mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:01 -05:00
Allow OpenSkyNetwork DB, OpenAIP and OurAirports DB stuctures to be shared by different plugins, to speed up loading. Perform map anti-aliasing on the whole map, rather than just info boxes, to improve rendering speed when there are many items. Add map multisampling as a preference. Add plotting of airspaces, airports, navaids on Map feature. Add support for polylines and polygons to be plotted on Map feature. Add support for images to 2D Map feature. Add distance and name filters to Map feature. Filter map items when zoomed out or if off screen, to improve rendering performance. Add UK DAB, FM and AM transmitters to Map feature. Use labelless maps for 2D transmit maps in Map feature (same as in ADS-B demod).
549 lines
19 KiB
549 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2022 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <QDebug>
#include "czml.h"
#include "mapsettings.h"
#include "mapmodel.h"
#include "util/coordinates.h"
CZML::CZML(const MapSettings *settings) :
// Set position from which distance filter is calculated
void CZML::setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate& position)
m_position = position;
bool CZML::filter(const MapItem *mapItem) const
return ( !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterName.isEmpty()
&& !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterNameRE.match(mapItem->m_name).hasMatch()
|| ( (mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterDistance > 0)
&& (m_position.distanceTo(QGeoCoordinate(mapItem->m_latitude, mapItem->m_longitude, mapItem->m_altitude)) > mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_filterDistance)
QJsonObject CZML::init()
QString start = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate);
QString stop = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(60*60).toString(Qt::ISODate);
QString interval = QString("%1/%2").arg(start).arg(stop);
QJsonObject spec {
{"interval", interval},
{"currentTime", start},
{"range", "UNBOUNDED"}
QJsonObject doc {
{"id", "document"},
{"version", "1.0"},
{"clock", spec}
return doc;
QJsonObject CZML::update(PolygonMapItem *mapItem)
QString id = mapItem->m_name;
QJsonObject obj {
{"id", id} // id must be unique
if ( !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled
|| !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DTrack
|| filter(mapItem)
// Delete obj completely (including any history)
obj.insert("delete", true);
return obj;
QJsonArray positions;
for (const auto c : mapItem->m_points)
QJsonObject positionList {
{"cartographicDegrees", positions},
QColor color = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DTrackColor);
QJsonArray colorRGBA {
color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(), color.alpha()
QJsonObject colorObj {
{"rgba", colorRGBA}
QJsonObject solidColor {
{"color", colorObj},
QJsonObject material {
{"solidColor", solidColor}
QJsonArray outlineColorRGBA {
0, 0, 0, 255
QJsonObject outlineColor {
{"rgba", outlineColorRGBA}
QJsonObject polygon {
{"positions", positionList},
{"height", mapItem->m_altitude},
{"extrudedHeight", mapItem->m_extrudedHeight},
{"material", material},
{"outline", true},
{"outlineColor", outlineColor}
obj.insert("polygon", polygon);
obj.insert("description", mapItem->m_label);
//qDebug() << "Polygon " << obj;
return obj;
QJsonObject CZML::update(PolylineMapItem *mapItem)
QString id = mapItem->m_name;
QJsonObject obj {
{"id", id} // id must be unique
if ( !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled
|| !mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DTrack
|| filter(mapItem)
// Delete obj completely (including any history)
obj.insert("delete", true);
return obj;
QJsonArray positions;
for (const auto c : mapItem->m_points)
QJsonObject positionList {
{"cartographicDegrees", positions},
QColor color = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DTrackColor);
QJsonArray colorRGBA {
color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(), color.alpha()
QJsonObject colorObj {
{"rgba", colorRGBA}
QJsonObject solidColor {
{"color", colorObj},
QJsonObject material {
{"solidColor", solidColor}
QJsonObject polyline {
{"positions", positionList},
{"material", material}
obj.insert("polyline", polyline);
obj.insert("description", mapItem->m_label);
//qDebug() << "Polyline " << obj;
return obj;
QJsonObject CZML::update(ObjectMapItem *mapItem, bool isTarget, bool isSelected)
(void) isTarget;
QString id = mapItem->m_name;
QJsonObject obj {
{"id", id} // id must be unique
if (!mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled || filter(mapItem))
// Delete obj completely (including any history)
obj.insert("delete", true);
return obj;
// Don't currently use CLIP_TO_GROUND in Cesium due to Jitter bug
