mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 19:58:35 -04:00
Updates Windows Hamlib binaries to v4.4
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,366 +30,379 @@ EXPORTS
amp_token_lookup @29
amp_unregister @30
azimuth_long_path @31
debugmsgsave @32 DATA
debugmsgsave2 @33 DATA
debugmsgsave3 @34 DATA
dec2dmmm @35
dec2dms @36
distance_long_path @37
dmmm2dec @38
dms2dec @39
dot10ths_to_millis @40
dump_hex @41
elapsed_ms @42
from_bcd @43
from_bcd_be @44
get_rig_conf_type @45
hamlib_copyright @46 DATA
hamlib_copyright2 @47 DATA
hamlib_version @48 DATA
hamlib_version2 @49 DATA
hl_usleep @50
initamps4_dummy @51
initamps4_kpa1500 @52
initrigs4_adat @53
initrigs4_alinco @54
initrigs4_aor @55
initrigs4_barrett @56
initrigs4_dorji @57
initrigs4_drake @58
initrigs4_dummy @59
initrigs4_elad @60
initrigs4_flexradio @61
initrigs4_icm710 @62
initrigs4_icmarine @63
initrigs4_icom @64
initrigs4_jrc @65
initrigs4_kachina @66
initrigs4_kenwood @67
initrigs4_kit @68
initrigs4_lowe @69
initrigs4_pcr @70
initrigs4_prm80 @71
initrigs4_racal @72
initrigs4_rft @73
initrigs4_rs @74
initrigs4_skanti @75
initrigs4_tapr @76
initrigs4_tentec @77
initrigs4_tuner @78
initrigs4_uniden @79
initrigs4_winradio @80
initrigs4_wj @81
initrigs4_yaesu @82
initrots4_amsat @83
initrots4_ars @84
initrots4_celestron @85
initrots4_cnctrk @86
initrots4_dummy @87
initrots4_easycomm @88
initrots4_ether6 @89
initrots4_fodtrack @90
initrots4_gs232a @91
initrots4_heathkit @92
initrots4_ioptron @93
initrots4_kit @94
initrots4_m2 @95
initrots4_meade @96
initrots4_prosistel @97
initrots4_radant @98
initrots4_rotorez @99
initrots4_sartek @100
initrots4_satel @101
initrots4_spid @102
initrots4_ts7400 @103
locator2longlat @104
longlat2locator @105
millis_to_dot10ths @106
morse_code_dot_to_millis @107
netrigctl_get_vfo_mode @108
par_lock @109
par_read_control @110
par_read_data @111
par_read_status @112
par_unlock @113
par_write_control @114
par_write_data @115
parse_hoststr @116
port_close @117
port_open @118
print_ext_param @119
probeallrigs4_adat @120
probeallrigs4_drake @121
probeallrigs4_elad @122
probeallrigs4_icom @123
probeallrigs4_kenwood @124
probeallrigs4_lowe @125
probeallrigs4_uniden @126
probeallrigs4_yaesu @127
qrb @128
read_block @129
read_string @130
rig_check_backend @131
rig_check_cache_timeout @132
rig_cleanup @133
rig_close @134
rig_confparam_lookup @135
rig_copyright @136
rig_debug @137
rig_ext_func_foreach @138
rig_ext_level_foreach @139
rig_ext_lookup @140
rig_ext_lookup_tok @141
rig_ext_parm_foreach @142
rig_ext_token_lookup @143
rig_flush @144
rig_force_cache_timeout @145
rig_get_ant @146
rig_get_cache @147
rig_get_cache_timeout_ms @148
rig_get_caps @149
rig_get_caps_cptr @150
rig_get_caps_int @151
rig_get_chan_all @152
rig_get_chan_all_cb @153
rig_get_channel @154
rig_get_conf @155
rig_get_ctcss_sql @156
rig_get_ctcss_tone @157
rig_get_dcd @158
rig_get_dcs_code @159
rig_get_dcs_sql @160
rig_get_ext_func @161
rig_get_ext_level @162
rig_get_ext_parm @163
rig_get_freq @164
rig_get_func @165
rig_get_function_ptr @166
rig_get_info @167
rig_get_level @168
rig_get_mem @169
rig_get_mem_all @170
rig_get_mem_all_cb @171
rig_get_mode @172
rig_get_parm @173
rig_get_powerstat @174
rig_get_ptt @175
rig_get_range @176
rig_get_resolution @177
rig_get_rig_info @178
rig_get_rit @179
rig_get_rptr_offs @180
rig_get_rptr_shift @181
rig_get_split_freq @182
rig_get_split_freq_mode @183
