mirror of https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel.git synced 2024-09-16 18:06:35 -04:00
Jon Beniston 7b6708a256 APT Demod updates.
Add projection of image on to 3D map.
Add support for temperature map.
Add support for colour palettes for image enhancements.
Fix IR channel names.
2022-02-04 16:36:02 +00:00

1015 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB. //
// Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <algorithm>
#include <QTime>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QDebug>
#include "maincore.h"
#include "util/units.h"
#include "aptdemod.h"
#include "aptdemodimageworker.h"
#include "SWGMapItem.h"
MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(APTDemodImageWorker::MsgConfigureAPTDemodImageWorker, Message)
MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(APTDemodImageWorker::MsgSaveImageToDisk, Message)
MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(APTDemodImageWorker::MsgSetSatelliteName, Message)
APTDemodImageWorker::APTDemodImageWorker(APTDemod *aptDemod) :
for (int y = 0; y < APT_MAX_HEIGHT; y++)
m_image.prow[y] = new float[APT_PROW_WIDTH];
m_tempImage.prow[y] = new float[APT_PROW_WIDTH];
for (int y = 0; y < APT_MAX_HEIGHT; y++)
delete[] m_image.prow[y];
delete[] m_tempImage.prow[y];
delete m_sgp4;
void APTDemodImageWorker::reset()
QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex);
void APTDemodImageWorker::startWork()
QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex);
connect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages()));
m_running = true;
void APTDemodImageWorker::stopWork()
QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex);
disconnect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages()));
m_running = false;
void APTDemodImageWorker::handleInputMessages()
Message* message;
while ((message = m_inputMessageQueue.pop()) != nullptr)
if (handleMessage(*message)) {
delete message;
bool APTDemodImageWorker::handleMessage(const Message& cmd)
if (MsgConfigureAPTDemodImageWorker::match(cmd))
QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex);
MsgConfigureAPTDemodImageWorker& cfg = (MsgConfigureAPTDemodImageWorker&) cmd;
qDebug("APTDemodImageWorker::handleMessage: MsgConfigureAPTDemodImageWorker");
applySettings(cfg.getSettings(), cfg.getForce());
return true;
else if (MsgSaveImageToDisk::match(cmd))
return true;
else if (MsgSetSatelliteName::match(cmd))
MsgSetSatelliteName& msg = (MsgSetSatelliteName&) cmd;
m_satelliteName = msg.getSatelliteName();
return true;
else if (APTDemod::MsgPixels::match(cmd))
QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex);
const APTDemod::MsgPixels& pixelsMsg = (APTDemod::MsgPixels&) cmd;
const float *pixels = pixelsMsg.getPixels();
delete[] pixels;
return true;
else if (APTDemod::MsgResetDecoder::match(cmd))
return true;
return false;
void APTDemodImageWorker::applySettings(const APTDemodSettings& settings, bool force)
(void) force;
bool callRecalcCoords = false;
bool callProcessImage = false;
if ((settings.m_cropNoise != m_settings.m_cropNoise) ||
(settings.m_denoise != m_settings.m_denoise) ||
(settings.m_linearEqualise != m_settings.m_linearEqualise) ||
(settings.m_histogramEqualise != m_settings.m_histogramEqualise) ||
