/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef INCLUDE_FEATURE_MAPMODEL_H_ #define INCLUDE_FEATURE_MAPMODEL_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/azel.h" #include "util/openaip.h" #include "mapsettings.h" #include "mapitem.h" #include "cesiuminterface.h" #include "SWGMapItem.h" class MapGUI; class CZML; class MapModel : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT public: enum MarkerRoles { itemSettingsRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, nameRole = Qt::UserRole + 2, labelRole = Qt::UserRole + 3, positionRole = Qt::UserRole + 4, mapImageMinZoomRole = Qt::UserRole + 5, lastRole = Qt::UserRole + 6 }; MapModel(MapGUI *gui) : m_gui(gui) { connect(this, &MapModel::dataChanged, this, &MapModel::update3DMap); } virtual void add(MapItem *item); virtual void remove(MapItem *item); virtual void removeAll(); void update(const QObject *source, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *swgMapItem, const QString &group=""); void updateItemSettings(QHash m_itemSettings); void allUpdated(); MapItem *findMapItem(const QObject *source, const QString& name); MapItem *findMapItem(const QString& name); QModelIndex findMapItemIndex(const QString& name); QHash roleNames() const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant& value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override; int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override { (void) parent; return m_items.count(); } Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override { (void) index; return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } public slots: void update3DMap(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector &roles = QVector()); protected: MapGUI *m_gui; QList m_items; QHash m_itemsHash; virtual void update(MapItem *item); virtual void update3D(MapItem *item) = 0; virtual MapItem *newMapItem(const QObject *sourcePipe, const QString &group, MapSettings::MapItemSettings *itemSettings, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) = 0; }; class ImageMapModel : public MapModel { Q_OBJECT public: enum MarkerRoles { imageRole = MapModel::lastRole + 0, imageZoomLevelRole = MapModel::lastRole + 1, boundsRole = MapModel::lastRole + 2 }; ImageMapModel(MapGUI *gui) : MapModel(gui) {} QHash roleNames() const override { QHash roles = MapModel::roleNames(); roles[imageRole] = "imageData"; roles[imageZoomLevelRole] = "imageZoomLevel"; roles[boundsRole] = "bounds"; return roles; } QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; protected: MapItem *newMapItem(const QObject *sourcePipe, const QString &group, MapSettings::MapItemSettings *itemSettings, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) override; void update3D(MapItem *item) override; }; class PolygonMapModel : public MapModel { Q_OBJECT public: enum MarkerRoles { borderColorRole = MapModel::lastRole + 0, fillColorRole = MapModel::lastRole + 1, polygonRole = MapModel::lastRole + 2, boundsRole = MapModel::lastRole + 3 }; PolygonMapModel(MapGUI *gui) : MapModel(gui) {} QHash roleNames() const override { QHash roles = MapModel::roleNames(); roles[borderColorRole] = "borderColor"; roles[fillColorRole] = "fillColor"; roles[polygonRole] = "polygon"; roles[boundsRole] = "bounds"; return roles; } QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; protected: void update3D(MapItem *item) override; MapItem *newMapItem(const QObject *sourcePipe, const QString &group, MapSettings::MapItemSettings *itemSettings, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) override; }; class PolylineMapModel : public MapModel { Q_OBJECT public: enum MarkerRoles { lineColorRole = MapModel::lastRole + 0, coordinatesRole = MapModel::lastRole + 1, boundsRole = MapModel::lastRole + 2, }; PolylineMapModel(MapGUI *gui) : MapModel(gui) {} QHash roleNames() const override { QHash roles = MapModel::roleNames(); roles[lineColorRole] = "lineColor"; roles[coordinatesRole] = "coordinates"; roles[boundsRole] = "bounds"; return roles; } QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; protected: void update3D(MapItem *item) override; MapItem *newMapItem(const QObject *sourcePipe, const QString &group, MapSettings::MapItemSettings *itemSettings, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) override; }; // Model used for each item on the map class ObjectMapModel : public MapModel { Q_OBJECT public: enum MarkerRoles { //itemSettingsRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, //nameRole = Qt::UserRole + 2, //positionRole = Qt::UserRole + 3, // label? mapTextRole = Qt::UserRole + 4, mapTextVisibleRole =MapModel::lastRole + 0, mapImageVisibleRole = MapModel::lastRole + 1, mapImageRole = MapModel::lastRole + 2, mapImageRotationRole = MapModel::lastRole + 3, //mapImageMinZoomRole = MapModel::lastRole + 9, bubbleColourRole = MapModel::lastRole + 4, selectedRole = MapModel::lastRole + 5, targetRole = MapModel::lastRole + 6, frequencyRole = MapModel::lastRole + 7, frequencyStringRole = MapModel::lastRole + 8, predictedGroundTrack1Role = MapModel::lastRole + 9, predictedGroundTrack2Role = MapModel::lastRole + 10, groundTrack1Role = MapModel::lastRole + 11, groundTrack2Role = MapModel::lastRole + 12, groundTrackColorRole = MapModel::lastRole + 13, predictedGroundTrackColorRole = MapModel::lastRole + 14, hasTracksRole = MapModel::lastRole + 15 }; ObjectMapModel(MapGUI *gui); Q_INVOKABLE void add(MapItem *item) override; //void update(const QObject *source, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *swgMapItem, const QString &group=""); using MapModel::update; void remove(MapItem *item) override; void removeAll() override; QHash roleNames() const override; void updateTarget(); void setTarget(const QString& name); bool isTarget(const ObjectMapItem *mapItem) const; Q_INVOKABLE void moveToFront(int oldRow); Q_INVOKABLE void moveToBack(int oldRow); QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant& value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override; void setDisplayNames(bool displayNames); void setDisplaySelectedGroundTracks(bool displayGroundTracks); void setDisplayAllGroundTracks(bool displayGroundTracks); Q_INVOKABLE void setFrequency(double frequency); Q_INVOKABLE void track3D(int index); Q_INVOKABLE void viewChanged(double bottomLeftLongitude, double bottomRightLongitude); bool isSelected3D(const ObjectMapItem *item) const { return m_selected3D == item->m_name; } void setSelected3D(const QString &selected) { m_selected3D = selected; } //public slots: // void update3DMap(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector &roles = QVector()) override; protected: void playAnimations(ObjectMapItem *item); MapItem *newMapItem(const QObject *sourcePipe, const QString &group, MapSettings::MapItemSettings *itemSettings, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) override; void update(MapItem *item) override; void update3D(MapItem *item) override; // Linear interpolation double interpolate(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x) const { return (y0*(x1-x) + y1*(x-x0)) / (x1-x0); } private: QList m_selected; // Whether each item on 2D map is selected QString m_selected3D; // Name of item selected on 3D map - only supports 1 item, unlike 2D map int m_target; // Row number of current target, or -1 for none bool m_displayNames; bool m_displaySelectedGroundTracks; bool m_displayAllGroundTracks; double m_bottomLeftLongitude; double m_bottomRightLongitude; void interpolateEast(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, double x, QGeoCoordinate *ci, bool offScreen); void interpolateWest(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, double x, QGeoCoordinate *ci, bool offScreen); void interpolate(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, double bottomLeftLongitude, double bottomRightLongitude, QGeoCoordinate* ci, bool offScreen); void splitTracks(ObjectMapItem *item); void splitTrack(const QList& coords, const QVariantList& track, QVariantList& track1, QVariantList& track2, QGeoCoordinate& start1, QGeoCoordinate& start2, QGeoCoordinate& end1, QGeoCoordinate& end2); }; class PolygonFilter : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: PolygonFilter() : m_zoomLevel(10), m_settings(nullptr) { } bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const; Q_INVOKABLE void viewChanged(double topLeftLongitude, double topLeftLatitude, double bottomRightLongitude, double bottomRightLatitude, double zoomLevel); Q_INVOKABLE int mapRowToSource(int row); void setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate& position); private: QGeoRectangle m_view; double m_zoomLevel; MapSettings *m_settings; QGeoCoordinate m_position;; }; class PolylineFilter : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: PolylineFilter() : m_zoomLevel(10), m_settings(nullptr) { } bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const; Q_INVOKABLE void viewChanged(double topLeftLongitude, double topLeftLatitude, double bottomRightLongitude, double bottomRightLatitude, double zoomLevel); Q_INVOKABLE int mapRowToSource(int row); void setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate& position); private: QGeoRectangle m_view; double m_zoomLevel; MapSettings *m_settings; QGeoCoordinate m_position;; }; class ObjectMapFilter : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: ObjectMapFilter() : m_topLeftLongitude(0), m_topLeftLatitude(0), m_bottomRightLongitude(0), m_bottomRightLatitude(0), m_zoomLevel(10), m_settings(nullptr) { } bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const; Q_INVOKABLE void viewChanged(double topLeftLongitude, double topLeftLatitude, double bottomRightLongitude, double bottomRightLatitude, double zoomLevel); void applySettings(MapSettings *settings); Q_INVOKABLE int mapRowToSource(int row); void setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate& position); private: double m_topLeftLongitude; double m_topLeftLatitude; double m_bottomRightLongitude; double m_bottomRightLatitude; double m_zoomLevel; MapSettings *m_settings; QGeoCoordinate m_position; }; class ImageFilter : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: ImageFilter() : m_zoomLevel(10), m_settings(nullptr) { } bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const; Q_INVOKABLE void viewChanged(double topLeftLongitude, double topLeftLatitude, double bottomRightLongitude, double bottomRightLatitude, double zoomLevel); Q_INVOKABLE int mapRowToSource(int row); void setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate& position); private: QGeoRectangle m_view; double m_zoomLevel; MapSettings *m_settings; QGeoCoordinate m_position;; }; #endif // INCLUDE_FEATURE_MAPMODEL_H_