rig_get_split_mode @184
rig_get_split_vfo @185
rig_get_trn @186
rig_get_ts @187
rig_get_twiddle @188
rig_get_vfo @189
rig_get_vfo_info @190
rig_get_vfo_list @191
rig_get_xit @192
rig_has_get_func @193
rig_has_get_level @194
rig_has_get_parm @195
rig_has_scan @196
rig_has_set_func @197
rig_has_set_level @198
rig_has_set_parm @199
rig_has_vfo_op @200
rig_idx2setting @201
rig_init @202
rig_license @203
rig_list_foreach @204
rig_list_foreach_model @205
rig_load_all_backends @206
rig_load_backend @207
rig_lookup_mem_caps @208
rig_mW2power @209
rig_mem_count @210
rig_need_debug @211
rig_no_restore_ai @212
rig_open @213
rig_parse_func @214
rig_parse_level @215
rig_parse_mode @216
rig_parse_mtype @217
rig_parse_parm @218
rig_parse_rptr_shift @219
rig_parse_scan @220
rig_parse_vfo @221
rig_parse_vfo_op @222
rig_passband_narrow @223
rig_passband_normal @224
rig_passband_wide @225
rig_power2mW @226
rig_probe @227
rig_probe_all @228
rig_raw2val @229
rig_raw2val_float @230
rig_recv_dtmf @231
rig_register @232
rig_reset @233
rig_scan @234
rig_send_dtmf @235
rig_send_morse @236
rig_send_voice_mem @237
rig_set_ant @238
rig_set_bank @239
rig_set_cache_timeout_ms @240
rig_set_chan_all @241
rig_set_chan_all_cb @242
rig_set_channel @243
rig_set_conf @244
rig_set_ctcss_sql @245
rig_set_ctcss_tone @246
rig_set_dcd_callback @247
rig_set_dcs_code @248
rig_set_dcs_sql @249
rig_set_debug @250
rig_set_debug_callback @251
rig_set_debug_file @252
rig_set_debug_time_stamp @253
rig_set_ext_func @254
rig_set_ext_level @255
rig_set_ext_parm @256
rig_set_freq @257
rig_set_freq_callback @258
rig_set_func @259
rig_set_level @260
rig_set_mem @261
rig_set_mem_all @262
rig_set_mem_all_cb @263
rig_set_mode @264
rig_set_mode_callback @265
rig_set_parm @266
rig_set_pltune_callback @267
rig_set_powerstat @268
rig_set_ptt @269
rig_set_ptt_callback @270
rig_set_rit @271
rig_set_rptr_offs @272
rig_set_rptr_shift @273
rig_set_split_freq @274
rig_set_split_freq_mode @275
rig_set_split_mode @276
rig_set_split_vfo @277
rig_set_trn @278
rig_set_ts @279
rig_set_twiddle @280
rig_set_uplink @281
rig_set_vfo @282
rig_set_vfo_callback @283
rig_set_vfo_opt @284
rig_set_xit @285
rig_setting2idx @286
rig_sprintf_ant @287
rig_sprintf_func @288
rig_sprintf_level @289
rig_sprintf_level_gran @290
rig_sprintf_mode @291
rig_sprintf_parm @292
rig_sprintf_parm_gran @293
rig_sprintf_scan @294
rig_sprintf_vfo @295
rig_sprintf_vfop @296
rig_stop_morse @297
rig_strfunc @298
rig_strlevel @299
rig_strmtype @300
rig_strparm @301
rig_strptrshift @302
rig_strrmode @303
rig_strrmodes @304
rig_strscan @305
rig_strstatus @306
rig_strvfo @307
rig_strvfop @308
rig_token_foreach @309
rig_token_lookup @310
rig_unregister @311
rig_version @312
rig_vfo_op @313
rig_wait_morse @314
rigerror @315
rot_check_backend @316
rot_cleanup @317
rot_close @318
rot_confparam_lookup @319
rot_ext_func_foreach @320
rot_ext_level_foreach @321
rot_ext_lookup @322
rot_ext_lookup_tok @323
rot_ext_parm_foreach @324
rot_ext_token_lookup @325
rot_get_caps @326
rot_get_conf @327
rot_get_ext_func @328
rot_get_ext_level @329
rot_get_ext_parm @330
rot_get_func @331
rot_get_info @332
rot_get_level @333
rot_get_parm @334
rot_get_position @335
rot_get_status @336
rot_has_get_func @337
rot_has_get_level @338
rot_has_get_parm @339
rot_has_set_func @340
rot_has_set_level @341
rot_has_set_parm @342
rot_init @343
rot_list_foreach @344
rot_load_all_backends @345
rot_load_backend @346
