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FILE........: ofdm.c
AUTHORS.....: David Rowe & Steve Sampson
A Library of functions that implement a QPSK OFDM modem, C port of
the Octave functions in ofdm_lib.m
Copyright (C) 2017/2018 David Rowe
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include "codec2/comp.h"
#include "ofdm_internal.h"
#include "codec2_ofdm.h"
#include "freedv_filter.h"
namespace FreeDV
/* Static Prototypes */
static std::complex<float> vector_sum(std::complex<float> *, int);
static void dft(struct OFDM *, std::complex<float> *, std::complex<float> *);
static void idft(struct OFDM *, std::complex<float> *, std::complex<float> *);
static void ofdm_demod_core(struct OFDM *ofdm, int *rx_bits);
static int ofdm_sync_search_core(struct OFDM *ofdm);
/* Defines */
#define max( a, b ) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
#define min( a, b ) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
* QPSK Quadrant bit-pair values - Gray Coded
static const std::complex<float> constellation[] = {
std::complex<float>{1.0f, 0.0f},
std::complex<float>{0.0f, 1.0f},
std::complex<float>{0.0f, - 1.0f},
std::complex<float>{-1.0f, + 0.0f}
* These pilots are compatible with Octave version
static const int8_t pilotvalues[] = {
-1,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1,-1, 1,
-1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1,-1, 1,
-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, 1,
-1, 1,-1, 1,-1,-1, 1,-1,
1, 1, 1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1
static std::complex<float> *tx_uw_syms;
static int *uw_ind;
static int *uw_ind_sym;
/* static variables */
static struct OFDM_CONFIG ofdm_config;
static float ofdm_tx_centre; /* TX Center frequency */
static float ofdm_rx_centre; /* RX Center frequency */
static float ofdm_fs; /* Sample rate */
static float ofdm_ts; /* Symbol cycle time */
static float ofdm_rs; /* Symbol rate */
static float ofdm_tcp; /* Cyclic prefix duration */
static float ofdm_inv_m; /* 1/m */
static float ofdm_tx_nlower; /* TX lowest carrier freq */
static float ofdm_rx_nlower; /* RX lowest carrier freq */
static float ofdm_doc; /* division of radian circle */
static float ofdm_timing_mx_thresh; /* See 700D Part 4 Acquisition blog post and ofdm_dev.m routines for how this was set */
static int ofdm_nc; /* NS-1 data symbols between pilots */
static int ofdm_ns;
static int ofdm_bps; /* Bits per symbol */
static int ofdm_m; /* duration of each symbol in samples */
static int ofdm_ncp; /* duration of CP in samples */
static int ofdm_ftwindowwidth;
static int ofdm_bitsperframe;
static int ofdm_rowsperframe;
static int ofdm_samplesperframe;
static int ofdm_max_samplesperframe;
static int ofdm_rxbuf;
static int ofdm_ntxtbits; /* reserve bits/frame for auxillary text information */
static int ofdm_nuwbits; /* Unique word, used for positive indication of lock */
/* Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static float cnormf(std::complex<float> val) {
float realf = val.real();
float imagf = val.imag();
return realf * realf + imagf * imagf;
/* Gray coded QPSK modulation function */
std::complex<float> qpsk_mod(int *bits) {
return constellation[(bits[1] << 1) | bits[0]];
/* Gray coded QPSK demodulation function */
void qpsk_demod(std::complex<float> symbol, int *bits) {
std::complex<float> rotate = symbol * cmplx(ROT45);
bits[0] = rotate.real() < 0.0f;
bits[1] = rotate.imag() < 0.0f;
* ------------
* ofdm_create
* ------------
* Returns OFDM data structure on success
* Return NULL on fail
* If you want the defaults, call this with config structure
* and the NC setting to 0. This will fill the structure with
* default values of the original OFDM modem.
struct OFDM *ofdm_create(const struct OFDM_CONFIG *config) {
struct OFDM *ofdm;
float tval;
int i, j;
/* Check if called correctly */
if (config == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (config->nc == 0) {
/* Fill in default values */
ofdm_nc = 17; /* Number of carriers */
ofdm_ns = 8; /* Number of Symbol frames */
ofdm_bps = 2; /* Bits per Symbol */
ofdm_ts = 0.018f;
ofdm_tcp = .002f; /* Cyclic Prefix duration */
ofdm_tx_centre = 1500.0f; /* TX Centre Audio Frequency */
ofdm_rx_centre = 1500.0f; /* RX Centre Audio Frequency */
ofdm_fs = 8000.0f; /* Sample Frequency */
ofdm_ntxtbits = 4;
ofdm_ftwindowwidth = 11;
ofdm_timing_mx_thresh = 0.30f;
} else {
/* Use the users values */
ofdm_nc = config->nc; /* Number of carriers */
ofdm_ns = config->ns; /* Number of Symbol frames */
ofdm_bps = config->bps; /* Bits per Symbol */
ofdm_ts = config->ts;
ofdm_tcp = config->tcp; /* Cyclic Prefix duration */
ofdm_tx_centre = config->tx_centre; /* TX Centre Audio Frequency */
ofdm_rx_centre = config->rx_centre; /* RX Centre Audio Frequency */
ofdm_fs = config->fs; /* Sample Frequency */
ofdm_ntxtbits = config->txtbits;
ofdm_ftwindowwidth = config->ftwindowwidth;
ofdm_timing_mx_thresh = config->ofdm_timing_mx_thresh;
ofdm_rs = (1.0f / ofdm_ts); /* Modulation Symbol Rate */
ofdm_m = (int) (ofdm_fs / ofdm_rs); /* 144 */
ofdm_ncp = (int) (ofdm_tcp * ofdm_fs); /* 16 */
ofdm_inv_m = (1.0f / (float) ofdm_m);
/* Copy structure into global */
ofdm_config.tx_centre = ofdm_tx_centre;
ofdm_config.rx_centre = ofdm_rx_centre;
ofdm_config.fs = ofdm_fs;
ofdm_config.rs = ofdm_rs;
ofdm_config.ts = ofdm_ts;
ofdm_config.tcp = ofdm_tcp;
ofdm_config.ofdm_timing_mx_thresh = ofdm_timing_mx_thresh;
