/* This file is a part of JRTPLIB Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Jori Liesenborgs Contact: jori.liesenborgs@gmail.com This library was developed at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (http://www.edm.uhasselt.be), a research center of the Hasselt University (http://www.uhasselt.be). The library is based upon work done for my thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology (Belgium/The Netherlands). Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "rtpsession.h" #include "rtperrors.h" #include "rtpudpv4transmitter.h" #include "rtptcptransmitter.h" #include "rtpexternaltransmitter.h" #include "rtpsessionparams.h" #include "rtpdefines.h" #include "rtprawpacket.h" #include "rtppacket.h" #include "rtptimeutilities.h" #include "rtprandomrand48.h" #include "rtprandomrands.h" #include "rtprandomurandom.h" #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_SENDAPP #include "rtcpcompoundpacket.h" #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_SENDAPP #include "rtpinternalutils.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #else #include #endif // WIN32 #define SOURCES_LOCK #define SOURCES_UNLOCK #define BUILDER_LOCK #define BUILDER_UNLOCK #define SCHED_LOCK #define SCHED_UNLOCK #define PACKSENT_LOCK #define PACKSENT_UNLOCK namespace qrtplib { RTPSession::RTPSession(RTPRandom *r) : rtprnd(GetRandomNumberGenerator(r)), sources(*this), packetbuilder(*rtprnd), rtcpsched(sources, *rtprnd), rtcpbuilder(sources, packetbuilder) { // We're not going to set these flags in Create, so that the constructor of a derived class // can already change them m_changeIncomingData = false; m_changeOutgoingData = false; created = false; timeinit.Dummy(); //std::cout << (void *)(rtprnd) << std::endl; } RTPSession::~RTPSession() { Destroy(); if (deletertprnd) delete rtprnd; } int RTPSession::Create(const RTPSessionParams &sessparams, const RTPTransmissionParams *transparams /* = 0 */, RTPTransmitter::TransmissionProtocol protocol) { int status; if (created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_ALREADYCREATED; usingpollthread = sessparams.IsUsingPollThread(); needthreadsafety = sessparams.NeedThreadSafety(); if (usingpollthread && !needthreadsafety) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_THREADSAFETYCONFLICT; useSR_BYEifpossible = sessparams.GetSenderReportForBYE(); sentpackets = false; // Check max packet size if ((maxpacksize = sessparams.GetMaximumPacketSize()) < RTP_MINPACKETSIZE) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_MAXPACKETSIZETOOSMALL; // Initialize the transmission component rtptrans = 0; switch (protocol) { case RTPTransmitter::IPv4UDPProto: rtptrans = new RTPUDPv4Transmitter(); break; case RTPTransmitter::ExternalProto: rtptrans = new RTPExternalTransmitter(); break; case RTPTransmitter::UserDefinedProto: rtptrans = NewUserDefinedTransmitter(); if (rtptrans == 0) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_USERDEFINEDTRANSMITTERNULL; break; case RTPTransmitter::TCPProto: rtptrans = new RTPTCPTransmitter(); break; default: return ERR_RTP_SESSION_UNSUPPORTEDTRANSMISSIONPROTOCOL; } if (rtptrans == 0) return ERR_RTP_OUTOFMEM; if ((status = rtptrans->Init(needthreadsafety)) < 0) { delete rtptrans; return status; } if ((status = rtptrans->Create(maxpacksize, transparams)) < 0) { delete rtptrans; return status; } deletetransmitter = true; return InternalCreate(sessparams); } int RTPSession::Create(const RTPSessionParams &sessparams, RTPTransmitter *transmitter) { int status; if (created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_ALREADYCREATED; usingpollthread = sessparams.IsUsingPollThread(); needthreadsafety = sessparams.NeedThreadSafety(); if (usingpollthread && !needthreadsafety) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_THREADSAFETYCONFLICT; useSR_BYEifpossible = sessparams.GetSenderReportForBYE(); sentpackets = false; // Check max packet size if ((maxpacksize = sessparams.GetMaximumPacketSize()) < RTP_MINPACKETSIZE) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_MAXPACKETSIZETOOSMALL; rtptrans = transmitter; if ((status = rtptrans->SetMaximumPacketSize(maxpacksize)) < 0) return