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synced 2025-02-03 09:44:01 -05:00
Fix 3D map for Qt < 5.15. Add 3D map label scale setting. Add 3D map time to Web report. Reduce height of display settings dialog to fit on smaller screens.
534 lines
20 KiB
534 lines
20 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2022 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <QDebug>
#include "czml.h"
#include "mapsettings.h"
#include "mapmodel.h"
#include "util/units.h"
CZML::CZML(const MapSettings *settings) :
QJsonObject CZML::init()
QString start = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate);
QString stop = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(60*60).toString(Qt::ISODate);
QString interval = QString("%1/%2").arg(start).arg(stop);
QJsonObject spec {
{"interval", interval},
{"currentTime", start},
{"range", "UNBOUNDED"}
QJsonObject doc {
{"id", "document"},
{"version", "1.0"},
{"clock", spec}
return doc;
// Convert a position specified in longitude, latitude in degrees and height in metres above WGS84 ellipsoid in to
// Earth Centered Earth Fixed frame cartesian coordinates
// See Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees
QVector3D CZML::cartesian3FromDegrees(double longitude, double latitude, double height) const
return cartesianFromRadians(Units::degreesToRadians(longitude), Units::degreesToRadians(latitude), height);
// FIXME: QVector3D is only float!
// See Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians
QVector3D CZML::cartesianFromRadians(double longitude, double latitude, double height) const
QVector3D wgs84RadiiSquared(6378137.0 * 6378137.0, 6378137.0 * 6378137.0, 6356752.3142451793 * 6356752.3142451793);
double cosLatitude = cos(latitude);
QVector3D n;
n.setX(cosLatitude * cos(longitude));
n.setY(cosLatitude * sin(longitude));
QVector3D k;
k = wgs84RadiiSquared * n;
double gamma = sqrt(QVector3D::dotProduct(n, k));
k = k / gamma;
n = n * height;
return k + n;
// Convert heading, pitch and roll in degrees to a quaternoin
// See: Cesium.Quaternion.fromHeadingPitchRoll
QQuaternion CZML::fromHeadingPitchRoll(double heading, double pitch, double roll) const
QVector3D xAxis(1, 0, 0);
QVector3D yAxis(0, 1, 0);
QVector3D zAxis(0, 0, 1);
QQuaternion rollQ = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(xAxis, roll);
QQuaternion pitchQ = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(yAxis, -pitch);
QQuaternion headingQ = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(zAxis, -heading);
QQuaternion temp = rollQ * pitchQ;
return headingQ * temp;
// Calculate a transformation matrix from a East, North, Up frame at the given position to Earth Centered Earth Fixed frame
// See: Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame
QMatrix4x4 CZML::eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(QVector3D origin) const
// TODO: Handle special case at centre of earth and poles
QVector3D up = origin.normalized();
QVector3D east(-origin.y(), origin.x(), 0.0);
QVector3D north = QVector3D::crossProduct(up, east);
QMatrix4x4 result(
east.x(), north.x(), up.x(), origin.x(),
east.y(), north.y(), up.y(), origin.y(),
east.z(), north.z(), up.z(), origin.z(),
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
return result;
// Convert 3x3 rotation matrix to a quaternoin
// Although there is a method for this in Qt: QQuaternion::fromRotationMatrix, it seems to
// result in different signs, so the following is based on Cesium code
QQuaternion CZML::fromRotation(QMatrix3x3 mat) const
QQuaternion q;
double trace = mat(0, 0) + mat(1, 1) + mat(2, 2);
if (trace > 0.0)
double root = sqrt(trace + 1.0);
q.setScalar(0.5 * root);
root = 0.5 / root;
q.setX((mat(2,1) - mat(1,2)) * root);
q.setY((mat(0,2) - mat(2,0)) * root);
q.setZ((mat(1,0) - mat(0,1)) * root);
double next[] = {1, 2, 0};
int i = 0;
if (mat(1,1) > mat(0,0)) {
i = 1;
if (mat(2,2) > mat(0,0) && mat(2,2) > mat(1,1)) {
i = 2;
int j = next[i];
int k = next[j];
double root = sqrt(mat(i,i) - mat(j,j) - mat(k,k) + 1);
double quat[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
quat[i] = 0.5 * root;
root = 0.5 / root;
q.setScalar((mat(j,k) - mat(k,j)) * root);
quat[j] = (mat(i,j) + mat(j,i)) * root;
quat[k] = (mat(i,k) + mat(k,i)) * root;
return q;
// Calculate orientation quaternion for a model (such as an aircraft) based on position and (HPR) heading, pitch and roll (in degrees)
// While Cesium supports specifying orientation as HPR, CZML doesn't currently. See https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/5184
// CZML requires the orientation to be in the Earth Centered Earth Fixed (geocentric) reference frame (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_tangent_plane_coordinates)
// The orientation therefore depends not only on HPR but also on position
// glTF uses a right-handed axis convention; that is, the cross product of right and forward yields up. glTF defines +Y as up, +Z as forward, and -X as right.