rot_move @347
rot_open @348
rot_park @349
rot_parse_func @350
rot_parse_level @351
rot_parse_parm @352
rot_probe_all @353
rot_register @354
rot_reset @355
rot_set_conf @356
rot_set_ext_func @357
rot_set_ext_level @358
rot_set_ext_parm @359
rot_set_func @360
rot_set_level @361
rot_set_parm @362
rot_set_position @363
rot_sprintf_func @364
rot_sprintf_level @365
rot_sprintf_level_gran @366
rot_sprintf_parm @367
rot_sprintf_parm_gran @368
rot_sprintf_status @369
rot_stop @370
rot_strfunc @371
rot_strlevel @372
rot_strparm @373
rot_strstatus @374
rot_token_foreach @375
rot_token_lookup @376
rot_unregister @377
ser_get_car @378
ser_get_cts @379
ser_get_dsr @380
ser_get_dtr @381
ser_get_rts @382
ser_set_brk @383
ser_set_dtr @384
ser_set_rts @385
serial_flush @386
serial_open @387
serial_setup @388
sprintf_freq @389
sprintf_level_ext @390
to_bcd @391
to_bcd_be @392
vfo_fixup @393
write_block @394
cookie_use @32 DATA
debugmsgsave @33 DATA
debugmsgsave2 @34 DATA
debugmsgsave3 @35 DATA
dec2dmmm @36
dec2dms @37
distance_long_path @38
dmmm2dec @39
dms2dec @40
dot10ths_to_millis @41
dump_hex @42
elapsed_ms @43
from_bcd @44
from_bcd_be @45
get_rig_conf_type @46
hamlib_copyright @47 DATA
hamlib_copyright2 @48 DATA
hamlib_version @49 DATA
hamlib_version2 @50 DATA
hl_usleep @51
initamps4_dummy @52
initamps4_kpa1500 @53
initrigs4_adat @54
initrigs4_alinco @55
initrigs4_aor @56
initrigs4_barrett @57
initrigs4_dorji @58
initrigs4_drake @59
initrigs4_dummy @60
initrigs4_elad @61
initrigs4_flexradio @62
initrigs4_icm710 @63
initrigs4_icmarine @64
initrigs4_icom @65
initrigs4_jrc @66
initrigs4_kachina @67
initrigs4_kenwood @68
initrigs4_kit @69
initrigs4_lowe @70
initrigs4_pcr @71
initrigs4_prm80 @72
initrigs4_racal @73
initrigs4_rft @74
initrigs4_rs @75
initrigs4_skanti @76
initrigs4_tapr @77
initrigs4_tentec @78
initrigs4_tuner @79
initrigs4_uniden @80
initrigs4_winradio @81
initrigs4_wj @82
initrigs4_yaesu @83
initrots4_amsat @84
initrots4_ars @85
initrots4_celestron @86
initrots4_cnctrk @87
initrots4_dummy @88
initrots4_easycomm @89
initrots4_ether6 @90
initrots4_fodtrack @91
initrots4_gs232a @92
initrots4_heathkit @93
initrots4_ioptron @94
initrots4_kit @95
initrots4_m2 @96
initrots4_meade @97
initrots4_prosistel @98
initrots4_radant @99
initrots4_rotorez @100
initrots4_sartek @101
initrots4_satel @102
initrots4_spid @103
initrots4_ts7400 @104
locator2longlat @105
longlat2locator @106
millis_to_dot10ths @107
morse_code_dot_to_millis @108
netrigctl_get_vfo_mode @109
network_multicast_server @110
par_lock @111
par_read_control @112
par_read_data @113
par_read_status @114
par_unlock @115
par_write_control @116
par_write_data @117
parse_hoststr @118
port_close @119
port_open @120
print_ext_param @121
probeallrigs4_adat @122
probeallrigs4_drake @123
probeallrigs4_elad @124
probeallrigs4_icom @125
probeallrigs4_kenwood @126
probeallrigs4_lowe @127
probeallrigs4_uniden @128
probeallrigs4_yaesu @129
qrb @130
read_block @131
read_string @132
rig_check_backend @133
rig_check_cache_timeout @134
rig_cleanup @135
rig_close @136
rig_confparam_lookup @137
rig_cookie @138
rig_copyright @139
rig_debug @140
rig_ext_func_foreach @141
rig_ext_level_foreach @142
rig_ext_lookup @143
rig_ext_lookup_tok @144
rig_ext_parm_foreach @145
rig_ext_token_lookup @146
rig_flush @147
rig_force_cache_timeout @148
rig_get_ant @149
rig_get_cache @150
rig_get_cache_timeout_ms @151
rig_get_caps @152
rig_get_caps_cptr @153