(settings.m_precipitationOverlay != m_settings.m_precipitationOverlay) ||
(settings.m_flip != m_settings.m_flip) ||
(settings.m_channels != m_settings.m_channels) ||
(settings.m_transparencyThreshold != m_settings.m_transparencyThreshold) ||
(settings.m_opacityThreshold != m_settings.m_opacityThreshold) ||
(settings.m_palettes != m_settings.m_palettes) ||
(settings.m_palette != m_settings.m_palette) ||
(settings.m_horizontalPixelsPerDegree != m_settings.m_horizontalPixelsPerDegree) ||
(settings.m_verticalPixelsPerDegree != m_settings.m_verticalPixelsPerDegree))
// Call after settings have been applied
callProcessImage = true;
if ((settings.m_satTimeOffset != m_settings.m_satTimeOffset) ||
(settings.m_satYaw != m_settings.m_satYaw))
callRecalcCoords = true;
callProcessImage = true;
if (!settings.m_decodeEnabled && m_settings.m_decodeEnabled)
// Decode complete - make sure we do a full image update
// so we aren't left we unprocessed lines
callProcessImage = true;
if (settings.m_palettes != m_settings.m_palettes)
// Load colour palettes
for (auto palette : settings.m_palettes)
QImage img;
if ((img.width() != 256) || (img.height() != 256)) {
qWarning() << "APT colour palette " << palette << " is not 256x256 pixels - " << img.width() << "x" << img.height();
m_settings = settings;
if (callRecalcCoords) {
if (callProcessImage) {
void APTDemodImageWorker::resetDecoder()
m_image.nrow = 0;
m_image.zenith = 0;
m_tempImage.nrow = 0;
m_tempImage.zenith = 0;
m_greyImage = QImage(APT_IMG_WIDTH, APT_MAX_HEIGHT, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
m_colourImage = QImage(APT_IMG_WIDTH, APT_MAX_HEIGHT, QImage::Format_RGB888);
m_satelliteName = "";
delete m_sgp4;
m_sgp4 = nullptr;
// Convert Qt QDataTime to QGP4 DateTime
static DateTime qDateTimeToDateTime(QDateTime qdt)
QDateTime utc = qdt.toUTC();
QDate date = utc.date();
QTime time = utc.time();
DateTime dt;
dt.Initialise(date.year(), date.month(), date.day(), time.hour(), time.minute(), time.second(), time.msec() * 1000);
return dt;
// Get heading in range [0,360)
static double normaliseHeading(double heading)
return fmod(heading + 360.0, 360.0);
// Get longitude in range -180,180
static double normaliseLongitude(double lon)
return fmod(lon + 540.0, 360.0) - 180.0;
// Calculate heading (azimuth) in degrees
double APTDemodImageWorker::calcHeading(CoordGeodetic from, CoordGeodetic to) const
// From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuth Section In Geodesy
double flattening = 1.0 / 298.257223563; // For WGS84 ellipsoid
double eSq = flattening * (2.0 - flattening);
double oneMinusESq = (1.0 - flattening) * (1.0 - flattening);
double tl1 = tan(from.latitude);
double tl2 = tan(to.latitude);
double n1 = 1.0 + oneMinusESq * tl2 * tl2;
double d1 = 1.0 + oneMinusESq * tl1 * tl1;
double l = to.longitude - from.longitude;
double alpha;
if (from.latitude == 0.0)
alpha = atan2(sin(l), (oneMinusESq * tan(to.latitude)));
double lambda = oneMinusESq * tan(to.latitude) / tan(from.latitude) + eSq * sqrt(n1/d1);
alpha = atan2(sin(l), ((lambda - cos(l)) * sin(from.latitude)));
double deg = Units::radiansToDegrees(alpha);
if (!m_settings.m_northToSouth) {
deg += 180.0;
deg = normaliseHeading(deg);
return deg;
// CoordGeodetic are in radians. Distance in metres. Bearing in radians.
