mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:01 -05:00
Add ATC callsigns. Add ATC mode, displaying basic info for all aircraft. Add airport range rings. Change Device setting to be an AM Demod setting, so AM demod isn't at DC. Add basic aircraft data to ADSB Web API report.
406 lines
14 KiB
406 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2017 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB //
// Copyright (C) 2020 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <QColor>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QDebug>
#include "dsp/dspengine.h"
#include "util/simpleserializer.h"
#include "settings/serializable.h"
#include "settings/rollupstate.h"
#include "adsbdemodsettings.h"
ADSBDemodSettings::ADSBDemodSettings() :
void ADSBDemodSettings::resetToDefaults()
m_inputFrequencyOffset = 0;
m_rfBandwidth = 2*1300000;
m_correlationThreshold = 10.0f; //<! ones/zero powers correlation threshold in dB
m_samplesPerBit = 4;
m_removeTimeout = 60;
m_feedEnabled = false;
m_exportClientEnabled = true;
m_exportClientHost = "feed.adsbexchange.com";
m_exportClientPort = 30005;
m_exportClientFormat = BeastBinary;
m_exportServerEnabled = false;
m_exportServerPort = 30005;
m_importEnabled = false;
m_importHost = "opensky-network.org";
m_importUsername = "";
m_importPassword = "";
m_importParameters = "";
m_importPeriod = 10.0;
m_importMinLatitude = "";
m_importMaxLatitude = "";
m_importMinLongitude = "";
m_importMaxLongitude = "";
m_rgbColor = QColor(244, 151, 57).rgb();
m_title = "ADS-B Demodulator";
m_streamIndex = 0;
m_useReverseAPI = false;
m_reverseAPIAddress = "";
m_reverseAPIPort = 8888;
m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex = 0;
m_reverseAPIChannelIndex = 0;
m_airportRange = 100.0f;
m_airportMinimumSize = AirportType::Medium;
m_displayHeliports = false;
m_flightPaths = true;
m_allFlightPaths = false;
m_siUnits = false;
m_tableFontName = "Liberation Sans";
m_tableFontSize = 9;
m_displayDemodStats = false;
m_correlateFullPreamble = true;
m_demodModeS = true;
m_autoResizeTableColumns = false;
m_interpolatorPhaseSteps = 4; // Higher than these two values will struggle to run in real-time
m_interpolatorTapsPerPhase = 3.5f; // without gaining much improvement in PER
m_aviationstackAPIKey = "";
m_checkWXAPIKey = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++)
m_columnIndexes[i] = i;
m_columnSizes[i] = -1; // Autosize
m_logFilename = "adsb_log.csv";
m_logEnabled = false;
m_airspaces = QStringList({"CTR"});
m_airspaceRange = 500.0f;
#ifdef LINUX
m_mapProvider = "mapboxgl"; // osm maps do not work in some versions of Linux https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel/issues/1169 & 1369
m_mapProvider = "osm";
m_displayNavAids = true;
m_displayPhotos = true;
m_verboseModelMatching = false;
m_airfieldElevation = 0;
m_aircraftMinZoom = 11;
m_workspaceIndex = 0;
m_hidden = false;
m_atcLabels = true;
m_atcCallsigns = true;
m_transitionAlt = 6000; // Depends on airport. 18,000 in USA
QByteArray ADSBDemodSettings::serialize() const
SimpleSerializer s(1);
s.writeS32(1, m_inputFrequencyOffset);
s.writeReal(2, m_rfBandwidth);
s.writeReal(3, m_correlationThreshold);
s.writeS32(4, m_samplesPerBit);
s.writeS32(5, m_removeTimeout);
s.writeBool(6, m_feedEnabled);
s.writeString(7, m_exportClientHost);
s.writeU32(8, m_exportClientPort);
s.writeU32(9, m_rgbColor);
if (m_channelMarker) {
s.writeBlob(10, m_channelMarker->serialize());
s.writeString(11, m_title);
s.writeBool(12, m_useReverseAPI);
s.writeString(13, m_reverseAPIAddress);
s.writeU32(14, m_reverseAPIPort);
s.writeU32(15, m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex);