// Cesium.Quaternion.fromHeadingPitchRoll Heading is the rotation about the negative z axis. Pitch is the rotation about the negative y axis. Roll is the rotation about the positive x axis.
QQuaternion CZML::orientation(double longitude, double latitude, double altitude, double heading, double pitch, double roll) const
// Forward direction for gltf models in Cesium seems to be Eastward, rather than Northward, so we adjust heading by -90 degrees
heading = -90 + heading;
// Convert position to Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) frame
QVector3D positionECEF = cartesian3FromDegrees(longitude, latitude, altitude);
// Calculate matrix to transform from East, North, Up (ENU) frame to ECEF frame
QMatrix4x4 enuToECEFTransform = eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(positionECEF);
// Calculate rotation based on HPR in ENU frame
QQuaternion hprENU = fromHeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);
// Transform rotation from ENU to ECEF
QMatrix3x3 hprENU3 = hprENU.toRotationMatrix();
QMatrix4x4 hprENU4(hprENU3);
QMatrix4x4 transform = enuToECEFTransform * hprENU4;
// Convert from 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix then to a quaternion
QQuaternion oq = fromRotation(transform.toGenericMatrix<3,3>());
return oq;
QJsonObject CZML::update(MapItem *mapItem, bool isTarget, bool isSelected)
(void) isTarget;
// Don't currently use CLIP_TO_GROUND in Cesium due to Jitter bug
// https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/4049
// Instead we implement our own clipping code in map3d.html
const QStringList heightReferences = {"NONE", "CLAMP_TO_GROUND", "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", "NONE"};
QString dt;
if (mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.size() > 0) {
dt = mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.last()->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs);
} else {
dt = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs);
QString id = mapItem->m_name;
// Keep a hash of the time we first saw each item
bool existingId = m_ids.contains(id);
if (!existingId) {
m_ids.insert(id, dt);
bool removeObj = false;
bool fixedPosition = mapItem->m_fixedPosition;
float displayDistanceMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
QString image = mapItem->m_image;
if ((image == "antenna.png") || (image == "antennaam.png") || (image == "antennadab.png") || (image == "antennafm.png") || (image == "antennatime.png")) {
displayDistanceMax = 1000000;
if (image == "") {
// Need to remove this from the map
removeObj = true;
QJsonArray coords;
if (!removeObj)
if (!fixedPosition && (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 0))
QListIterator<QGeoCoordinate *> i(mapItem->m_takenTrackCoords);
QListIterator<QDateTime *> j(mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes);
while (i.hasNext())
QGeoCoordinate *c = i.next();
if (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 0)
QListIterator<QGeoCoordinate *> k(mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords);
QListIterator<QDateTime *> l(mapItem->m_predictedTrackDateTimes);
while (k.hasPrevious())
QGeoCoordinate *c = k.previous();
// Only send latest position, to reduce processing
if (!fixedPosition && mapItem->m_positionDateTime.isValid()) {
coords = m_lastPosition.value(id);
QJsonObject position {
{"cartographicDegrees", coords},
if (!fixedPosition)
// Don't use forward extrapolation for satellites (with predicted tracks), as
// it seems to jump about. We use it for AIS and ADS-B that don't have predicted tracks
if (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() == 0)
// Need 2 different positions to enable extrapolation, otherwise entity may not appear
bool hasMoved = m_hasMoved.contains(id);
if (!hasMoved && m_lastPosition.contains(id) && (m_lastPosition.value(id) != coords))
hasMoved = true;
m_hasMoved.insert(id, true);
if (hasMoved)
position.insert("forwardExtrapolationType", "EXTRAPOLATE");
position.insert("forwardExtrapolationDuration", 60);
// Use linear interpolation for now - other two can go crazy with aircraft on the ground
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "HERMITE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "2");
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "5");
position.insert("forwardExtrapolationType", "HOLD");
// Interpolation goes wrong at end points
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "5");
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "HERMITE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "2");
QQuaternion q = orientation(mapItem->m_longitude, mapItem->m_latitude, mapItem->m_altitude,
mapItem->m_heading, mapItem->m_pitch, mapItem->m_roll);
QJsonArray quaternion;
if (!fixedPosition && mapItem->m_orientationDateTime.isValid()) {
QJsonObject orientation {
{"unitQuaternion", quaternion},
{"forwardExtrapolationType", "HOLD"}, // If we extrapolate, aircraft tend to spin around
{"forwardExtrapolationDuration", 60},
// {"interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE"}
QJsonObject orientationPosition {
{"velocityReference", "#position"},
QJsonObject noPosition {
{"cartographicDegrees", coords},
{"forwardExtrapolationType", "NONE"}
// Point
QColor pointColor = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DPointColor);
QJsonArray pointRGBA {
pointColor.red(), pointColor.green(), pointColor.blue(), pointColor.alpha()
QJsonObject pointColorObj {
{"rgba", pointRGBA}