// https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
// This approximates Earth as spherical. If we need more accurate algorithm, see:
// https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-vincenty.html
static void calcRadialEndPoint(CoordGeodetic start, double distance, double bearing, CoordGeodetic &end)
double earthRadius = 6378137.0; // At equator
double delta = distance/earthRadius;
end.latitude = std::asin(sin(start.latitude)*cos(delta) + cos(start.latitude)*sin(delta)*cos(bearing));
end.longitude = start.longitude + std::atan2(sin(bearing)*sin(delta)*cos(start.latitude), cos(delta) - sin(start.latitude)*sin(end.latitude));
end.longitude = normaliseLongitude(end.longitude);
void APTDemodImageWorker::calcPixelCoords(CoordGeodetic centreCoord, double heading)
// Calculate coordinates of each pixel in a row (swath)
// Assume satellite is at centre pixel, and project +-90 degrees from satellite heading
// https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/satellite/publications/podguides/N-15%20thru%20N-19/pdf/APPENDIX%20J%20Instrument%20Scan%20Properties.pdf
// Swath for AVHRR/3 of 2926.6km at 833km altitude over spherical Earth
// Some docs say resolution is 4.0km, but it varies as per fig 4.2.3-1 in:
// https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/satellite/publications/podguides/N-15%20thru%20N-19/pdf/2.1%20Section%204.0%20Real%20Time%20Data%20Systems%20for%20Local%20Users%20.pdf
// TODO: Could try to adjust for altitude
QVector<CoordGeodetic> pixelCoords(APT_CH_WIDTH);
pixelCoords[APT_CH_WIDTH/2] = centreCoord;
double heading1 = Units::degreesToRadians(heading + m_settings.m_satYaw + 90.0);
double heading2 = Units::degreesToRadians(heading + m_settings.m_satYaw - 90.0);
for (int i = 1; i <= APT_CH_WIDTH/2; i++)
double distance = i * 2926600.0/APT_CH_WIDTH;
calcRadialEndPoint(centreCoord, distance, heading1, pixelCoords[APT_CH_WIDTH/2-i]);
calcRadialEndPoint(centreCoord, distance, heading2, pixelCoords[APT_CH_WIDTH/2+i]);
if (m_settings.m_northToSouth) {
} else {
// Recalculate all pixel coordiantes as satTimeOffset or satYaw has changed
void APTDemodImageWorker::recalcCoords()
if (m_sgp4)
for (int row = 0; row < m_image.nrow; row++)
QDateTime qdt = m_settings.m_aosDateTime.addMSecs(m_settings.m_satTimeOffset * 1000.0f + row * 500);
calcCoords(qdt, row);
// Calculate pixel coordinates for a single row at the given date and time
void APTDemodImageWorker::calcCoords(QDateTime qdt, int row)
DateTime dt = qDateTimeToDateTime(qdt);
// Calculate satellite position
Eci eci = m_sgp4->FindPosition(dt);
// Convert satellite position to geodetic coordinates (lat and long)
CoordGeodetic geo = eci.ToGeodetic();
// Calculate satellite heading (Could convert eci.Velocity() instead)
double heading;
if (m_satCoords.size() == 2)
heading = calcHeading(m_satCoords[0], m_satCoords[1]);
calcPixelCoords(m_satCoords[0], heading);
calcPixelCoords(m_satCoords[1], heading);
else if (m_satCoords.size() > 2)
heading = calcHeading(m_satCoords[row-1], m_satCoords[row]);
calcPixelCoords(geo, heading);
catch (SatelliteException& se)
qDebug() << "APTDemodImageWorker::calcCoord: " << se.what();
catch (DecayedException& de)
qDebug() << "APTDemodImageWorker::calcCoord: " << de.what();
catch (TleException& tlee)
qDebug() << "APTDemodImageWorker::calcCoord: " << tlee.what();
// Calculate satellite's geodetic coordinates and heading
void APTDemodImageWorker::calcCoord(int row)
if (row == 0)
