ChirpChatModSettings: description: ChirpChatMod properties: inputFrequencyOffset: type: integer format: int64 bandwidthIndex: type: integer description: > standard bandwidths index: * 0 - 375 Hz (384000 / 1024) * 1 - 750 Hz (384000 / 512) * 2 - 1500 Hz (384000 / 256) * 3 - 2604 Hz (333333 / 128) * 4 - 3125 Hz (400000 / 128) * 5 - 3906 Hz (500000 / 128) * 6 - 5208 Hz (333333 / 64) * 7 - 6250 Hz (400000 / 64) * 8 - 7813 Hz (500000 / 64) * 9 - 10417 Hz (333333 / 32) * 10 - 12500 Hz (400000 / 32) * 11 - 15625 Hz (500000 / 32) * 12 - 20833 Hz (333333 / 16) * 13 - 25000 Hz (400000 / 16) * 14 - 31250 Hz (500000 / 16) * 15 - 41667 Hz (333333 / 8) * 16 - 50000 Hz (400000 / 8) * 17 - 62500 Hz (500000 / 8) * 18 - 83333 Hz (333333 / 4) * 19 - 100000 Hz (400000 / 4) * 20 - 125000 Hz (500000 / 4) * 21 - 166667 Hz (333333 / 2) * 22 - 200000 Hz (400000 / 2) * 23 - 250000 Hz (500000 / 2) * 24 - 333333 Hz (333333 / 1) * 25 - 400000 Hz (400000 / 1) * 26 - 500000 Hz (500000 / 1) spreadFactor: type: integer deBits: description: Low data rate optmize (DE) bits i.e. nb of FFT bins per effective symbol type: integer preambleChirps: description: Number of preamble chirps type: integer quietMillis: description: Number of milliseconds to pause between transmissions type: integer syncWord: description: 2 byte (0..65535) synchronization syncWord type: integer channelMute: description: boolean type: integer codingScheme: type: integer description: > message encoding scheme (ChirpChatModSettings::CodingScheme): * 0 - LoRa * 1 - Plain ASCII (7 bit) * 2 - Teletype (5 bit Baudot) a.k.a TTY nbParityBits: description: Hamming FEC parity bits (LoRa) type: integer hasCRC: description: Payload has CRC (LoRa) type: integer hasHeader: description: Header present before actual payload (LoRa) type: integer myCall: description: own callsign placeholder (QSO mode) type: string urCall: description: other party callsign placeholder (QSO mode) type: string myLoc: description: own QRA locator (QSO mode) type: string myRpt: description: report sent to other party (QSO mode) type: string messageType: type: integer description: > type of message to send (ChirpChatModSettings::MessageType): * 0 - No message i.e no output. Use this as a transition to resend the same message. * 1 - Beacon. Sends message specified in beaconMessage * 2 - CQ call. Sends message specified in cqMessage * 3 - Reply to CQ call. Sends message specified in replyMessage * 4 - Report to callee. Sends message specified in reportMessage * 5 - Report to caller. Sends message specified in replyReportMessage * 6 - RRR to callee. Sends message specified in rrrMessage * 7 - 73 to caller. Sends message specified in message73 * 8 - Random message with callsigns. Sends message specified in qsoTextMessage * 9 - Plain text. Sends message specified in textMessage * 10 - Binary payload. Sends bytes specified in bytesMessage beaconMessage: description: text message to be sent (repeatedly) as a beaconMessage type: string cqMessage: description: general call message (QSO mode) type: string replyMessage: description: reply to caller message (QSO mode) type: string reportMessage: description: report to callee message (QSO mode) type: string replyReportMessage: description: report back to caller message (QSO mode) type: string rrrMessage: description: caller RRR message (QSO mode) type: string message73: description: 73 message back to caller to close QSO (QSO mode) type: string qsoTextMessage: description: QSO random message exchange (QSO mode) type: string textMessage: description: freeform text message type: string bytesMessage: description: message to send as an array of hex string represented bytes (00..FF) type: array items: type: string messageRepeat: description: number of repetitions of the same message (0 for infinite) type: integer udpEnabled: description: boolean 1 to enable forwarding messages via UDP else 0 type: integer udpAddress: description: UDP address to listen for messages to transmit on type: string udpPort: description: UDP port to listen for messages to transmit on type: integer rgbColor: type: integer title: type: string streamIndex: description: MIMO channel. Not relevant when connected to SI (single Rx). type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer reverseAPIChannelIndex: type: integer channelMarker: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/ChannelMarker.yaml#/ChannelMarker" rollupState: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RollupState.yaml#/RollupState" ChirpChatModReport: description: ChirpChatMod properties: channelPowerDB: description: power transmitted in channel (dB) type: number format: float channelSampleRate: type: integer symbolTimeMs: description: symbol duration (ms) type: number format: float payloadTimeMs: description: payload duration (ms) type: number format: float totalTimeMs: description: total message duration inc. preamble and SFD (ms) type: number format: float playing: type: integer description: > Boolean - modulator is active (playing) including idle time * 0 - Modulator not active * 1 - Modulator active