cmake/Modules | ||
include | ||
include-gpl | ||
plugins | ||
sdrbase | ||
.gitignore | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
fcdpp.rules | ||
main.cpp | || |
============== Funcube Dongle
Funcube Dongle Pro+ support will need "libasound2-dev" installed. ("libhid" is now built from source). Install the rules file "fcdpp.rules" in "/etc/udev/rules.d" to gain the "root access" needed to control the dongle.
Funcube Dongle ProPlus support is broken on recent hardware / kernels. It only works well for me with an Atom Chipset, wich has Full speed USB ports. On a Desktop Intel chipset it needs Debian 6 "wheezy" (kernel 3.2).
========== For Ubuntu:
"sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia5-plugins qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5opengl5-dev qtbase5-dev libusb-1.0 librtlsdr-dev"
"mkdir out && cd out && cmake ../ && make"
"librtlsdr-dev" is in the "universe" repo. (utopic 14.10 amd64.)
Use "cmake ../ -DKERNEL=ON" to build the Linux kernel driver (Experimental). Needs a recent kernel and libv4l2. Will need extra work to support Airspy and Hackrf. Needs "cp KERNEL_SOURCE/include/linux/compiler.h /usr/include/linux/" and "cp KERNEL_SOURCE/include/uapi/linux/videodev2.h /usr/include/uapi/linux/" and package "libv4l-dev".
The Gnuradio plugin source needs extra packages, including "liblog4cpp-dev libboost-system-dev gnuradio-dev libosmosdr-dev"
============ For Debian 6:
Debian 6 uses Qt4. Qt5 is available from the "wheezy-backports" repo, but will remove Qt4.
"sudo apt-get install cmake g++ pkg-config libfftw3-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-dev qt5-default qtbase5-dev qtchooser libqt5multimedia5-plugins qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5opengl5-dev qtbase5-dev librtlsdr-dev"
"mkdir out && cd out && cmake ../ && make"