QStringList tle = m_settings.m_tle.trimmed().split("\n");
if (tle.size() == 3)
// Initalise SGP4
Tle tle(tle[0].toStdString(), tle[1].toStdString(), tle[2].toStdString());
m_sgp4 = new SGP4(tle);
// Output time so we can check time offset from when AOS is signalled
qDebug() << "APTDemod: Processing row 0 at " << QDateTime::currentDateTime();
calcCoords(m_settings.m_aosDateTime, row);
qDebug() << "APTDemodImageWorker::calcCoord: No TLE for satellite. Is Satellite Tracker running?";
else if (m_sgp4 == nullptr)
// Calculate time at which
// Don't try to use QDateTime::currentDateTime() as processing & scheduling delays mean
// it's not constant and can sometimes even be 0
// Lines should be transmitted at 2 per second, so just use number of rows since AOS
// We add a user-defined delay to account for delays in transferring SDR data and demodulation
QDateTime qdt = m_settings.m_aosDateTime.addMSecs(m_settings.m_satTimeOffset * 1000.0f + row * 500);
calcCoords(qdt, row);
void APTDemodImageWorker::processPixels(const float *pixels)
if (m_image.nrow < APT_MAX_HEIGHT)
// Calculate lat and lon of centre of row
std::copy(pixels, pixels + APT_PROW_WIDTH, m_image.prow[m_image.nrow]);
if (m_image.nrow % m_settings.m_scanlinesPerImageUpdate == 0) { // send full image only every N lines
} else { // else send unprocessed line just to show stg is moving
void APTDemodImageWorker::sendImageToGUI()
// Send image to GUI
if (m_messageQueueToGUI)
QStringList imageTypes;
QImage image = processImage(imageTypes, m_settings.m_channels);
m_messageQueueToGUI->push(APTDemod::MsgImage::create(image, imageTypes, m_satelliteName));
if (m_sgp4) {
sendImageToMap(image, imageTypes);
// Find the value of the pixel closest to the given coordinates
// If we have previously found a pixel, we constrain the search to be nearby, in order to speed up the search
QRgb APTDemodImageWorker::findNearest(const QImage &image, double latitude, double longitude, int xPrevious, int yPrevious, int &xNearest, int &yNearest) const
double dmin = 360.0 * 360.0 + 90.0 * 90.0;
xNearest = -1;
yNearest = -1;
QRgb p = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // Transparent
int xMin, xMax;
int yMin, yMax;
int yStartPostCrop;
int yEndPostCrop;
if (m_settings.m_northToSouth)
yStartPostCrop = abs(m_tempImage.zenith);
yEndPostCrop = yStartPostCrop + image.height();
yStartPostCrop = m_image.nrow - m_tempImage.nrow - abs(m_tempImage.zenith);
yEndPostCrop = yStartPostCrop + image.height();
if (xPrevious == -1)
yMin = yStartPostCrop;
yMax = yEndPostCrop;
xMin = 0;
xMax = m_pixelCoords[0].size();
int searchRadius = 4;
yMin = yPrevious - searchRadius;
yMax = yPrevious + searchRadius + 1;
xMin = xPrevious - searchRadius;
xMax = xPrevious + searchRadius + 1;
yMin = std::max(yMin, yStartPostCrop);
yMax = std::min(yMax, yEndPostCrop);
xMin = std::max(xMin, 0);
xMax = std::min(xMax, m_pixelCoords[0].size());
const int ySize = yEndPostCrop-1;
const int xSize = m_pixelCoords[0].size()-1;
for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++)
for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++)
CoordGeodetic coord = m_pixelCoords[y][x];
double dlat = coord.latitude - latitude;
double dlon = coord.longitude - longitude;
double d = dlat * dlat + dlon * dlon;
if (d < dmin)
dmin = d;
xNearest = x;
yNearest = y;
// Only use color of pixel if we're inside the source image
if ( ((y != yStartPostCrop) || ((y == yStartPostCrop) && (latitude <= coord.latitude)))
&& ((y != ySize) || ((y == ySize) && (latitude >= coord.latitude)))
