/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2015 F4EXB // // written by Edouard Griffiths // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "dsp/phaselock.h" // Construct phase-locked loop. PhaseLock::PhaseLock(Real freq, Real bandwidth, Real minsignal) { /* * This is a type-2, 4th order phase-locked loop. * * Open-loop transfer function: * G(z) = K * (z - q1) / ((z - p1) * (z - p2) * (z - 1) * (z - 1)) * K = 3.788 * (bandwidth * 2 * Pi)**3 * q1 = exp(-0.1153 * bandwidth * 2*Pi) * p1 = exp(-1.146 * bandwidth * 2*Pi) * p2 = exp(-5.331 * bandwidth * 2*Pi) * * I don't understand what I'm doing; hopefully it will work. */ // Set min/max locking frequencies. m_minfreq = (freq - bandwidth) * 2.0 * M_PI; m_maxfreq = (freq + bandwidth) * 2.0 * M_PI; // Set valid signal threshold. m_minsignal = minsignal; m_lock_delay = int(20.0 / bandwidth); m_unlock_delay = int(10.0 / bandwidth); m_lock_cnt = 0; m_unlock_cnt = 0; m_pilot_level = 0; m_psin = 0.0; m_pcos = 1.0; // Create 2nd order filter for I/Q representation of phase error. // Filter has two poles, unit DC gain. double p1 = exp(-1.146 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI); double p2 = exp(-5.331 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI); m_phasor_a1 = - p1 - p2; m_phasor_a2 = p1 * p2; m_phasor_b0 = 1 + m_phasor_a1 + m_phasor_a2; // Create loop filter to stabilize the loop. double q1 = exp(-0.1153 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI); m_loopfilter_b0 = 0.62 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI; m_loopfilter_b1 = - m_loopfilter_b0 * q1; // After the loop filter, the phase error is integrated to produce // the frequency. Then the frequency is integrated to produce the phase. // These integrators form the two remaining poles, both at z = 1. // Initialize frequency and phase. m_freq = freq * 2.0 * M_PI; m_phase = 0; m_phasor_i1 = 0; m_phasor_i2 = 0; m_phasor_q1 = 0; m_phasor_q2 = 0; m_loopfilter_x1 = 0; // Initialize PPS generator. m_pilot_periods = 0; m_pps_cnt = 0; m_sample_cnt = 0; } void PhaseLock::configure(Real freq, Real bandwidth, Real minsignal) { qDebug("PhaseLock::configure: freq: %f bandwidth: %f minsignal: %f", freq, bandwidth, minsignal); /* * This is a type-2, 4th order phase-locked loop. * * Open-loop transfer function: * G(z) = K * (z - q1) / ((z - p1) * (z - p2) * (z - 1) * (z - 1)) * K = 3.788 * (bandwidth * 2 * Pi)**3 * q1 = exp(-0.1153 * bandwidth * 2*Pi) * p1 = exp(-1.146 * bandwidth * 2*Pi) * p2 = exp(-5.331 * bandwidth * 2*Pi) * * I don't understand what I'm doing; hopefully it will work. */ // Set min/max locking frequencies. m_minfreq = (freq - bandwidth) * 2.0 * M_PI; m_maxfreq = (freq + bandwidth) * 2.0 * M_PI; // Set valid signal threshold. m_minsignal = minsignal; m_lock_delay = int(20.0 / bandwidth); m_unlock_delay = int(10.0 / bandwidth); m_lock_cnt = 0; m_unlock_cnt = 0; m_pilot_level = 0; // Create 2nd order filter for I/Q representation of phase error. // Filter has two poles, unit DC gain. double p1 = exp(-1.146 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI); double p2 = exp(-5.331 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI); m_phasor_a1 = - p1 - p2; m_phasor_a2 = p1 * p2; m_phasor_b0 = 1 + m_phasor_a1 + m_phasor_a2; // Create loop filter to stabilize the loop. double q1 = exp(-0.1153 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI); m_loopfilter_b0 = 0.62 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI; m_loopfilter_b1 = - m_loopfilter_b0 * q1; // After the loop filter, the phase error is integrated to produce // the frequency. Then the frequency is integrated to produce the phase. // These integrators form the two remaining poles, both at z = 1. // Initialize frequency and phase. m_freq = freq * 2.0 * M_PI; m_phase = 0; m_phasor_i1 = 0; m_phasor_i2 = 0; m_phasor_q1 = 0; m_phasor_q2 = 0; m_loopfilter_x1 = 0; // Initialize PPS generator. m_pilot_periods = 0; m_pps_cnt = 0; m_sample_cnt = 0; } // Process samples. Bufferized version void PhaseLock::process(const std::vector& samples_in, std::vector& samples_out) { unsigned int n = samples_in.size(); samples_out.resize(n); bool was_locked = (m_lock_cnt >= m_lock_delay); m_pps_events.clear(); if (n > 0) m_pilot_level = 1000.0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Generate locked pilot tone. Real psin = sin(m_phase); Real pcos = cos(m_phase); // Generate double-frequency output. // sin(2*x) = 2 * sin(x) * cos(x) samples_out[i] = 2 * psin * pcos; // Multiply locked tone with input. Real x = samples_in[i]; Real phasor_i = psin * x; Real phasor_q = pcos * x; // Run IQ phase error through low-pass filter. phasor_i = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_i - m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_i1 - m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_i2; phasor_q = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_q - m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_q1 - m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_q2; m_phasor_i2 = m_phasor_i1; m_phasor_i1 = phasor_i; m_phasor_q2 = m_phasor_q1; m_phasor_q1 = phasor_q; // Convert I/Q ratio to estimate of phase error. Real phase_err; if (phasor_i > abs(phasor_q)) { // We are within +/- 45 degrees from lock. // Use simple linear approximation of arctan. phase_err = phasor_q / phasor_i; } else if (phasor_q > 0) { // We are lagging more than 45 degrees behind the input. phase_err = 1; } else { // We are more than 45 degrees ahead of the input. phase_err = -1; } // Detect pilot level (conservative). m_pilot_level = std::min(m_pilot_level, phasor_i); // Run phase error through loop filter and update frequency estimate. m_freq += m_loopfilter_b0 * phase_err + m_loopfilter_b1 * m_loopfilter_x1; m_loopfilter_x1 = phase_err; // Limit frequency to allowable range. m_freq = std::max(m_minfreq, std::min(m_maxfreq, m_freq)); // Update locked phase. m_phase += m_freq; if (m_phase > 2.0 * M_PI) { m_phase -= 2.0 * M_PI; m_pilot_periods++; // Generate pulse-per-second. if (m_pilot_periods == pilot_frequency) { m_pilot_periods = 0; if (was_locked) { struct PpsEvent ev; ev.pps_index = m_pps_cnt; ev.sample_index = m_sample_cnt + i; ev.block_position = double(i) / double(n); m_pps_events.push_back(ev); m_pps_cnt++; } } } } // Update lock status. if (2 * m_pilot_level > m_minsignal) { if (m_lock_cnt < m_lock_delay) m_lock_cnt += n; } else { m_lock_cnt = 0; } // Drop PPS events when pilot not locked. if (m_lock_cnt < m_lock_delay) { m_pilot_periods = 0; m_pps_cnt = 0; m_pps_events.clear(); } // Update sample counter. m_sample_cnt += n; } // Process samples. Multiple output void PhaseLock::process(const Real& sample_in, Real *samples_out) { bool was_locked = (m_lock_cnt >= m_lock_delay); m_pps_events.clear(); // Generate locked pilot tone. m_psin = sin(m_phase); m_pcos = cos(m_phase); // Generate output processPhase(samples_out); // Multiply locked tone with input. Real x = sample_in; Real phasor_i = m_psin * x; Real phasor_q = m_pcos * x; // Run IQ phase error through low-pass filter. phasor_i = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_i - m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_i1 - m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_i2; phasor_q = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_q - m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_q1 - m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_q2; m_phasor_i2 = m_phasor_i1; m_phasor_i1 = phasor_i; m_phasor_q2 = m_phasor_q1; m_phasor_q1 = phasor_q; // Convert I/Q ratio to estimate of phase error. Real phase_err; if (phasor_i > abs(phasor_q)) { // We are within +/- 45 degrees from lock. // Use simple linear approximation of arctan. phase_err = phasor_q / phasor_i; } else if (phasor_q > 0) { // We are lagging more than 45 degrees behind the input. phase_err = 1; } else { // We are more than 45 degrees ahead of the input. phase_err = -1; } // Detect pilot level (conservative). // m_pilot_level = std::min(m_pilot_level, phasor_i); m_pilot_level = phasor_i; // Run phase error through loop filter and update frequency estimate. m_freq += m_loopfilter_b0 * phase_err + m_loopfilter_b1 * m_loopfilter_x1; m_loopfilter_x1 = phase_err; // Limit frequency to allowable range. m_freq = std::max(m_minfreq, std::min(m_maxfreq, m_freq)); // Update locked phase. m_phase += m_freq; if (m_phase > 2.0 * M_PI) { m_phase -= 2.0 * M_PI; m_pilot_periods++; // Generate pulse-per-second. if (m_pilot_periods == pilot_frequency) { m_pilot_periods = 0; } } // Update lock status. if (2 * m_pilot_level > m_minsignal) { if (m_lock_cnt < m_lock_delay) { m_lock_cnt += 1; // n } else { m_unlock_cnt = 0; } } else { if (m_unlock_cnt < m_unlock_delay) { m_unlock_cnt += 1; } else { m_lock_cnt = 0; } } // Drop PPS events when pilot not locked. if (m_lock_cnt < m_lock_delay) { m_pilot_periods = 0; m_pps_cnt = 0; m_pps_events.clear(); } // Update sample counter. m_sample_cnt += 1; // n }