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synced 2025-02-03 09:44:01 -05:00
Allow OpenSkyNetwork DB, OpenAIP and OurAirports DB stuctures to be shared by different plugins, to speed up loading. Perform map anti-aliasing on the whole map, rather than just info boxes, to improve rendering speed when there are many items. Add map multisampling as a preference. Add plotting of airspaces, airports, navaids on Map feature. Add support for polylines and polygons to be plotted on Map feature. Add support for images to 2D Map feature. Add distance and name filters to Map feature. Filter map items when zoomed out or if off screen, to improve rendering performance. Add UK DAB, FM and AM transmitters to Map feature. Use labelless maps for 2D transmit maps in Map feature (same as in ADS-B demod).
266 lines
9.3 KiB
266 lines
9.3 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE //
// Copyright (C) 2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include <QTimer>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QWebEngineFullScreenRequest>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits>
#include "feature/featuregui.h"
#include "util/messagequeue.h"
#include "util/giro.h"
#include "util/azel.h"
#include "util/openaip.h"
#include "util/ourairportsdb.h"
#include "settings/rollupstate.h"
#include "SWGMapItem.h"
#include "mapsettings.h"
#include "mapbeacondialog.h"
#include "mapibpbeacondialog.h"
#include "mapradiotimedialog.h"
#include "cesiuminterface.h"
#include "osmtemplateserver.h"
#include "webserver.h"
#include "mapmodel.h"
class PluginAPI;
class FeatureUISet;
class Map;
namespace Ui {
class MapGUI;
class MapGUI;
struct Beacon;
struct RadioTimeTransmitter {
QString m_callsign;
int m_frequency; // In Hz
float m_latitude; // In degrees
float m_longitude; // In degrees
int m_power; // In kW
struct IonosondeStation {
QString m_name;
float m_latitude; // In degrees
float m_longitude; // In degrees
QString m_text;
QString m_label;
IonosondeStation(const GIRO::GIROStationData& data) :
void update(const GIRO::GIROStationData& data)
m_latitude = data.m_latitude;
m_longitude = data.m_longitude;
QStringList text;
QStringList label;
text.append("Ionosonde Station");
text.append(QString("Name: %1").arg(m_name.split(",")[0]));
if (!isnan(data.m_mufd))
text.append(QString("MUF: %1 MHz").arg(data.m_mufd));
if (!isnan(data.m_md)) {
text.append(QString("M(D): %1").arg(data.m_md));
if (!isnan(data.m_foF2))
text.append(QString("foF2: %1 MHz").arg(data.m_foF2));
if (!isnan(data.m_hmF2)) {
text.append(QString("hmF2: %1 km").arg(data.m_hmF2));
if (!isnan(data.m_foE)) {
text.append(QString("foE: %1 MHz").arg(data.m_foE));
if (!isnan(data.m_tec)) {
text.append(QString("TEC: %1").arg(data.m_tec));
if (data.m_confidence >= 0) {
text.append(QString("Confidence: %1").arg(data.m_confidence));
if (data.m_dateTime.isValid()) {
m_text = text.join("\n");
m_label = label.join("/");
class MapGUI : public FeatureGUI {
static MapGUI* create(PluginAPI* pluginAPI, FeatureUISet *featureUISet, Feature *feature);
virtual void destroy();
void resetToDefaults();
QByteArray serialize() const;
bool deserialize(const QByteArray& data);
virtual MessageQueue *getInputMessageQueue() { return &m_inputMessageQueue; }
virtual void setWorkspaceIndex(int index);
virtual int getWorkspaceIndex() const { return m_settings.m_workspaceIndex; }
virtual void setGeometryBytes(const QByteArray& blob) { m_settings.m_geometryBytes = blob; }
virtual QByteArray getGeometryBytes() const { return m_settings.m_geometryBytes; }
AzEl *getAzEl() { return &m_azEl; }
Map *getMap() { return m_map; }
QQuickItem *getMapItem();
static QString getBeaconFilename();
QList<Beacon *> *getBeacons() { return m_beacons; }
void setBeacons(QList<Beacon *> *beacons);
void addIBPBeacons();