rig_get_caps_int @154
rig_get_chan_all @155
rig_get_chan_all_cb @156
rig_get_channel @157
rig_get_clock @158
rig_get_conf @159
rig_get_ctcss_sql @160
rig_get_ctcss_tone @161
rig_get_dcd @162
rig_get_dcs_code @163
rig_get_dcs_sql @164
rig_get_ext_func @165
rig_get_ext_level @166
rig_get_ext_parm @167
rig_get_freq @168
rig_get_func @169
rig_get_function_ptr @170
rig_get_info @171
rig_get_level @172
rig_get_mem @173
rig_get_mem_all @174
rig_get_mem_all_cb @175
rig_get_mode @176
rig_get_parm @177
rig_get_powerstat @178
rig_get_ptt @179
rig_get_range @180
rig_get_resolution @181
rig_get_rig_info @182
rig_get_rit @183
rig_get_rptr_offs @184
rig_get_rptr_shift @185
rig_get_split_freq @186
rig_get_split_freq_mode @187
rig_get_split_mode @188
rig_get_split_vfo @189
rig_get_trn @190
rig_get_ts @191
rig_get_twiddle @192
rig_get_vfo @193
rig_get_vfo_info @194
rig_get_vfo_list @195
rig_get_xit @196
rig_has_get_func @197
rig_has_get_level @198
rig_has_get_parm @199
rig_has_scan @200
rig_has_set_func @201
rig_has_set_level @202
rig_has_set_parm @203
rig_has_vfo_op @204
rig_idx2setting @205
rig_init @206
rig_license @207
rig_list_foreach @208
rig_list_foreach_model @209
rig_load_all_backends @210
rig_load_backend @211
rig_lookup_mem_caps @212
rig_mW2power @213
rig_mem_count @214
rig_need_debug @215
rig_no_restore_ai @216
rig_open @217
rig_parse_func @218
rig_parse_level @219
rig_parse_mode @220
rig_parse_mtype @221
rig_parse_parm @222
rig_parse_rptr_shift @223
rig_parse_scan @224
rig_parse_vfo @225
rig_parse_vfo_op @226
rig_passband_narrow @227
rig_passband_normal @228
rig_passband_wide @229
rig_power2mW @230
rig_probe @231
rig_probe_all @232
rig_raw2val @233
rig_raw2val_float @234
rig_recv_dtmf @235
rig_register @236
rig_reset @237
rig_scan @238
rig_send_dtmf @239
rig_send_morse @240
rig_send_voice_mem @241
rig_set_ant @242
rig_set_bank @243
rig_set_cache_timeout_ms @244
rig_set_chan_all @245
rig_set_chan_all_cb @246
rig_set_channel @247
rig_set_clock @248
rig_set_conf @249
rig_set_ctcss_sql @250
rig_set_ctcss_tone @251
rig_set_dcd_callback @252
rig_set_dcs_code @253
rig_set_dcs_sql @254
rig_set_debug @255
rig_set_debug_callback @256
rig_set_debug_file @257
rig_set_debug_time_stamp @258
rig_set_ext_func @259
rig_set_ext_level @260
rig_set_ext_parm @261
rig_set_freq @262
rig_set_freq_callback @263
rig_set_func @264
rig_set_level @265
rig_set_mem @266
rig_set_mem_all @267
rig_set_mem_all_cb @268
rig_set_mode @269
rig_set_mode_callback @270
rig_set_parm @271
rig_set_pltune_callback @272
rig_set_powerstat @273
rig_set_ptt @274
rig_set_ptt_callback @275
rig_set_rit @276
rig_set_rptr_offs @277
rig_set_rptr_shift @278
rig_set_spectrum_callback @279
rig_set_split_freq @280
rig_set_split_freq_mode @281
rig_set_split_mode @282
rig_set_split_vfo @283
rig_set_trn @284
rig_set_ts @285
rig_set_twiddle @286
rig_set_uplink @287
rig_set_vfo @288
rig_set_vfo_callback @289
rig_set_vfo_opt @290
rig_set_xit @291
rig_setting2idx @292
rig_sprintf_ant @293
rig_sprintf_func @294
rig_sprintf_level @295
rig_sprintf_level_gran @296
rig_sprintf_mode @297
rig_sprintf_parm @298
rig_sprintf_parm_gran @299
rig_sprintf_scan @300
rig_sprintf_spectrum_avg_modes @301
rig_sprintf_spectrum_modes @302
rig_sprintf_spectrum_spans @303
rig_sprintf_vfo @304
rig_sprintf_vfop @305
rig_stop_morse @306
rig_stragclevel @307
rig_strfunc @308
rig_strlevel @309
rig_strmtype @310
rig_strparm @311
rig_strptrshift @312
