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synced 2025-02-03 09:44:01 -05:00
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// Copyright (C) 2017 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB //
// Copyright (C) 2020 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <QColor>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QDebug>
#include "dsp/dspengine.h"
#include "util/simpleserializer.h"
#include "settings/serializable.h"
#include "adsbdemodsettings.h"
ADSBDemodSettings::ADSBDemodSettings() :
void ADSBDemodSettings::resetToDefaults()
m_inputFrequencyOffset = 0;
m_rfBandwidth = 2*1300000;
m_correlationThreshold = 10.0f; //<! ones/zero powers correlation threshold in dB
m_samplesPerBit = 4;
m_removeTimeout = 60;
m_feedEnabled = false;
m_feedHost = "feed.adsbexchange.com";
m_feedPort = 30005;
m_feedFormat = BeastBinary;
m_rgbColor = QColor(244, 151, 57).rgb();
m_title = "ADS-B Demodulator";
m_streamIndex = 0;
m_useReverseAPI = false;
m_reverseAPIAddress = "";
m_reverseAPIPort = 8888;
m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex = 0;
m_reverseAPIChannelIndex = 0;
m_airportRange = 100.0f;
m_airportMinimumSize = AirportType::Medium;
m_displayHeliports = false;
m_flightPaths = true;
m_allFlightPaths = false;
m_siUnits = false;
m_tableFontName = "Liberation Sans";
m_tableFontSize = 9;
m_displayDemodStats = false;
m_correlateFullPreamble = true;
m_demodModeS = false;
m_deviceIndex = -1;
m_autoResizeTableColumns = false;
m_interpolatorPhaseSteps = 4; // Higher than these two values will struggle to run in real-time
m_interpolatorTapsPerPhase = 3.5f; // without gaining much improvement in PER
m_apiKey = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++)
m_columnIndexes[i] = i;
m_columnSizes[i] = -1; // Autosize
m_logFilename = "adsb_log.csv";
m_logEnabled = false;
m_airspaces = QStringList({"A", "D", "TMZ"});
m_airspaceRange = 500.0f;
m_displayNavAids = true;
m_displayPhotos = true;
QByteArray ADSBDemodSettings::serialize() const
SimpleSerializer s(1);
s.writeS32(1, m_inputFrequencyOffset);
s.writeReal(2, m_rfBandwidth);
s.writeReal(3, m_correlationThreshold);
s.writeS32(4, m_samplesPerBit);
s.writeS32(5, m_removeTimeout);
s.writeBool(6, m_feedEnabled);
s.writeString(7, m_feedHost);
s.writeU32(8, m_feedPort);
s.writeU32(9, m_rgbColor);
if (m_channelMarker) {
s.writeBlob(10, m_channelMarker->serialize());
s.writeString(11, m_title);
s.writeBool(12, m_useReverseAPI);
s.writeString(13, m_reverseAPIAddress);
s.writeU32(14, m_reverseAPIPort);
s.writeU32(15, m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex);
s.writeU32(16, m_reverseAPIChannelIndex);
s.writeS32(17, m_streamIndex);
s.writeFloat(18, m_airportRange);
s.writeS32(19, (int)m_airportMinimumSize);
s.writeBool(20, m_displayHeliports);
s.writeBool(21, m_flightPaths);
s.writeS32(22, m_deviceIndex);
s.writeBool(23, m_siUnits);
s.writeS32(24, (int)m_feedFormat);
s.writeString(25, m_tableFontName);
s.writeS32(26, m_tableFontSize);
s.writeBool(27, m_displayDemodStats);
s.writeBool(28, m_correlateFullPreamble);
s.writeBool(29, m_demodModeS);
s.writeBool(30, m_autoResizeTableColumns);
s.writeS32(31, m_interpolatorPhaseSteps);
s.writeFloat(32, m_interpolatorTapsPerPhase);
s.writeBool(33, m_allFlightPaths);
s.writeBlob(34, serializeNotificationSettings(m_notificationSettings));
s.writeString(35, m_apiKey);
s.writeString(36, m_logFilename);
s.writeBool(37, m_logEnabled);
s.writeString(38, m_airspaces.join(" "));
s.writeFloat(39, m_airspaceRange);
s.writeS32(40, (int)m_mapType);
s.writeBool(41, m_displayNavAids);
s.writeBool(42, m_displayPhotos);
s.writeBlob(43, m_rollupState);
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
s.writeS32(100 + i, m_columnIndexes[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
s.writeS32(200 + i, m_columnSizes[i]);
return s.final();