&& ((x != 0) || ((x == 0) && (longitude >= coord.longitude)))
&& ((x != xSize) || ((x == xSize) && (longitude <= coord.longitude)))
p = image.pixel(x, y - yStartPostCrop);
p = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // Transparent
return p;
// Calculate bounding box for projected image in terms of latitude and longitude
// TODO: Handle crossing of anti-meridian
void APTDemodImageWorker::calcBoundingBox(double &east, double &south, double &west, double &north, const QImage &image)
int start;
if (m_settings.m_northToSouth) {
start = abs(m_tempImage.zenith);
} else {
start = m_image.nrow - m_tempImage.nrow - abs(m_tempImage.zenith);
int stop = start + image.height();
east = -M_PI;
west = M_PI;
north = -M_PI/2.0;
south = M_PI/2.0;
//FILE *f = fopen("coords.txt", "w");
for (int y = start; y < stop; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < m_pixelCoords[y].size(); x++)
double latitude = m_pixelCoords[y][x].latitude;
double longitude = m_pixelCoords[y][x].longitude;
//fprintf(f, "%f,%f ", Units::radiansToDegrees(m_pixelCoords[y][x].latitude), Units::radiansToDegrees(m_pixelCoords[y][x].longitude));
south = std::min(latitude, south);
north = std::max(latitude, north);
east = std::max(longitude, east);
west = std::min(longitude, west);
//fprintf(f, "\n");
// Project satellite image to equidistant cyclindrical projection (Plate Carree) for use on 3D Map
// We've previously computed lat and lon for each pixel in satellite image
// so we just work through coords in projected image, trying to find closest pixel in satellite image
// FIXME: How do we handle sat going over the poles?
QImage APTDemodImageWorker::projectImage(const QImage &image)
double east, south, west, north;
// Calculate bounding box for image tile
calcBoundingBox(east, south, west, north, image);
m_tileEast = ceil(Units::radiansToDegrees(east));
m_tileWest = floor(Units::radiansToDegrees(west));
m_tileNorth = ceil(Units::radiansToDegrees(north));
m_tileSouth = floor(Units::radiansToDegrees(south));
double widthDeg = m_tileEast - m_tileWest;
double heightDeg = m_tileNorth - m_tileSouth;
int width = widthDeg * m_settings.m_horizontalPixelsPerDegree;
int height = heightDeg * m_settings.m_verticalPixelsPerDegree;
//FILE *f = fopen("mapping.txt", "w");
QImage projection(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
int xNearest, yNearest, xPrevious, yPrevious;
xPrevious = -1;
yPrevious = -1;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
// Calculate geodetic coords of pixel in projected image
double lat = m_tileNorth - (y / (double)m_settings.m_verticalPixelsPerDegree);
// Reverse search direction in alternate rows, so we are always seaching
// close to previously found pixel
if ((y & 1) == 0)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
double lon = m_tileWest + (x / (double)m_settings.m_horizontalPixelsPerDegree);
// Find closest pixel in source image
QRgb pixel = findNearest(image, Units::degreesToRadians(lat), Units::degreesToRadians(lon), xPrevious, yPrevious, xNearest, yNearest);
xPrevious = xNearest;
yPrevious = yNearest;
projection.setPixel(x, y, pixel);
//fprintf(f, "%f,%f,%d,%d,%d ", lat, lon, xNearest, yNearest, pixel==0);
for (int x = width - 1; x >= 0; x--)
double lon = m_tileWest + (x / (double)m_settings.m_horizontalPixelsPerDegree);
// Find closest pixel in source image
QRgb pixel = findNearest(image, Units::degreesToRadians(lat), Units::degreesToRadians(lon), xPrevious, yPrevious, xNearest, yNearest);
