tr("%1k").arg(QString::number(value / 1000.0, type, precision)); } else if (posValue < 1000000000) { return tr("%1M").arg(QString::number(value / 1000000.0, type, precision)); } else if (posValue < 1000000000000) { return tr("%1G").arg(QString::number(value / 1000000000.0, type, precision)); } else { return tr("%1").arg(QString::number(value, 'e', precision)); } } }