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// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
import QtQuick
import QtLocation as QL
import QtPositioning as QP
import Qt.labs.animation
\qmltype MapView
\inqmlmodule QtLocation
\brief An interactive map viewer component.
MapView wraps a Map and adds the typical interactive features:
changing the zoom level, panning and tilting the map.
The implementation is a QML assembly of smaller building blocks that are
available separately. In case you want to make changes in your own version
of this component, you can copy the QML, which is installed into the
\c qml/QtLocation module directory, and modify it as needed.
\sa Map
Item {
\qmlproperty Map MapView::map
This property provides access to the underlying Map instance.
property alias map: map
\qmlproperty real minimumZoomLevel
The minimum zoom level according to the size of the view.
\sa Map::minimumZoomLevel
property real minimumZoomLevel: map.minimumZoomLevel
\qmlproperty real maximumZoomLevel
The maximum valid zoom level for the map.
\sa Map::maximumZoomLevel
property real maximumZoomLevel: map.maximumZoomLevel
// --------------------------------
// implementation
id: root
Component.onCompleted: map.resetPinchMinMax()
QL.Map {
id: map
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
tilt: tiltHandler.persistentTranslation.y / -5
property bool pinchAdjustingZoom: false
BoundaryRule on zoomLevel {
id: br
minimum: map.minimumZoomLevel
maximum: map.maximumZoomLevel
onZoomLevelChanged: {
if (!pinchAdjustingZoom) resetPinchMinMax()
function resetPinchMinMax() {
pinch.persistentScale = 1
pinch.scaleAxis.minimum = Math.pow(2, root.minimumZoomLevel - map.zoomLevel + 1)
pinch.scaleAxis.maximum = Math.pow(2, root.maximumZoomLevel - map.zoomLevel - 1)
PinchHandler {
id: pinch
target: null
property real rawBearing: 0
property QP.geoCoordinate startCentroid
onActiveChanged: if (active) {
pinch.startCentroid = map.toCoordinate(pinch.centroid.position, false)
} else {
onScaleChanged: (delta) => {
map.pinchAdjustingZoom = true
map.zoomLevel += Math.log2(delta)
map.alignCoordinateToPoint(pinch.startCentroid, pinch.centroid.position)
map.pinchAdjustingZoom = false
onRotationChanged: (delta) => {
pinch.rawBearing -= delta
// snap to 0° if we're close enough
map.bearing = (Math.abs(pinch.rawBearing) < 5) ? 0 : pinch.rawBearing
map.alignCoordinateToPoint(pinch.startCentroid, pinch.centroid.position)
grabPermissions: PointerHandler.TakeOverForbidden
WheelHandler {
id: wheel
// workaround for QTBUG-87646 / QTBUG-112394 / QTBUG-112432:
// Magic Mouse pretends to be a trackpad but doesn't work with PinchHandler
// and we don't yet distinguish mice and trackpads on Wayland either
acceptedDevices: Qt.platform.pluginName === "cocoa" || Qt.platform.pluginName === "wayland"
? PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.TouchPad
: PointerDevice.Mouse
onWheel: (event) => {
const loc = map.toCoordinate(wheel.point.position)
switch (event.modifiers) {
case Qt.NoModifier:
// jonb - Changed to make more like Qt5
//map.zoomLevel += event.angleDelta.y / 120
map.zoomLevel += event.angleDelta.y / 1000
case Qt.ShiftModifier:
map.bearing += event.angleDelta.y / 15
case Qt.ControlModifier:
map.tilt += event.angleDelta.y / 15
map.alignCoordinateToPoint(loc, wheel.point.position)
DragHandler {
id: drag
signal flickStarted // for autotests only
signal flickEnded
target: null
onTranslationChanged: (delta) => map.pan(-delta.x, -delta.y)
onActiveChanged: if (active) {
} else {
property vector3d animDest
onAnimDestChanged: if (flickAnimation.running) {
const delta = Qt.vector2d(animDest.x - flickAnimation.animDestLast.x, animDest.y - flickAnimation.animDestLast.y)
map.pan(-delta.x, -delta.y)
flickAnimation.animDestLast = animDest
Vector3dAnimation on animDest {
id: flickAnimation
property vector3d animDestLast
from: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
duration: 500
easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
onStarted: drag.flickStarted()
onStopped: drag.flickEnded()
function restart(vel) {
map.animDest = Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
animDestLast = Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
to = Qt.vector3d(vel.x / duration * 100, vel.y / duration * 100, 0)
DragHandler {
id: tiltHandler
minimumPointCount: 2
maximumPointCount: 2
target: null
xAxis.enabled: false
grabPermissions: PointerHandler.TakeOverForbidden
onActiveChanged: if (active) flickAnimation.stop()