mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 01:18:38 -05:00
Add support for replaying of passes in the past, where current time is determined from File Input device. Add latitude and longitude to satellite data table. Update ground track generation to better work with 3D map. Add support for 3D models. Add Cubesat image for 2D map. Send LOS to other plugins, when no device settings are setup. Pass TLEs to other plugins, so they can use a consistent copy for replays.
269 lines
9.6 KiB
269 lines
9.6 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <QString>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QHash>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
struct SatNogsTransmitter {
int m_noradCatId; // To link to which satellite this is for
QString m_description; // E.g. GMSK9k6 G3RUH AX.25 TLM
bool m_alive;
QString m_type; // "Transmitter", "Trasceiver" or "Transponder"
qint64 m_uplinkLow;
qint64 m_uplinkHigh;
qint64 m_downlinkLow;
qint64 m_downlinkHigh;
QString m_mode; // E.g. "GMSK", "CW", "AFSK", "BPSK", "USB", etc
int m_baud;
QString m_status; // "active", "inactive", "invalid"
QString m_service; // "Amateur", "Earth Exploration", "Maritime", "Meteorological", "Mobile", "Space Research"
SatNogsTransmitter(const QJsonObject& obj)
m_noradCatId = obj["norad_cat_id"].toInt();
m_description = obj["description"].toString();
m_alive = obj["alive"].toBool();
m_type = obj["type"].toString();
m_uplinkLow = (qint64)obj["uplink_low"].toDouble();
m_uplinkHigh = (qint64)obj["uplink_high"].toDouble();
m_downlinkLow = (qint64)obj["downlink_low"].toDouble();
m_downlinkHigh = (qint64)obj["downlink_high"].toDouble();
m_mode = obj["mode"].toString();
m_baud = obj["baud"].toInt();
m_status = obj["status"].toString();
m_service = obj["service"].toString();
static QList<SatNogsTransmitter *> createList(QJsonArray array)
QList<SatNogsTransmitter *> list;
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++)
QJsonValue value = array.at(i);
if (value.isObject())
list.append(new SatNogsTransmitter(value.toObject()));
return list;
static QString getFrequencyText(quint64 frequency)
if (frequency > 1000000000)
return QString("%1 GHz").arg(frequency/1000000000.0, 0, ',', 6);
else if (frequency > 1000000)
return QString("%1 MHz").arg(frequency/1000000.0, 0, ',', 3);
return QString("%1 kHz").arg(frequency/1000.0, 0, ',', 3);
static QString getFrequencyRangeText(quint64 low, quint64 high)
if (high > 1000000000)
return QString("%1-%2 GHz").arg(low/1000000000.0, 0, ',', 6).arg(high/1000000000.0, 0, ',', 6);
else if (high > 1000000)
return QString("%1-%2 MHz").arg(low/1000000.0, 0, ',', 3).arg(high/1000000.0, 0, ',', 3);
return QString("%1-%2 kHz").arg(low/1000.0, 0, ',', 3).arg(high/1000.0, 0, ',', 3);
struct SatNogsTLE {
int m_noradCatId; // To link to which satellite this is for
QString m_tle0;
QString m_tle1;
QString m_tle2;
QDateTime m_updated;
SatNogsTLE(const QJsonObject &obj)
m_noradCatId = obj["norad_cat_id"].toInt();
m_tle0 = obj["tle0"].toString();
m_tle1 = obj["tle1"].toString();
m_tle2 = obj["tle2"].toString();
m_updated = QDateTime::fromString(obj["updated"].toString(), Qt::ISODateWithMs);
SatNogsTLE(const QString& tle0, const QString& tle1, const QString& tle2)
m_noradCatId = tle2.mid(2, 5).toInt();
m_tle0 = tle0;
m_tle1 = tle1;
m_tle2 = tle2;
QString toString() const
return m_tle0 + "\n" + m_tle1 + "\n" + m_tle2 + "\n";
static QList<SatNogsTLE *> createList(QJsonArray array)
QList<SatNogsTLE *> list;
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++)
QJsonValue value = array.at(i);