ofdm_config.nc = ofdm_nc;
ofdm_config.ns = ofdm_ns;
ofdm_config.bps = ofdm_bps;
ofdm_config.txtbits = ofdm_ntxtbits;
ofdm_config.ftwindowwidth = ofdm_ftwindowwidth;
/* Calculate sizes from config param */
ofdm_bitsperframe = (ofdm_ns - 1) * (ofdm_nc * ofdm_bps);
ofdm_rowsperframe = ofdm_bitsperframe / (ofdm_nc * ofdm_bps);
ofdm_samplesperframe = ofdm_ns * (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp);
ofdm_max_samplesperframe = ofdm_samplesperframe + (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) / 4;
ofdm_rxbuf = 3 * ofdm_samplesperframe + 3 * (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp);
ofdm_nuwbits = (ofdm_ns - 1) * ofdm_bps - ofdm_ntxtbits; // 10
/* Were ready to start filling in the OFDM structure now */
if ((ofdm = (struct OFDM *) malloc(sizeof (struct OFDM))) == NULL) {
return NULL;
ofdm->pilot_samples = (std::complex<float>*) malloc(sizeof (std::complex<float>) * (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp));
ofdm->rxbuf = (std::complex<float>*) malloc(sizeof (std::complex<float>) * ofdm_rxbuf);
ofdm->pilots = (std::complex<float>*) malloc(sizeof (std::complex<float>) * (ofdm_nc + 2));
* rx_sym is a 2D array of variable size
* allocate rx_sym row storage. It is a pointer to a pointer
ofdm->rx_sym = (std::complex<float>**) malloc(sizeof (std::complex<float>) * (ofdm_ns + 3));
/* allocate rx_sym column storage */
int free_last_rx_sym = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_ns + 3); i++)
ofdm->rx_sym[i] = (std::complex<float> *) malloc(sizeof(std::complex<float>) * (ofdm_nc + 2));
if (ofdm->rx_sym[i] == NULL) {
free_last_rx_sym = i;
free_last_rx_sym = (ofdm_ns + 3);
/* The rest of these are 1D arrays of variable size */
ofdm->rx_np = (std::complex<float>*) malloc(sizeof (std::complex<float>) * (ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc));
ofdm->rx_amp = (float*) malloc(sizeof (float) * (ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc));
ofdm->aphase_est_pilot_log = (float*) malloc(sizeof (float) * (ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc));
ofdm->tx_uw = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof (uint8_t) * ofdm_nuwbits);
for (i = 0; i < ofdm_nuwbits; i++) {
ofdm->tx_uw[i] = 0;
/* Null pointers to unallocated buffers */
ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf = NULL;
/* store complex BPSK pilot symbols */
assert(sizeof (pilotvalues) >= (ofdm_nc + 2) * sizeof (int8_t));
/* There are only 64 pilot values available */
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_nc + 2); i++)
ofdm->pilots[i].real((float) pilotvalues[i]);
/* carrier tables for up and down conversion */
ofdm_doc = (TAU / (ofdm_fs / ofdm_rs));
tval = ofdm_rs * ((float) ofdm_nc / 2);
ofdm_tx_nlower = floorf((ofdm_tx_centre - tval) / ofdm_rs);
ofdm_rx_nlower = floorf((ofdm_rx_centre - tval) / ofdm_rs);
for (i = 0; i < ofdm_rxbuf; i++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_ns + 3); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (ofdm_nc + 2); j++) {
ofdm->rx_sym[i][j] = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc; i++) {
ofdm->rx_np[i] = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < ofdm_rowsperframe; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < ofdm_nc; j++) {
ofdm->aphase_est_pilot_log[ofdm_nc * i + j] = 0.0f;
ofdm->rx_amp[ofdm_nc * i + j] = 0.0f;
/* default settings of options and states */
ofdm->verbose = 0;
ofdm->timing_en = true;
ofdm->foff_est_en = true;
ofdm->phase_est_en = true;
ofdm->foff_est_gain = 0.05f;
ofdm->foff_est_hz = 0.0f;
ofdm->sample_point = 0;
ofdm->timing_est = 0;
ofdm->timing_valid = 0;
ofdm->timing_mx = 0.0f;
ofdm->nin = ofdm_samplesperframe;
ofdm->mean_amp = 0.0f;
ofdm->foff_metric = 0.0f;
* UW symbol placement, designed to get no false syncs at any freq
* offset. Use ofdm_dev.m, debug_false_sync() to test. Note we need
* to pair the UW bits so they fit into symbols. The LDPC decoder
* works on symbols so we can't break up any symbols into UW/LDPC bits.
uw_ind = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int) * ofdm_nuwbits);
uw_ind_sym = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int) * (ofdm_nuwbits / 2));
* The Unique Word is placed in different indexes based on
* the number of carriers requested.
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < (ofdm_nuwbits / 2); i++, j += 2) {
int val = floorf((i + 1) * (ofdm_nc + 1) / 2);
uw_ind_sym[i] = val; // symbol index
uw_ind[j] = (val * 2); // bit index 1
uw_ind[j + 1] = (val * 2) + 1; // bit index 2
tx_uw_syms = (std::complex<float>*) malloc(sizeof (std::complex<float>) * (ofdm_nuwbits / 2));
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_nuwbits / 2); i++) {
tx_uw_syms[i] = 1.0f; // qpsk_mod(0:0)
/* sync state machine */
ofdm->sync_state = search;
ofdm->last_sync_state = search;
ofdm->sync_state_interleaver = search;
ofdm->last_sync_state_interleaver = search;
ofdm->uw_errors = 0;
ofdm->sync_counter = 0;
ofdm->frame_count = 0;
ofdm->sync_start = false;
ofdm->sync_end = false;
ofdm->sync_mode = autosync;
ofdm->frame_count_interleaver = 0;
/* create the OFDM waveform */
std::complex<float> *temp = (std::complex<float>*) malloc(sizeof (std::complex<float>) * ofdm_m);
idft(ofdm, temp, ofdm->pilots);
* pilot_samples is 160 samples, but timing and freq offset est
* were found by experiment to work better without a cyclic
* prefix, so we uses zeroes instead.