// https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/4049
// Instead we implement our own clipping code in map3d.html
const QStringList heightReferences = {"NONE", "CLAMP_TO_GROUND", "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", "NONE"};
QString dt;
if (mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.size() > 0) {
dt = mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.last()->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs);
} else {
dt = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs);
// Keep a hash of the time we first saw each item
bool existingId = m_ids.contains(id);
if (!existingId) {
m_ids.insert(id, dt);
bool removeObj = false;
bool fixedPosition = mapItem->m_fixedPosition;
if (mapItem->m_image == "")
// Need to remove this from the map (but history is retained)
removeObj = true;
QJsonArray coords;
if (!removeObj)
if (!fixedPosition && (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 0))
QListIterator<QGeoCoordinate *> i(mapItem->m_takenTrackCoords);
QListIterator<QDateTime *> j(mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes);
while (i.hasNext())
QGeoCoordinate *c = i.next();
if (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 0)
QListIterator<QGeoCoordinate *> k(mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords);
QListIterator<QDateTime *> l(mapItem->m_predictedTrackDateTimes);
while (k.hasPrevious())
QGeoCoordinate *c = k.previous();
// Only send latest position, to reduce processing
if (!fixedPosition && mapItem->m_positionDateTime.isValid()) {
coords = m_lastPosition.value(id);
QJsonObject position {
{"cartographicDegrees", coords},
if (!fixedPosition)
// Don't use forward extrapolation for satellites (with predicted tracks), as
// it seems to jump about. We use it for AIS and ADS-B that don't have predicted tracks
if (mapItem->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() == 0)
// Need 2 different positions to enable extrapolation, otherwise entity may not appear
bool hasMoved = m_hasMoved.contains(id);
if (!hasMoved && m_lastPosition.contains(id) && (m_lastPosition.value(id) != coords))
hasMoved = true;
m_hasMoved.insert(id, true);
if (hasMoved && (mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_extrapolate > 0))
position.insert("forwardExtrapolationType", "EXTRAPOLATE");
position.insert("forwardExtrapolationDuration", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_extrapolate);
// Use linear interpolation for now - other two can go crazy with aircraft on the ground
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "HERMITE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "2");
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "5");
position.insert("forwardExtrapolationType", "HOLD");
// Interpolation goes wrong at end points
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "5");
//position.insert("interpolationAlgorithm", "HERMITE");
//position.insert("interpolationDegree", "2");
QQuaternion q = Coordinates::orientation(mapItem->m_longitude, mapItem->m_latitude, mapItem->m_altitude,
mapItem->m_heading, mapItem->m_pitch, mapItem->m_roll);
QJsonArray quaternion;
if (!fixedPosition && mapItem->m_orientationDateTime.isValid()) {
QJsonObject orientation {
{"unitQuaternion", quaternion},
{"forwardExtrapolationType", "HOLD"}, // If we extrapolate, aircraft tend to spin around
{"forwardExtrapolationDuration", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_extrapolate},
// {"interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE"}
QJsonObject orientationPosition {
{"velocityReference", "#position"},
QJsonObject noPosition {
{"cartographicDegrees", coords},
{"forwardExtrapolationType", "NONE"}
// Point
QColor pointColor = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DPointColor);
QJsonArray pointRGBA {
pointColor.red(), pointColor.green(), pointColor.blue(), pointColor.alpha()
QJsonObject pointColorObj {
{"rgba", pointRGBA}
QJsonObject point {
{"pixelSize", 8},
{"color", pointColorObj},
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
{"show", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DPoint}
// Model
QJsonArray node0Cartesian {
{0.0, mapItem->m_modelAltitudeOffset, 0.0}
QJsonObject node0Translation {
{"cartesian", node0Cartesian}
QJsonObject node0Transform {
{"translation", node0Translation}
QJsonObject nodeTransforms {
{"node0", node0Transform},
QJsonObject model {
{"gltf", m_settings->m_modelURL + mapItem->m_model},
{"incrementallyLoadTextures", false}, // Aircraft will flash as they appear without textures if this is the default of true
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
{"runAnimations", false},
{"show", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DModel},
{"minimumPixelSize", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DModelMinPixelSize},