QList<RadioTimeTransmitter> getRadioTimeTransmitters() { return m_radioTimeTransmitters; }
void addRadioTimeTransmitters();
void addRadar();
void addIonosonde();
void addBroadcast();
void addDAB();
void addNavAids();
void addAirspace(const Airspace *airspace, const QString& group, int cnt);
void addAirspace();
void addAirports();
void find(const QString& target);
void track3D(const QString& target);
Q_INVOKABLE void supportedMapsChanged();
MapSettings::MapItemSettings *getItemSettings(const QString &group);
CesiumInterface *cesium() { return m_cesium; }
Ui::MapGUI* ui;
PluginAPI* m_pluginAPI;
FeatureUISet* m_featureUISet;
MapSettings m_settings;
QList<QString> m_settingsKeys;
RollupState m_rollupState;
bool m_doApplySettings;
QList<MapSettings::AvailableChannelOrFeature> m_availableChannelOrFeatures;
Map* m_map;
MessageQueue m_inputMessageQueue;
ObjectMapModel m_objectMapModel;
ObjectMapFilter m_objectMapFilter;
ImageMapModel m_imageMapModel;
ImageFilter m_imageMapFilter;
PolygonMapModel m_polygonMapModel;
PolygonFilter m_polygonMapFilter;
PolylineMapModel m_polylineMapModel;
PolylineFilter m_polylineMapFilter;
AzEl m_azEl; // Position of station
SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem m_antennaMapItem;
QList<Beacon *> *m_beacons;
MapBeaconDialog m_beaconDialog;
MapIBPBeaconDialog m_ibpBeaconDialog;
MapRadioTimeDialog m_radioTimeDialog;
quint16 m_osmPort;
OSMTemplateServer *m_templateServer;
QTimer m_redrawMapTimer;
GIRO *m_giro;
QHash<QString, IonosondeStation *> m_ionosondeStations;
QSharedPointer<const QList<NavAid *>> m_navAids;
QSharedPointer<const QList<Airspace *>> m_airspaces;
QSharedPointer<const QHash<int, AirportInformation *>> m_airportInfo;
QGeoCoordinate m_lastFullUpdatePosition;
CesiumInterface *m_cesium;
WebServer *m_webServer;
quint16 m_webPort;
explicit MapGUI(PluginAPI* pluginAPI, FeatureUISet *featureUISet, Feature *feature, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
virtual ~MapGUI();
void update(const QObject *source, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *swgMapItem, const QString &group);
void blockApplySettings(bool block);
void applySettings(bool force = false);
void applyMap2DSettings(bool reloadMap);
void applyMap3DSettings(bool reloadMap);
QString osmCachePath();
void clearOSMCache();
void displaySettings();
bool handleMessage(const Message& message);
void geoReply();
QString thunderforestAPIKey() const;
QString maptilerAPIKey() const;
QString cesiumIonAPIKey() const;
void redrawMap();
void makeUIConnections();
static QString getDataDir();
static const QList<RadioTimeTransmitter> m_radioTimeTransmitters;
private slots:
void init3DMap();
void onMenuDialogCalled(const QPoint &p);
void onWidgetRolled(QWidget* widget, bool rollDown);
void handleInputMessages();
void on_displayNames_clicked(bool checked=false);
void on_displayAllGroundTracks_clicked(bool checked=false);
void on_displaySelectedGroundTracks_clicked(bool checked=false);
void on_displayMUF_clicked(bool checked=false);
void on_displayfoF2_clicked(bool checked=false);
void on_find_returnPressed();
void on_maidenhead_clicked();
void on_deleteAll_clicked();
void on_displaySettings_clicked();
void on_mapTypes_currentIndexChanged(int index);
void on_beacons_clicked();
void on_ibpBeacons_clicked();
void on_radiotime_clicked();
void receivedCesiumEvent(const QJsonObject &obj);
virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *event) override;
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) override;
void fullScreenRequested(QWebEngineFullScreenRequest fullScreenRequest);
void preferenceChanged(int elementType);
void giroDataUpdated(const GIRO::GIROStationData& data);
void mufUpdated(const QJsonDocument& document);
void foF2Updated(const QJsonDocument& document);
void navAidsUpdated();
void airspacesUpdated();
void airportsUpdated();