s.writeU32(16, m_reverseAPIChannelIndex);
s.writeS32(17, m_streamIndex);
s.writeFloat(18, m_airportRange);
s.writeS32(19, (int)m_airportMinimumSize);
s.writeBool(20, m_displayHeliports);
s.writeBool(21, m_flightPaths);
s.writeBool(23, m_siUnits);
s.writeS32(24, (int)m_exportClientFormat);
s.writeString(25, m_tableFontName);
s.writeS32(26, m_tableFontSize);
s.writeBool(27, m_displayDemodStats);
s.writeBool(28, m_correlateFullPreamble);
s.writeBool(29, m_demodModeS);
s.writeBool(30, m_autoResizeTableColumns);
s.writeS32(31, m_interpolatorPhaseSteps);
s.writeFloat(32, m_interpolatorTapsPerPhase);
s.writeBool(33, m_allFlightPaths);
s.writeBlob(34, serializeNotificationSettings(m_notificationSettings));
s.writeString(35, m_aviationstackAPIKey);
s.writeString(36, m_logFilename);
s.writeBool(37, m_logEnabled);
s.writeString(38, m_airspaces.join(" "));
s.writeFloat(39, m_airspaceRange);
s.writeS32(40, (int)m_mapType);
s.writeBool(41, m_displayNavAids);
s.writeBool(42, m_displayPhotos);
if (m_rollupState) {
s.writeBlob(43, m_rollupState->serialize());
s.writeBool(44, m_verboseModelMatching);
s.writeS32(45, m_airfieldElevation);
s.writeBool(46, m_exportClientEnabled);
s.writeBool(47, m_exportServerEnabled);
s.writeBool(48, m_exportServerPort);
s.writeBool(49, m_importEnabled);
s.writeString(50, m_importHost);
s.writeString(51, m_importUsername);
s.writeString(52, m_importPassword);
s.writeString(53, m_importParameters);
s.writeFloat(54, m_importPeriod);
s.writeString(55, m_importMinLatitude);
s.writeString(56, m_importMaxLatitude);
s.writeString(57, m_importMinLongitude);
s.writeString(58, m_importMaxLongitude);
s.writeS32(59, m_workspaceIndex);
s.writeBlob(60, m_geometryBytes);
s.writeBool(61, m_hidden);
s.writeString(62, m_checkWXAPIKey);
s.writeString(63, m_mapProvider);
s.writeS32(64, m_aircraftMinZoom);
s.writeBool(65, m_atcLabels);
s.writeBool(66, m_atcCallsigns);
s.writeS32(67, m_transitionAlt);
s.writeString(68, m_amDemod);
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
s.writeS32(100 + i, m_columnIndexes[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
s.writeS32(200 + i, m_columnSizes[i]);
return s.final();
bool ADSBDemodSettings::deserialize(const QByteArray& data)
SimpleDeserializer d(data);
if (!d.isValid())
return false;
if (d.getVersion() == 1)
QByteArray bytetmp;
qint32 tmp;
uint32_t utmp;
QByteArray blob;
QString string;
if (m_channelMarker)
d.readBlob(10, &bytetmp);
d.readS32(1, &tmp, 0);
m_inputFrequencyOffset = tmp;
d.readReal(2, &m_rfBandwidth, 2*1300000);
d.readReal(3, &m_correlationThreshold, 0.0f);
d.readS32(4, &m_samplesPerBit, 4);
d.readS32(5, &m_removeTimeout, 60);
d.readBool(6, &m_feedEnabled, false);
d.readString(7, &m_exportClientHost, "feed.adsbexchange.com");
d.readU32(8, &utmp, 0);
if ((utmp > 1023) && (utmp < 65535)) {
m_exportClientPort = utmp;
} else {
m_exportClientPort = 30005;
d.readU32(9, &m_rgbColor, QColor(244, 151, 57).rgb());
d.readString(11, &m_title, "ADS-B Demodulator");
d.readBool(12, &m_useReverseAPI, false);
d.readString(13, &m_reverseAPIAddress, "");
d.readU32(14, &utmp, 0);
if ((utmp > 1023) && (utmp < 65535)) {
m_reverseAPIPort = utmp;
} else {
m_reverseAPIPort = 8888;
d.readU32(15, &utmp, 0);
m_reverseAPIDeviceIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp;
d.readU32(16, &utmp, 0);
m_reverseAPIChannelIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp;
d.readS32(17, &m_streamIndex, 0);
d.readFloat(18, &m_airportRange, 100.0f);
d.readS32(19, (int *)&m_airportMinimumSize, AirportType::Medium);
d.readBool(20, &m_displayHeliports, false);
d.readBool(21, &m_flightPaths, true);