xPrevious = xNearest;
yPrevious = yNearest;
projection.setPixel(x, y, pixel);
//fprintf(f, "%f,%f,%d,%d,%d ", lat, lon, xNearest, yNearest, pixel==0);
//fprintf(f, "\n");
return projection;
// Make an image transparent, so when overlaid on 3D map, we can see the underlying terrain
// Image is full transparent below m_transparencyThreshold and fully opaque above m_opacityThreshold
void APTDemodImageWorker::makeTransparent(QImage &image)
for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++)
QRgb pixel = image.pixel(x, y);
int grey = qGray(pixel);
if (grey < m_settings.m_transparencyThreshold)
// Make fully transparent
pixel = qRgba(qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel), 0);
image.setPixel(x, y, pixel);
else if (grey < m_settings.m_opacityThreshold)
// Make slightly transparent
float opacity = 1.0f - ((m_settings.m_opacityThreshold - grey) / (float)(m_settings.m_opacityThreshold - m_settings.m_transparencyThreshold));
opacity = opacity * 255.0f;
opacity = std::min(255.0f, opacity);
opacity = std::max(0.0f, opacity);
pixel = qRgba(qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel), (int)std::round(opacity));
image.setPixel(x, y, pixel);
void APTDemodImageWorker::sendImageToMap(QImage image, QStringList imageTypes)
// Send to Map feature
MessagePipes& messagePipes = MainCore::instance()->getMessagePipes();
QList<MessageQueue*> *mapMessageQueues = messagePipes.getMessageQueues(m_aptDemod, "mapitems");
if (mapMessageQueues)
// Only display one channel on map
QImage selectedChannel;
if (m_settings.m_channels == APTDemodSettings::BOTH_CHANNELS) {
selectedChannel = extractImage(image, APTDemodSettings::CHANNEL_B);
} else {
selectedChannel = image;
// Project image to geodetic coords (lat & lon)
selectedChannel = projectImage(selectedChannel);
// Use alpha channel to remove land & sea
// Encode image as base64 PNG
QByteArray ba;
QBuffer buffer(&ba);
selectedChannel.save(&buffer, "PNG");
QByteArray data = ba.toBase64();
// Create name for the image
QString satName = m_satelliteName;
satName.replace(" ", "_");
QString name = QString("apt_%1_%2").arg(satName).arg(m_settings.m_aosDateTime.toString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"));
// Send name to GUI
QList<MessageQueue*>::iterator it = mapMessageQueues->begin();
for (; it != mapMessageQueues->end(); ++it)
SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *swgMapItem = new SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem();
swgMapItem->setName(new QString(name));
swgMapItem->setImage(new QString(data));
swgMapItem->setAltitude(3000.0); // Typical cloud height - So it appears above objects on the ground
MainCore::MsgMapItem *msg = MainCore::MsgMapItem::create(m_aptDemod, swgMapItem);
void APTDemodImageWorker::sendLineToGUI()
if (m_messageQueueToGUI)
float *pixels = m_image.prow[m_image.nrow-1];
uchar *line;
APTDemod::MsgLine *msg = APTDemod::MsgLine::create(&line);
if (m_settings.m_channels == APTDemodSettings::BOTH_CHANNELS)
for (int i = 0; i < APT_IMG_WIDTH; i++) {
line[i] = roundAndClip(pixels[i]);
else if (m_settings.m_channels == APTDemodSettings::CHANNEL_A)
for (int i = 0; i < APT_CH_WIDTH; i++) {
line[i] = roundAndClip(pixels[i + APT_CHA_OFFSET]);
for (int i = 0; i < APT_CH_WIDTH; i++) {
line[i] = roundAndClip(pixels[i + APT_CHB_OFFSET]);
QImage APTDemodImageWorker::processImage(QStringList& imageTypes, APTDemodSettings::ChannelSelection channels)
copyImage(&m_tempImage, &m_image);