/* zero out Cyclic Prefix (CP) values */
for (i = 0; i < ofdm_ncp; i++) {
ofdm->pilot_samples[i] = 0.0f;
/* Now copy the whole thing after the above */
for (i = ofdm_ncp, j = 0; j < ofdm_m; i++, j++) {
ofdm->pilot_samples[i] = temp[j];
/* calculate constant used to normalise timing correlation maximum */
float acc = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp); i++) {
acc += cnormf(ofdm->pilot_samples[i]);
ofdm->timing_norm = (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) * acc;
ofdm->clock_offset_counter = 0;
ofdm->sig_var = ofdm->noise_var = 1.0f;
ofdm->tx_bpf_en = false;
return ofdm; /* Success */
//// Error return points with free call in the reverse order of allocation:
for (i = 0; i < free_last_rx_sym; i++) {
void allocate_tx_bpf(struct OFDM *ofdm) {
ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf = (struct quisk_cfFilter*) malloc(sizeof(struct quisk_cfFilter));
/* Transmit bandpass filter; complex coefficients, center frequency */
quisk_filt_cfInit(ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf, filtP550S750, sizeof (filtP550S750) / sizeof (float));
quisk_cfTune(ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf, ofdm_tx_centre / ofdm_fs);
void deallocate_tx_bpf(struct OFDM *ofdm) {
ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf = NULL;
void ofdm_destroy(struct OFDM *ofdm) {
int i;
if (ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf)
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_ns + 3); i++) { /* 2D array */
/* convert frequency domain into time domain */
static void idft(struct OFDM *ofdm, std::complex<float> *result, std::complex<float> *vector) {
(void) ofdm;
int row, col;
result[0] = 0.0f;
for (col = 0; col < (ofdm_nc + 2); col++) {
result[0] += vector[col]; // cexp(0j) == 1
result[0] *= ofdm_inv_m;
for (row = 1; row < ofdm_m; row++) {
float tval1 = ofdm_tx_nlower * ofdm_doc *row;
float tval2 = ofdm_doc * row;
std::complex<float> c = cmplx(tval1);
std::complex<float> delta = cmplx(tval2);
result[row] = 0.0f;
for (col = 0; col < (ofdm_nc + 2); col++) {
result[row] += (vector[col] * c);
c *= delta;
result[row] *= ofdm_inv_m;
/* convert time domain into frequency domain */
static void dft(struct OFDM *ofdm, std::complex<float> *result, std::complex<float> *vector) {
(void) ofdm;
int row, col, nlower;
for (col = 0; col < (ofdm_nc + 2); col++) {
result[col] = vector[0]; // conj(cexp(0j)) == 1
for (col = 0, nlower = ofdm_rx_nlower; col < (ofdm_nc + 2); col++, nlower++) {
float tval = nlower * ofdm_doc;
std::complex<float> c = cmplxconj(tval);
std::complex<float> delta = c;
for (row = 1; row < ofdm_m; row++) {
result[col] += (vector[row] * c);
c *= delta;
static std::complex<float> vector_sum(std::complex<float> *a, int num_elements) {
int i;
std::complex<float> sum = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) {
sum += a[i];
return sum;
* Correlates the OFDM pilot symbol samples with a window of received
* samples to determine the most likely timing offset. Combines two
* frames pilots so we need at least Nsamperframe+M+Ncp samples in rx.
* Can be used for acquisition (coarse timing), and fine timing.
* Unlike Octave version use states to return a few values.
static int est_timing(struct OFDM *ofdm, std::complex<float> *rx, int length) {
std::complex<float> csam;
int Ncorr = length - (ofdm_samplesperframe + (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp));
int SFrame = ofdm_samplesperframe;
float *corr = new float[Ncorr];
int i, j;
float acc = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
acc += cnormf(rx[i]);
float av_level = 2.0f * sqrtf(ofdm->timing_norm * acc / length) + 1E-12f;
for (i = 0; i < Ncorr; i++) {
std::complex<float> corr_st = 0.0f;
std::complex<float> corr_en = 0.0f;
for (j = 0; j < (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp); j++) {
csam = std::conj(ofdm->pilot_samples[j]);
corr_st = corr_st + (rx[i + j ] * csam);
corr_en = corr_en + (rx[i + j + SFrame] * csam);
corr[i] = (std::abs(corr_st) + std::abs(corr_en)) / av_level;
/* find the max magnitude and its index */
float timing_mx = 0.0f;
int timing_est = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Ncorr; i++) {
if (corr[i] > timing_mx) {
timing_mx = corr[i];
timing_est = i;
ofdm->timing_mx = timing_mx;
ofdm->timing_valid = (timing_mx > ofdm_timing_mx_thresh); /* bool but used as external int */
if (ofdm->verbose > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, " av_level: %f max: %f timing_est: %d timing_valid: %d\n", (double) av_level, (double) ofdm->timing_mx, timing_est, ofdm->timing_valid);
delete[] corr;
return timing_est;
* Determines frequency offset at current timing estimate, used for
* coarse freq offset estimation during acquisition.
* Freq offset is based on an averaged statistic that was found to be
* necessary to generate good quality estimates.
* Keep calling it when in trial or actual sync to keep statistic
* updated, in case we lose sync.
static float est_freq_offset(struct OFDM *ofdm, std::complex<float> *rx, int timing_est) {
std::complex<float> csam1, csam2;
float foff_est;
int j, k;
Freq offset can be considered as change in phase over two halves
of pilot symbols. We average this statistic over this and next
frames pilots.
std::complex<float> p1, p2, p3, p4;
p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = 0.0f;
/* calculate phase of pilots at half symbol intervals */
for (j = 0, k = (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) / 2; j < (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) / 2; j++, k++) {
csam1 = std::conj(ofdm->pilot_samples[j]);
csam2 = std::conj(ofdm->pilot_samples[k]);
/* pilot at start of frame */
p1 = p1 + (rx[timing_est + j] * csam1);
p2 = p2 + (rx[timing_est + k] * csam2);
/* pilot at end of frame */
p3 = p3 + (rx[timing_est + j + ofdm_samplesperframe] * csam1);
p4 = p4 + (rx[timing_est + k + ofdm_samplesperframe] * csam2);
/* Calculate sample rate of phase samples, we are sampling phase
of pilot at half a symbol intervals */
float Fs1 = ofdm_fs / ((ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) / 2);
* subtract phase of adjacent samples, rate of change of phase is
* frequency est. We combine samples from either end of frame to
* improve estimate. Small real 1E-12 term to prevent instability
* with 0 inputs.
