mirror of https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel.git synced 2024-10-05 11:16:40 -04:00

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// Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// Copyright (C) 2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QString>
#include <QHash>
#include <QList>
#include <QTime>
class Serializable;
#define SAT_COL_COLUMNS 18
struct SatelliteTrackerSettings
struct SatelliteDeviceSettings
int m_deviceSetIndex; //!< Device set index in the list of device sets of the SDRangel instance
QString m_presetGroup; //!< Preset to load to device set
quint64 m_presetFrequency;
QString m_presetDescription;
QList<int> m_doppler; //!< Which channels to apply Doppler correction to, if any
bool m_startOnAOS; //!< Start acquistion on AOS
bool m_stopOnLOS; //!< Stop acquistion on LOS
bool m_startStopFileSink; //!< Start&stop file sinks recording on AOS/LOS
quint64 m_frequency; //!< Optional center frequency to set (in Hz), to override preset value
QString m_aosCommand; //!< Command/script to execute on AOS
QString m_losCommand; //!< Command/script to execute on LOS
double m_latitude; //!< Antenna location, degrees
double m_longitude;
double m_heightAboveSeaLevel; //!< In metres
QString m_target; //!< Target satellite
QList<QString> m_satellites; //!< Selected satellites
QList<QString> m_tles; //!< TLE URLs
QString m_dateTime; //!< Date/time for observation, or "" for now (UTC or local as per m_utc)
int m_minAOSElevation; //!< Minimum elevation for AOS
int m_minPassElevation; //!< Minimum elevation for a pass
int m_rotatorMaxAzimuth; //!< Maximum rotator azimuth 360/450
int m_rotatorMaxElevation; //!< Maximum rotator elevation 90/180
enum AzElUnits {DMS, DM, D, Decimal} m_azElUnits;
int m_groundTrackPoints; //!< Number of points in ground tracks
QString m_dateFormat; //!< Format used for displaying dates in the GUI
bool m_utc; //!< Set/display times as UTC rather than local
float m_updatePeriod; //!< How long in seconds between updates of satellite's position
float m_dopplerPeriod; //!< How long in seconds between Doppler corrections
int m_predictionPeriod; //!< How many days ahead to predict passes in
QTime m_passStartTime; //!< Time after which pass must start
QTime m_passFinishTime; //!< Time before which pass must finish
float m_defaultFrequency; //!< Frequency used for Doppler & path loss calculation in satellite table
bool m_drawOnMap;
bool m_autoTarget; //!< Automatically select target on AOS
QString m_aosSpeech; //!< Text to say on AOS
QString m_losSpeech; //!< Text to say on LOS
QString m_aosCommand; //!< Command/script to execute on AOS
QString m_losCommand; //!< Command/script to execute on LOS
bool m_chartsDarkTheme; //!< Set dark theme for charts (effective for GUI only)
QHash<QString, QList<SatelliteDeviceSettings *> *> m_deviceSettings; //!< Settings for each device set for each satellite
bool m_replayEnabled; //!< Replay a pass in the past, by setting date and time to m_replayStartDateTime
QDateTime m_replayStartDateTime; //!< Time to start the replay at
bool m_sendTimeToMap; //!< Send time to map when start pressed
enum DateTimeSelect {NOW, CUSTOM, FROM_MAP, FROM_FILE} m_dateTimeSelect;
QString m_mapFeature; //!< Which feature when FROM_MAP
QString m_fileInputDevice; //!< Which device when FROM_FILE
int m_columnSort; //!< Which column is used for sorting (-1 for none)
Qt::SortOrder m_columnSortOrder;
int m_columnIndexes[SAT_COL_COLUMNS];//!< How the columns are ordered in the table
int m_columnSizes[SAT_COL_COLUMNS]; //!< Size of the coumns in the table
QString m_title;
quint32 m_rgbColor;
bool m_useReverseAPI;
QString m_reverseAPIAddress;
uint16_t m_reverseAPIPort;
uint16_t m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex;
uint16_t m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex;
Serializable *m_rollupState;
int m_workspaceIndex;
QByteArray m_geometryBytes;
void resetToDefaults();
QByteArray serialize() const;
bool deserialize(const QByteArray& data);
void setRollupState(Serializable *rollupState) { m_rollupState = rollupState; }
QByteArray serializeStringList(const QList<QString>& strings) const;
void deserializeStringList(const QByteArray& data, QList<QString>& strings);
QByteArray serializeDeviceSettings(QHash<QString, QList<SatelliteDeviceSettings *> *> deviceSettings) const;
void deserializeDeviceSettings(const QByteArray& data, QHash<QString, QList<SatelliteDeviceSettings *> *>& deviceSettings);