/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "czml.h" #include "mapsettings.h" #include "mapmodel.h" #include "util/coordinates.h" const QStringList CZML::m_heightReferences = {"NONE", "CLAMP_TO_GROUND", "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", "CLIP_TO_GROUND"}; CZML::CZML(const MapSettings *settings) : m_settings(settings) { } // Set position from which distance filter is calculated void CZML::setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate& position) { m_position = position; } bool CZML::filter(const MapItem *mapItem) const { return ( !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterName.isEmpty() && !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterNameRE.match(mapItem->m_name).hasMatch() ) || ( (mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterDistance > 0) && (m_position.distanceTo(QGeoCoordinate(mapItem->m_latitude, mapItem->m_longitude, mapItem->m_altitude)) > mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterDistance) ); } QJsonObject CZML::init() { QString start = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate); QString stop = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(60*60).toString(Qt::ISODate); QString interval = QString("%1/%2").arg(start).arg(stop); QJsonObject spec { {"interval", interval}, {"currentTime", start}, {"range", "UNBOUNDED"} }; QJsonObject doc { {"id", "document"}, {"version", "1.0"}, {"clock", spec} }; return doc; } QJsonObject CZML::update(PolygonMapItem *mapItem) { QString id = mapItem->m_name; QJsonObject obj { {"id", id} // id must be unique }; if ( !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled || !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DTrack || filter(mapItem) || mapItem->m_deleted ) { // Delete obj completely (including any history) obj.insert("delete", true); return obj; } // Need to use perPositionHeight for vertical polygons bool perPosition = mapItem->m_extrudedHeight == 0; QJsonArray positions; for (const auto c : mapItem->m_points) { positions.append(c->longitude()); positions.append(c->latitude()); positions.append(c->altitude()); } QJsonObject positionList { {"cartographicDegrees", positions}, }; QColor color; if (mapItem->m_colorValid) { color = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_color); } else { color = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DTrackColor); } QJsonArray colorRGBA { color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(), color.alpha() }; QJsonObject colorObj { {"rgba", colorRGBA} }; QJsonObject solidColor { {"color", colorObj}, }; QJsonObject material { {"solidColor", solidColor} }; QJsonArray outlineColorRGBA { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; QJsonObject outlineColor { {"rgba", outlineColorRGBA} }; QJsonObject polygon { {"positions", positionList}, {"material", material}, {"outline", true}, {"outlineColor", outlineColor}, }; if (perPosition) { polygon.insert("perPositionHeight", true); if (mapItem->m_altitudeReference != 0) { polygon.insert("altitudeReference", m_heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]); // Custom code in map3d.html } } else { polygon.insert("height", mapItem->m_altitude); polygon.insert("heightReference", m_heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]); polygon.insert("extrudedHeight", mapItem->m_extrudedHeight); } // We need to have a position, otherwise viewer entity tracking doesn't seem to work QJsonArray coords { mapItem->m_longitude, mapItem->m_latitude, mapItem->m_altitude }; QJsonObject position { {"cartographicDegrees", coords}, }; obj.insert("position", position); obj.insert("polygon", polygon); obj.insert("description", mapItem->m_label); //qDebug() << "Polygon " << obj; return obj; } QJsonObject CZML::update(PolylineMapItem *mapItem) { QString id = mapItem->m_name; QJsonObject obj { {"id", id} // id must be unique }; if ( !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled || !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DTrack || filter(mapItem) || mapItem->m_deleted ) { // Delete obj completely (including any history) obj.insert("delete", true); return obj; } QJsonArray positions; for (const auto c : mapItem->m_points) { positions.append(c->longitude()); positions.append(c->latitude()); positions.append(c->altitude()); } QJsonObject positionList { {"cartographicDegrees", positions}, }; QColor color; if (mapItem->m_colorValid) { color = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_color); } else { color = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DTrackColor); } QJsonArray colorRGBA { color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(), color.alpha() }; QJsonObject colorObj { {"rgba", colorRGBA} }; QJsonObject solidColor { {"color", colorObj}, }; QJsonObject material { {"solidColor", solidColor} }; QJsonObject polyline { {"positions", positionList}, {"material", material} }; polyline.insert("clampToGround", mapItem->m_altitudeReference == 1); if (mapItem->m_altitudeReference == 3) { polyline.insert("altitudeReference", m_heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]); // Custom code in map3d.html } // We need to have a position, otherwise viewer entity tracking doesn't seem to work QJsonArray coords { mapItem->m_longitude, mapItem->m_latitude, mapItem->m_altitude }; QJsonObject position { {"cartographicDegrees", coords}, }; obj.insert("position", position); obj.insert("polyline", polyline); obj.insert("description", mapItem->m_label); //qDebug() << "Polyline " << obj; return obj; } QJsonObject CZML::update(ObjectMapItem *mapItem, bool isTarget, bool isSelected) { (void) isTarget; QString