rig_strrmode @313
rig_strrmodes @314
rig_strscan @315
rig_strspectrummode @316
rig_strstatus @317
rig_strvfo @318
rig_strvfop @319
rig_token_foreach @320
rig_token_lookup @321
rig_unregister @322
rig_version @323
rig_vfo_op @324
rig_wait_morse @325
rigerror @326
rot_check_backend @327
rot_cleanup @328
rot_close @329
rot_confparam_lookup @330
rot_ext_func_foreach @331
rot_ext_level_foreach @332
rot_ext_lookup @333
rot_ext_lookup_tok @334
rot_ext_parm_foreach @335
rot_ext_token_lookup @336
rot_get_caps @337
rot_get_conf @338
rot_get_ext_func @339
rot_get_ext_level @340
rot_get_ext_parm @341
rot_get_func @342
rot_get_info @343
rot_get_level @344
rot_get_parm @345
rot_get_position @346
rot_get_status @347
rot_has_get_func @348
rot_has_get_level @349
rot_has_get_parm @350
rot_has_set_func @351
rot_has_set_level @352
rot_has_set_parm @353
rot_init @354
rot_list_foreach @355
rot_load_all_backends @356
rot_load_backend @357
rot_move @358
rot_open @359
rot_park @360
rot_parse_func @361
rot_parse_level @362
rot_parse_parm @363
rot_probe_all @364
rot_register @365
rot_reset @366
rot_set_conf @367
rot_set_ext_func @368
rot_set_ext_level @369
rot_set_ext_parm @370
rot_set_func @371
rot_set_level @372
rot_set_parm @373
rot_set_position @374
rot_sprintf_func @375
rot_sprintf_level @376
rot_sprintf_level_gran @377
rot_sprintf_parm @378
rot_sprintf_parm_gran @379
rot_sprintf_status @380
rot_stop @381
rot_strfunc @382
rot_strlevel @383
rot_strparm @384
rot_strstatus @385
rot_token_foreach @386
rot_token_lookup @387
rot_unregister @388
ser_get_car @389
ser_get_cts @390
ser_get_dsr @391
ser_get_dtr @392
ser_get_rts @393
ser_set_brk @394
ser_set_dtr @395
ser_set_rts @396
serial_flush @397
serial_open @398
serial_setup @399
sprintf_freq @400
sprintf_level_ext @401
sync_callback @402
to_bcd @403
to_bcd_be @404
vfo_fixup @405
vfo_fixup2a @406
write_block @407
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -30,366 +30,379 @@ EXPORTS
amp_token_lookup @29
amp_unregister @30
azimuth_long_path @31
debugmsgsave @32 DATA
debugmsgsave2 @33 DATA
debugmsgsave3 @34 DATA
dec2dmmm @35
dec2dms @36
distance_long_path @37
dmmm2dec @38
dms2dec @39
dot10ths_to_millis @40
dump_hex @41
elapsed_ms @42
from_bcd @43
from_bcd_be @44
get_rig_conf_type @45
hamlib_copyright @46 DATA
hamlib_copyright2 @47 DATA
hamlib_version @48 DATA
hamlib_version2 @49 DATA
hl_usleep @50
initamps4_dummy @51
initamps4_kpa1500 @52
initrigs4_adat @53
initrigs4_alinco @54
initrigs4_aor @55
initrigs4_barrett @56
initrigs4_dorji @57
initrigs4_drake @58
initrigs4_dummy @59
initrigs4_elad @60
initrigs4_flexradio @61
initrigs4_icm710 @62
initrigs4_icmarine @63
initrigs4_icom @64
initrigs4_jrc @65
initrigs4_kachina @66
initrigs4_kenwood @67
initrigs4_kit @68
initrigs4_lowe @69
initrigs4_pcr @70
initrigs4_prm80 @71
initrigs4_racal @72
initrigs4_rft @73
initrigs4_rs @74
initrigs4_skanti @75
initrigs4_tapr @76
initrigs4_tentec @77
initrigs4_tuner @78
initrigs4_uniden @79
initrigs4_winradio @80
initrigs4_wj @81
initrigs4_yaesu @82
initrots4_amsat @83
initrots4_ars @84
initrots4_celestron @85
initrots4_cnctrk @86
initrots4_dummy @87
initrots4_easycomm @88
initrots4_ether6 @89
initrots4_fodtrack @90
initrots4_gs232a @91
initrots4_heathkit @92
initrots4_ioptron @93
initrots4_kit @94
initrots4_m2 @95
initrots4_meade @96
initrots4_prosistel @97
initrots4_radant @98
initrots4_rotorez @99
initrots4_sartek @100
initrots4_satel @101
initrots4_spid @102