ofdm->foff_metric = 0.9f * ofdm->foff_metric + 0.1f * (std::conj(p1) * p2 + std::conj(p3) * p4);
foff_est = Fs1 * std::arg(ofdm->foff_metric + 1E-12f) / TAU;
if (ofdm->verbose > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, " foff_metric: %f %f foff_est: %f\n", std::real(ofdm->foff_metric), std::imag(ofdm->foff_metric), (double) foff_est);
return foff_est;
* ----------------------------------------------
* ofdm_txframe - modulates one frame of symbols
* ----------------------------------------------
void ofdm_txframe(struct OFDM *ofdm, std::complex<float> *tx, std::complex<float> *tx_sym_lin) {
int sx = ofdm_ns;
int sy = ofdm_nc + 2;
std::complex<float> *aframe = new std::complex<float>[sx*sy];
std::complex<float> *asymbol = new std::complex<float>[ofdm_m];
std::complex<float> *asymbol_cp = new std::complex<float>[ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp];
int i, j, k, m;
/* initialize aframe to complex zero */
for (i = 0; i < ofdm_ns; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (ofdm_nc + 2); j++) {
aframe[i*sy+j] = 0.0f;
/* copy in a row of complex pilots to first row */
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_nc + 2); i++) {
aframe[0*sy+i] = ofdm->pilots[i];
* Place symbols in multi-carrier frame with pilots
* This will place boundary values of complex zero around data
for (i = 1; i <= ofdm_rowsperframe; i++) {
/* copy in the Nc complex values with [0 Nc 0] or (Nc + 2) total */
for (j = 1; j < (ofdm_nc + 1); j++) {
aframe[i*sy+j] = tx_sym_lin[((i - 1) * ofdm_nc) + (j - 1)];
/* OFDM up-convert symbol by symbol so we can add CP */
for (i = 0, m = 0; i < ofdm_ns; i++, m += (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp)) {
idft(ofdm, asymbol, &aframe[i*sy]);
/* Copy the last Ncp samples to the front */
for (j = (ofdm_m - ofdm_ncp), k = 0; j < ofdm_m; j++, k++) {
asymbol_cp[k] = asymbol[j];
/* Now copy the all samples for this row after it */
for (j = ofdm_ncp, k = 0; k < ofdm_m; j++, k++) {
asymbol_cp[j] = asymbol[k];
/* Now move row to the tx output */
for (j = 0; j < (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp); j++) {
tx[m + j] = asymbol_cp[j];
/* optional Tx Band Pass Filter */
if (ofdm->tx_bpf_en == true) {
std::complex<float> *tx_filt = new std::complex<float>[ofdm_samplesperframe];
quisk_ccfFilter(tx, tx_filt, ofdm_samplesperframe, ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf);
memcpy(tx, tx_filt, ofdm_samplesperframe * sizeof (std::complex<float>));
delete[] tx_filt;
delete[] asymbol_cp;
delete[] asymbol;
delete[] aframe;
struct OFDM_CONFIG *ofdm_get_config_param() {
return &ofdm_config;
int ofdm_get_nin(struct OFDM *ofdm) {
return ofdm->nin;
int ofdm_get_samples_per_frame() {
return ofdm_samplesperframe;
int ofdm_get_max_samples_per_frame() {
return 2 * ofdm_max_samplesperframe;
int ofdm_get_bits_per_frame() {
return ofdm_bitsperframe;
void ofdm_set_verbose(struct OFDM *ofdm, int level) {
ofdm->verbose = level;
void ofdm_set_timing_enable(struct OFDM *ofdm, bool val) {
ofdm->timing_en = val;
if (ofdm->timing_en == false) {
/* manually set ideal timing instant */
ofdm->sample_point = (ofdm_ncp - 1);
void ofdm_set_foff_est_enable(struct OFDM *ofdm, bool val) {
ofdm->foff_est_en = val;
void ofdm_set_phase_est_enable(struct OFDM *ofdm, bool val) {
ofdm->phase_est_en = val;
void ofdm_set_off_est_hz(struct OFDM *ofdm, float val) {
ofdm->foff_est_hz = val;
void ofdm_set_tx_bpf(struct OFDM *ofdm, bool val) {
if (val == true) {
ofdm->tx_bpf_en = true;
} else {
if (ofdm->ofdm_tx_bpf)
ofdm->tx_bpf_en = false;
* --------------------------------------
* ofdm_mod - modulates one frame of bits
* --------------------------------------
void ofdm_mod(struct OFDM *ofdm, COMP *result, const int *tx_bits) {
int length = ofdm_bitsperframe / ofdm_bps;
std::complex<float> *tx = (std::complex<float> *) &result[0]; // complex has same memory layout
std::complex<float> *tx_sym_lin = new std::complex<float>[length];
int dibit[2];
int s, i;
if (ofdm_bps == 1) {
/* Here we will have Nbitsperframe / 1 */
for (s = 0; s < length; s++) {
tx_sym_lin[s] = (float) (2 * tx_bits[s] - 1);
} else if (ofdm_bps == 2) {
/* Here we will have Nbitsperframe / 2 */
for (s = 0, i = 0; i < length; s += 2, i++) {
dibit[0] = tx_bits[s + 1] & 0x1;
dibit[1] = tx_bits[s ] & 0x1;
tx_sym_lin[i] = qpsk_mod(dibit);
ofdm_txframe(ofdm, tx, tx_sym_lin);
delete[] tx_sym_lin;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ofdm_sync_search - attempts to find coarse sync parameters for modem initial sync
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is a wrapper to maintain the older functionality
* with an array of COMPs as input
int ofdm_sync_search(struct OFDM *ofdm, COMP *rxbuf_in) {
std::complex<float> *rx = (std::complex<float> *) &rxbuf_in[0]; // complex has same memory layout
int i, j;
* insert latest input samples into rxbuf
* so it is primed for when we have to
* call ofdm_demod()
for (i = 0, j = ofdm->nin; i < (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin); i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = ofdm->rxbuf[j];
/* insert latest input samples onto tail of rxbuf */
for (i = (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin), j = 0; i < ofdm_rxbuf; i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = rx[j];
* This is a wrapper with a new interface to reduce memory allocated.