// Calibrate channels according to wavelength (1.7x to stop flickering)
if (m_tempImage.nrow >= 1.7 * APT_CALIBRATION_ROWS)
m_tempImage.chA = apt_calibrate(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHA_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
m_tempImage.chB = apt_calibrate(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHB_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
QStringList channelTypes({
"", // Unknown
"Visible (0.58-0.68 um)",
"Near-IR (0.725-1.0 um)",
"Near-IR (1.58-1.64 um)",
"Thermal-infrared (10.3-11.3 um)",
"Thermal-infrared (11.5-12.5 um)",
"Mid-infrared (3.55-3.93 um)"
// Crop noise due to low elevation at top and bottom of image
if (m_settings.m_cropNoise) {
m_tempImage.zenith -= apt_cropNoise(&m_tempImage);
// Denoise filter
if (m_settings.m_denoise)
apt_denoise(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHA_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
apt_denoise(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHB_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
// Flip image if satellite pass is North to South
if (m_settings.m_flip)
apt_flipImage(&m_tempImage, APT_CH_WIDTH, APT_CHA_OFFSET);
apt_flipImage(&m_tempImage, APT_CH_WIDTH, APT_CHB_OFFSET);
// Linear equalise to improve contrast
if (m_settings.m_linearEqualise)
apt_linearEnhance(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHA_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
apt_linearEnhance(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHB_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
// Histogram equalise to improve contrast
if (m_settings.m_histogramEqualise)
apt_histogramEqualise(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHA_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
apt_histogramEqualise(m_tempImage.prow, m_tempImage.nrow, APT_CHB_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
if (m_settings.m_precipitationOverlay)
// Overlay precipitation
for (int r = 0; r < m_tempImage.nrow; r++)
uchar *l = m_colourImage.scanLine(r);
for (int i = 0; i < APT_IMG_WIDTH; i++)
float p = m_tempImage.prow[r][i];
if ((i >= APT_CHB_OFFSET) && (i < APT_CHB_OFFSET + APT_CH_WIDTH) && (p >= 198))
apt_rgb_t rgb = apt_applyPalette(apt_PrecipPalette, p - 198);
// Negative float values get converted to positive uchars here
l[i*3] = (uchar)rgb.r;
l[i*3+1] = (uchar)rgb.g;
l[i*3+2] = (uchar)rgb.b;
l[a*3] = (uchar)rgb.r;
l[a*3+1] = (uchar)rgb.g;
l[a*3+2] = (uchar)rgb.b;
uchar q = roundAndClip(p);
l[i*3] = q;
l[i*3+1] = q;
l[i*3+2] = q;
return extractImage(m_colourImage, channels);
else if (channels == APTDemodSettings::TEMPERATURE)
// Temperature calibration
int satnum = 15;
if (m_satelliteName == "NOAA 18") {
satnum = 18;
} else if (m_satelliteName == "NOAA 19") {
satnum = 19;
apt_temperature(satnum, &m_tempImage, APT_CHB_OFFSET, APT_CH_WIDTH);
// Apply colour palette
for (int r = 0; r < m_tempImage.nrow; r++)
uchar *l = m_colourImage.scanLine(r);
for (int i = 0; i < APT_CH_WIDTH; i++)
float p = m_tempImage.prow[r][i+APT_CHB_OFFSET];
uchar q = roundAndClip(p);
l[i*3] = apt_TempPalette[q*3];
l[i*3+1] = apt_TempPalette[q*3+1];
l[i*3+2] = apt_TempPalette[q*3+2];
return m_colourImage.copy(0, 0, APT_CH_WIDTH, m_tempImage.nrow);
else if (channels == APTDemodSettings::PALETTE)
if ((m_settings.m_palette >= 0) && (m_settings.m_palette < m_palettes.size()))
// Apply colour palette
for (int r = 0; r < m_tempImage.nrow; r++)
uchar *l = m_colourImage.scanLine(r);