initrots4_ts7400 @103
locator2longlat @104
longlat2locator @105
millis_to_dot10ths @106
morse_code_dot_to_millis @107
netrigctl_get_vfo_mode @108
par_lock @109
par_read_control @110
par_read_data @111
par_read_status @112
par_unlock @113
par_write_control @114
par_write_data @115
parse_hoststr @116
port_close @117
port_open @118
print_ext_param @119
probeallrigs4_adat @120
probeallrigs4_drake @121
probeallrigs4_elad @122
probeallrigs4_icom @123
probeallrigs4_kenwood @124
probeallrigs4_lowe @125
probeallrigs4_uniden @126
probeallrigs4_yaesu @127
qrb @128
read_block @129
read_string @130
rig_check_backend @131
rig_check_cache_timeout @132
rig_cleanup @133
rig_close @134
rig_confparam_lookup @135
rig_copyright @136
rig_debug @137
rig_ext_func_foreach @138
rig_ext_level_foreach @139
rig_ext_lookup @140
rig_ext_lookup_tok @141
rig_ext_parm_foreach @142
rig_ext_token_lookup @143
rig_flush @144
rig_force_cache_timeout @145
rig_get_ant @146
rig_get_cache @147
rig_get_cache_timeout_ms @148
rig_get_caps @149
rig_get_caps_cptr @150
rig_get_caps_int @151
rig_get_chan_all @152
rig_get_chan_all_cb @153
rig_get_channel @154
rig_get_conf @155
rig_get_ctcss_sql @156
rig_get_ctcss_tone @157
rig_get_dcd @158
rig_get_dcs_code @159
rig_get_dcs_sql @160
rig_get_ext_func @161
rig_get_ext_level @162
rig_get_ext_parm @163
rig_get_freq @164
rig_get_func @165
rig_get_function_ptr @166
rig_get_info @167
rig_get_level @168
rig_get_mem @169
rig_get_mem_all @170
rig_get_mem_all_cb @171
rig_get_mode @172
rig_get_parm @173
rig_get_powerstat @174
rig_get_ptt @175
rig_get_range @176
rig_get_resolution @177
rig_get_rig_info @178
rig_get_rit @179
rig_get_rptr_offs @180
rig_get_rptr_shift @181
rig_get_split_freq @182
rig_get_split_freq_mode @183
rig_get_split_mode @184
rig_get_split_vfo @185
rig_get_trn @186
rig_get_ts @187
rig_get_twiddle @188
rig_get_vfo @189
rig_get_vfo_info @190
rig_get_vfo_list @191
rig_get_xit @192
rig_has_get_func @193
rig_has_get_level @194
rig_has_get_parm @195
rig_has_scan @196
rig_has_set_func @197
rig_has_set_level @198
rig_has_set_parm @199
rig_has_vfo_op @200
rig_idx2setting @201
rig_init @202
rig_license @203
rig_list_foreach @204
rig_list_foreach_model @205
rig_load_all_backends @206
rig_load_backend @207
rig_lookup_mem_caps @208
rig_mW2power @209
rig_mem_count @210
rig_need_debug @211
rig_no_restore_ai @212
rig_open @213
rig_parse_func @214
rig_parse_level @215
rig_parse_mode @216
rig_parse_mtype @217
rig_parse_parm @218
rig_parse_rptr_shift @219
rig_parse_scan @220
rig_parse_vfo @221
rig_parse_vfo_op @222
rig_passband_narrow @223
rig_passband_normal @224
rig_passband_wide @225
rig_power2mW @226
rig_probe @227
rig_probe_all @228
rig_raw2val @229
rig_raw2val_float @230
rig_recv_dtmf @231
rig_register @232
rig_reset @233
rig_scan @234
rig_send_dtmf @235
rig_send_morse @236
rig_send_voice_mem @237
rig_set_ant @238
rig_set_bank @239
rig_set_cache_timeout_ms @240
rig_set_chan_all @241
rig_set_chan_all_cb @242
rig_set_channel @243
rig_set_conf @244
rig_set_ctcss_sql @245
rig_set_ctcss_tone @246
rig_set_dcd_callback @247
rig_set_dcs_code @248
rig_set_dcs_sql @249
rig_set_debug @250
rig_set_debug_callback @251
rig_set_debug_file @252
rig_set_debug_time_stamp @253
rig_set_ext_func @254
rig_set_ext_level @255
rig_set_ext_parm @256
rig_set_freq @257
rig_set_freq_callback @258
rig_set_func @259
rig_set_level @260
rig_set_mem @261
rig_set_mem_all @262
rig_set_mem_all_cb @263
