WDSPRxSettings: description: WDSPRx properties: inputFrequencyOffset: type: integer format: int64 profileIndex: type: integer demod: type: integer description: > Demodulator type: * 0 - SSB * 1 - AM * 2 - SAM * 3 - FM volume: type: number format: float audioBinaural: description: Audio binaural mode (1 if active else 0) type: integer audioFlipChannels: description: Flip audio channels (1 if flipped else 0) type: integer dsb: description: Double sidebands mode (1 if DSB else 0) type: integer audioMute: description: Mute audio (1 if muted else 0) type: integer agc: description: AGC (1 if AGC active else 0) type: integer agcMode: type: integer description: > AGC Mode: * 0 - Long * 1 - Slow * 2 - Medium * 3 - Fast agcGain: type: integer description: Top gain level agcSlope: type: integer description: Slope in centi-Bels agcHangThreshold: type: integer dnb: type: integer description: > Digital Noise Blanker: * 0 - Off * 1 - On nbScheme: type: integer description: > Noise blanker scheme: * 0 - NB or Preemptive Wideband Noise Blanker * 1 - NB2 or Interpolating Wideband Noise Blanker nb2Mode: type: integer description: > NB2 Noise blanking mode: * 0 - Zero mode (estimate as zero) * 1 - Sample‐hold (take the value of non‐corrupt signal at the beginning of the impulse and hold that throughout the corrupt sequence) * 2 - Mean‐hold (average the non‐corrupt values at the beginning and end of the corrupt sequence and use that as the estimate during the corrupt sequence) * 3 - hold‐sample (take the value of non‐corrupt signal at the end of the impulse and hold that throughout the corrupt sequence) * 4 - linearly interpolate across the corrupt sequence. nbSlewTime: type: number format: float description: Advance slew time (s) nbLeadTime: type: number format: float descriuption: Advance time (s) nbLagTime: type: number format: float description: Hang time (S) nbThreshold: type: integer nbAvgTime: type: number format: float dnr: type: integer description: > Digital Noise Reduction: * 0 - Off * 1 - On anf: type: integer description: > Automatic Notch Filter: * 0 - Off * 1 - On nrScheme: type: integer description: > Noise Reduction Scheme: * 0 - NR or LMS Noise Reduction * 1 - NR2 or Spectral Noise Reduction nr2Gain: type: integer description: > Noise Reduction gain for NR2: * 0 - Linear * 1 - Log * 2 - Gamma nr2NPE: type: integer description: > Noise Power Estimation algorithm for NR2: * 0 - Optimal Smoothing Minimum Statistics (OSMS) * 1 - Minimum Mean‐Square Error (MMSE) nrPosition: type: integer description: > Noise reduction position: * 0 - Before AGC * 1 - After AGC nr2ArtifactReduction: type: integer description: > NR2 artifacts reduction: * 0 - Off * 1 - On amFadeLevel: type: integer description: > AM fade levelling: * 0 - Off * 1 - On cwPeaking: type: integer description: > CW peaking filter: * 0 - Off * 1 - On cwPeakFrequency: type: number format: float description: > CW peaking filter center frequency (Hz) cwBandwidth: type: number format: float description: > CW peaking filter bandwidth (Hz) cwGain: type: number format: float description: > CW peaking filter gain (linear) fmDeviation: type: number format: float description: > FM demodulator deviation (Hz) fmAFLow: type: number format: float description: > FM Audio filter low cutoff frequency (HZ) fmAFHigh: type: number format: float description: > FM Audio filter high cutoff frequency (HZ) fmAFLimiter: type: integer description: > FM Audio level limiter (audio AGC) * 0 - Off * 1 - On fmAFLimiterGain: type: number format: float description: > FM Audio level limiter top gain (Audio AGC top gain) fmCTCSSNotch: type: integer description: > FM CTCSS notch filter * 0 - Off * 1 - On fmCTCSSNotchFrequency: type: number format: float description: > FM CTCSS notch filter frequency (Hz) squelch: type: integer description: > Squelch: * 0 - Off * 1 - On squelchThreshold: type: integer description: Squelch threshold (percent) squelchMode: type: integer description: > Squelch mode: * 0 - Voice squelch (for SSB). Based on voice artifacts. * 1 - AM squelch (for AM, SAM, CW). Signal power based. * 2 - FM squelch (for FM). Demod noise based squelch ssqlTauMute: type: number format: float description: Voice squelch tau mute (s) ssqlTauUnmute: type: number format: float description: Voice squelch tau unmute (s) amsqMaxTail: type: number format: float description: AM squelch max tail length (s) equalizer: type: integer description: > AF equalizer: * 0 - Off * 1 - On eqF: description: Frequency points (Hz). Position 0 is preamp then 10 frequency points type: array items: type: number format: float eqG: description: Frequency points gains (dB). Position 0 is for preamp gain then for the 10 frequency points type: array items: type: number format: float rit: type: integer description: > RIT: * 0 - Off * 1 - On ritFrequency: type: number format: float description: RIT shift frequency (Hz) spanLog2: type: integer rfBandwidth: type: number format: float lowCutoff: type: number format: float fftWindow: type: integer description: > FFT Window index (FFTWindow::Function): * 0 - Blackman-Harris 4 term * 1 - Blackman-Harris 7 term rgbColor: type: integer title: type: string audioDeviceName: type: string streamIndex: description: MIMO channel. Not relevant when connected to SI (single Rx). type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer reverseAPIChannelIndex: type: integer spectrumConfig: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/GLSpectrum.yaml#/GLSpectrum" channelMarker: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/ChannelMarker.yaml#/ChannelMarker" rollupState: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RollupState.yaml#/RollupState" WDSPRxReport: description: WDSPRx properties: channelPowerDB: description: power received in channel (dB) type: number format: float squelch: description: Audio squelch status (1 if open else 0) type: integer audioSampleRate: type: integer channelSampleRate: type: integer