/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // Copyright (C) 2020 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "device/deviceuiset.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui_adsbdemodgui.h" #include "plugin/pluginapi.h" #include "util/simpleserializer.h" #include "util/db.h" #include "gui/basicchannelsettingsdialog.h" #include "gui/devicestreamselectiondialog.h" #include "gui/crightclickenabler.h" #include "dsp/dspengine.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "adsbdemodreport.h" #include "adsbdemod.h" #include "adsbdemodgui.h" #include "adsb.h" // ADS-B table columns #define ADSB_COL_ICAO 0 #define ADSB_COL_FLIGHT 1 #define ADSB_COL_LATITUDE 2 #define ADSB_COL_LONGITUDE 3 #define ADSB_COL_ALTITUDE 4 #define ADSB_COL_SPEED 5 #define ADSB_COL_HEADING 6 #define ADSB_COL_VERTICALRATE 7 #define ADSB_COL_CATEGORY 8 #define ADSB_COL_STATUS 9 #define ADSB_COL_RANGE 10 #define ADSB_COL_AZEL 11 #define ADSB_COL_TIME 12 #define ADSB_COL_FRAMECOUNT 13 #define ADSB_COL_CORRELATION 14 const char *Aircraft::m_speedTypeNames[] = { "GS", "TAS", "IAS" }; ADSBDemodGUI* ADSBDemodGUI::create(PluginAPI* pluginAPI, DeviceUISet *deviceUISet, BasebandSampleSink *rxChannel) { ADSBDemodGUI* gui = new ADSBDemodGUI(pluginAPI, deviceUISet, rxChannel); return gui; } void ADSBDemodGUI::destroy() { delete this; } void ADSBDemodGUI::resetToDefaults() { m_settings.resetToDefaults(); displaySettings(); applySettings(); } QByteArray ADSBDemodGUI::serialize() const { return m_settings.serialize(); } bool ADSBDemodGUI::deserialize(const QByteArray& data) { if(m_settings.deserialize(data)) { displaySettings(); applySettings(true); return true; } else { resetToDefaults(); return false; } } // Longitude zone (returns value in range [1,59] static int cprNL(Real lat) { if (lat == 0.0f) return 59; else if ((lat == 87.0f) || (lat == -87.0f)) return 2; else if ((lat > 87.0f) || (lat < -87.0f)) return 1; else { double nz = 15.0; double n = 1 - std::cos(M_PI / (2.0 * nz)); double d = std::cos(std::fabs(lat) * M_PI/180.0); return std::floor((M_PI * 2.0) / std::acos(1.0 - (n/(d*d)))); } } static int cprN(Real lat, int odd) { int nl = cprNL(lat) - odd; if (nl > 1) return nl; else return 1; } static Real feetToMetres(Real feet) { return feet * 0.3048; } // Can't use std::fmod, as that works differently for negative numbers static Real modulus(Real x, Real y) { return x - y * std::floor(x/y); } QVariant AircraftModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { int row = index.row(); if ((row < 0) || (row >= m_aircrafts.count())) return QVariant(); if (role == AircraftModel::positionRole) { // Coordinates to display the aircraft icon at QGeoCoordinate coords; coords.setLatitude(m_aircrafts[row]->m_latitude); coords.setLongitude(m_aircrafts[row]->m_longitude); coords.setAltitude(m_aircrafts[row]->m_altitude * 0.3048); // Convert feet to metres return QVariant::fromValue(coords); } else if (role == AircraftModel::headingRole) { // What rotation to draw the aircraft icon at return QVariant::fromValue(m_aircrafts[row]->m_heading); } else if (role == AircraftModel::adsbDataRole) { // Create the text to go in the bubble next to the aircraft QStringList list; if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_flight.length() > 0) { list.append(QString("Flight: %1").arg(m_aircrafts[row]->m_flight)); } else { list.append(QString("ICAO: %1").arg(m_aircrafts[row]->m_icao, 1, 16)); } if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_altitudeValid) { list.append(QString("Altitude: %1 (ft)").arg(m_aircrafts[row]->m_altitude)); } if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_speedValid) { list.append(QString("%1: %2 (kn)").arg(m_aircrafts[row]->m_speedTypeNames[m_aircrafts[row]->m_speedType]).arg(m_aircrafts[row]->m_speed)); } if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_verticalRateValid) { QString desc; if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_verticalRate == 0) desc = "Level flight"; else if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_verticalRate > 0) desc = QString("Climbing: %1 (ft/min)").arg(m_aircrafts[row]->m_verticalRate); else desc = QString("Descending: %1 (ft/min)").arg(m_aircrafts[row]->m_verticalRate); list.append(QString(desc)); } if ((m_aircrafts[row]->m_status.length() > 0) && m_aircrafts[row]->m_status.compare("No emergency")) { list.append(m_aircrafts[row]->m_status); } QString data = list.join("\n"); return QVariant::fromValue(data); } else if (role == AircraftModel::aircraftImageRole) { // Select an image to use for the aircraft if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.length() > 0) { if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Heavy")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_4engine.