rig_set_mode @264
rig_set_mode_callback @265
rig_set_parm @266
rig_set_pltune_callback @267
rig_set_powerstat @268
rig_set_ptt @269
rig_set_ptt_callback @270
rig_set_rit @271
rig_set_rptr_offs @272
rig_set_rptr_shift @273
rig_set_split_freq @274
rig_set_split_freq_mode @275
rig_set_split_mode @276
rig_set_split_vfo @277
rig_set_trn @278
rig_set_ts @279
rig_set_twiddle @280
rig_set_uplink @281
rig_set_vfo @282
rig_set_vfo_callback @283
rig_set_vfo_opt @284
rig_set_xit @285
rig_setting2idx @286
rig_sprintf_ant @287
rig_sprintf_func @288
rig_sprintf_level @289
rig_sprintf_level_gran @290
rig_sprintf_mode @291
rig_sprintf_parm @292
rig_sprintf_parm_gran @293
rig_sprintf_scan @294
rig_sprintf_vfo @295
rig_sprintf_vfop @296
rig_stop_morse @297
rig_strfunc @298
rig_strlevel @299
rig_strmtype @300
rig_strparm @301
rig_strptrshift @302
rig_strrmode @303
rig_strrmodes @304
rig_strscan @305
rig_strstatus @306
rig_strvfo @307
rig_strvfop @308
rig_token_foreach @309
rig_token_lookup @310
rig_unregister @311
rig_version @312
rig_vfo_op @313
rig_wait_morse @314
rigerror @315
rot_check_backend @316
rot_cleanup @317
rot_close @318
rot_confparam_lookup @319
rot_ext_func_foreach @320
rot_ext_level_foreach @321
rot_ext_lookup @322
rot_ext_lookup_tok @323
rot_ext_parm_foreach @324
rot_ext_token_lookup @325
rot_get_caps @326
rot_get_conf @327
rot_get_ext_func @328
rot_get_ext_level @329
rot_get_ext_parm @330
rot_get_func @331
rot_get_info @332
rot_get_level @333
rot_get_parm @334
rot_get_position @335
rot_get_status @336
rot_has_get_func @337
rot_has_get_level @338
rot_has_get_parm @339
rot_has_set_func @340
rot_has_set_level @341
rot_has_set_parm @342
rot_init @343
rot_list_foreach @344
rot_load_all_backends @345
rot_load_backend @346
rot_move @347
rot_open @348
rot_park @349
rot_parse_func @350
rot_parse_level @351
rot_parse_parm @352
rot_probe_all @353
rot_register @354
rot_reset @355
rot_set_conf @356
rot_set_ext_func @357
rot_set_ext_level @358
rot_set_ext_parm @359
rot_set_func @360
rot_set_level @361
rot_set_parm @362
rot_set_position @363
rot_sprintf_func @364
rot_sprintf_level @365
rot_sprintf_level_gran @366
rot_sprintf_parm @367
rot_sprintf_parm_gran @368
rot_sprintf_status @369
rot_stop @370
rot_strfunc @371
rot_strlevel @372
rot_strparm @373
rot_strstatus @374
rot_token_foreach @375
rot_token_lookup @376
rot_unregister @377
ser_get_car @378
ser_get_cts @379
ser_get_dsr @380
ser_get_dtr @381
ser_get_rts @382
ser_set_brk @383
ser_set_dtr @384
ser_set_rts @385
serial_flush @386
serial_open @387
serial_setup @388
sprintf_freq @389
sprintf_level_ext @390
to_bcd @391
to_bcd_be @392
vfo_fixup @393
write_block @394
cookie_use @32 DATA
debugmsgsave @33 DATA
debugmsgsave2 @34 DATA
debugmsgsave3 @35 DATA
dec2dmmm @36
dec2dms @37
distance_long_path @38
dmmm2dec @39
dms2dec @40
dot10ths_to_millis @41
dump_hex @42
elapsed_ms @43
from_bcd @44
from_bcd_be @45
get_rig_conf_type @46
hamlib_copyright @47 DATA
hamlib_copyright2 @48 DATA
hamlib_version @49 DATA
hamlib_version2 @50 DATA
hl_usleep @51
initamps4_dummy @52
initamps4_kpa1500 @53
initrigs4_adat @54
initrigs4_alinco @55
initrigs4_aor @56
initrigs4_barrett @57
initrigs4_dorji @58
initrigs4_drake @59
initrigs4_dummy @60
initrigs4_elad @61
initrigs4_flexradio @62
initrigs4_icm710 @63
initrigs4_icmarine @64
initrigs4_icom @65
initrigs4_jrc @66
initrigs4_kachina @67
initrigs4_kenwood @68
initrigs4_kit @69
initrigs4_lowe @70