d.readBool(23, &m_siUnits, false);
d.readS32(24, (int *) &m_exportClientFormat, BeastBinary);
d.readString(25, &m_tableFontName, "Liberation Sans");
d.readS32(26, &m_tableFontSize, 9);
d.readBool(27, &m_displayDemodStats, false);
d.readBool(28, &m_correlateFullPreamble, true);
d.readBool(29, &m_demodModeS, true);
d.readBool(30, &m_autoResizeTableColumns, false);
d.readS32(31, &m_interpolatorPhaseSteps, 4);
d.readFloat(32, &m_interpolatorTapsPerPhase, 3.5f);
d.readBool(33, &m_allFlightPaths, false);
d.readBlob(34, &blob);
deserializeNotificationSettings(blob, m_notificationSettings);
d.readString(35, &m_aviationstackAPIKey, "");
d.readString(36, &m_logFilename, "adsb_log.csv");
d.readBool(37, &m_logEnabled, false);
d.readString(38, &string, "CTR");
m_airspaces = string.split(" ");
d.readFloat(39, &m_airspaceRange, 500.0f);
d.readS32(40, (int *)&m_mapType, (int)AVIATION_LIGHT);
d.readBool(41, &m_displayNavAids, true);
d.readBool(42, &m_displayPhotos, true);
if (m_rollupState)
d.readBlob(43, &bytetmp);
d.readBool(44, &m_verboseModelMatching, false);
d.readS32(45, &m_airfieldElevation, 0);
d.readBool(46, &m_exportClientEnabled, true);
d.readBool(47, &m_exportServerEnabled, true);
d.readU32(48, &utmp, 0);
if ((utmp > 1023) && (utmp < 65535)) {
m_exportServerPort = utmp;
} else {
m_exportServerPort = 30005;
d.readBool(49, &m_importEnabled, false);
d.readString(50, &m_importHost, "opensky-network.org");
d.readString(51, &m_importUsername, "");
d.readString(52, &m_importPassword, "");
d.readString(53, &m_importParameters, "");
d.readFloat(54, &m_importPeriod, 10.0f);
d.readString(55, &m_importMinLatitude, "");
d.readString(56, &m_importMaxLatitude, "");
d.readString(57, &m_importMinLongitude, "");
d.readString(58, &m_importMaxLongitude, "");
d.readS32(59, &m_workspaceIndex, 0);
d.readBlob(60, &m_geometryBytes);
d.readBool(61, &m_hidden, false);
d.readString(62, &m_checkWXAPIKey, "");
d.readString(63, &m_mapProvider, "osm");
d.readS32(64, &m_aircraftMinZoom, 11);
d.readBool(65, &m_atcLabels, true);
d.readBool(66, &m_atcCallsigns, true);
d.readS32(67, &m_transitionAlt, 6000);
d.readString(68, &m_amDemod);
#ifdef LINUX
if (m_mapProvider == "osm") {
m_mapProvider = "mapboxgl";
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
d.readS32(100 + i, &m_columnIndexes[i], i);
for (int i = 0; i < ADSBDEMOD_COLUMNS; i++) {
d.readS32(200 + i, &m_columnSizes[i], -1);
return true;
return false;
QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings* settings)
out << settings->m_matchColumn;
out << settings->m_regExp;
out << settings->m_speech;
out << settings->m_command;
out << settings->m_autoTarget;
return out;
QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings*& settings)
settings = new ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings();
in >> settings->m_matchColumn;
in >> settings->m_regExp;
in >> settings->m_speech;
in >> settings->m_command;
in >> settings->m_autoTarget;
return in;
QByteArray ADSBDemodSettings::serializeNotificationSettings(QList<NotificationSettings *> notificationSettings) const
QByteArray data;
QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
(*stream) << notificationSettings;
delete stream;
return data;
void ADSBDemodSettings::deserializeNotificationSettings(const QByteArray& data, QList<NotificationSettings *>& notificationSettings)
QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(data);
(*stream) >> notificationSettings;
delete stream;
m_matchColumn = 0;
void ADSBDemodSettings::NotificationSettings::updateRegularExpression()
if (!m_regularExpression.isValid()) {
qDebug() << "ADSBDemod: Regular expression is not valid: " << m_regExp;