#include #include #include "M17Demodulator.h" namespace modemm17 { // const std::array M17Demodulator::rrc_taps = std::array{ // 0.0029364388513841593, 0.0031468394550958484, 0.002699564567597445, 0.001661182944400927, 0.00023319405581230247, // -0.0012851320781224025, -0.0025577136087664687, -0.0032843366522956313, -0.0032697038088887226, -0.0024733964729590865, // -0.0010285696910973807, 0.0007766690889758685, 0.002553421969211845, 0.0038920145144327816, 0.004451886520053017, // 0.00404219185231544, 0.002674727068399207, 0.0005756567993179152, -0.0018493784971116507, -0.004092346891623224, // -0.005648131453822014, -0.006126925416243605, -0.005349511529163396, -0.003403189203405097, -0.0006430502751187517, // 0.002365929161655135, 0.004957956568090113, 0.006506845894531803, 0.006569574194782443, 0.0050017573119839134, // 0.002017321931508163, -0.0018256054303579805, -0.00571615173291049, -0.008746639552588416, -0.010105075751866371, // -0.009265784007800534, -0.006136551625729697, -0.001125978562075172, 0.004891777252042491, 0.01071805138282269, // 0.01505751553351295, 0.01679337935001369, 0.015256245142156299, 0.01042830577908502, 0.003031522725559901, // -0.0055333532968188165, -0.013403099825723372, -0.018598682349642525, -0.01944761739590459, -0.015005271935951746, // -0.0053887880354343935, 0.008056525910253532, 0.022816244158307273, 0.035513467692208076, 0.04244131815783876, // 0.04025481153629372, 0.02671818654865632, 0.0013810216516704976, -0.03394615682795165, -0.07502635967975885, // -0.11540977897637611, -0.14703962203941534, -0.16119995609538576, -0.14969512896336504, -0.10610329539459686, // -0.026921412469634916, 0.08757875030779196, 0.23293327870303457, 0.4006012210123992, 0.5786324696325503, // 0.7528286479934068, 0.908262741447522, 1.0309661131633199, 1.1095611856548013, 1.1366197723675815, // 1.1095611856548013, 1.0309661131633199, 0.908262741447522, 0.7528286479934068, 0.5786324696325503, // 0.4006012210123992, 0.23293327870303457, 0.08757875030779196, -0.026921412469634916, -0.10610329539459686, // -0.14969512896336504, -0.16119995609538576, -0.14703962203941534, -0.11540977897637611, -0.07502635967975885, // -0.03394615682795165, 0.0013810216516704976, 0.02671818654865632, 0.04025481153629372, 0.04244131815783876, // 0.035513467692208076, 0.022816244158307273, 0.008056525910253532, -0.0053887880354343935, -0.015005271935951746, // -0.01944761739590459, -0.018598682349642525, -0.013403099825723372, -0.0055333532968188165, 0.003031522725559901, // 0.01042830577908502, 0.015256245142156299, 0.01679337935001369, 0.01505751553351295, 0.01071805138282269, // 0.004891777252042491, -0.001125978562075172, -0.006136551625729697, -0.009265784007800534, -0.010105075751866371, // -0.008746639552588416, -0.00571615173291049, -0.0018256054303579805, 0.002017321931508163, 0.0050017573119839134, // 0.006569574194782443, 0.006506845894531803, 0.004957956568090113, 0.002365929161655135, -0.0006430502751187517, // -0.003403189203405097, -0.005349511529163396, -0.006126925416243605, -0.005648131453822014, -0.004092346891623224, // -0.0018493784971116507, 0.0005756567993179152, 0.002674727068399207, 0.00404219185231544, 0.004451886520053017, // 0.0038920145144327816, 0.002553421969211845, 0.0007766690889758685, -0.0010285696910973807, -0.0024733964729590865, // -0.0032697038088887226, -0.0032843366522956313, -0.0025577136087664687, -0.0012851320781224025, 0.00023319405581230247, // 0.001661182944400927, 0.002699564567597445, 0.0031468394550958484, 0.0029364388513841593, 0.0 // }; // Generated using scikit-commpy N = 150, alpha = 0.5, Ts = 1/4800 s, Fs = 48000 Hz const std::array M17Demodulator::rrc_taps = std::array{ -8.434122e-04, +3.898184e-04, +1.628891e-03, +2.576674e-03, +2.987740e-03, +2.729505e-03, +1.820181e-03, +4.333001e-04, -1.134215e-03, -2.525029e-03, -3.402452e-03, -3.531573e-03, -2.841363e-03, -1.451929e-03, +3.417005e-04, +2.128236e-03, +3.470212e-03, +4.006361e-03, +3.543024e-03, +2.112321e-03, -1.893023e-05, -2.395144e-03, -4.465932e-03, -5.709548e-03, -5.759027e-03, -4.501582e-03, -2.125844e-03, +8.982825e-04, +3.907892e-03, +6.188389e-03, +7.139194e-03, +6.427125e-03, +4.090469e-03, +5.649447e-04, -3.381677e-03, -6.799652e-03, -8.765190e-03, -8.603529e-03, -6.076811e-03, -1.489520e-03, +4.321674e-03, +1.012385e-02, +1.453219e-02, +1.631886e-02, +1.472302e-02, +9.691259e-03, +1.984723e-03, -6.888307e-03, -1.492227e-02, -2.001531e-02, -2.045303e-02, -1.538011e-02, -5.154591e-03, +8.509368e-03, +2.267330e-02, +3.359618e-02, +3.740502e-02, +3.091849e-02, +1.248579e-02, -1.731807e-02, -5.529141e-02, -9.561492e-02, -1.303248e-01, -1.502279e-01, -1.461577e-01, -1.104008e-01, -3.808012e-02, +7.173159e-02, +2.153664e-01, +3.845237e-01, +5.668902e-01, +7.473693e-01, +9.097718e-01, +1.038746e+00, +1.121677e+00, +1.150282e+00, +1.121677e+00, +1.038746e+00, +9.097718e-01, +7.473693e-01, +5.668902e-01, +3.845237e-01, +2.153664e-01, +7.173159e-02, -3.808012e-02, -1.104008e-01, -1.461577e-01, -1.502279e-01, -1.303248e-01, -9.561492e-02, -5.529141e-02, -1.731807e-02, +1.248579e-02, +3.091849e-02, +3.740502e-02, +3.359618e-02, +2.267330e-02, +8.509368e-03, -5.154591e-03, -1.538011e-02, -2.045303e-02, -2.001531e-02, -1.492227e-02, -6.888307e-03, +1.984723e-03, +9.691259e-03, +1.472302e-02, +1.631886e-02, +1.453219e-02, +1.012385e-02, +4.321674e-03, -1.489520e-03, -6.076811e-03, -8.603529e-03, -8.765190e-03, -6.799652e-03, -3.381677e-03, +5.649447e-04, +4.090469e-03, +6.427125e-03, +7.139194e-03, +6.188389e-03, +3.907892e-03, +8.982825e-04, -2.125844e-03, -4.501582e-03, -5.759027e-03, -5.709548e-03, -4.465932e-03, -2.395144e-03, -1.893023e-05, +2.112321e-03, +3.543024e-03, +4.006361e-03, +3.470212e-03, +2.128236e-03, +3.417005e-04, -1.451929e-03, -2.841363e-03, -3.531573e-03, -3.402452e-03, -2.525029e-03, -1.134215e-03, +4.333001e-04, +1.820181e-03, +2.729505e-03, +2.987740e-03, +2.576674e-03, +1.628891e-03, +3.898184e-04, }; void M17Demodulator::update_values(uint8_t index) { correlator.apply([this](float t){dev.sample(t);}, index); dev.update(); sync_sample_index = index; } void M17Demodulator::dcd_on() { // Data carrier newly detected. dcd_ = true; sync_count = 0; missing_sync_count = 0; dev.reset(); framer.reset(); decoder.reset(); } void M17Demodulator::dcd_off() { // Just lost data carrier. dcd_ = false; demodState = DemodState::UNLOCKED; decoder.reset(); if (diagnostic_callback) { diagnostic_callback( dcd_, dev.error(), dev.deviation(), dev.offset(), (int) demodState, (int) sync_word_type, clock_recovery.clock_estimate(), sample_index, sync_sample_index, clock_recovery.sample_index(), -1 ); } } void M17Demodulator::initialize(const float input) { auto filtered_sample = demod_filter(input); correlator.sample(filtered_sample); } void M17Demodulator::update_dcd() { if (!dcd_ && dcd.dcd()) { // fputs("\nAOS\n", stderr); dcd_on(); need_clock_reset_ = true; } else if (dcd_ && !dcd.dcd()) { // fputs("\nLOS\n", stderr); dcd_off(); } } void M17Demodulator::do_unlocked() { // We expect to find the preamble immediately after DCD. if (missing_sync_count < 1920) { missing_sync_count += 1; auto sync_index = preamble_sync(correlator); auto sync_updated = preamble_sync.updated(); if (sync_updated) { sync_count = 0; missing_sync_count = 0; need_clock_reset_ = true; dev.reset(); update_values(sync_index); sample_index = sync_index; demodState = DemodState::LSF_SYNC; } return; } auto sync_index = lsf_sync(correlator); auto sync_updated = lsf_sync.updated(); if (sync_updated) { sync_count = 0; missing_sync_count = 0; need_clock_reset_ = true; dev.reset(); update_values(sync_index); sample_index = sync_index; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; if (sync_updated < 0) { sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::STREAM; } else { sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::LSF; } return; } sync_index = packet_sync(correlator); sync_updated = packet_sync.updated(); if (sync_updated < 0) { sync_count = 0; missing_sync_count = 0; need_clock_reset_ = true; dev.reset(); update_values(sync_index); sample_index = sync_index; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::BERT; } } /** * Check for LSF sync word. We only enter the DemodState::LSF_SYNC state * if a preamble sync has been detected, which also means that sample_index * has been initialized to a sane value for the baseband. */ void