* This works with ofdm_demod and freedv_api.
int ofdm_sync_search_shorts(struct OFDM *ofdm, short *rxbuf_in, float gain) {
int i, j;
/* shift the buffer left based on nin */
for (i = 0, j = ofdm->nin; i < (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin); i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = ofdm->rxbuf[j];
/* insert latest input samples onto tail of rxbuf */
for (i = (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin), j = 0; i < ofdm_rxbuf; i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = ((float)rxbuf_in[j] * gain);
* This is the rest of the function which expects that the data is
* already in ofdm->rxbuf
static int ofdm_sync_search_core(struct OFDM *ofdm) {
/* Attempt coarse timing estimate (i.e. detect start of frame) */
int st = ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp + ofdm_samplesperframe;
int en = st + 2 * ofdm_samplesperframe;
int ct_est = est_timing(ofdm, &ofdm->rxbuf[st], (en - st));
ofdm->coarse_foff_est_hz = est_freq_offset(ofdm, &ofdm->rxbuf[st], ct_est);
if (ofdm->verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, " ct_est: %4d foff_est: %4.1f timing_valid: %d timing_mx: %5.4f\n",
ct_est, (double) ofdm->coarse_foff_est_hz, ofdm->timing_valid, (double) ofdm->timing_mx);
if (ofdm->timing_valid) {
/* potential candidate found .... */
/* calculate number of samples we need on next buffer to get into sync */
ofdm->nin = ofdm_samplesperframe + ct_est;
/* reset modem states */
ofdm->sample_point = ofdm->timing_est = 0;
ofdm->foff_est_hz = ofdm->coarse_foff_est_hz;
} else {
ofdm->nin = ofdm_samplesperframe;
return ofdm->timing_valid;
* ------------------------------------------
* ofdm_demod - Demodulates one frame of bits
* ------------------------------------------
/* This is a wrapper to maintain the older functionality with an
* array of COMPs as input */
void ofdm_demod(struct OFDM *ofdm, int *rx_bits, COMP *rxbuf_in) {
std::complex<float> *rx = (std::complex<float> *) &rxbuf_in[0]; // complex has same memory layout
int i, j;
/* shift the buffer left based on nin */
for (i = 0, j = ofdm->nin; i < (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin); i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = ofdm->rxbuf[j];
/* insert latest input samples onto tail of rxbuf */
for (i = (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin), j = 0; i < ofdm_rxbuf; i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = rx[j];
ofdm_demod_core(ofdm, rx_bits);
/* This is a wrapper with a new interface to reduce memory allocated.
* This works with ofdm_demod and freedv_api. */
void ofdm_demod_shorts(struct OFDM *ofdm, int *rx_bits, short *rxbuf_in, float gain) {
int i, j;
/* shift the buffer left based on nin */
for (i = 0, j = ofdm->nin; i < (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin); i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = ofdm->rxbuf[j];
/* insert latest input samples onto tail of rxbuf */
for (i = (ofdm_rxbuf - ofdm->nin), j = 0; i < ofdm_rxbuf; i++, j++) {
ofdm->rxbuf[i] = ((float)rxbuf_in[j] * gain);
ofdm_demod_core(ofdm, rx_bits);
* This is the rest of the function which expects that the data is
* already in ofdm->rxbuf
static void ofdm_demod_core(struct OFDM *ofdm, int *rx_bits) {
std::complex<float> aphase_est_pilot_rect;
float *aphase_est_pilot = new float[ofdm_nc + 2];
float *aamp_est_pilot = new float[ofdm_nc + 2];
float freq_err_hz;
int i, j, k, rr, st, en, ft_est;
int prev_timing_est = ofdm->timing_est;
* get user and calculated freq offset
float woff_est = TAU * ofdm->foff_est_hz / ofdm_fs;
/* update timing estimate -------------------------------------------------- */
if (ofdm->timing_en == true) {
/* update timing at start of every frame */
st = ((ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) + ofdm_samplesperframe) - floorf(ofdm_ftwindowwidth / 2) + ofdm->timing_est;
en = st + ofdm_samplesperframe - 1 + (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) + ofdm_ftwindowwidth;
std::complex<float> *work = new std::complex<float>[(en - st)];
* Adjust for the frequency error by shifting the phase
* using a conjugate multiply
for (i = st, j = 0; i < en; i++, j++) {
float tval = woff_est * i;
work[j] = ofdm->rxbuf[i] * cmplxconj(tval);
ft_est = est_timing(ofdm, work, (en - st));
ofdm->timing_est += (ft_est - ceilf(ofdm_ftwindowwidth / 2));
* keep the freq est statistic updated in case we lose sync,
* note we supply it with uncorrected rxbuf, note
* ofdm->coarse_fest_off_hz is unused in normal operation,
* but stored for use in tofdm.c
ofdm->coarse_foff_est_hz = est_freq_offset(ofdm, &ofdm->rxbuf[st], ft_est);
/* first frame in trial sync will have a better freq offset est - lets use it */
if (ofdm->frame_count == 0) {
ofdm->foff_est_hz = ofdm->coarse_foff_est_hz;
woff_est = TAU * ofdm->foff_est_hz / ofdm_fs;
if (ofdm->verbose > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, " ft_est: %2d timing_est: %2d sample_point: %2d\n", ft_est, ofdm->timing_est, ofdm->sample_point);
/* Black magic to keep sample_point inside cyclic prefix. Or something like that. */
ofdm->sample_point = max(ofdm->timing_est + (ofdm_ncp / 4), ofdm->sample_point);
ofdm->sample_point = min(ofdm->timing_est + ofdm_ncp, ofdm->sample_point);
delete[] work;
* Convert the time-domain samples to the frequency-domain using the rx_sym
* data matrix. This will be Nc+2 carriers of 11 symbols.
* You will notice there are Nc+2 BPSK symbols for each pilot symbol, and that there
* are Nc QPSK symbols for each data symbol.
* PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP <-- Previous Frames Pilot
* DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ignore these past data symbols
* DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD These are the current data symbols to be decoded
* DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ignore these next data symbols
* PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP <-- Future Frames Pilot
* So this algorithm will have seven data symbols and four pilot symbols to process.
* The average of the four pilot symbols is our phase estimation.
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_ns + 3); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (ofdm_nc + 2); j++) {
ofdm->rx_sym[i][j] = 0.0f;
* "Previous" pilot symbol is one modem frame above.
st = (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) + 1 + ofdm->sample_point;
en = st + ofdm_m;
std::complex<float> *work = new std::complex<float>[ofdm_m];
/* down-convert at current timing instant---------------------------------- */
for (j = st, k = 0; j < en; j++, k++) {
float tval = woff_est * j;
work[k] = ofdm->rxbuf[j] * cmplxconj(tval);
* Each symbol is of course (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) samples long and
* becomes Nc+2 carriers after DFT.
* We put this carrier pilot symbol at the top of our matrix:
* 1 .................. Nc+2
* +----------------------+
* | Previous Pilot | rx_sym[0]
* +----------------------+
* | |
dft(ofdm, ofdm->rx_sym[0], work);
* "This" pilot comes after the extra symbol allotted at the top, and after
* the "previous" pilot and previous data symbols (let's call it, the previous
* modem frame).
* So we will now be starting at "this" pilot symbol, and continuing to the
* "next" pilot symbol.