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Large")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_2engine.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Small")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_2enginesmall.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Rotorcraft")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_helicopter.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("High performance")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_fighter.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Light") || !m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Ultralight") || !m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Glider/sailplane")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_light.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Space vehicle")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_space.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("UAV")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_drone.png")); else if (!m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Emergency vehicle") || !m_aircrafts[row]->m_emitterCategory.compare("Service vehicle")) return QVariant::fromValue(QString("map_truck.png")); else return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_2engine.png")); } else return QVariant::fromValue(QString("aircraft_2engine.png")); } else if (role == AircraftModel::bubbleColourRole) { // Select a background colour for the text bubble next to the aircraft if (m_aircrafts[row]->m_isBeingTracked) return QVariant::fromValue(QColor("lightgreen")); else if ((m_aircrafts[row]->m_status.length() > 0) && m_aircrafts[row]->m_status.compare("No emergency")) return QVariant::fromValue(QColor("lightred")); else return QVariant::fromValue(QColor("lightblue")); } return QVariant(); } // Called when we have both lat & long void ADSBDemodGUI::updatePosition(Aircraft *aircraft) { if (!aircraft->m_positionValid) { aircraft->m_positionValid = true; // Now we have a position, add a plane to the map QGeoCoordinate coords; coords.setLatitude(aircraft->m_latitude); coords.setLongitude(aircraft->m_longitude); m_aircraftModel.addAircraft(aircraft); } // Calculate range, azimuth and elevation to aircraft from station m_azEl.setTarget(aircraft->m_latitude, aircraft->m_longitude, feetToMetres(aircraft->m_altitude)); m_azEl.calculate(); aircraft->m_range = m_azEl.getDistance(); aircraft->m_azimuth = m_azEl.getAzimuth(); aircraft->m_elevation = m_azEl.getElevation(); aircraft->m_rangeItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_range/1000.0, 0, 'f', 1)); aircraft->m_azElItem->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(std::round(aircraft->m_azimuth)).arg(std::round(aircraft->m_elevation))); if (aircraft == m_trackAircraft) m_adsbDemod->setTarget(aircraft->m_azimuth, aircraft->m_elevation); } void ADSBDemodGUI::handleADSB(const QByteArray data, const QDateTime dateTime, float correlationOnes, float correlationZeros) { const char idMap[] = "?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ????? ???????????????0123456789??????"; const QString categorySetA[] = { "None", "Light", "Small", "Large", "High vortex", "Heavy", "High performance", "Rotorcraft" }; const QString categorySetB[] = { "None", "Glider/sailplane", "Lighter-than-air", "Parachutist", "Ultralight", "Reserved", "UAV", "Space vehicle" }; const QString categorySetC[] = { "None", "Emergency vehicle", "Service vehicle", "Ground obstruction", "Cluster obstacle", "Line obstacle", "Reserved", "Reserved" }; const QString emergencyStatus[] = { "No emergency", "General emergency", "Lifeguard/Medical", "Minimum fuel", "No communications", "Unlawful interference", "Downed aircraft", "Reserved" }; int df = (data[0] >> 