status; deletetransmitter = false; return InternalCreate(sessparams); } int RTPSession::InternalCreate(const RTPSessionParams &sessparams) { int status; // Initialize packet builder if ((status = packetbuilder.Init(maxpacksize)) < 0) { if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; return status; } if (sessparams.GetUsePredefinedSSRC()) packetbuilder.AdjustSSRC(sessparams.GetPredefinedSSRC()); #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_PROBATION // Set probation type sources.SetProbationType(sessparams.GetProbationType()); #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_PROBATION // Add our own ssrc to the source table if ((status = sources.CreateOwnSSRC(packetbuilder.GetSSRC())) < 0) { packetbuilder.Destroy(); if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; return status; } // Set the initial receive mode if ((status = rtptrans->SetReceiveMode(sessparams.GetReceiveMode())) < 0) { packetbuilder.Destroy(); sources.Clear(); if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; return status; } // Init the RTCP packet builder double timestampunit = sessparams.GetOwnTimestampUnit(); uint8_t buf[1024]; size_t buflen = 1024; std::string forcedcname = sessparams.GetCNAME(); if (forcedcname.length() == 0) { if ((status = CreateCNAME(buf, &buflen, sessparams.GetResolveLocalHostname())) < 0) { packetbuilder.Destroy(); sources.Clear(); if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; return status; } } else { RTP_STRNCPY((char * )buf, forcedcname.c_str(), buflen); buf[buflen - 1] = 0; buflen = strlen((char *) buf); } if ((status = rtcpbuilder.Init(maxpacksize, timestampunit, buf, buflen)) < 0) { packetbuilder.Destroy(); sources.Clear(); if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; return status; } // Set scheduler parameters rtcpsched.Reset(); rtcpsched.SetHeaderOverhead(rtptrans->GetHeaderOverhead()); RTCPSchedulerParams schedparams; sessionbandwidth = sessparams.GetSessionBandwidth(); controlfragment = sessparams.GetControlTrafficFraction(); if ((status = schedparams.SetRTCPBandwidth(sessionbandwidth * controlfragment)) < 0) { if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; packetbuilder.Destroy(); sources.Clear(); rtcpbuilder.Destroy(); return status; } if ((status = schedparams.SetSenderBandwidthFraction(sessparams.GetSenderControlBandwidthFraction())) < 0) { if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; packetbuilder.Destroy(); sources.Clear(); rtcpbuilder.Destroy(); return status; } if ((status = schedparams.SetMinimumTransmissionInterval(sessparams.GetMinimumRTCPTransmissionInterval())) < 0) { if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; packetbuilder.Destroy(); sources.Clear(); rtcpbuilder.Destroy(); return status; } schedparams.SetUseHalfAtStartup(sessparams.GetUseHalfRTCPIntervalAtStartup()); schedparams.SetRequestImmediateBYE(sessparams.GetRequestImmediateBYE()); rtcpsched.SetParameters(schedparams); // copy other parameters acceptownpackets = sessparams.AcceptOwnPackets(); membermultiplier = sessparams.GetSourceTimeoutMultiplier(); sendermultiplier = sessparams.GetSenderTimeoutMultiplier(); byemultiplier = sessparams.GetBYETimeoutMultiplier(); collisionmultiplier = sessparams.GetCollisionTimeoutMultiplier(); notemultiplier = sessparams.GetNoteTimeoutMultiplier(); // Do thread stuff if necessary created = true; return 0; } void RTPSession::Destroy() { if (!created) return; if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; packetbuilder.Destroy(); rtcpbuilder.Destroy(); rtcpsched.Reset(); collisionlist.Clear(); sources.Clear(); std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = byepackets.begin(); it != byepackets.end(); it++) delete *it; byepackets.clear(); created = false; } void RTPSession::BYEDestroy(const RTPTime &maxwaittime, const void *reason, size_t reasonlength) { if (!created) return; // first, stop the thread so we have full control over all components RTPTime stoptime = RTPTime::CurrentTime(); stoptime += maxwaittime; // add bye packet to the list if we've sent data RTCPCompoundPacket *pack; if (sentpackets) { int status; reasonlength = (reasonlength > RTCP_BYE_MAXREASONLENGTH) ? RTCP_BYE_MAXREASONLENGTH : reasonlength; status = rtcpbuilder.BuildBYEPacket(&pack, reason, reasonlength, useSR_BYEifpossible); if (status >= 0) { byepackets.push_back(pack); if (byepackets.size() == 1) rtcpsched.ScheduleBYEPacket(pack->GetCompoundPacketLength()); } } if (!byepackets.empty()) { bool done = false; while (!done) { RTPTime curtime = RTPTime::CurrentTime(); if (curtime >= stoptime) done = true; if (rtcpsched.IsTime()) { pack = *(byepackets.begin()); byepackets.pop_front(); SendRTCPData(pack->GetCompoundPacketData(), pack->GetCompoundPacketLength()); OnSendRTCPCompoundPacket(pack); // we'll place this after the actual send to avoid tampering delete pack; if (!byepackets.empty()) // more bye packets to send, schedule them rtcpsched.ScheduleBYEPacket((*(byepackets.begin()))->GetCompoundPacketLength()); else done = true; } if (!done) RTPTime::Wait(RTPTime(0, 100000)); } } if (deletetransmitter) delete rtptrans; packetbuilder.Destroy(); rtcpbuilder.Destroy(); rtcpsched.Reset(); collisionlist.Clear(); sources.Clear(); // clear rest of bye packets std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = byepackets.begin(); it != byepackets.end(); it++) delete *it; byepackets.clear(); created = false; } bool RTPSession::IsActive() { return created; } uint32_t RTPSession::GetLocalSSRC() { if (!created) return 0; uint32_t ssrc; BUILDER_LOCK ssrc = packetbuilder.GetSSRC(); BUILDER_UNLOCK return ssrc; } int RTPSession::AddDestination(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->AddDestination(addr); } int RTPSession::DeleteDestination(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->DeleteDestination(addr); } void RTPSession::ClearDestinations() { if (!created) return; rtptrans->ClearDestinations(); } bool RTPSession::SupportsMulticasting() { if (!created) return false; return rtptrans->SupportsMulticasting(); } int RTPSession::JoinMulticastGroup(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->JoinMulticastGroup(addr); } int RTPSession::LeaveMulticastGroup(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->LeaveMulticastGroup(addr); } void RTPSession::LeaveAllMulticastGroups() { if (!created) return; rtptrans->LeaveAllMulticastGroups(); } int RTPSession::SendPacket(const void *data, size_t len) { int status; if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; BUILDER_LOCK if ((status = packetbuilder.BuildPacket(data, len)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } if ((status = SendRTPData(packetbuilder.GetPacket(), packetbuilder.GetPacketLength())) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK SOURCES_LOCK sources.SentRTPPacket(); SOURCES_UNLOCK PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = true; PACKSENT_UNLOCK return 0; } int RTPSession::SendPacket(const void *data, size_t len, uint8_t pt, bool mark, uint32_t timestampinc) { int status; if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; BUILDER_LOCK if ((status = packetbuilder.BuildPacket(data, len, pt, mark, timestampinc)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } if ((status = SendRTPData(packetbuilder.GetPacket(), packetbuilder.GetPacketLength())) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK SOURCES_LOCK sources.SentRTPPacket(); SOURCES_UNLOCK PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = true; PACKSENT_UNLOCK return 0; } int RTPSession::SendPacketEx(const void *data, size_t len, uint16_t hdrextID, const void *hdrextdata, size_t numhdrextwords) { int status; if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; BUILDER_LOCK if ((status = packetbuilder.BuildPacketEx(data, len, hdrextID, hdrextdata, numhdrextwords)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } if ((status = SendRTPData(packetbuilder.GetPacket(), packetbuilder.GetPacketLength())) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK SOURCES_LOCK sources.SentRTPPacket(); SOURCES_UNLOCK PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = true; PACKSENT_UNLOCK return 0; } int RTPSession::SendPacketEx(const void *data, size_t len, uint8_t pt, bool mark, uint32_t timestampinc, uint16_t hdrextID, const void *hdrextdata, size_t numhdrextwords) { int status; if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; BUILDER_LOCK