QJsonObject point {
{"pixelSize", 8},
{"color", pointColorObj},
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
{"show", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DPoint}
// If clamping to ground, we need to disable depth test, so part of the point isn't clipped
// However, when the point isn't clamped to ground, we shouldn't use this, otherwise
// the point will become visible through the globe
if (mapItem->m_altitudeReference == 1) {
point.insert("disableDepthTestDistance", 100000000);
// Model
QJsonArray node0Cartesian {
{0.0, mapItem->m_modelAltitudeOffset, 0.0}
QJsonObject node0Translation {
{"cartesian", node0Cartesian}
QJsonObject node0Transform {
{"translation", node0Translation}
QJsonObject nodeTransforms {
{"node0", node0Transform},
QJsonObject model {
{"gltf", m_settings->m_modelURL + mapItem->m_model},
{"incrementallyLoadTextures", false}, // Aircraft will flash as they appear without textures if this is the default of true
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
{"runAnimations", false},
{"show", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DModel},
{"minimumPixelSize", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DModelMinPixelSize},
{"maximumScale", 20000} // Stop it getting too big when zoomed really far out
if (mapItem->m_modelAltitudeOffset != 0.0) {
model.insert("nodeTransformations", nodeTransforms);
// Path
QColor pathColor = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DTrackColor);
QJsonArray pathColorRGBA {
pathColor.red(), pathColor.green(), pathColor.blue(), pathColor.alpha()
QJsonObject pathColorObj {
{"rgba", pathColorRGBA}
// Paths can't be clamped to ground, so AIS paths can be underground if terrain is used
// See: https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/7133
QJsonObject pathSolidColorMaterial {
{"color", pathColorObj}
QJsonObject pathMaterial {
{"solidColor", pathSolidColorMaterial}
bool showPath = mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled
&& mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DTrack
&& ( m_settings->m_displayAllGroundTracks
|| (m_settings->m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && isSelected));
QJsonObject path {
// We want full paths for sat tracker, so leadTime and trailTime should be 0
// Should be configurable.. 6000=100mins ~> 1 orbit for LEO
//{"leadTime", "6000"},
//{"trailTime", "6000"},
{"width", "3"},
{"material", pathMaterial},
{"show", showPath}
// Label
QJsonArray labelPixelOffsetArray {
20, 0
QJsonObject labelPixelOffset {
{"cartesian2", labelPixelOffsetArray}
QJsonArray labelEyeOffsetArray {
0, mapItem->m_labelAltitudeOffset, 0 // Position above the object, dependent on the height of the model
QJsonObject labelEyeOffset {
{"cartesian", labelEyeOffsetArray}
QJsonObject labelHorizontalOrigin {
{"horizontalOrigin", "LEFT"}
QJsonArray labelDisplayDistance {
0, displayDistanceMax
QJsonObject labelDistanceDisplayCondition {
{"distanceDisplayCondition", labelDisplayDistance}
QJsonObject label {
{"text", mapItem->m_label},
{"show", m_settings->m_displayNames && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DLabel},
{"scale", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DLabelScale},
{"pixelOffset", labelPixelOffset},
{"eyeOffset", labelEyeOffset},
{"verticalOrigin", "BASELINE"},
{"horizontalOrigin", "LEFT"},
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
if (displayDistanceMax != std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
label.insert("disableDepthTestDistance", 100000000.0);
label.insert("distanceDisplayCondition", labelDistanceDisplayCondition);
// Use billboard for APRS as we don't currently have 3D objects
QString imageURL = mapItem->m_image;
if (imageURL.startsWith("qrc://")) {
imageURL = imageURL.mid(6); // Redirect to our embedded webserver, which will check resources
QJsonObject billboard {
{"image", imageURL},
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
{"verticalOrigin", "BOTTOM"} // To stop it being cut in half when zoomed out
if (mapItem->m_altitudeReference == 1) {
billboard.insert("disableDepthTestDistance", 100000000);
QJsonObject obj {
{"id", id} // id must be unique
if (!removeObj)
obj.insert("position", position);
if (!fixedPosition)
if (mapItem->m_useHeadingPitchRoll) {
obj.insert("orientation", orientation);
} else {
obj.insert("orientation", orientationPosition);
obj.insert("point", point);
if (!mapItem->m_model.isEmpty()) {
obj.insert("model", model);
} else {
obj.insert("billboard", billboard);
obj.insert("label", label);
obj.insert("description", mapItem->m_text);
if (!fixedPosition) {
obj.insert("path", path);
if (!fixedPosition)
if (mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.size() > 0 && mapItem->m_predictedTrackDateTimes.size() > 0)
QString availability = QString("%1/%2")
obj.insert("availability", availability);
QString oneMin = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(60).toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs);
QString createdToNow = QString("%1/%2").arg(m_ids[id]).arg(oneMin); // From when object was created to now
obj.insert("availability", createdToNow);
m_lastPosition.insert(id, coords);
// Disable forward extrapolation
obj.insert("position", noPosition);
// Use our own clipping routine, due to
// https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/4049
if (mapItem->m_altitudeReference == 3) {
obj.insert("altitudeReference", "CLIP_TO_GROUND");
//qDebug() << obj;
return obj;