/* This file is a part of JRTPLIB Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Jori Liesenborgs Contact: jori.liesenborgs@gmail.com This library was developed at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (http://www.edm.uhasselt.be), a research center of the Hasselt University (http://www.uhasselt.be). The library is based upon work done for my thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology (Belgium/The Netherlands). Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * \file rtpudpv6transmitter.h */ #ifndef RTPUDPV6TRANSMITTER_H #define RTPUDPV6TRANSMITTER_H #include "rtpconfig.h" #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_IPV6 #include "rtptransmitter.h" #include "rtpipv6destination.h" #include "rtphashtable.h" #include "rtpkeyhashtable.h" #include "rtpsocketutil.h" #include "rtpabortdescriptors.h" #include #include #define RTPUDPV6TRANS_HASHSIZE 8317 #define RTPUDPV6TRANS_DEFAULTPORTBASE 5000 #define RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTPRECEIVEBUFFER 32768 #define RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTCPRECEIVEBUFFER 32768 #define RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTPTRANSMITBUFFER 32768 #define RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTCPTRANSMITBUFFER 32768 namespace qrtplib { /** Parameters for the UDP over IPv6 transmitter. */ class JRTPLIB_IMPORTEXPORT RTPUDPv6TransmissionParams : public RTPTransmissionParams { public: RTPUDPv6TransmissionParams(); /** Sets the IP address which is used to bind the sockets to \c ip. */ void SetBindIP(in6_addr ip) { bindIP = ip; } /** Sets the multicast interface index. */ void SetMulticastInterfaceIndex(unsigned int idx) { mcastifidx = idx; } /** Sets the RTP portbase to \c pbase. This has to be an even number. */ void SetPortbase(uint16_t pbase) { portbase = pbase; } /** Sets the multicast TTL to be used to \c mcastTTL. */ void SetMulticastTTL(uint8_t mcastTTL) { multicastTTL = mcastTTL; } /** Passes a list of IP addresses which will be used as the local IP addresses. */ void SetLocalIPList(std::list &iplist) { localIPs = iplist; } /** Clears the list of local IP addresses. * Clears the list of local IP addresses. An empty list will make the transmission component * itself determine the local IP addresses. */ void ClearLocalIPList() { localIPs.clear(); } /** Returns the IP address which will be used to bind the sockets. */ in6_addr GetBindIP() const { return bindIP; } /** Returns the multicast interface index. */ unsigned int GetMulticastInterfaceIndex() const { return mcastifidx; } /** Returns the RTP portbase which will be used (default is 5000). */ uint16_t GetPortbase() const { return portbase; } /** Returns the multicast TTL which will be used (default is 1). */ uint8_t GetMulticastTTL() const { return multicastTTL; } /** Returns the list of local IP addresses. */ const std::list &GetLocalIPList() const { return localIPs; } /** Sets the RTP socket's send buffer size. */ void SetRTPSendBuffer(int s) { rtpsendbuf = s; } /** Sets the RTP socket's receive buffer size. */ void SetRTPReceiveBuffer(int s) { rtprecvbuf = s; } /** Sets the RTCP socket's send buffer size. */ void SetRTCPSendBuffer(int s) { rtcpsendbuf = s; } /** Sets the RTCP socket's receive buffer size. */ void SetRTCPReceiveBuffer(int s) { rtcprecvbuf = s; } /** If non null, the specified abort descriptors will be used to cancel * the function that's waiting for packets to arrive; set to null (the default * to let the transmitter create its own instance. */ void SetCreatedAbortDescriptors(RTPAbortDescriptors *desc) { m_pAbortDesc = desc; } /** Returns the RTP socket's send buffer size. */ int GetRTPSendBuffer() const { return rtpsendbuf; } /** Returns the RTP socket's receive buffer size. */ int GetRTPReceiveBuffer() const { return rtprecvbuf; } /** Returns the RTCP socket's send buffer size. */ int GetRTCPSendBuffer() const { return rtcpsendbuf; } /** Returns the RTCP socket's receive buffer size. */ int GetRTCPReceiveBuffer() const { return rtcprecvbuf; } /** If non-null, this RTPAbortDescriptors instance will be used internally, * which can be useful when creating your own poll thread for multiple * sessions. */ RTPAbortDescriptors *GetCreatedAbortDescriptors() const { return m_pAbortDesc; } private: uint16_t portbase; in6_addr bindIP; unsigned int mcastifidx; std::list localIPs; uint8_t multicastTTL; int rtpsendbuf, rtprecvbuf; int rtcpsendbuf, rtcprecvbuf; RTPAbortDescriptors *m_pAbortDesc; }; inline RTPUDPv6TransmissionParams::RTPUDPv6TransmissionParams() : RTPTransmissionParams(RTPTransmitter::IPv6UDPProto) { portbase = RTPUDPV6TRANS_DEFAULTPORTBASE; for (int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) bindIP.s6_addr[i] = 0; multicastTTL = 1; mcastifidx = 0; rtpsendbuf = RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTPTRANSMITBUFFER; rtprecvbuf= RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTPRECEIVEBUFFER; rtcpsendbuf = RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTCPTRANSMITBUFFER; rtcprecvbuf = RTPUDPV6TRANS_RTCPRECEIVEBUFFER; m_pAbortDesc = 0; } /** Additional information about the UDP over IPv6 transmitter. */ class JRTPLIB_IMPORTEXPORT RTPUDPv6TransmissionInfo : public