* In this routine we also process the current data symbols.
for (rr = 0; rr < (ofdm_ns + 1); rr++) {
st = (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) + ofdm_samplesperframe + (rr * (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp)) + 1 + ofdm->sample_point;
en = st + ofdm_m;
/* down-convert at current timing instant---------------------------------- */
for (j = st, k = 0; j < en; j++, k++) {
float tval = woff_est * j;
work[k] = ofdm->rxbuf[j] * cmplxconj(tval);
* We put these Nc+2 carrier symbols into our matrix after the previous pilot:
* 1 .................. Nc+2
* | Previous Pilot | rx_sym[0]
* +----------------------+
* | This Pilot | rx_sym[1]
* +----------------------+
* | Data | rx_sym[2]
* +----------------------+
* | Data | rx_sym[3]
* +----------------------+
* | Data | rx_sym[4]
* +----------------------+
* | Data | rx_sym[5]
* +----------------------+
* | Data | rx_sym[6]
* +----------------------+
* | Data | rx_sym[7]
* +----------------------+
* | Data | rx_sym[8]
* +----------------------+
* | Next Pilot | rx_sym[9]
* +----------------------+
* | | rx_sym[10]
dft(ofdm, ofdm->rx_sym[rr + 1], work);
* OK, now we want to process to the "future" pilot symbol. This is after
* the "next" modem frame.
* We are ignoring the data symbols between the "next" pilot and "future" pilot.
* We only want the "future" pilot symbol, to perform the averaging of all pilots.
st = (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) + (3 * ofdm_samplesperframe) + 1 + ofdm->sample_point;
en = st + ofdm_m;
/* down-convert at current timing instant---------------------------------- */
for (j = st, k = 0; j < en; j++, k++) {
float tval = woff_est * j;
work[k] = ofdm->rxbuf[j] * cmplxconj(tval);
* We put the future pilot after all the previous symbols in the matrix:
* 1 .................. Nc+2
* | | rx_sym[9]
* +----------------------+
* | Future Pilot | rx_sym[10]
* +----------------------+
dft(ofdm, ofdm->rx_sym[ofdm_ns + 2], work);
* We are finished now with the DFT and down conversion
* From here on down we are in frequency domain
/* est freq err based on all carriers ------------------------------------ */
if (ofdm->foff_est_en == true) {
* sym[1] is (this) pilot symbol, sym[9] is (next) pilot symbol.
* By subtracting the two averages of these pilots, we find the frequency
* by the change in phase over time.
std::complex<float> freq_err_rect =
std::conj(vector_sum(ofdm->rx_sym[1], ofdm_nc + 2)) *
vector_sum(ofdm->rx_sym[ofdm_ns + 1], ofdm_nc + 2);
/* prevent instability in atan(im/re) when real part near 0 */
freq_err_rect += 1E-6f;
freq_err_hz = std::arg(freq_err_rect) * ofdm_rs / (TAU * ofdm_ns);
ofdm->foff_est_hz += (ofdm->foff_est_gain * freq_err_hz);
/* OK - now estimate and correct pilot phase ---------------------------------- */
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_nc + 2); i++) {
aphase_est_pilot[i] = 10.0f;
aamp_est_pilot[i] = 0.0f;
* Basically we divide the Nc+2 pilots into groups of 3
* Then average the phase surrounding each of the data symbols.
for (i = 1; i < (ofdm_nc + 1); i++) {
std::complex<float> symbol[3];
for (j = (i - 1), k = 0; j < (i + 2); j++, k++) {
symbol[k] = ofdm->rx_sym[1][j] * std::conj(ofdm->pilots[j]); /* this pilot conjugate */
aphase_est_pilot_rect = vector_sum(symbol, 3);
for (j = (i - 1), k = 0; j < (i + 2); j++, k++) {
symbol[k] = ofdm->rx_sym[ofdm_ns + 1][j] * std::conj(ofdm->pilots[j]); /* next pilot conjugate */
aphase_est_pilot_rect = aphase_est_pilot_rect + vector_sum(symbol, 3);
/* use next step of pilots in past and future */
for (j = (i - 1), k = 0; j < (i + 2); j++, k++) {
symbol[k] = ofdm->rx_sym[0][j] * std::conj(ofdm->pilots[j]); /* previous pilot */
aphase_est_pilot_rect = aphase_est_pilot_rect + vector_sum(symbol, 3);
for (j = (i - 1), k = 0; j < (i + 2); j++, k++) {
symbol[k] = ofdm->rx_sym[ofdm_ns + 2][j] * std::conj(ofdm->pilots[j]); /* last pilot */
aphase_est_pilot_rect = aphase_est_pilot_rect + vector_sum(symbol, 3);
aphase_est_pilot[i] = std::arg(aphase_est_pilot_rect);
/* amplitude is estimated over 12 pilots */
aamp_est_pilot[i] = std::abs(aphase_est_pilot_rect / 12.0f);
* correct phase offset using phase estimate, and demodulate
* bits, separate loop as it runs across cols (carriers) to get
* frame bit ordering correct
std::complex<float> rx_corr;
int abit[2];
int bit_index = 0;
float sum_amp = 0.0f;
for (rr = 0; rr < ofdm_rowsperframe; rr++) {
* Note the i starts with the second carrier, ends with Nc+1.
* so we ignore the first and last carriers.
* Also note we are using sym[2..8] or the seven data symbols.