{"maximumScale", 20000} // Stop it getting too big when zoomed really far out
if (mapItem->m_modelAltitudeOffset != 0.0) {
model.insert("nodeTransformations", nodeTransforms);
// Path
QColor pathColor = QColor::fromRgba(mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DTrackColor);
QJsonArray pathColorRGBA {
pathColor.red(), pathColor.green(), pathColor.blue(), pathColor.alpha()
QJsonObject pathColorObj {
{"rgba", pathColorRGBA}
// Paths can't be clamped to ground, so AIS paths can be underground if terrain is used
// See: https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/7133
QJsonObject pathSolidColorMaterial {
{"color", pathColorObj}
QJsonObject pathMaterial {
{"solidColor", pathSolidColorMaterial}
bool showPath = mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled
&& mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DTrack
&& ( m_settings->m_displayAllGroundTracks
|| (m_settings->m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && isSelected));
QJsonObject path {
// We want full paths for sat tracker, so leadTime and trailTime should be 0
// Should be configurable.. 6000=100mins ~> 1 orbit for LEO
//{"leadTime", "6000"},
//{"trailTime", "6000"},
{"width", "3"},
{"material", pathMaterial},
{"show", showPath}
// Label
// Prevent labels from being too cluttered when zoomed out
// FIXME: These values should come from mapItem or mapItemSettings
float displayDistanceMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
if ((mapItem->m_group == "Beacons")
|| (mapItem->m_group == "AM") || (mapItem->m_group == "FM") || (mapItem->m_group == "DAB")
|| (mapItem->m_group == "NavAid")
) {
displayDistanceMax = 1000000;
} else if ((mapItem->m_group == "Station") || (mapItem->m_group == "Radar") || (mapItem->m_group == "Radio Time Transmitters")) {
displayDistanceMax = 10000000;
} else if (mapItem->m_group == "Ionosonde Stations") {
displayDistanceMax = 30000000;
QJsonArray labelPixelOffsetScaleArray {
1000000, 20, 10000000, 5
QJsonObject labelPixelOffsetScaleObject {
{"nearFarScalar", labelPixelOffsetScaleArray}
QJsonArray labelPixelOffsetArray {
1, 0
QJsonObject labelPixelOffset {
{"cartesian2", labelPixelOffsetArray}
QJsonArray labelEyeOffsetArray {
0, mapItem->m_labelAltitudeOffset, 0 // Position above the object, dependent on the height of the model
QJsonObject labelEyeOffset {
{"cartesian", labelEyeOffsetArray}
QJsonObject labelHorizontalOrigin {
{"horizontalOrigin", "LEFT"}
QJsonArray labelDisplayDistance {
0, displayDistanceMax
QJsonObject labelDistanceDisplayCondition {
{"distanceDisplayCondition", labelDisplayDistance}
QJsonObject label {
{"text", mapItem->m_label},
{"show", m_settings->m_displayNames && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_display3DLabel},
{"scale", mapItem->m_itemSettings->m_3DLabelScale},
{"pixelOffset", labelPixelOffset},
{"pixelOffsetScaleByDistance", labelPixelOffsetScaleObject},
{"eyeOffset", labelEyeOffset},
{"verticalOrigin", "BASELINE"},
{"horizontalOrigin", "LEFT"},
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
if (displayDistanceMax != std::numeric_limits<float>::max()) {
label.insert("distanceDisplayCondition", labelDistanceDisplayCondition);
// Use billboard for APRS as we don't currently have 3D objects
QString imageURL = mapItem->m_image;
if (imageURL.startsWith("qrc://")) {
imageURL = imageURL.mid(6); // Redirect to our embedded webserver, which will check resources
QJsonObject billboard {
{"image", imageURL},
{"heightReference", heightReferences[mapItem->m_altitudeReference]},
{"verticalOrigin", "BOTTOM"} // To stop it being cut in half when zoomed out
if (!removeObj)
obj.insert("position", position);
if (!fixedPosition)
if (mapItem->m_useHeadingPitchRoll) {
obj.insert("orientation", orientation);
} else {
obj.insert("orientation", orientationPosition);
obj.insert("point", point);
if (!mapItem->m_model.isEmpty()) {
obj.insert("model", model);
} else {
obj.insert("billboard", billboard);
obj.insert("label", label);
obj.insert("description", mapItem->m_text);
if (!fixedPosition) {
obj.insert("path", path);
if (!fixedPosition)
if (mapItem->m_takenTrackDateTimes.size() > 0 && mapItem->m_predictedTrackDateTimes.size() > 0)
QString availability = QString("%1/%2")
obj.insert("availability", availability);
if (mapItem->m_availableUntil.isValid())
QString period = QString("%1/%2").arg(m_ids[id]).arg(mapItem->m_availableUntil.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs));
obj.insert("availability", period);
m_lastPosition.insert(id, coords);
// Disable forward extrapolation
obj.insert("position", noPosition);
// Use our own clipping routine, due to
// https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/4049
if (mapItem->m_altitudeReference == 3) {
obj.insert("altitudeReference", "CLIP_TO_GROUND");
//qDebug() << obj;
return obj;