3) & ADS_B_DF_MASK; // Downlink format int ca = data[0] & 0x7; // Capability unsigned icao = ((data[1] & 0xff) << 16) | ((data[2] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[3] & 0xff); // ICAO aircraft address int tc = (data[4] >> 3) & 0x1f; // Type code Aircraft *aircraft; if (m_aircraft.contains(icao)) { // Update existing aircraft info aircraft = m_aircraft.value(icao); } else { // Add new aircraft aircraft = new Aircraft; aircraft->m_icao = icao; m_aircraft.insert(icao, aircraft); aircraft->m_icaoItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_icao, 1, 16)); int row = ui->adsbData->rowCount(); ui->adsbData->setRowCount(row + 1); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_ICAO, aircraft->m_icaoItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_FLIGHT, aircraft->m_flightItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_LATITUDE, aircraft->m_latitudeItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_LONGITUDE, aircraft->m_longitudeItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_ALTITUDE, aircraft->m_altitudeItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_SPEED, aircraft->m_speedItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_HEADING, aircraft->m_headingItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_VERTICALRATE, aircraft->m_verticalRateItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_CATEGORY, aircraft->m_emitterCategoryItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_STATUS, aircraft->m_statusItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_RANGE, aircraft->m_rangeItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_AZEL, aircraft->m_azElItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_TIME, aircraft->m_timeItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_FRAMECOUNT, aircraft->m_adsbFrameCountItem); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_CORRELATION, aircraft->m_correlationItem); } aircraft->m_time = dateTime; QTime time = dateTime.time(); aircraft->m_timeItem->setText(QString("%1:%2:%3").arg(time.hour(), 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(time.minute(), 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(time.second(), 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'))); aircraft->m_adsbFrameCount++; aircraft->m_adsbFrameCountItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_adsbFrameCount)); m_correlationZerosAvg(correlationZeros); aircraft->m_minCorrelation = m_correlationZerosAvg.instantAverage(); if (correlationOnes > aircraft->m_maxCorrelation) aircraft->m_maxCorrelation = correlationOnes; m_correlationOnesAvg(correlationOnes); aircraft->m_correlation = m_correlationOnesAvg.instantAverage(); aircraft->m_correlationItem->setText(QString("%1/%2/%3") .arg(CalcDb::dbPower(aircraft->m_minCorrelation), 3, 'f', 1) .arg(CalcDb::dbPower(aircraft->m_correlation), 3, 'f', 1) .arg(CalcDb::dbPower(aircraft->m_maxCorrelation), 3, 'f', 1)); if ((tc >= 1) && ((tc <= 4))) { // Aircraft identification int ec = data[4] & 0x7; // Emitter category if (tc == 4) aircraft->m_emitterCategory = categorySetA[ec]; else if (tc == 3) aircraft->m_emitterCategory = categorySetB[ec]; else if (tc == 2) aircraft->m_emitterCategory = categorySetC[ec]; else aircraft->m_emitterCategory = QString("Reserved"); aircraft->m_emitterCategoryItem->setText(aircraft->m_emitterCategory); // Flight/callsign - Extract 8 6-bit characters from 6 8-bit bytes, MSB first unsigned char c[8]; char callsign[9]; c[0] = (data[5] >> 2) & 0x3f; // 6 c[1] = ((data[5] & 0x3) << 4) | ((data[6] & 0xf0) >> 4); // 2+4 c[2] = ((data[6] & 0xf) << 2) | ((data[7] & 0xc0) >> 6); // 4+2 c[3] = (data[7] & 0x3f); // 6 c[4] = (data[8] >> 2) & 0x3f; c[5] = ((data[8] & 0x3) << 4) | ((data[9] & 0xf0) >> 4); c[6] = ((data[9] & 0xf) << 2) | ((data[10] & 0xc0) >> 6); c[7] = (data[10] & 0x3f); // Map to ASCII for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) callsign[i] = idMap[c[i]]; callsign[8] = '\0'; aircraft->m_flight = QString(callsign); aircraft->m_flightItem->setText(aircraft->m_flight); } else if ((tc >= 5) && (tc <= 8)) { // Surface position } else if (((tc >= 9) && (tc <= 18)) || ((tc >= 20) && (tc <= 22))) { // Airbourne position (9-18 baro, 20-22 GNSS) int ss = (data[4] >> 1) & 0x3; // Surveillance status int nicsb = data[4] & 1; // NIC supplement-B int alt = ((data[5] & 0xff) << 4) | ((data[6] >> 4) & 0xf); // Altitude int n = ((alt >> 1) & 0x7f0) | (alt & 0xf); int alt_ft = n * ((alt & 0x10) ? 