for (i = 1; i < (ofdm_nc + 1); i++) {
if (ofdm->phase_est_en == true) {
rx_corr = ofdm->rx_sym[rr + 2][i] * cmplxconj(aphase_est_pilot[i]);
} else {
rx_corr = ofdm->rx_sym[rr + 2][i];
* Output complex data symbols after phase correction;
* rx_np means the pilot symbols have been removed
ofdm->rx_np[(rr * ofdm_nc) + (i - 1)] = rx_corr;
* Note even though amp ests are the same for each col,
* the FEC decoder likes to have one amplitude per symbol
* so convenient to log them all
ofdm->rx_amp[(rr * ofdm_nc) + (i - 1)] = aamp_est_pilot[i];
sum_amp += aamp_est_pilot[i];
* Note like amps in this implementation phase ests are the
* same for each col, but we log them for each symbol anyway
ofdm->aphase_est_pilot_log[(rr * ofdm_nc) + (i - 1)] = aphase_est_pilot[i];
if (ofdm_bps == 1) {
rx_bits[bit_index++] = std::real(rx_corr) > 0.0f;
} else if (ofdm_bps == 2) {
* Only one final task, decode what quadrant the phase
* is in, and return the dibits
qpsk_demod(rx_corr, abit);
rx_bits[bit_index++] = abit[1];
rx_bits[bit_index++] = abit[0];
/* update mean amplitude estimate for LDPC decoder scaling */
ofdm->mean_amp = 0.9f * ofdm->mean_amp + 0.1f * sum_amp / (ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc);
/* Adjust nin to take care of sample clock offset */
ofdm->nin = ofdm_samplesperframe;
if (ofdm->timing_en == true) {
ofdm->clock_offset_counter += prev_timing_est - ofdm->timing_est;
int thresh = (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) / 8;
int tshift = (ofdm_m + ofdm_ncp) / 4;
if (ofdm->timing_est > thresh) {
ofdm->nin = ofdm_samplesperframe + tshift;
ofdm->timing_est -= tshift;
ofdm->sample_point -= tshift;
} else if (ofdm->timing_est < -thresh) {
ofdm->nin = ofdm_samplesperframe - tshift;
ofdm->timing_est += tshift;
ofdm->sample_point += tshift;
* estimate signal and noise power, see ofdm_lib.m,
* cohpsk.m for more info
std::complex<float> *rx_np = ofdm->rx_np;
float sig_var = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc); i++) {
sig_var += cnormf(rx_np[i]);
sig_var /= (ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc);
float sig_rms = sqrtf(sig_var);
float sum_x = 0.0f;
float sum_xx = 0.0f;
int n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (ofdm_rowsperframe * ofdm_nc); i++) {
std::complex<float> s = rx_np[i];
if (fabsf(std::real(s)) > sig_rms) {
sum_x += std::imag(s);
sum_xx += std::imag(s) * std::imag(s);
* with large interfering carriers this alg can break down - in
* that case set a benign value for noise_var that will produce a
* sensible (probably low) SNR est
float noise_var = 1.0f;
if (n > 1) {
noise_var = (n * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x) / (n * (n - 1));
ofdm->noise_var = 2.0f * noise_var;
ofdm->sig_var = sig_var;
delete[] work;
delete[] aamp_est_pilot;
delete[] aphase_est_pilot;
/* iterate state machine ------------------------------------*/
void ofdm_sync_state_machine(struct OFDM *ofdm, uint8_t *rx_uw) {
int i;
State next_state = ofdm->sync_state;
ofdm->sync_start = false;
ofdm->sync_end = false;
if (ofdm->sync_state == search) {
if (ofdm->timing_valid) {
ofdm->frame_count = 0;
ofdm->sync_counter = 0;
ofdm->sync_start = true;
ofdm->clock_offset_counter = 0;
next_state = trial;
if ((ofdm->sync_state == synced) || (ofdm->sync_state == trial)) {
* freq offset est may be too far out, and has aliases every 1/Ts, so
* we use a Unique Word to get a really solid indication of sync.
ofdm->uw_errors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ofdm_nuwbits; i++) {
ofdm->uw_errors += ofdm->tx_uw[i] ^ rx_uw[i];
* during trial sync we don't tolerate errors so much, we look
* for 3 consecutive frames with low error rate to confirm sync
if (ofdm->sync_state == trial) {
if (ofdm->uw_errors > 2) {
/* if we exceed thresh stay in trial sync */
ofdm->frame_count = 0;
if (ofdm->sync_counter == 2) {
/* if we get two bad frames drop sync and start again */
next_state = search;
ofdm->sync_state_interleaver = search;
if (ofdm->frame_count == 4) {
/* three good frames, sync is OK! */
next_state = synced;
/* once we have synced up we tolerate a higher error rate to wait out fades */
if (ofdm->sync_state == synced) {
if (ofdm->uw_errors > 2) {
} else {
ofdm->sync_counter = 0;
if ((ofdm->sync_mode == autosync) && (ofdm->sync_counter == 12)) {
/* run of consecutive bad frames ... drop sync */
next_state = search;
ofdm->sync_state_interleaver = search;
ofdm->last_sync_state = ofdm->sync_state;
ofdm->last_sync_state_interleaver = ofdm->sync_state_interleaver;
ofdm->sync_state = next_state;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* \
FUNCTIONS...: ofdm_set_sync
AUTHOR......: David Rowe
Operator control of sync state machine. This mode is required to
acquire sync up at very low SNRS. This is difficult to implement,
for example we may get a false sync, or the state machine may fall
out of sync by mistake during a long fade.
So with this API call we allow some operator assistance.
Ensure this is called in the same thread as ofdm_sync_state_machine().
void ofdm_set_sync(struct OFDM *ofdm, Sync sync_cmd) {
assert(ofdm != NULL);
switch (sync_cmd) {
case unsync:
* force manual unsync, in case operator detects false sync,
* which will cause sync state machine to have another go at sync
ofdm->sync_state = search;
ofdm->sync_state_interleaver = search;
case autosync:
/* normal operating mode - sync state machine decides when to unsync */
ofdm->sync_mode = autosync;
case manualsync:
* allow sync state machine to sync, but not to unsync, the
* operator will decide that manually
ofdm->sync_mode = manualsync;
fprintf(stderr, "FreeDV::ofdm_set_sync: unknnown sync mode default to autosync");
ofdm->sync_mode = autosync;
FUNCTION....: ofdm_get_demod_stats()
AUTHOR......: David Rowe
Fills stats structure with a bunch of demod information.