if ((status = packetbuilder.BuildPacketEx(data, len, pt, mark, timestampinc, hdrextID, hdrextdata, numhdrextwords)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } if ((status = SendRTPData(packetbuilder.GetPacket(), packetbuilder.GetPacketLength())) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK SOURCES_LOCK sources.SentRTPPacket(); SOURCES_UNLOCK PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = true; PACKSENT_UNLOCK return 0; } #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_SENDAPP int RTPSession::SendRTCPAPPPacket(uint8_t subtype, const uint8_t name[4], const void *appdata, size_t appdatalen) { int status; if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; BUILDER_LOCK uint32_t ssrc = packetbuilder.GetSSRC(); BUILDER_UNLOCK RTCPCompoundPacketBuilder pb; status = pb.InitBuild(maxpacksize); if (status < 0) return status; //first packet in an rtcp compound packet should always be SR or RR if ((status = pb.StartReceiverReport(ssrc)) < 0) return status; //add SDES packet with CNAME item if ((status = pb.AddSDESSource(ssrc)) < 0) return status; BUILDER_LOCK size_t owncnamelen = 0; uint8_t *owncname = rtcpbuilder.GetLocalCNAME(&owncnamelen); if ((status = pb.AddSDESNormalItem(RTCPSDESPacket::CNAME, owncname, owncnamelen)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK //add our application specific packet if ((status = pb.AddAPPPacket(subtype, ssrc, name, appdata, appdatalen)) < 0) return status; if ((status = pb.EndBuild()) < 0) return status; //send packet status = SendRTCPData(pb.GetCompoundPacketData(), pb.GetCompoundPacketLength()); if (status < 0) return status; PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = true; PACKSENT_UNLOCK return pb.GetCompoundPacketLength(); } #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_SENDAPP int RTPSession::SendRawData(const void *data, size_t len, bool usertpchannel) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; if (usertpchannel) status = rtptrans->SendRTPData(data, len); else status = rtptrans->SendRTCPData(data, len); return status; } int RTPSession::SetDefaultPayloadType(uint8_t pt) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = packetbuilder.SetDefaultPayloadType(pt); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetDefaultMark(bool m) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = packetbuilder.SetDefaultMark(m); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetDefaultTimestampIncrement(uint32_t timestampinc) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = packetbuilder.SetDefaultTimestampIncrement(timestampinc); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::IncrementTimestamp(uint32_t inc) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = packetbuilder.IncrementTimestamp(inc); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::IncrementTimestampDefault() { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = packetbuilder.IncrementTimestampDefault(); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetPreTransmissionDelay(const RTPTime &delay) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetPreTransmissionDelay(delay); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } RTPTransmissionInfo *RTPSession::GetTransmissionInfo() { if (!created) return 0; return rtptrans->GetTransmissionInfo(); } void RTPSession::DeleteTransmissionInfo(RTPTransmissionInfo *inf) { if (!created) return; rtptrans->DeleteTransmissionInfo(inf); } int RTPSession::Poll() { int status; if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; if (usingpollthread) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_USINGPOLLTHREAD; if ((status = rtptrans->Poll()) < 0) return status; return ProcessPolledData(); } int RTPSession::WaitForIncomingData(const RTPTime &delay, bool *dataavailable) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; if (usingpollthread) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_USINGPOLLTHREAD; return rtptrans->WaitForIncomingData(delay, dataavailable); } int RTPSession::AbortWait() { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; if (usingpollthread) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_USINGPOLLTHREAD; return