25 : 100) - 1000; aircraft->m_altitude = alt_ft; aircraft->m_altitudeValid = true; aircraft->m_altitudeItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_altitude)); int t = (data[6] >> 3) & 1; // Time int f = (data[6] >> 2) & 1; // CPR odd/even frame int lat_cpr = ((data[6] & 3) << 15) | ((data[7] & 0xff) << 7) | ((data[8] >> 1) & 0x7f); int lon_cpr = ((data[8] & 1) << 16) | ((data[9] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[10] & 0xff); aircraft->m_cprValid[f] = true; aircraft->m_cprLat[f] = lat_cpr/131072.0f; aircraft->m_cprLong[f] = lon_cpr/131072.0f; // Check if both odd and even frames are available // See: https://mode-s.org/decode/adsb/airborne-position.html // We could compare global + local methods to see if the positions are sensible if (aircraft->m_cprValid[0] && aircraft->m_cprValid[1]) { // Global decode using odd and even frames // Calculate latitude const Real dLatEven = 360.0f/60.0f; const Real dLatOdd = 360.0f/59.0f; Real latEven, latOdd; int j = std::floor(59.0f*aircraft->m_cprLat[0] - 60.0f*aircraft->m_cprLat[1] + 0.5); latEven = dLatEven * ((j % 60) + aircraft->m_cprLat[0]); if (latEven >= 270.0f) latEven -= 360.0f; latOdd = dLatOdd * ((j % 59) + aircraft->m_cprLat[1]); if (latOdd >= 270.0f) latOdd -= 360.0f; if (!f) aircraft->m_latitude = latEven; else aircraft->m_latitude = latOdd; aircraft->m_latitudeItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_latitude)); // Check if both frames in same latitude zone int latEvenNL = cprNL(latEven); int latOddNL = cprNL(latOdd); if (latEvenNL == latOddNL) { // Calculate longitude if (!f) { int ni = cprN(latEven, 0); int m = std::floor(aircraft->m_cprLong[0] * (latEvenNL - 1) - aircraft->m_cprLong[1] * latEvenNL + 0.5f); aircraft->m_longitude = (360.0f/ni) * ((m % ni) + aircraft->m_cprLong[0]); } else { int ni = cprN(latOdd, 1); int m = std::floor(aircraft->m_cprLong[0] * (latOddNL - 1) - aircraft->m_cprLong[1] * latOddNL + 0.5f); aircraft->m_longitude = (360.0f/ni) * ((m % ni) + aircraft->m_cprLong[1]); } if (aircraft->m_longitude > 180.0f) aircraft->m_longitude -= 360.0f; aircraft->m_longitudeItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_longitude)); updatePosition(aircraft); } } else { // Local decode using a single aircraft position + location of receiver // Only valid if within 180nm // Caclulate latitude const Real dLatEven = 360.0f/60.0f; const Real dLatOdd = 360.0f/59.0f; Real dLat = f ? dLatOdd : dLatEven; int j = std::floor(m_azEl.getLocationSpherical().m_latitude/dLat) + std::floor(modulus(m_azEl.getLocationSpherical().m_latitude, dLat)/dLat - aircraft->m_cprLat[f] + 0.5); aircraft->m_latitude = dLat * (j + aircraft->m_cprLat[f]); // Add suffix of L to indicate local decode aircraft->m_latitudeItem->setText(QString("%1 L").arg(aircraft->m_latitude)); // Caclulate longitude Real dLong; int latNL = cprNL(aircraft->m_latitude); if (f == 0) { if (latNL > 0) dLong = 360.0 / latNL; else dLong = 360.0; } else { if ((latNL - 1) > 0) dLong = 360.0 / (latNL - 1); else dLong = 360.0; } int m = std::floor(m_azEl.getLocationSpherical().m_longitude/dLong) + std::floor(modulus(m_azEl.getLocationSpherical().m_longitude, dLong)/dLong - aircraft->m_cprLong[f] + 0.5); aircraft->m_longitude = dLong * (m + aircraft->m_cprLong[f]); // Add suffix of L to indicate local decode aircraft->m_longitudeItem->setText(QString("%1 L").arg(aircraft->m_longitude)); updatePosition(aircraft); } } else if (tc == 19) { // Airbourne velocity int st = data[4] & 0x7; // Subtype int ic = (data[5] >> 7) & 1; // Intent change flag int nac = (data[5] >> 3) & 0x3; // Velocity uncertainty if ((st == 1) || (st == 2)) { // Ground speed int s_ew = (data[5] >> 2) & 1; // East-west velocity sign int v_ew = ((data[5] & 0x3) << 8) | (data[6] & 0xff); // East-west velocity int s_ns = (data[7] >> 7) & 1; // North-south velocity sign int v_ns = ((data[7] & 0x7f) << 3) | ((data[8] >> 5) & 0x7); // North-south velocity int v_we; int v_sn; int v; int h; if (s_ew) v_we = -1 * (v_ew - 1); else v_we = v_ew - 1; if (s_ns) v_sn = -1 * (v_ns - 1); else v_sn = v_ns - 1; v = (int)std::sqrt(v_we*v_we + v_sn*v_sn); h = std::atan2(v_we, v_sn) * 360.0/(2.0*M_PI); if (h < 0) h += 360; aircraft->m_heading = h; aircraft->m_headingValid = true; aircraft->m_speed = v; aircraft->m_speedType = Aircraft::GS; aircraft->m_speedValid = true; aircraft->m_headingItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_heading)); aircraft->m_speedItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_speed)); } else { // Airspeed int s_hdg = (data[5] >> 2) & 1; // Heading status int hdg = ((data[5] & 0x3) << 8) | (data[6] & 0xff); // Heading if (s_hdg) { aircraft->m_heading = hdg/1024.0f*360.0f; aircraft->m_headingValid = true; aircraft->m_headingItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_heading)); } int as_t = (data[7] >> 7) & 1; // Airspeed type int as = ((data[7] & 0x7f) << 3) | ((data[8] >> 5) & 0x7); // Airspeed aircraft->m_speed = as; aircraft->m_speedType = as_t ? Aircraft::IAS : Aircraft::TAS; aircraft->m_speedValid = true; aircraft->m_speedItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_speed)); } int vrsrc = (data[8] >> 4) & 1; // Vertical rate source int s_vr = (data[8] >> 3) & 1; // Vertical rate sign int vr = ((data[8] & 0x7) << 6) | ((data[9] >> 2) & 0x3f); // Vertical rate aircraft->m_verticalRate = (vr-1)*64*(s_vr?-1:1); aircraft->m_verticalRateValid = true; aircraft->m_verticalRateItem->setText(QString("%1").arg(aircraft->m_verticalRate)); int s_dif = (data[10] >> 7) & 1; // Diff from baro alt, sign int dif = data[10] & 0x7f; // Diff from baro alt } else if (tc == 28) { // Aircraft status int st = data[4] & 0x7; // Subtype int es = (data[5] >> 5) & 0x7; // Emergeny state if (st == 1) aircraft->m_status = emergencyStatus[es]; else aircraft->m_status = QString(""); aircraft->m_statusItem->setText(aircraft->m_status); } else if (tc == 29) { // Target state and status } else if (tc == 31) { // Aircraft operation status } // Update aircraft in map if (aircraft->m_positionValid) { m_aircraftModel.aircraftUpdated(aircraft); } } bool ADSBDemodGUI::handleMessage(const Message& message) { if (ADSBDemodReport::MsgReportADSB::match(message)) { ADSBDemodReport::MsgReportADSB& report = (ADSBDemodReport::MsgReportADSB&) message; handleADSB( report.getData(), report.getDateTime(), report.getPreambleCorrelationOnes(), report.getPreambleCorrelationZeros()); return true; } else if (ADSBDemod::MsgConfigureADSBDemod::match(message)) { qDebug("ADSBDemodGUI::handleMessage: ADSBDemod::MsgConfigureADSBDemod"); const ADSBDemod::MsgConfigureADSBDemod& cfg = (ADSBDemod::MsgConfigureADSBDemod&) message; m_settings = cfg.getSettings(); blockApplySettings(true); displaySettings(); blockApplySettings(false); return true; } return false; } void ADSBDemodGUI::handleInputMessages() { Message* message; while ((message = getInputMessageQueue()->pop()) != 0) { if (handleMessage(*message)) { delete message; } } } void ADSBDemodGUI::channelMarkerChangedByCursor() { ui->deltaFrequency->setValue(m_channelMarker.getCenterFrequency()); m_settings.m_inputFrequencyOffset = m_channelMarker.getCenterFrequency(); applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::channelMarkerHighlightedByCursor() { setHighlighted(m_channelMarker.getHighlighted()); } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_deltaFrequency_changed(qint64 value) { m_channelMarker.setCenterFrequency(value); m_settings.m_inputFrequencyOffset = m_channelMarker.getCenterFrequency(); applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_rfBW_valueChanged(int value) { Real bw = (Real)value; ui->rfBWText->setText(QString("%1M").arg(bw / 1000000.0, 0, 'f', 1)); m_channelMarker.setBandwidth(bw); m_settings.m_rfBandwidth = bw; applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_threshold_valueChanged(int value) { Real thresholddB = ((Real)value)/10.0f; ui->thresholdText->setText(QString("%1").arg(thresholddB, 0, 'f', 1)); m_settings.m_correlationThreshold = thresholddB; applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_beastEnabled_stateChanged(int state) { m_settings.m_beastEnabled = state == Qt::Checked; // Don't disable host/port - so they can be entered before connecting applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_host_editingFinished(QString value) { m_settings.m_beastHost = value; applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_port_valueChanged(int value) { m_settings.m_beastPort = value; applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_adsbData_cellDoubleClicked(int row, int column) { // Get ICAO of aircraft in row double clicked int icao = ui->adsbData->item(row, 0)->text().toInt(nullptr, 16); if (column == ADSB_COL_ICAO) { // Search for aircraft on planespotters.net QString icaoUpper = QString("%1").arg(icao, 1, 16).toUpper(); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(QString("https://www.planespotters.net/hex/%1").arg(icaoUpper))); } else if (m_aircraft.contains(icao)) { Aircraft *aircraft = m_aircraft.value(icao); if (column == ADSB_COL_FLIGHT) { if (aircraft->m_flight.length() > 0) { // Search for flight on flightradar24 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(QString("https://www.flightradar24.com/%1").arg(aircraft->m_flight.trimmed()))); } } else { if (column == ADSB_COL_AZEL) { if (m_trackAircraft) { // Restore colour of current target m_trackAircraft->m_isBeingTracked = false; m_aircraftModel.aircraftUpdated(m_trackAircraft); } // Track this aircraft m_trackAircraft = aircraft; if (aircraft->m_positionValid) m_adsbDemod->setTarget(aircraft->m_azimuth, aircraft->m_elevation); // Change colour of new target aircraft->m_isBeingTracked = true; m_aircraftModel.aircraftUpdated(aircraft); } // Center map view on aircraft if it has a valid position if (aircraft->m_positionValid) { QQuickItem *item = ui->map->rootObject(); QObject *object = item->findChild("map"); if(object != NULL) { QGeoCoordinate geocoord = object->property("center").value(); geocoord.setLatitude(aircraft->m_latitude); geocoord.setLongitude(aircraft->m_longitude); object->setProperty("center", QVariant::fromValue(geocoord)); } } } } } void ADSBDemodGUI::on_spb_currentIndexChanged(int value) { m_settings.m_samplesPerBit = (value + 1) * 2; applySettings(); } void ADSBDemodGUI::onWidgetRolled(QWidget* widget, bool rollDown) { (void) widget; (void) rollDown; } void ADSBDemodGUI::onMenuDialogCalled(const QPoint &p) { if (m_contextMenuType == ContextMenuChannelSettings) { BasicChannelSettingsDialog dialog(&m_channelMarker, this); dialog.setUseReverseAPI(m_settings.m_useReverseAPI); dialog.setReverseAPIAddress(m_settings.m_reverseAPIAddress); dialog.setReverseAPIPort(m_settings.m_reverseAPIPort); dialog.setReverseAPIDeviceIndex(m_settings.m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex); dialog.setReverseAPIChannelIndex(m_settings.m_reverseAPIChannelIndex); dialog.move(p); dialog.exec(); m_settings.m_inputFrequencyOffset = m_channelMarker.getCenterFrequency(); m_settings.m_rgbColor = m_channelMarker.getColor().rgb(); m_settings.m_title = m_channelMarker.getTitle(); m_settings.m_useReverseAPI = dialog.useReverseAPI(); m_settings.m_reverseAPIAddress = dialog.getReverseAPIAddress(); m_settings.m_reverseAPIPort = dialog.getReverseAPIPort(); m_settings.m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex = dialog.getReverseAPIDeviceIndex(); m_settings.m_reverseAPIChannelIndex = dialog.getReverseAPIChannelIndex(); setWindowTitle(m_settings.m_title); setTitleColor(m_settings.m_rgbColor); applySettings(); } else if ((m_contextMenuType == ContextMenuStreamSettings) && (m_deviceUISet->m_deviceMIMOEngine)) { DeviceStreamSelectionDialog dialog(this); dialog.setNumberOfStreams(m_adsbDemod->getNumberOfDeviceStreams()); dialog.setStreamIndex(m_settings.m_streamIndex); dialog.move(p); dialog.exec(); m_settings.m_streamIndex = dialog.getSelectedStreamIndex(); m_channelMarker.clearStreamIndexes(); m_channelMarker.addStreamIndex(m_settings.m_streamIndex); displayStreamIndex(); applySettings(); } resetContextMenuType(); } ADSBDemodGUI::ADSBDemodGUI(PluginAPI* pluginAPI, DeviceUISet *deviceUISet, BasebandSampleSink *rxChannel, QWidget* parent) : ChannelGUI(parent), ui(new Ui::ADSBDemodGUI), m_pluginAPI(pluginAPI), m_deviceUISet(deviceUISet), m_channelMarker(this), m_basicSettingsShown(false), m_doApplySettings(true), m_tickCount(0), m_trackAircraft(nullptr) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->map->rootContext()->setContextProperty("aircraftModel", &m_aircraftModel); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); connect(this, SIGNAL(widgetRolled(QWidget*,bool)), this, SLOT(onWidgetRolled(QWidget*,bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(onMenuDialogCalled(const