M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync() { float sync_triggered = 0.; float bert_triggered = 0.; if (correlator.index() == sample_index) { sync_triggered = preamble_sync.triggered(correlator); if (sync_triggered > 0.1) { return; } sync_triggered = lsf_sync.triggered(correlator); bert_triggered = packet_sync.triggered(correlator); if (sync_triggered != 0) { qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync: sync_triggered:" << sync_triggered; } if (bert_triggered != 0) { qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync: bert_triggered:" << bert_triggered; } if (bert_triggered < 0) { missing_sync_count = 0; need_clock_update_ = true; update_values(sample_index); demodState = DemodState::FRAME; sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::BERT; qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync: BERT:" << (int) sync_word_type; } else if (bert_triggered > 0) { missing_sync_count = 0; need_clock_update_ = true; update_values(sample_index); demodState = DemodState::FRAME; sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::PACKET; qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync: PACKET:" << (int) sync_word_type; } else if (std::abs(sync_triggered) > 0.1) { missing_sync_count = 0; need_clock_update_ = true; update_values(sample_index); if (sync_triggered > 0) { demodState = DemodState::FRAME; sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::LSF; qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync: LSF:" << (int) sync_word_type; } else { demodState = DemodState::FRAME; sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::STREAM; qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync: STREAM:" << (int) sync_word_type; } } else if (++missing_sync_count > 192) { demodState = DemodState::UNLOCKED; decoder.reset(); missing_sync_count = 0; qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_lsf_sync: UNLOCKED:" << (int) sync_word_type; } else { update_values(sample_index); } } } /** * Check for a stream sync word (LSF sync word that is maximally negative). * We can enter DemodState::STREAM_SYNC from either a valid LSF decode for * an audio stream, or from a stream frame decode. * */ void M17Demodulator::do_stream_sync() { uint8_t sync_index = lsf_sync(correlator); int8_t sync_updated = lsf_sync.updated(); sync_count += 1; if (sync_updated < 0) // Stream sync word { missing_sync_count = 0; if (sync_count > 70) { update_values(sync_index); sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::STREAM; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; } return; } else if (sync_count > 87) { update_values(sync_index); missing_sync_count += 1; if (missing_sync_count < MAX_MISSING_SYNC) { sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::STREAM; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; } else { // fputs("\n!SYNC\n", stderr); demodState = DemodState::LSF_SYNC; } } } /** * Check for a packet sync word. DemodState::PACKET_SYNC can only be * entered from a valid LSF frame decode with the data/packet type bit set. */ void M17Demodulator::do_packet_sync() { auto sync_index = packet_sync(correlator); auto sync_updated = packet_sync.updated(); sync_count += 1; if (sync_count > 70 && sync_updated) { missing_sync_count = 0; update_values(sync_index); sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::PACKET; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; } else if (sync_count > 87) { missing_sync_count += 1; if (missing_sync_count < MAX_MISSING_SYNC) { sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::PACKET; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; } else { demodState = DemodState::UNLOCKED; decoder.reset(); } } } /** * Check for a bert sync word. */ void M17Demodulator::do_bert_sync() { auto sync_index = packet_sync(correlator); auto sync_updated = packet_sync.updated(); sync_count += 1; if (sync_count > 70 && sync_updated < 0) { missing_sync_count = 0; update_values(sync_index); sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::BERT; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; } else if (sync_count > 87) { missing_sync_count += 1; if (missing_sync_count < MAX_MISSING_SYNC) { sync_word_type = M17FrameDecoder::SyncWordType::BERT; demodState = DemodState::FRAME; } else { demodState = DemodState::UNLOCKED; decoder.reset(); } } } void M17Demodulator::do_frame(float filtered_sample) { if (correlator.index() != sample_index) { return; } static uint8_t cost_count = 0; auto sample = filtered_sample - dev.offset(); sample *= dev.idev(); sample *= polarity; auto n = llr<4>(sample); int8_t* tmp; auto len = framer(n, &tmp); if (len != 0) { need_clock_update_ = true; M17FrameDecoder::input_buffer_t buffer; std::copy(tmp, tmp + len, buffer.begin()); auto valid = decoder(sync_word_type, buffer, viterbi_cost); cost_count = viterbi_cost > 90 ? cost_count + 1 : 0; cost_count = viterbi_cost > 100 ? cost_count + 1 : cost_count; cost_count = viterbi_cost > 110 ? cost_count + 1 : cost_count; // qDebug() << "modemm17::M17Demodulator::do_frame: " // << "sync_word_type:" << (int) sync_word_type // << " len:" << len // << " viterbi_cost: " << viterbi_cost // << " cost_count" << cost_count; if (cost_count > 75) { cost_count = 0; demodState = DemodState::UNLOCKED; decoder.reset(); // fputs("\nCOST\n", stderr); return; } switch (decoder.state()) { case M17FrameDecoder::State::STREAM: demodState = DemodState::STREAM_SYNC; break; case M17FrameDecoder::State::LSF: // If state == LSF, we need to recover LSF from LICH. demodState = DemodState::STREAM_SYNC; break; case M17FrameDecoder::State::BERT: demodState = DemodState::BERT_SYNC; break; default: demodState = DemodState::PACKET_SYNC; break; } sync_count = 0; switch (valid) { case M17FrameDecoder::DecodeResult::FAIL: break; case M17FrameDecoder::DecodeResult::EOS: demodState = DemodState::LSF_SYNC; break; case M17FrameDecoder::DecodeResult::OK: break; case M17FrameDecoder::DecodeResult::INCOMPLETE: break; case M17FrameDecoder::DecodeResult::PACKET_INCOMPLETE: break; } } } void M17Demodulator::operator()(const float input) { count_++; dcd(input); // We need to pump a few ms of data through on startup to initialize // the demodulator. if (initializing_count_) { --initializing_count_; initialize(input); count_ = 0; return; } if (!dcd_) { if (count_ % (BLOCK_SIZE * 2) == 0) { update_dcd(); dcd.update(); if (diagnostic_callback) { diagnostic_callback( dcd_, dev.error(), dev.deviation(), dev.offset(), (int) demodState, (int) sync_word_type, clock_recovery.clock_estimate(), sample_index, sync_sample_index, clock_recovery.sample_index(), viterbi_cost ); } count_ = 0; } return; } auto filtered_sample = demod_filter(input); correlator.sample(filtered_sample); if (correlator.index() == 0) { if (need_clock_reset_) { clock_recovery.reset(); need_clock_reset_ = false; } else if (need_clock_update_) // must avoid update immediately after reset. { clock_recovery.update(); uint8_t clock_index = clock_recovery.sample_index(); uint8_t clock_diff = std::abs(sample_index - clock_index); uint8_t sync_diff = std::abs(sample_index - sync_sample_index); bool clock_diff_ok = clock_diff <= 1 || clock_diff == 9; bool sync_diff_ok = sync_diff <= 1 || sync_diff == 9; if (clock_diff_ok) { sample_index = clock_index; } else if (sync_diff_ok) { sample_index = sync_sample_index; } // else unchanged. need_clock_update_ = false; } } clock_recovery(filtered_sample); if (demodState != DemodState::UNLOCKED && correlator.index() == sample_index) { dev.sample(filtered_sample); } switch (demodState) { case DemodState::UNLOCKED: // In this state, the sample_index is unknown. We need to find // a sync word to find the proper sample_index. We only leave // this state if we believe that we have a valid sample_index. do_unlocked(); break; case DemodState::LSF_SYNC: do_lsf_sync(); break; case DemodState::STREAM_SYNC: do_stream_sync(); break; case DemodState::PACKET_SYNC: do_packet_sync(); break; case DemodState::BERT_SYNC: do_bert_sync(); break; case DemodState::FRAME: do_frame(filtered_sample); break; } if (count_ % (BLOCK_SIZE * 5) == 0) { update_dcd(); count_ = 0; if (diagnostic_callback) { diagnostic_callback( dcd_, dev.error(), dev.deviation(), dev.offset(), (int) demodState, (int) sync_word_type, clock_recovery.clock_estimate(), sample_index, sync_sample_index, clock_recovery.sample_index(), viterbi_cost ); } dcd.update(); } } } // modemm17