rtptrans->AbortWait(); } RTPTime RTPSession::GetRTCPDelay() { if (!created) return RTPTime(0, 0); if (usingpollthread) return RTPTime(0, 0); SOURCES_LOCK SCHED_LOCK RTPTime t = rtcpsched.GetTransmissionDelay(); SCHED_UNLOCK SOURCES_UNLOCK return t; } int RTPSession::BeginDataAccess() { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; SOURCES_LOCK return 0; } bool RTPSession::GotoFirstSource() { if (!created) return false; return sources.GotoFirstSource(); } bool RTPSession::GotoNextSource() { if (!created) return false; return sources.GotoNextSource(); } bool RTPSession::GotoPreviousSource() { if (!created) return false; return sources.GotoPreviousSource(); } bool RTPSession::GotoFirstSourceWithData() { if (!created) return false; return sources.GotoFirstSourceWithData(); } bool RTPSession::GotoNextSourceWithData() { if (!created) return false; return sources.GotoNextSourceWithData(); } bool RTPSession::GotoPreviousSourceWithData() { if (!created) return false; return sources.GotoPreviousSourceWithData(); } RTPSourceData *RTPSession::GetCurrentSourceInfo() { if (!created) return 0; return sources.GetCurrentSourceInfo(); } RTPSourceData *RTPSession::GetSourceInfo(uint32_t ssrc) { if (!created) return 0; return sources.GetSourceInfo(ssrc); } RTPPacket *RTPSession::GetNextPacket() { if (!created) return 0; return sources.GetNextPacket(); } uint16_t RTPSession::GetNextSequenceNumber() const { return packetbuilder.GetSequenceNumber(); } void RTPSession::DeletePacket(RTPPacket *p) { delete p; } int RTPSession::EndDataAccess() { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; SOURCES_UNLOCK return 0; } int RTPSession::SetReceiveMode(RTPTransmitter::ReceiveMode m) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->SetReceiveMode(m); } int RTPSession::AddToIgnoreList(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->AddToIgnoreList(addr); } int RTPSession::DeleteFromIgnoreList(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->DeleteFromIgnoreList(addr); } void RTPSession::ClearIgnoreList() { if (!created) return; rtptrans->ClearIgnoreList(); } int RTPSession::AddToAcceptList(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->AddToAcceptList(addr); } int RTPSession::DeleteFromAcceptList(const RTPAddress &addr) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; return rtptrans->DeleteFromAcceptList(addr); } void RTPSession::ClearAcceptList() { if (!created) return; rtptrans->ClearAcceptList(); } int RTPSession::SetMaximumPacketSize(size_t s) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; if (s < RTP_MINPACKETSIZE) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_MAXPACKETSIZETOOSMALL; int status; if ((status = rtptrans->SetMaximumPacketSize(s)) < 0) return status; BUILDER_LOCK if ((status = packetbuilder.SetMaximumPacketSize(s)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK // restore previous max packet size rtptrans->SetMaximumPacketSize(maxpacksize); return status; } if ((status = rtcpbuilder.SetMaximumPacketSize(s)) < 0) { // restore previous max packet size packetbuilder.SetMaximumPacketSize(maxpacksize); BUILDER_UNLOCK rtptrans->SetMaximumPacketSize(maxpacksize); return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK maxpacksize = s; return 0; } int RTPSession::SetSessionBandwidth(double bw) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; SCHED_LOCK RTCPSchedulerParams p = rtcpsched.GetParameters(); status = p.SetRTCPBandwidth(bw * controlfragment); if (status >= 0) { rtcpsched.SetParameters(p); sessionbandwidth = bw; } SCHED_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetTimestampUnit(double u) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetTimestampUnit(u); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } void RTPSession::SetNameInterval(int count) { if (!created) return; BUILDER_LOCK rtcpbuilder.SetNameInterval(count); BUILDER_UNLOCK } void RTPSession::SetEMailInterval(int count) { if (!created) return; BUILDER_LOCK rtcpbuilder.SetEMailInterval(count); BUILDER_UNLOCK } void RTPSession::SetLocationInterval(int count) { if (!created) return; BUILDER_LOCK rtcpbuilder.SetLocationInterval(count); BUILDER_UNLOCK } void RTPSession::SetPhoneInterval(int count) { if (!created) return; BUILDER_LOCK rtcpbuilder.SetPhoneInterval(count); BUILDER_UNLOCK } void RTPSession::SetToolInterval(int count) { if (!created) return; BUILDER_LOCK rtcpbuilder.SetToolInterval(count); BUILDER_UNLOCK } void RTPSession::SetNoteInterval(int count) { if (!created) return; BUILDER_LOCK rtcpbuilder.SetNoteInterval(count); BUILDER_UNLOCK } int RTPSession::SetLocalName(const void *s, size_t len) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetLocalName(s, len); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetLocalEMail(const void *s, size_t len) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetLocalEMail(s, len); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetLocalLocation(const void *s, size_t len) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetLocalLocation(s, len); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetLocalPhone(const void *s, size_t len) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetLocalPhone(s, len); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetLocalTool(const void *s, size_t len) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetLocalTool(s, len); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::SetLocalNote(const void *s, size_t len) { if (!created) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED; int status; BUILDER_LOCK status = rtcpbuilder.SetLocalNote(s, len); BUILDER_UNLOCK return status; } int RTPSession::ProcessPolledData() { RTPRawPacket *rawpack; int status; SOURCES_LOCK while ((rawpack = rtptrans->GetNextPacket()) != 0) { if (m_changeIncomingData) { // Provide a way to change incoming data, for decryption for example if (!OnChangeIncomingData(rawpack)) { delete rawpack; continue; } } sources.ClearOwnCollisionFlag(); // since our sources instance also uses the scheduler (analysis of incoming packets) // we'll lock it SCHED_LOCK if ((status = sources.ProcessRawPacket(rawpack, rtptrans, acceptownpackets)) < 0) { SCHED_UNLOCK SOURCES_UNLOCK delete rawpack; return status; } SCHED_UNLOCK if (sources.DetectedOwnCollision()) // collision handling! { bool created; if ((status = collisionlist.UpdateAddress(rawpack->GetSenderAddress(), rawpack->GetReceiveTime(), &created)) < 0) { SOURCES_UNLOCK delete rawpack; return status; } if (created) // first time we've encountered this address, send bye packet and { // change our own SSRC PACKSENT_LOCK bool hassentpackets = sentpackets; PACKSENT_UNLOCK if (hassentpackets) { // Only send BYE packet if we've actually sent data using this // SSRC RTCPCompoundPacket *rtcpcomppack; BUILDER_LOCK if ((status = rtcpbuilder.BuildBYEPacket(&rtcpcomppack, 0, 0, useSR_BYEifpossible)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK SOURCES_UNLOCK delete rawpack; return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK byepackets.push_back(rtcpcomppack); if (byepackets.size() == 1) // was the first packet, schedule a BYE packet (otherwise there's already one scheduled) { SCHED_LOCK rtcpsched.ScheduleBYEPacket(rtcpcomppack->GetCompoundPacketLength()); SCHED_UNLOCK } } // bye packet is built and scheduled, now change our SSRC // and reset the packet count in the transmitter BUILDER_LOCK uint32_t newssrc = packetbuilder.CreateNewSSRC(sources); BUILDER_UNLOCK PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = false; PACKSENT_UNLOCK // remove old entry in source table and add new one if ((status = sources.DeleteOwnSSRC()) < 0) { SOURCES_UNLOCK delete rawpack; return status; } if ((status = sources.CreateOwnSSRC(newssrc)) < 0) { SOURCES_UNLOCK delete rawpack; return status; } } } delete rawpack; } SCHED_LOCK RTPTime d = rtcpsched.CalculateDeterministicInterval(false); SCHED_UNLOCK RTPTime t = RTPTime::CurrentTime(); double Td = d.GetDouble(); RTPTime sendertimeout = RTPTime(Td * sendermultiplier); RTPTime generaltimeout = RTPTime(Td * membermultiplier); RTPTime byetimeout = RTPTime(Td * byemultiplier); RTPTime colltimeout = RTPTime(Td * collisionmultiplier); RTPTime notetimeout = RTPTime(Td * notemultiplier); sources.MultipleTimeouts(t, sendertimeout, byetimeout, generaltimeout, notetimeout); collisionlist.Timeout(t, colltimeout); // We'll