QPoint &))); m_adsbDemod = reinterpret_cast(rxChannel); //new ADSBDemod(m_deviceUISet->m_deviceSourceAPI); m_adsbDemod->setMessageQueueToGUI(getInputMessageQueue()); connect(&MainCore::instance()->getMasterTimer(), SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); ui->channelPowerMeter->setColorTheme(LevelMeterSignalDB::ColorGreenAndBlue); ui->deltaFrequencyLabel->setText(QString("%1f").arg(QChar(0x94, 0x03))); ui->deltaFrequency->setColorMapper(ColorMapper(ColorMapper::GrayGold)); ui->deltaFrequency->setValueRange(false, 7, -9999999, 9999999); m_channelMarker.blockSignals(true); m_channelMarker.setColor(Qt::red); m_channelMarker.setBandwidth(5000); m_channelMarker.setCenterFrequency(0); m_channelMarker.setTitle("ADS-B Demodulator"); m_channelMarker.blockSignals(false); m_channelMarker.setVisible(true); // activate signal on the last setting only m_settings.setChannelMarker(&m_channelMarker); m_deviceUISet->addChannelMarker(&m_channelMarker); m_deviceUISet->addRollupWidget(this); connect(&m_channelMarker, SIGNAL(changedByCursor()), this, SLOT(channelMarkerChangedByCursor())); connect(&m_channelMarker, SIGNAL(highlightedByCursor()), this, SLOT(channelMarkerHighlightedByCursor())); connect(getInputMessageQueue(), SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages())); resizeTable(); // Get station position Real stationLatitude = MainCore::instance()->getSettings().getLatitude(); Real stationLongitude = MainCore::instance()->getSettings().getLongitude(); Real stationAltitude = MainCore::instance()->getSettings().getAltitude(); m_azEl.setLocation(stationLatitude, stationLongitude, stationAltitude); // Centre map at My Position QQuickItem *item = ui->map->rootObject(); QObject *object = item->findChild("map"); if(object != NULL) { QGeoCoordinate coords = object->property("center").value(); coords.setLatitude(stationLatitude); coords.setLongitude(stationLongitude); object->setProperty("center", QVariant::fromValue(coords)); } // Move antenna icon to My Position QObject *stationObject = item->findChild("station"); if(stationObject != NULL) { QGeoCoordinate coords = stationObject->property("coordinate").value(); coords.setLatitude(stationLatitude); coords.setLongitude(stationLongitude); coords.setAltitude(stationAltitude); stationObject->setProperty("coordinate", QVariant::fromValue(coords)); stationObject->setProperty("stationName", QVariant::fromValue(MainCore::instance()->getSettings().getStationName())); } displaySettings(); applySettings(true); } ADSBDemodGUI::~ADSBDemodGUI() { delete ui; QHash::iterator i = m_aircraft.begin(); while (i != m_aircraft.end()) { Aircraft *a = i.value(); delete a; ++i; } } void ADSBDemodGUI::applySettings(bool force) { if (m_doApplySettings) { qDebug() << "ADSBDemodGUI::applySettings"; ADSBDemod::MsgConfigureADSBDemod* message = ADSBDemod::MsgConfigureADSBDemod::create( m_settings, force); m_adsbDemod->getInputMessageQueue()->push(message); } } void ADSBDemodGUI::displaySettings() { m_channelMarker.blockSignals(true); m_channelMarker.setCenterFrequency(m_settings.m_inputFrequencyOffset); m_channelMarker.setBandwidth(m_settings.m_rfBandwidth); m_channelMarker.setTitle(m_settings.m_title); m_channelMarker.blockSignals(false); m_channelMarker.setColor(m_settings.m_rgbColor); setTitleColor(m_settings.m_rgbColor); setWindowTitle(m_channelMarker.getTitle()); blockApplySettings(true); ui->deltaFrequency->setValue(m_channelMarker.getCenterFrequency()); ui->rfBWText->setText(QString("%1M").arg(m_settings.m_rfBandwidth / 1000000.0, 0, 'f', 1)); ui->rfBW->setValue((int)m_settings.m_rfBandwidth); ui->spb->setCurrentIndex(m_settings.m_samplesPerBit/2-1); ui->thresholdText->setText(QString("%1").arg(m_settings.m_correlationThreshold, 0, 'f', 1)); ui->threshold->setValue((int)(m_settings.m_correlationThreshold*10)); ui->beastEnabled->setChecked(m_settings.m_beastEnabled); ui->host->setText(m_settings.m_beastHost); ui->port->setValue(m_settings.m_beastPort); displayStreamIndex(); blockApplySettings(false); } void ADSBDemodGUI::displayStreamIndex() { if (m_deviceUISet->m_deviceMIMOEngine) { setStreamIndicator(tr("%1").arg(m_settings.m_streamIndex)); } else { setStreamIndicator("S"); // single channel indicator } } void ADSBDemodGUI::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { m_channelMarker.setHighlighted(false); } void ADSBDemodGUI::enterEvent(QEvent*) { m_channelMarker.setHighlighted(true); } void ADSBDemodGUI::blockApplySettings(bool block) { m_doApplySettings = !block; } void ADSBDemodGUI::tick() { double magsqAvg, magsqPeak; int nbMagsqSamples; m_adsbDemod->getMagSqLevels(magsqAvg, magsqPeak, nbMagsqSamples); double powDbAvg = CalcDb::dbPower(magsqAvg); double powDbPeak = CalcDb::dbPower(magsqPeak); ui->channelPowerMeter->levelChanged( (100.0f + powDbAvg) / 100.0f, (100.0f + powDbPeak) / 100.0f, nbMagsqSamples); if (m_tickCount % 4 == 0) { ui->channelPower->setText(tr("%1 dB").arg(powDbAvg, 0, 'f', 1)); } m_tickCount++; // Tick is called 20x a second - lets check this every 10 seconds if (m_tickCount % (20*10) == 0) { // Remove aircraft that haven't been heard of for a minute as probably out of range QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); qint64 nowSecs = now.toSecsSinceEpoch(); QHash::iterator i = m_aircraft.begin(); while (i != m_aircraft.end()) { Aircraft *aircraft = i.value(); qint64 secondsSinceLastFrame = nowSecs - aircraft->m_time.toSecsSinceEpoch(); if (secondsSinceLastFrame >= m_settings.m_removeTimeout) { // Don't try to track it anymore if (m_trackAircraft == aircraft) { m_adsbDemod->clearTarget(); m_trackAircraft = nullptr; } // Remove map model m_aircraftModel.removeAircraft(aircraft); // Remove row from table ui->adsbData->removeRow(aircraft->m_icaoItem->row()); // Remove aircraft from hash i = m_aircraft.erase(i); // And finally free its memory delete aircraft; } else ++i; } } } void ADSBDemodGUI::resizeTable() { int row = ui->adsbData->rowCount(); ui->adsbData->setRowCount(row + 1); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_ICAO, new QTableWidgetItem("ICAO ID")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_FLIGHT, new QTableWidgetItem("Flight No")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_LATITUDE, new QTableWidgetItem("-90.00000 L")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_LONGITUDE, new QTableWidgetItem("-180.00000 L")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_ALTITUDE, new QTableWidgetItem("Alt (ft)")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_SPEED, new QTableWidgetItem("Sp (kn)")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_HEADING, new QTableWidgetItem("Hd (o)")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_VERTICALRATE, new QTableWidgetItem("Climb")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_CATEGORY, new QTableWidgetItem("Category")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_STATUS, new QTableWidgetItem("No emergency")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_RANGE, new QTableWidgetItem("D (km)")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_AZEL, new QTableWidgetItem("Az/El (o)")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_TIME, new QTableWidgetItem("99:99:99")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_FRAMECOUNT, new QTableWidgetItem("Frames")); ui->adsbData->setItem(row, ADSB_COL_CORRELATION, new QTableWidgetItem("-99.9/-99.9/=99.9")); ui->adsbData->resizeColumnsToContents(); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_ICAO); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_FLIGHT); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_LATITUDE); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_LONGITUDE); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_ALTITUDE); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_SPEED); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_HEADING); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_VERTICALRATE); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_CATEGORY); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_STATUS); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_RANGE); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_AZEL); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_TIME); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_FRAMECOUNT); ui->adsbData->removeCellWidget(row, ADSB_COL_CORRELATION); ui->adsbData->setRowCount(row); }