if (value.isObject())
list.append(new SatNogsTLE(value.toObject()));
return list;
static QList<SatNogsTLE *> createList(const QByteArray& array)
QList<SatNogsTLE *> list;
QList<QByteArray> lines = array.split('\n');
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i += 3)
if (i + 3 < lines.size())
QString tle0(lines[i]);
QString tle1(lines[i+1]);
QString tle2(lines[i+2]);
list.append(new SatNogsTLE(tle0.trimmed(), tle1.trimmed(), tle2.trimmed()));
return list;
struct SatNogsSatellite {
int m_noradCatId;
QString m_name;
QStringList m_names; // Alterantive names - JSON "AO-10\r\nOSCAR-10"
QString m_image; // URL to image of satellie - JSON example: "https://db-satnogs.freetls.fastly.net/media/satellites/sigma.jpg"
QString m_status; // "alive" "re-entered" "dead" "future" or "" for TLE only sats
QDateTime m_decayed; // Date of decay. JSON "2018-05-19T00:00:00Z"
QDateTime m_launched;
QDateTime m_deployed;
QString m_website;
QString m_operator; // "None" or "European Space Agency",
QString m_countries; // "US" or "ES"
QList<SatNogsTransmitter *> m_transmitters;
SatNogsTLE *m_tle;
SatNogsSatellite(const QJsonObject& obj)
m_noradCatId = obj["norad_cat_id"].toInt();
m_name = obj["name"].toString();
m_names = obj["names"].toString().split("\r\n");
if ((m_names.size() == 1) && m_names[0].isEmpty())
m_names = QStringList();
m_image = obj["image"].toString();
m_status = obj["status"].toString();
if (!obj["decayed"].isNull())
m_decayed = QDateTime::fromString(obj["decayed"].toString(), Qt::ISODate);
if (!obj["launched"].isNull())
m_launched = QDateTime::fromString(obj["launched"].toString(), Qt::ISODate);
if (!obj["deployed"].isNull())
m_deployed = QDateTime::fromString(obj["deployed"].toString(), Qt::ISODate);
m_website = obj["website"].toString();
m_operator = obj["operator"].toString();
m_countries = obj["countries"].toString();
m_tle = nullptr;
SatNogsSatellite(SatNogsTLE *tle)
// Extract names from TLE
// tle0 is of the form:
// MOZHAYETS 4 (RS-22)
// GOES 9 [-]
QRegExp re("([A-Za-z0-9\\- ]+)([\\(]([A-Z0-9\\- ]+)[\\)])?");
if (re.indexIn(tle->m_tle0) != -1)
QStringList groups = re.capturedTexts();
m_name = groups[1].trimmed();
if ((groups.size() >= 4) && (groups[3] != "-") && !groups[3].isEmpty())
m_names = QStringList({groups[3].trimmed()});
m_noradCatId = tle->m_tle2.mid(2, 5).toInt();
m_tle = tle;
QString toString()
QStringList list;
list.append(QString("Name: %1").arg(m_name));
list.append(QString("NORAD ID: %1").arg(m_noradCatId));
if (m_tle != nullptr)
list.append(QString("TLE0: %1").arg(m_tle->m_tle0));
list.append(QString("TLE1: %1").arg(m_tle->m_tle1));
list.append(QString("TLE2: %1").arg(m_tle->m_tle2));
for (int i = 0; i < m_transmitters.size(); i++)
list.append(QString("Mode: %1 Freq: %2").arg(m_transmitters[i]->m_mode).arg(m_transmitters[i]->m_downlinkLow));
return list.join("\n");
void addTransmitters(const QList<SatNogsTransmitter *>& transmitters)
for (int i = 0; i < transmitters.size(); i++)
SatNogsTransmitter *tx = transmitters[i];
if (tx->m_noradCatId == m_noradCatId)
void addTLE(const QList<SatNogsTLE *>& tles)
for (int i = 0; i < tles.size(); i++)
SatNogsTLE *tle = tles[i];
if (tle->m_noradCatId == m_noradCatId)
m_tle = tle;
// Create a hash table of satellites from the JSON object
static QHash<QString, SatNogsSatellite *> createHash(QJsonArray array)
QHash<QString, SatNogsSatellite *> hash;
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++)
QJsonValue value = array.at(i);
if (value.isObject())
SatNogsSatellite *sat = new SatNogsSatellite(value.toObject());
hash.insert(sat->m_name, sat);
return hash;