/* * kissagc.h * * Created on: May 12, 2015 * Author: f4exb */ #ifndef INCLUDE_GPL_DSP_AGC_H_ #define INCLUDE_GPL_DSP_AGC_H_ #include "movingaverage.h" #include "util/movingaverage.h" #include "export.h" class SDRBASE_API AGC { public: AGC(int historySize, double R); virtual ~AGC(); void resize(int historySize, double R); void setOrder(double R) { m_R = R; } Real getValue(); Real getAverage(); virtual void feed(Complex& ci) = 0; protected: double m_u0; //!< AGC factor double m_R; //!< ordered magnitude MovingAverage m_moving_average; //!< Averaging engine. The stack length conditions the smoothness of AGC. int m_historySize; //!< Averaging length (attack) int m_count; //!< Samples counter }; class SDRBASE_API MagAGC : public AGC { public: MagAGC(int historySize, double R, double threshold); virtual ~MagAGC(); void setSquared(bool squared) { m_squared = squared; } void resize(int historySize, Real R); void setOrder(double R); virtual void feed(Complex& ci); double feedAndGetValue(const Complex& ci); double getMagSq() const { return m_magsq; } void setThreshold(double threshold) { m_threshold = threshold; } void setThresholdEnable(bool enable); void setGate(int gate) { m_gate = gate; } void setStepDownDelay(int stepDownDelay) { m_stepDownDelay = stepDownDelay; } void setClamping(bool clamping) { m_clamping = clamping; } void setClampMax(double clampMax) { m_clampMax = clampMax; } private: bool m_squared; //!< use squared magnitude (power) to compute AGC value double m_magsq; //!< current squared magnitude (power) double m_threshold; //!< squelch on magsq average bool m_thresholdEnable; //!< enable squelch on power threshold int m_gate; //!< power threshold gate in number of samples int m_stepLength; //!< transition step length in number of samples double m_stepDelta; //!< transition step unit by sample int m_stepUpCounter; //!< step up transition samples counter int m_stepDownCounter; //!< step down transition samples counter int m_gateCounter; //!< threshold gate samples counter int m_stepDownDelay; //!< delay in samples before cutoff (release) bool m_clamping; //!< clamping active double m_R2; //!< square of ordered magnitude double m_clampMax; //!< maximum to clamp to as power value }; template class SimpleAGC { public: SimpleAGC(Real initial, Real cutoff=0, Real clip=0) : m_cutoff(cutoff), m_clip(clip), m_moving_average(AvgSize, initial) { } void resize(Real initial, Real cutoff=0, Real clip=0) { m_cutoff = cutoff; m_clip = clip; m_moving_average.resize(AvgSize, initial); } void fill(double value) { m_moving_average.fill(value); } Real getValue() { if ((Real) m_moving_average.average() > m_clip) { return (Real) m_moving_average.average(); } else { return m_clip; } } void feed(Real value) { if (value > m_cutoff) { m_moving_average.feed(value); } } private: Real m_cutoff; // consider samples only above this level Real m_clip; // never go below this level MovingAverage m_moving_average; // Averaging engine. The stack length conditions the smoothness of AGC. //MovingAverageUtil m_moving_average; }; #endif /* INCLUDE_GPL_DSP_AGC_H_ */