RTPTransmissionInfo { public: RTPUDPv6TransmissionInfo(std::list iplist, SocketType rtpsock, SocketType rtcpsock, uint16_t rtpport, uint16_t rtcpport) : RTPTransmissionInfo(RTPTransmitter::IPv6UDPProto) { localIPlist = iplist; rtpsocket = rtpsock; rtcpsocket = rtcpsock; m_rtpPort = rtpport; m_rtcpPort = rtcpport; } ~RTPUDPv6TransmissionInfo() { } /** Returns the list of IPv6 addresses the transmitter considers to be the local IP addresses. */ std::list GetLocalIPList() const { return localIPlist; } /** Returns the socket descriptor used for receiving and transmitting RTP packets. */ SocketType GetRTPSocket() const { return rtpsocket; } /** Returns the socket descriptor used for receiving and transmitting RTCP packets. */ SocketType GetRTCPSocket() const { return rtcpsocket; } /** Returns the port number that the RTP socket receives packets on. */ uint16_t GetRTPPort() const { return m_rtpPort; } /** Returns the port number that the RTCP socket receives packets on. */ uint16_t GetRTCPPort() const { return m_rtcpPort; } private: std::list localIPlist; SocketType rtpsocket,rtcpsocket; uint16_t m_rtpPort, m_rtcpPort; }; class JRTPLIB_IMPORTEXPORT RTPUDPv6Trans_GetHashIndex_IPv6Dest { public: static int GetIndex(const RTPIPv6Destination &d) { in6_addr ip = d.GetIP(); return ((((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[12])<<24)|(((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[13])<<16)|(((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[14])<<8)|((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[15]))%RTPUDPV6TRANS_HASHSIZE; } }; class JRTPLIB_IMPORTEXPORT RTPUDPv6Trans_GetHashIndex_in6_addr { public: static int GetIndex(const in6_addr &ip) { return ((((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[12])<<24)|(((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[13])<<16)|(((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[14])<<8)|((uint32_t)ip.s6_addr[15]))%RTPUDPV6TRANS_HASHSIZE; } }; #define RTPUDPV6TRANS_HEADERSIZE (40+8) /** An UDP over IPv6 transmitter. * This class inherits the RTPTransmitter interface and implements a transmission component * which uses UDP over IPv6 to send and receive RTP and RTCP data. The component's parameters * are described by the class RTPUDPv6TransmissionParams. The functions which have an RTPAddress * argument require an argument of RTPIPv6Address. The GetTransmissionInfo member function * returns an instance of type RTPUDPv6TransmissionInfo. */ class JRTPLIB_IMPORTEXPORT RTPUDPv6Transmitter : public RTPTransmitter { public: RTPUDPv6Transmitter(RTPMemoryManager *mgr); ~RTPUDPv6Transmitter(); int Init(bool treadsafe); int Create(size_t maxpacksize,const RTPTransmissionParams *transparams); void Destroy(); RTPTransmissionInfo *GetTransmissionInfo(); void DeleteTransmissionInfo(RTPTransmissionInfo *inf); int GetLocalHostName(uint8_t *buffer,size_t *bufferlength); bool ComesFromThisTransmitter(const RTPAddress *addr); size_t GetHeaderOverhead() { return RTPUDPV6TRANS_HEADERSIZE; } int Poll(); int WaitForIncomingData(const RTPTime &delay,bool *dataavailable = 0); int AbortWait(); int SendRTPData(const void *data,size_t len); int SendRTCPData(const void *data,size_t len); int AddDestination(const RTPAddress &addr); int DeleteDestination(const RTPAddress &addr); void ClearDestinations(); bool SupportsMulticasting(); int JoinMulticastGroup(const RTPAddress &addr); int LeaveMulticastGroup(const RTPAddress &addr); void LeaveAllMulticastGroups(); int SetReceiveMode(RTPTransmitter::ReceiveMode m); int AddToIgnoreList(const RTPAddress &addr); int DeleteFromIgnoreList(const RTPAddress &addr); void ClearIgnoreList(); int AddToAcceptList(const RTPAddress &addr); int DeleteFromAcceptList(const RTPAddress &addr); void ClearAcceptList(); int SetMaximumPacketSize(size_t s); bool NewDataAvailable(); RTPRawPacket *GetNextPacket(); private: int CreateLocalIPList(); bool GetLocalIPList_Interfaces(); void GetLocalIPList_DNS(); void AddLoopbackAddress(); void FlushPackets(); int PollSocket(bool rtp); int ProcessAddAcceptIgnoreEntry(in6_addr ip,uint16_t port); int ProcessDeleteAcceptIgnoreEntry(in6_addr ip,uint16_t port); #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_IPV6MULTICAST bool SetMulticastTTL(uint8_t ttl); #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_IPV6MULTICAST bool ShouldAcceptData(in6_addr srcip,uint16_t srcport); void ClearAcceptIgnoreInfo(); bool init; bool created; bool waitingfordata; SocketType rtpsock,rtcpsock; in6_addr bindIP; unsigned int mcastifidx; std::list localIPs; uint16_t portbase; uint8_t multicastTTL; RTPTransmitter::ReceiveMode receivemode; uint8_t *localhostname; size_t localhostnamelength; RTPHashTable destinations; #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_IPV6MULTICAST RTPHashTable multicastgroups; #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_IPV6MULTICAST std::list rawpacketlist; bool supportsmulticasting; size_t maxpacksize; class PortInfo { public: PortInfo() { all = false; } bool all; std::list portlist; }; RTPKeyHashTable acceptignoreinfo; RTPAbortDescriptors m_abortDesc; RTPAbortDescriptors *m_pAbortDesc; }; } // end namespace #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_IPV6 #endif // RTPUDPV6TRANSMITTER_H