bool ADSBDemodSettings::deserialize(const QByteArray& data)
SimpleDeserializer d(data);
if (!d.isValid())
return false;
if (d.getVersion() == 1)
QByteArray bytetmp;
qint32 tmp;
uint32_t utmp;
QByteArray blob;
QString string;
if (m_channelMarker)
d.readBlob(10, &bytetmp);
d.readS32(1, &tmp, 0);
m_inputFrequencyOffset = tmp;
d.readReal(2, &m_rfBandwidth, 2*1300000);
d.readReal(3, &m_correlationThreshold, 0.0f);
d.readS32(4, &m_samplesPerBit, 4);
d.readS32(5, &m_removeTimeout, 60);
d.readBool(6, &m_feedEnabled, false);
d.readString(7, &m_feedHost, "feed.adsbexchange.com");
d.readU32(8, &utmp, 0);
if ((utmp > 1023) && (utmp < 65535)) {
m_feedPort = utmp;
} else {
m_feedPort = 30005;
d.readU32(9, &m_rgbColor, QColor(244, 151, 57).rgb());
d.readString(11, &m_title, "ADS-B Demodulator");
d.readBool(12, &m_useReverseAPI, false);
d.readString(13, &m_reverseAPIAddress, "");
d.readU32(14, &utmp, 0);
if ((utmp > 1023) && (utmp < 65535)) {
m_reverseAPIPort = utmp;
} else {
m_reverseAPIPort = 8888;
d.readU32(15, &utmp, 0);
m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp;
d.readU32(16, &utmp, 0);
m_reverseAPIChannelIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp;
d.readS32(17, &m_streamIndex, 0);
d.readFloat(18, &m_airportRange, 100.0f);
d.readS32(19, (int *)&m_airportMinimumSize, AirportType::Medium);
d.readBool(20, &m_displayHeliports, false);
d.readBool(21, &m_flightPaths, true);
d.readS32(22, &m_deviceIndex, -1);
d.readBool(23, &m_siUnits, false);
d.readS32(24, (int *) &m_feedFormat, BeastBinary);
d.readString(25, &m_tableFontName, "Liberation Sans");
d.readS32(26, &m_tableFontSize, 9);
d.readBool(27, &m_displayDemodStats, false);
d.readBool(28, &m_correlateFullPreamble, true);
d.readBool(29, &m_demodModeS, false);
d.readBool(30, &m_autoResizeTableColumns, false);
d.readS32(31, &m_interpolatorPhaseSteps, 4);
d.readFloat(32, &m_interpolatorTapsPerPhase, 3.5f);
d.readBool(33, &m_allFlightPaths, false);
d.readBlob(34, &blob);
deserializeNotificationSettings(blob, m_notificationSettings);
d.readString(35, &m_apiKey, "");
d.readString(36, &m_logFilename, "adsb_log.csv");
d.readBool(37, &m_logEnabled, false);
d.readString(38, &string, "A D TMZ");
m_airspaces = string.split(" ");
d.readFloat(39, &m_airspaceRange, 500.0f);
d.readS32(40, (int *)&m_mapType, (int)AVIATION_LIGHT);
d.readBool(41, &m_displayNavAids, true);
d.readBool(42, &m_displayPhotos, true);
d.readBlob(43, &m_rollupState);
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
d.readS32(100 + i, &m_columnIndexes[i], i);
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
d.readS32(200 + i, &m_columnSizes[i], -1);
return true;
return false;
QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings* settings)
out << settings->m_matchColumn;
out << settings->m_regExp;
out << settings->m_speech;
out << settings->m_command;
out << settings->m_autoTarget;
return out;
QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings*& settings)
settings = new ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings();
in >> settings->m_matchColumn;
in >> settings->m_regExp;
in >> settings->m_speech;
in >> settings->m_command;
in >> settings->m_autoTarget;
return in;
QByteArray ADSBDemodSettings::serializeNotificationSettings(QList<NotificationSettings *> notificationSettings) const
QByteArray data;
QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
(*stream) << notificationSettings;
delete stream;
return data;
void ADSBDemodSettings::deserializeNotificationSettings(const QByteArray& data, QList<NotificationSettings *>& notificationSettings)
QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(data);
(*stream) >> notificationSettings;
delete stream;
m_matchColumn = 0;
void ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings::updateRegularExpression()
if (!m_regularExpression.isValid()) {
qDebug() << "ADSBDemod: Regular expression is not valid: " << m_regExp;