id = mapItem->m_name; QJsonObject obj { {"id", id} // id must be unique }; if (!mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled || filter(mapItem)) { // Delete obj completely (including any history) obj.insert("delete", true); return obj; } // Don't currently use CLIP_TO_GROUND in Cesium due to Jitter bug // https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/4049 // Instead we implement our own clipping code in map3d.html const QStringList heightReferences = {"NONE", "CLAMP_TO_GROUND", "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", "NONE"}; QString dt; if (mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.size() > 0) { dt = mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.last()->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs); } else { dt = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs); } // Keep a hash of the time we first saw each item bool existingId = m_ids.contains(id); if (!existingId) { m_ids.insert(id, dt); } bool removeObj = false; bool fixedPosition = mapItem->m_fixedPosition; if (mapItem->m_image == "") { // Need to remove this from the map (but history is retained) removeObj = true; } QJsonArray coords; if (!removeObj) { if (!fixedPosition && (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 0)) { QListIterator i(mapItem->m_takenTrackCoords); QListIterator j(mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes); while (i.hasNext()) { QGeoCoordinate *c = i.next(); coords.append(j.next()->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); coords.append(c->longitude()); coords.append(c->latitude()); coords.append(c->altitude()); } if (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 0) { QListIterator k(mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords); QListIterator l(mapItem->m_predictedTrackDateTimes); k.toBack(); l.toBack(); while (k.hasPrevious()) { QGeoCoordinate *c = k.previous(); coords.append(l.previous()->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); coords.append(c->longitude()); coords.append(c->latitude()); coords.append(c->altitude()); } } } else { // Only send latest position, to reduce processing if (!fixedPosition && mapItem->m_positionDateTime.isValid()) { coords.push_back(mapItem->m_positionDateTime.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); } coords.push_back(mapItem->m_longitude); coords.push_back(mapItem->m_latitude); coords.push_back(mapItem->m_altitude); } } else { coords = m_lastPosition.value(id); } QJsonObject position { {"cartographicDegrees", coords}, }; if (!fixedPosition) { // Don't use forward extrapolation for satellites (with predicted tracks), as // it seems to jump about. We use it for AIS and ADS-B that don't have predicted tracks if (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() == 0) { // Need 2 different positions to enable extrapolation, otherwise entity may not appear bool hasMoved = m_hasMoved.contains(id); if (!hasMoved && m_lastPosition.contains(id) && (m_lastPosition.value(id) != coords)) { hasMoved = true; m_hasMoved.insert(id, true); } if (hasMoved && (mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_extrapolate > 0)) { position.insert("forwardExtrapolationType", "EXTRAPOLATE"); position.insert("forwardExtrapolationDuration", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_extrapolate); // Use linear interpolation for now - other two can go crazy with aircraft on the ground //position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "HERMITE"); //position.insert("interpolationDegree", "2"); //position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE"); //position.insert("interpolationDegree", "5"); } else { position.insert("forwardExtrapolationType", "HOLD"); } } else { // Interpolation goes wrong at end points //position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE"); //position.insert("interpolationDegree", "5"); //position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "HERMITE"); //position.insert("interpolationDegree", "2"); } } QQuaternion q = Coordinates::orientation(mapItem->m_longitude, mapItem->m_latitude, mapItem->m_altitude, mapItem->m_heading, mapItem->m_pitch, mapItem->m_roll); QJsonArray quaternion; if (!fixedPosition && mapItem->m_orientationDateTime.isValid()) { quaternion.push_back(mapItem->m_orientationDateTime.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); } quaternion.push_back(q.x()); quaternion.push_back(q.y()); quaternion.push_back(q.z()); quaternion.push_back(q.scalar()); QJsonObject orientation { {"unitQuaternion", quaternion}, {"forwardExtrapolationType", "HOLD"}, // If we extrapolate, aircraft tend to spin around {"forwardExtrapolationDuration", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_extrapolate}, // {"interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE"} }; QJsonObject orientationPosition { {"velocityReference", "#position"}, }; QJsonObject noPosition { {"cartographicDegrees", coords}, {"forwardExtrapolationType", "NONE"} }; // Point QColor pointColor = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DPointColor); QJsonArray pointRGBA { pointColor.red(), pointColor.green(), pointColor.blue(), pointColor.alpha() }; QJsonObject pointColorObj { {"rgba", pointRGBA} }; QJsonObject point { {"pixelSize", 8}, {"color", pointColorObj}, {"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]}, {"show", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DPoint} }; // Model QJsonArray node0Cartesian { {0.0, mapItem->m_modelAltitudeOffset, 0.0} }; QJsonObject node0Translation { {"cartesian", node0Cartesian} }; QJsonObject node0Transform { {"translation", node0Translation} }; QJsonObject nodeTransforms { {"node0", node0Transform}, }; QJsonObject model { {"gltf", m_settings->m_modelURL + mapItem->m_model}, {"incrementallyLoadTextures", false}, // Aircraft will flash as they appear without textures if this is the default of true {"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]}, {"runAnimations", false}, {"show", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DModel}, {"minimumPixelSize", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DModelMinPixelSize}, {"maximumScale", 20000} // Stop it getting too big when zoomed really far out }; if (mapItem->m_modelAltitudeOffset != 0.0) { model.insert("nodeTransformations", nodeTransforms); } // Path QColor pathColor = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DTrackColor); QJsonArray pathColorRGBA { pathColor.red(), pathColor.green(), pathColor.blue(), pathColor.alpha() }; QJsonObject pathColorObj { {"rgba", pathColorRGBA} }; // Paths can't be clamped to ground, so AIS paths can be underground if terrain is used // See: https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/7133 QJsonObject pathSolidColorMaterial { {"color", pathColorObj} }; QJsonObject pathMaterial { {"solidColor", pathSolidColorMaterial} }; bool showPath = mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DTrack && ( m_settings->m_displayAllGroundTracks || (m_settings->m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && isSelected)); QJsonObject path { // We want full paths for sat tracker, so leadTime and trailTime should be 0 // Should be configurable.. 6000=100mins ~> 1 orbit for LEO //{"leadTime", "6000"}, //{"trailTime", "6000"}, {"width", "3"}, {"material", pathMaterial}, {"show", showPath} }; // Label // Prevent labels from being too cluttered when zoomed out // FIXME: These values should come from mapItem or mapItemSettings float displayDistanceMax = std::numeric_limits::max(); if ((mapItem->m_group == "Beacons") || (mapItem->m_group == "AM") || (mapItem->m_group == "FM") || (mapItem->m_group == "DAB") || (mapItem->m_group == "NavAid") ) { displayDistanceMax = 1000000; } else if ((mapItem->m_group == "Station") || (mapItem->m_group == "Radar") || (mapItem->m_group == "Radio Time Transmitters")) { displayDistanceMax = 10000000; } else if (mapItem->m_group == "Ionosonde Stations") { displayDistanceMax = 30000000; } QJsonArray labelPixelOffsetScaleArray { 1000000, 20, 10000000, 5 }; QJsonObject labelPixelOffsetScaleObject { {"nearFarScalar", labelPixelOffsetScaleArray} }; QJsonArray labelPixelOffsetArray { 1, 0 }; QJsonObject labelPixelOffset { {"cartesian2", labelPixelOffsetArray} }; QJsonArray labelEyeOffsetArray { 0, mapItem->m_labelAltitudeOffset, 0 // Position above the object, dependent on the height of the model }; QJsonObject labelEyeOffset { {"cartesian", labelEyeOffsetArray} }; QJsonObject labelHorizontalOrigin { {"horizontalOrigin", "LEFT"} }; QJsonArray labelDisplayDistance { 0, displayDistanceMax }; QJsonObject labelDistanceDisplayCondition { {"distanceDisplayCondition", labelDisplayDistance} }; QJsonObject label { {"text", mapItem->m_label}, {"show", m_settings->m_displayNames && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DLabel}, {"scale", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DLabelScale}, {"pixelOffset", labelPixelOffset}, {"pixelOffsetScaleByDistance", labelPixelOffsetScaleObject}, {"eyeOffset", labelEyeOffset}, {"verticalOrigin", "BASELINE"}, {"horizontalOrigin", "LEFT"}, {"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]}, }; if (displayDistanceMax != std::numeric_limits::max()) { label.insert("distanceDisplayCondition", labelDistanceDisplayCondition); } // Use billboard for APRS as we don't currently have 3D objects QString imageURL = mapItem->m_image; if (imageURL.startsWith("qrc://")) { imageURL = imageURL.mid(6); // Redirect to our embedded webserver, which will check resources } QJsonObject billboard { {"image", imageURL}, {"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]}, {"verticalOrigin", "BOTTOM"} // To stop it being cut in half when zoomed out }; if (!removeObj) { obj.insert("position", position); if (!fixedPosition) { if (mapItem->m_useHeadingPitchRoll) { obj.insert("orientation", orientation); } else { obj.insert("orientation", orientationPosition); } } obj.insert("point", point); if (!mapItem->m_model.isEmpty()) { obj.insert("model", model); } else { obj.insert("billboard", billboard); } obj.insert("label", label); obj.insert("description", mapItem->m_text); if (!fixedPosition) { obj.insert("path", path); } if (!fixedPosition) { if (mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.size() > 0 && mapItem->m_predictedTrackDateTimes.size() > 0) { QString availability = QString("%1/%2") .arg(mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.last()->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)) .arg(mapItem->m_predictedTrackDateTimes.last()->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); obj.insert("availability", availability); } else { if (mapItem->m_availableUntil.isValid()) { QString period = QString("%1/%2").arg(m_ids[id]).arg(mapItem->m_availableUntil.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); obj.insert("availability", period); } } } m_lastPosition.insert(id, coords); } else { // Disable forward extrapolation obj.insert("position", noPosition); } // Use our own clipping routine, due to // https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/4049 if (mapItem->m_altitudeReference == 3) { obj.insert("altitudeReference", "CLIP_TO_GROUND"); } //qDebug() << obj; return obj; }