NoiseFigureSettings: description: NoiseFigure properties: inputFrequencyOffset: type: integer format: int64 fftSize: type: integer fftCount: type: integer sweepSpec: description: "(0 - Range, 1 - Step, 2 - List)" type: integer startValue: type: number format: float stopValue: type: number format: float steps: type: integer step: type: number format: float list: type: string setting: description: "The device setting to sweep (E.g. centerFrequency or gain)" type: string visaDevice: type: string powerOnSCPI: type: string powerOffSCPI: type: string powerOnCommand: type: string powerOffCommand: type: string powerDelay: type: number format: float rgbColor: type: integer title: type: string streamIndex: description: MIMO channel. Not relevant when connected to SI (single Rx). type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer reverseAPIChannelIndex: type: integer channelMarker: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/ChannelMarker.yaml#/ChannelMarker" NoiseFigureReport: description: NoiseFigure properties: channelPowerDB: description: power received in channel (dB) type: number format: float channelSampleRate: type: integer