SatelliteTrackerSettingsDialog 0 0 487 543 9 Satellite Tracker Settings 0 Passes Antenna height (m ASL) Height of antenna location above sea level in metres -1000 20000 Number of days ahead for which passes should be predicted in 1 365 Minimum elevation for AOS (°) Enter a minimum elevation in degrees for which AOS (Acquisition of Signal) will be indicated -90 90 Minimum elevation for pass (°) Enter a minimum elevation in degrees a satellite must reach in a pass 90 Passes must start after Passes must finish before Rotator maximum azimuth (°) Maximum azimuth angle of rotator in degrees 360 720 90 450 Rotator maximum elevation (°) Maximum elevation angle of rotator in degrees 180 90 180 AOS speech warning Text to say when a satellite signal is acquired LOS speech warning Text to say when a satellite signal is lost AOS command Program / script to execute on AOS LOS command Program / script to execute on LOS Doppler period (s) Enter the time in seconds between each Doppler correction 0.010000000000000 100.000000000000000 10.000000000000000 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Prediction period (days) TLEs Satellite Two Line Element (TLE) sources QAbstractItemView::DoubleClicked|QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed|QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked Add TLE + Remove selected TLE - Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Display When checked times are dispayed using UTC rather than the local time zone Display times in UTC Ground track points Default frequency (MHz) Date format Format for dates displayed in the GUI Units used for displaying azimuth and elevation. Either degrees, minutes and seconds or decimal degrees. false ° ' " ° ' ° Decimal Frequency used for Doppler and free space path loss calculations in the satellite table 3 1.000000000000000 50000.000000000000000 100.000000000000000 100.000000000000000 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Update period (s) Azimuth and elevation units Enter the time in seconds between each calculation of the target's position 3600.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 Number of points in ground tracks (more points result in smoother curves) 10 360 When checked satellite positions are sent to the map Draw satellites on map Select which rotators are displayed on the polar chart All None Matching target Rotators in polar chart Replay Enable replay Enable replay of a pass in the past, by starting with the chosen date and time Start date and time Set date and time to the displayed value when Satellite Tracker's start button is pressed 2021 1 1 dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss true Send time to map Send time to Map feature when Satellite Tracker's start button is pressed Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok tabWidget height predictionPeriod minimumAOSElevation minimumPassElevation passStartTime passFinishTime rotatorMaximumAzimuth rotatorMaximumElevation aosSpeech losSpeech aosCommand losCommand dopplerPeriod tles addTle removeTle updatePeriod defaultFrequency azElUnits groundTrackPoints dateFormat utc drawOnMap buttonBox accepted() SatelliteTrackerSettingsDialog accept() 257 533 157 274 buttonBox rejected() SatelliteTrackerSettingsDialog reject() 325 533 286 274