void ofdm_get_demod_stats(struct OFDM *ofdm, struct MODEM_STATS *stats) {
int c, r;
stats->Nc = ofdm_nc;
assert(stats->Nc <= MODEM_STATS_NC_MAX);
float snr_est = 10.0f * log10f((0.1f + (ofdm->sig_var / ofdm->noise_var)) * ofdm_nc * ofdm_rs / 3000.0f);
float total = ofdm->frame_count * ofdm_samplesperframe;
stats->snr_est = 0.9f * stats->snr_est + 0.1f * snr_est;
stats->sync = ((ofdm->sync_state == synced) || (ofdm->sync_state == trial));
stats->foff = ofdm->foff_est_hz;
stats->rx_timing = ofdm->timing_est;
stats->clock_offset = 0;
if (total != 0.0f) {
stats->clock_offset = ofdm->clock_offset_counter / total;
stats->sync_metric = ofdm->timing_mx;
assert(ofdm_rowsperframe < MODEM_STATS_NR_MAX);
stats->nr = ofdm_rowsperframe;
for (c = 0; c < ofdm_nc; c++) {
for (r = 0; r < ofdm_rowsperframe; r++) {
std::complex<float> rot = ofdm->rx_np[r * c] * cmplx(ROT45);
stats->rx_symbols[r][c].real = std::real(rot);
stats->rx_symbols[r][c].imag = std::imag(rot);
/* Assemble modem frame of bits from UW, payload bits, and txt bits */
void ofdm_assemble_modem_frame(struct OFDM *ofdm, uint8_t modem_frame[], uint8_t payload_bits[], uint8_t txt_bits[]) {
int b, t;
int p = 0;
int u = 0;
for (b = 0; b < (ofdm_bitsperframe - ofdm_ntxtbits); b++) {
if ((u < ofdm_nuwbits) && (b == uw_ind[u])) {
modem_frame[b] = ofdm->tx_uw[u++];
} else {
modem_frame[b] = payload_bits[p++];
assert(u == ofdm_nuwbits);
assert(p == (ofdm_bitsperframe - ofdm_nuwbits - ofdm_ntxtbits));
for (t = 0; b < ofdm_bitsperframe; b++, t++) {
modem_frame[b] = txt_bits[t];
assert(t == ofdm_ntxtbits);
/* Assemble modem frame from UW, payload symbols, and txt bits */
void ofdm_assemble_modem_frame_symbols(std::complex<float> modem_frame[], COMP payload_syms[], uint8_t txt_bits[]) {
std::complex<float> *payload = (std::complex<float> *) &payload_syms[0]; // complex has same memory layout
int Nsymsperframe = ofdm_bitsperframe / ofdm_bps;
int Nuwsyms = ofdm_nuwbits / ofdm_bps;
int Ntxtsyms = ofdm_ntxtbits / ofdm_bps;
int dibit[2];
int s, t;
int p = 0;
int u = 0;
for (s = 0; s < Nsymsperframe - Ntxtsyms; s++) {
if ((u < Nuwsyms) && (s == uw_ind_sym[u])) {
modem_frame[s] = tx_uw_syms[u++];
} else {
modem_frame[s] = payload[p++];
assert(u == Nuwsyms);
assert(p == (Nsymsperframe - Nuwsyms - Ntxtsyms));
for (t = 0; s < Nsymsperframe; s++, t += ofdm_bps) {
dibit[0] = txt_bits[t + 1] & 0x1;
dibit[1] = txt_bits[t] & 0x1;
modem_frame[s] = qpsk_mod(dibit);
assert(t == ofdm_ntxtbits);
void ofdm_disassemble_modem_frame(struct OFDM *ofdm, uint8_t rx_uw[],
COMP codeword_syms[],
float codeword_amps[],
short txt_bits[]) {
std::complex<float> *codeword = (std::complex<float> *) &codeword_syms[0]; // complex has same memory layout
int Nsymsperframe = ofdm_bitsperframe / ofdm_bps;
int Nuwsyms = ofdm_nuwbits / ofdm_bps;
int Ntxtsyms = ofdm_ntxtbits / ofdm_bps;
int dibit[2];
int s, t;
int p = 0;
int u = 0;
for (s = 0; s < (Nsymsperframe - Ntxtsyms); s++) {
if ((u < Nuwsyms) && (s == uw_ind_sym[u])) {
qpsk_demod(ofdm->rx_np[s], dibit);
rx_uw[ofdm_bps * u ] = dibit[1];
rx_uw[ofdm_bps * u + 1] = dibit[0];
} else {
codeword[p] = ofdm->rx_np[s];
codeword_amps[p] = ofdm->rx_amp[s];
assert(u == Nuwsyms);
assert(p == (Nsymsperframe - Nuwsyms - Ntxtsyms));
for (t = 0; s < Nsymsperframe; s++, t += ofdm_bps) {
qpsk_demod(ofdm->rx_np[s], dibit);
txt_bits[t ] = dibit[1];
txt_bits[t + 1] = dibit[0];
assert(t == ofdm_ntxtbits);
* Pseudo-random number generator that we can implement in C with
* identical results to Octave. Returns an unsigned int between 0
* and 32767. Used for generating test frames of various lengths.
void ofdm_rand(uint16_t r[], int n) {
uint64_t seed = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
seed = (1103515245l * seed + 12345) % 32768;
r[i] = seed;
void ofdm_generate_payload_data_bits(uint8_t payload_data_bits[], int data_bits_per_frame) {
uint16_t *r = new uint16_t[data_bits_per_frame];
int i;
/* construct payload data bits */
ofdm_rand(r, data_bits_per_frame);
for(i=0; i<data_bits_per_frame; i++) {
payload_data_bits[i] = r[i] > 16384;
delete[] r;
void ofdm_print_info(struct OFDM *ofdm) {
const char *syncmode[] = {
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->foff_est_gain = %g\n", (double)ofdm->foff_est_gain);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->foff_est_hz = %g\n", (double)ofdm->foff_est_hz);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->timing_mx = %g\n", (double)ofdm->timing_mx);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->coarse_foff_est_hz = %g\n", (double)ofdm->coarse_foff_est_hz);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->timing_norm = %g\n", (double)ofdm->timing_norm);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->sig_var = %g\n", (double)ofdm->sig_var);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->noise_var = %g\n", (double)ofdm->noise_var);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->mean_amp = %g\n", (double)ofdm->mean_amp);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->clock_offset_counter = %d\n", ofdm->clock_offset_counter);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->verbose = %d\n", ofdm->verbose);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->sample_point = %d\n", ofdm->sample_point);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->timing_est = %d\n", ofdm->timing_est);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->timing_valid = %d\n", ofdm->timing_valid);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->nin = %d\n", ofdm->nin);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->uw_errors = %d\n", ofdm->uw_errors);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->sync_counter = %d\n", ofdm->sync_counter);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->frame_count = %d\n", ofdm->frame_count);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->sync_start = %s\n", ofdm->sync_start ? "true" : "false");
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->sync_end = %s\n", ofdm->sync_end ? "true" : "false");
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->sync_mode = %s\n", syncmode[ofdm->sync_mode]);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->frame_count_interleaver = %d\n", ofdm->frame_count_interleaver);
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->timing_en = %s\n", ofdm->timing_en ? "true" : "false");
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->foff_est_en = %s\n", ofdm->foff_est_en ? "true" : "false");
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->phase_est_en = %s\n", ofdm->phase_est_en ? "true" : "false");
fprintf(stderr, "ofdm->tx_bpf_en = %s\n", ofdm->tx_bpf_en ? "true" : "false");
} // FreeDV