SatelliteTrackerGUI 0 0 525 750 0 0 320 100 16777215 16777215 Liberation Sans 9 Satellite Tracker 10 10 301 141 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 Longitude Latitude Date and time to use when calculating satellite's position Now Custom Time to acquistion of signal (AOS) Time Latitude in decimal degrees (North positive) of antenna location 6 -90.000000000000000 90.000000000000000 -90.000000000000000 Elevation Computed azimuth in degrees to the target satellite from the antenna's location 360 true Target Start/stop tracking :/play.png :/stop.png:/play.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Find target on the map :/gridpolar.png:/gridpolar.png Automatically select target satellite on AOS ^ :/link.png:/link.png true true Update satellite data :/recycle.png:/recycle.png SDRangel control :/sdrangel_icon.png:/sdrangel_icon.png Select satellites :/gps.png:/gps.png Set latitude, longitude and height from My Position in SDRangel preferences :/import.png:/import.png Show settings dialog :/listing.png:/listing.png Longitude in decimal degress (East positive) of antenna location 6 -180.000000000000000 180.000000000000000 -180.000000000000000 Computed elevation in degrees to the target satellite from the antenna's location 90 true Azimuth 0 0 Target satellite -1 Date and time to use when calculating satellite's position dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss true AOS 10 160 318 268 0 0 200 200 Pass Chart 2 3 3 3 3 Select type of chart to plot Polar Az/El vs Time Plot previous pass ... :/arrow_right.png:/arrow_right.png Plot next pass :/arrow_left.png:/arrow_left.png 0 0 15 0 Pass number 0 Choose between light and dark themes :/lightdark.png :/darklight.png:/lightdark.png true 300 250 Azimuth and elevation over time for satellite pass 10 440 431 291 0 0 Satellite Data 2 3 3 3 3 QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers Satellite Satellite name Az Azimuth in degrees to satellite from antenna location El Elevation in degrees to satellite from antenna location Next Dur AOS Time of next AOS (Acquisition of signal) LOS Time of next LOS (Loss of signal) Max El. Maximum elevation in degrees of next satellite pass Dir Direction of the next pass Alt (km) Satellite altitude in kilometres Range (km) Range to satellite in kilometres Range rate (km/s) Speed of satellite towards antenna location in kilometers per second Doppler (Hz) Receive Doppler shift in Hertz (At frequency set in settings) Path loss (dB) Free space loss of signal in decibels (At frequency set in settings) Delay (ms) Propagation delay of a signal from the antenna to the satellite in milliseconds (assuming line-of-sight) Norad ID Norad catalog idenfitier for the satellite RollupWidget QWidget
ButtonSwitch QToolButton
QChartView QGraphicsView
WrappingDateTimeEdit QDateTimeEdit
startStop viewOnMap autoTarget updateSatData radioControl selectSats useMyPosition displaySettings latitude longitude dateTimeSelect dateTime target aos azimuth elevation chartSelect prevPass nextPass passChart satTable