check if it's time for RTCP stuff SCHED_LOCK bool istime = rtcpsched.IsTime(); SCHED_UNLOCK if (istime) { RTCPCompoundPacket *pack; // we'll check if there's a bye packet to send, or just a normal packet if (byepackets.empty()) { BUILDER_LOCK if ((status = rtcpbuilder.BuildNextPacket(&pack)) < 0) { BUILDER_UNLOCK SOURCES_UNLOCK return status; } BUILDER_UNLOCK if ((status = SendRTCPData(pack->GetCompoundPacketData(), pack->GetCompoundPacketLength())) < 0) { SOURCES_UNLOCK delete pack; return status; } PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = true; PACKSENT_UNLOCK OnSendRTCPCompoundPacket(pack); // we'll place this after the actual send to avoid tampering } else { pack = *(byepackets.begin()); byepackets.pop_front(); if ((status = SendRTCPData(pack->GetCompoundPacketData(), pack->GetCompoundPacketLength())) < 0) { SOURCES_UNLOCK delete pack; return status; } PACKSENT_LOCK sentpackets = true; PACKSENT_UNLOCK OnSendRTCPCompoundPacket(pack); // we'll place this after the actual send to avoid tampering if (!byepackets.empty()) // more bye packets to send, schedule them { SCHED_LOCK rtcpsched.ScheduleBYEPacket((*(byepackets.begin()))->GetCompoundPacketLength()); SCHED_UNLOCK } } SCHED_LOCK rtcpsched.AnalyseOutgoing(*pack); SCHED_UNLOCK delete pack; } SOURCES_UNLOCK return 0; } int RTPSession::CreateCNAME(uint8_t *buffer, size_t *bufferlength, bool resolve) { #ifndef WIN32 bool gotlogin = true; #ifdef RTP_SUPPORT_GETLOGINR buffer[0] = 0; if (getlogin_r((char *) buffer, *bufferlength) != 0) gotlogin = false; else { if (buffer[0] == 0) gotlogin = false; } if (!gotlogin) // try regular getlogin { char *loginname = getlogin(); if (loginname == 0) gotlogin = false; else strncpy((char *) buffer, loginname, *bufferlength); } #else char *loginname = getlogin(); if (loginname == 0) gotlogin = false; else strncpy((char *)buffer,loginname,*bufferlength); #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_GETLOGINR if (!gotlogin) { char *logname = getenv("LOGNAME"); if (logname == 0) return ERR_RTP_SESSION_CANTGETLOGINNAME; strncpy((char *) buffer, logname, *bufferlength); } #else // Win32 version #ifndef _WIN32_WCE DWORD len = *bufferlength; if (!GetUserName((LPTSTR)buffer,&len)) RTP_STRNCPY((char *)buffer,"unknown",*bufferlength); #else RTP_STRNCPY((char *)buffer,"unknown",*bufferlength); #endif // _WIN32_WCE #endif // WIN32 buffer[*bufferlength - 1] = 0; size_t offset = strlen((const char *) buffer); if (offset < (*bufferlength - 1)) buffer[offset] = (uint8_t) '@'; offset++; size_t buflen2 = *bufferlength - offset; int status; if (resolve) { if ((status = rtptrans->GetLocalHostName(buffer + offset, &buflen2)) < 0) return status; *bufferlength = buflen2 + offset; } else { char hostname[1024]; RTP_STRNCPY(hostname, "localhost", 1024); // just in case gethostname fails gethostname(hostname, 1024); RTP_STRNCPY((char * )(buffer + offset), hostname, buflen2); *bufferlength = offset + strlen(hostname); } if (*bufferlength > RTCP_SDES_MAXITEMLENGTH) *bufferlength = RTCP_SDES_MAXITEMLENGTH; return 0; } RTPRandom *RTPSession::GetRandomNumberGenerator(RTPRandom *r) { RTPRandom *rnew = 0; if (r == 0) { rnew = RTPRandom::CreateDefaultRandomNumberGenerator(); deletertprnd = true; } else { rnew = r; deletertprnd = false; } return rnew; } int RTPSession::SendRTPData(const void *data, size_t len) { if (!m_changeOutgoingData) return rtptrans->SendRTPData(data, len); void *pSendData = 0; size_t sendLen = 0; int status = 0; status = OnChangeRTPOrRTCPData(data, len, true, &pSendData, &sendLen); if (status < 0) return status; if (pSendData) { status = rtptrans->SendRTPData(pSendData, sendLen); OnSentRTPOrRTCPData(pSendData, sendLen, true); } return status; } int RTPSession::SendRTCPData(const void *data, size_t len) { if (!m_changeOutgoingData) return rtptrans->SendRTCPData(data, len); void *pSendData = 0; size_t sendLen = 0; int status = 0; status = OnChangeRTPOrRTCPData(data, len, false, &pSendData, &sendLen); if (status < 0) return status; if (pSendData) { status = rtptrans->SendRTCPData(pSendData, sendLen); OnSentRTPOrRTCPData(pSendData, sendLen, false); } return status; } } // end namespace