for (int i = 0; i < APT_CH_WIDTH; i++)
float pA = m_tempImage.prow[r][i+APT_CHA_OFFSET];
float pB = m_tempImage.prow[r][i+APT_CHB_OFFSET];
uchar qA = roundAndClip(pA);
uchar qB = roundAndClip(pB);
QRgb rgb = m_palettes[m_settings.m_palette].pixel(qA, qB);
l[i*3] = qRed(rgb);
l[i*3+1] = qGreen(rgb);
l[i*3+2] = qBlue(rgb);
return m_colourImage.copy(0, 0, APT_CH_WIDTH, m_tempImage.nrow);
qDebug() << "APTDemodImageWorker::processImage - Illegal palette number: " << m_settings.m_palette;
return QImage();
// Extract grey-scale image
for (int r = 0; r < m_tempImage.nrow; r++)
uchar *l = m_greyImage.scanLine(r);
for (int i = 0; i < APT_IMG_WIDTH; i++)
float p = m_tempImage.prow[r][i];
l[i] = roundAndClip(p);
return extractImage(m_greyImage, channels);
QImage APTDemodImageWorker::extractImage(QImage image, APTDemodSettings::ChannelSelection channels)
if (channels == APTDemodSettings::BOTH_CHANNELS) {
return image.copy(0, 0, APT_IMG_WIDTH, m_tempImage.nrow);
} else if (channels == APTDemodSettings::CHANNEL_A) {
return image.copy(APT_CHA_OFFSET, 0, APT_CH_WIDTH, m_tempImage.nrow);
} else {
return image.copy(APT_CHB_OFFSET, 0, APT_CH_WIDTH, m_tempImage.nrow);
void APTDemodImageWorker::prependPath(QString &filename)
if (!m_settings.m_autoSavePath.isEmpty())
if (m_settings.m_autoSavePath.endsWith('/')) {
filename = m_settings.m_autoSavePath + filename;
} else {
filename = m_settings.m_autoSavePath + '/' + filename;
void APTDemodImageWorker::saveImageToDisk()
QStringList imageTypes;
QImage image = processImage(imageTypes, APTDemodSettings::BOTH_CHANNELS);
if (image.height() >= m_settings.m_autoSaveMinScanLines)
QString filename;
QDateTime dateTime;
QString dt;
if (m_settings.m_aosDateTime.isValid()) {
dateTime = m_settings.m_aosDateTime;
} else {
dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
dt = dateTime.toString("yyyyMMdd_hhmm");
QString sat = m_satelliteName;
sat.replace(" ", "_");
if (m_settings.m_saveCombined)
filename = QString("apt_%1_%2.png").arg(sat).arg(dt);
if (!image.save(filename)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to save APT image to: " << filename;
QImage chA = extractImage(image, APTDemodSettings::CHANNEL_A);
QImage chB = extractImage(image, APTDemodSettings::CHANNEL_B);
if (m_settings.m_saveSeparate)
filename = QString("apt_%1_%2_cha.png").arg(sat).arg(dt);
if (!chA.save(filename)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to save APT image to: " << filename;
filename = QString("apt_%1_%2_chb.png").arg(sat).arg(dt);
if (!chB.save(filename)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to save APT image to: " << filename;
if (m_settings.m_saveProjection)
filename = QString("apt_%1_%2_cha_eqi_cylindrical.png").arg(sat).arg(dt);
QImage chAProj = projectImage(chA);
if (!chAProj.save(filename)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to save APT image to: " << filename;
filename = QString("apt_%1_%2_chb_eqi_cylindrical.png").arg(sat).arg(dt);
QImage chBProj = projectImage(chB);
if (!chBProj.save(filename)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to save APT image to: " << filename;
void APTDemodImageWorker::copyImage(apt_image_t *dst, apt_image_t *src)
dst->nrow = src->nrow;
dst->zenith = src->zenith;
dst->chA = src->chA;
dst->chB = src->chB;
for (int i = 0; i < src->nrow; i++) {
std::copy(src->prow[i], src->prow[i] + APT_PROW_WIDTH, dst->prow[i]);
uchar APTDemodImageWorker::roundAndClip(float p)
int q = (int) round(p);
q = q > 255 ? 255 : q < 0 ? 0 : q;
return q;