/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "remotesourceworker.h" #include "remotesourcesource.h" RemoteSourceSource::RemoteSourceSource() : m_running(false), m_sourceWorker(nullptr), m_nbCorrectableErrors(0), m_nbUncorrectableErrors(0), m_channelSampleRate(48000) { connect(&m_dataQueue, SIGNAL(dataBlockEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleData()), Qt::QueuedConnection); m_cm256p = m_cm256.isInitialized() ? &m_cm256 : 0; m_currentMeta.init(); m_dataReadQueue.setSize(20); applyChannelSettings(m_channelSampleRate, true); } RemoteSourceSource::~RemoteSourceSource() { stop(); } void RemoteSourceSource::pull(SampleVector::iterator begin, unsigned int nbSamples) { std::for_each( begin, begin + nbSamples, [this](Sample& s) { pullOne(s); } ); } void RemoteSourceSource::pullOne(Sample& sample) { m_dataReadQueue.readSample(sample, true); } void RemoteSourceSource::start() { qDebug("RemoteSourceSource::start"); if (m_running) { stop(); } m_sourceWorker = new RemoteSourceWorker(&m_dataQueue); m_sourceWorker->moveToThread(&m_sourceWorkerThread); startWorker(); m_sourceWorker->dataBind(m_settings.m_dataAddress, m_settings.m_dataPort); m_running = true; } void RemoteSourceSource::stop() { qDebug("RemoteSourceSource::stop"); if (m_sourceWorker) { stopWorker(); m_sourceWorker->deleteLater(); m_sourceWorker = nullptr; } m_running = false; } void RemoteSourceSource::startWorker() { m_sourceWorker->startWork(); m_sourceWorkerThread.start(); } void RemoteSourceSource::stopWorker() { m_sourceWorker->stopWork(); m_sourceWorkerThread.quit(); m_sourceWorkerThread.wait(); } void RemoteSourceSource::handleData() { RemoteDataFrame* dataFrame; while (m_running && ((dataFrame = m_dataQueue.pop()) != nullptr)) { handleDataFrame(dataFrame); } } void RemoteSourceSource::handleDataFrame(RemoteDataFrame* dataFrame) { if (dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_blockCount < RemoteNbOrginalBlocks) { qWarning("RemoteSourceSource::handleDataFrame: incomplete data frame (%d): not processing", dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_blockCount); } else { int blockCount = 0; for (int blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < 256; blockIndex++) { if ((blockIndex == 0) && (dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_metaRetrieved)) { m_cm256DescriptorBlocks[blockCount].Index = 0; m_cm256DescriptorBlocks[blockCount].Block = (void *) &(dataFrame->m_superBlocks[0].m_protectedBlock); blockCount++; } else if (dataFrame->m_superBlocks[blockIndex].m_header.m_blockIndex != 0) { m_cm256DescriptorBlocks[blockCount].Index = dataFrame->m_superBlocks[blockIndex].m_header.m_blockIndex; m_cm256DescriptorBlocks[blockCount].Block = (void *) &(dataFrame->m_superBlocks[blockIndex].m_protectedBlock); blockCount++; } } //qDebug("RemoteSourceSource::handleDataFrame: frame: %u blocks: %d", dataFrame.m_rxControlBlock.m_frameIndex, blockCount); // Need to use the CM256 recovery if (m_cm256p &&(dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_originalCount < RemoteNbOrginalBlocks)) { qDebug("RemoteSourceSource::handleDataFrame: %d recovery blocks", dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_recoveryCount); CM256::cm256_encoder_params paramsCM256; paramsCM256.BlockBytes = sizeof(RemoteProtectedBlock); // never changes paramsCM256.OriginalCount = RemoteNbOrginalBlocks; // never changes if (m_currentMeta.m_tv_sec == 0) { paramsCM256.RecoveryCount = dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_recoveryCount; } else { paramsCM256.RecoveryCount = m_currentMeta.m_nbFECBlocks; } // update counters if (dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_originalCount < RemoteNbOrginalBlocks - paramsCM256.RecoveryCount) { m_nbUncorrectableErrors += RemoteNbOrginalBlocks - paramsCM256.RecoveryCount - dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_originalCount; } else { m_nbCorrectableErrors += dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_recoveryCount; } if (m_cm256.cm256_decode(paramsCM256, m_cm256DescriptorBlocks)) // CM256 decode { qWarning() << "RemoteSourceSource::handleDataFrame: decode CM256 error:" << " m_originalCount: " << dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_originalCount << " m_recoveryCount: " << dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_recoveryCount; } else { for (int ir = 0; ir < dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_recoveryCount; ir++) // restore missing blocks { int recoveryIndex = RemoteNbOrginalBlocks - dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_recoveryCount + ir; int blockIndex = m_cm256DescriptorBlocks[recoveryIndex].Index; RemoteProtectedBlock *recoveredBlock = (RemoteProtectedBlock *) m_cm256DescriptorBlocks[recoveryIndex].Block; memcpy((void *) &(dataFrame->m_superBlocks[blockIndex].m_protectedBlock), recoveredBlock, sizeof(RemoteProtectedBlock)); if ((blockIndex == 0) && !dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_metaRetrieved) { dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_metaRetrieved = true; } } } } // Validate block zero and retrieve its data if (dataFrame->m_rxControlBlock.m_metaRetrieved) { RemoteMetaDataFEC *metaData = (RemoteMetaDataFEC *) &(dataFrame->m_superBlocks[0].m_protectedBlock); boost::crc_32_type crc32; crc32.process_bytes(metaData, sizeof(RemoteMetaDataFEC)-4); if (crc32.checksum() == metaData->m_crc32) { if (!(m_currentMeta == *metaData)) { printMeta("RemoteSourceSource::handleDataFrame", metaData); if (m_currentMeta.m_sampleRate != metaData->m_sampleRate) { emit newRemoteSampleRate(metaData->m_sampleRate); // returns via applyChannelSettings to set interpolator } } m_currentMeta = *metaData; } else { qWarning() << "RemoteSource::handleDataFrame: recovered meta: invalid CRC32"; } } m_dataReadQueue.push(dataFrame); // Push into R/W buffer } } void RemoteSourceSource::printMeta(const QString& header, RemoteMetaDataFEC *metaData) { qDebug().noquote() << header << ": " << "|" << metaData->m_centerFrequency << ":" << metaData->m_sampleRate << ":" << (int) (metaData->m_sampleBytes & 0xF) << ":" << (int) metaData->m_sampleBits << ":" << (int) metaData->m_nbOriginalBlocks << ":" << (int) metaData->m_nbFECBlocks << "|" << metaData->m_deviceIndex << ":" << metaData->m_channelIndex << "|" << metaData->m_tv_sec << ":" << metaData->m_tv_usec << "|"; } void RemoteSourceSource::dataBind(const QString& dataAddress, uint16_t dataPort) { if (m_sourceWorker) { m_sourceWorker->dataBind(dataAddress, dataPort); } m_settings.m_dataAddress = dataAddress; m_settings.m_dataPort = dataPort; } void RemoteSourceSource::applyChannelSettings(int channelSampleRate, bool force) { qDebug() << "RemoteSourceSource::applyChannelSettings:" << " channelSampleRate: " << channelSampleRate << " force: " << force; m_channelSampleRate = channelSampleRate; }