initrigs4_pcr @71
initrigs4_prm80 @72
initrigs4_racal @73
initrigs4_rft @74
initrigs4_rs @75
initrigs4_skanti @76
initrigs4_tapr @77
initrigs4_tentec @78
initrigs4_tuner @79
initrigs4_uniden @80
initrigs4_winradio @81
initrigs4_wj @82
initrigs4_yaesu @83
initrots4_amsat @84
initrots4_ars @85
initrots4_celestron @86
initrots4_cnctrk @87
initrots4_dummy @88
initrots4_easycomm @89
initrots4_ether6 @90
initrots4_fodtrack @91
initrots4_gs232a @92
initrots4_heathkit @93
initrots4_ioptron @94
initrots4_kit @95
initrots4_m2 @96
initrots4_meade @97
initrots4_prosistel @98
initrots4_radant @99
initrots4_rotorez @100
initrots4_sartek @101
initrots4_satel @102
initrots4_spid @103
initrots4_ts7400 @104
locator2longlat @105
longlat2locator @106
millis_to_dot10ths @107
morse_code_dot_to_millis @108
netrigctl_get_vfo_mode @109
network_multicast_server @110
par_lock @111
par_read_control @112
par_read_data @113
par_read_status @114
par_unlock @115
par_write_control @116
par_write_data @117
parse_hoststr @118
port_close @119
port_open @120
print_ext_param @121
probeallrigs4_adat @122
probeallrigs4_drake @123
probeallrigs4_elad @124
probeallrigs4_icom @125
probeallrigs4_kenwood @126
probeallrigs4_lowe @127
probeallrigs4_uniden @128
probeallrigs4_yaesu @129
qrb @130
read_block @131
read_string @132
rig_check_backend @133
rig_check_cache_timeout @134
rig_cleanup @135
rig_close @136
rig_confparam_lookup @137
rig_cookie @138
rig_copyright @139
rig_debug @140
rig_ext_func_foreach @141
rig_ext_level_foreach @142
rig_ext_lookup @143
rig_ext_lookup_tok @144
rig_ext_parm_foreach @145
rig_ext_token_lookup @146
rig_flush @147
rig_force_cache_timeout @148
rig_get_ant @149
rig_get_cache @150
rig_get_cache_timeout_ms @151
rig_get_caps @152
rig_get_caps_cptr @153
rig_get_caps_int @154
rig_get_chan_all @155
rig_get_chan_all_cb @156
rig_get_channel @157
rig_get_clock @158
rig_get_conf @159
rig_get_ctcss_sql @160
rig_get_ctcss_tone @161
rig_get_dcd @162
rig_get_dcs_code @163
rig_get_dcs_sql @164
rig_get_ext_func @165
rig_get_ext_level @166
rig_get_ext_parm @167
rig_get_freq @168
rig_get_func @169
rig_get_function_ptr @170
rig_get_info @171
rig_get_level @172
rig_get_mem @173
rig_get_mem_all @174
rig_get_mem_all_cb @175
rig_get_mode @176
rig_get_parm @177
rig_get_powerstat @178
rig_get_ptt @179
rig_get_range @180
rig_get_resolution @181
rig_get_rig_info @182
rig_get_rit @183
rig_get_rptr_offs @184
rig_get_rptr_shift @185
rig_get_split_freq @186
rig_get_split_freq_mode @187
rig_get_split_mode @188
rig_get_split_vfo @189
rig_get_trn @190
rig_get_ts @191
rig_get_twiddle @192
rig_get_vfo @193
rig_get_vfo_info @194
rig_get_vfo_list @195
rig_get_xit @196
rig_has_get_func @197
rig_has_get_level @198
rig_has_get_parm @199
rig_has_scan @200
rig_has_set_func @201
rig_has_set_level @202
rig_has_set_parm @203
rig_has_vfo_op @204
rig_idx2setting @205
rig_init @206
rig_license @207
rig_list_foreach @208
rig_list_foreach_model @209
rig_load_all_backends @210
rig_load_backend @211
rig_lookup_mem_caps @212
rig_mW2power @213
rig_mem_count @214
rig_need_debug @215
rig_no_restore_ai @216
rig_open @217
rig_parse_func @218
rig_parse_level @219
rig_parse_mode @220
rig_parse_mtype @221
rig_parse_parm @222
rig_parse_rptr_shift @223
rig_parse_scan @224
rig_parse_vfo @225
rig_parse_vfo_op @226
rig_passband_narrow @227
rig_passband_normal @228
rig_passband_wide @229
rig_power2mW @230
rig_probe @231
rig_probe_all @232
rig_raw2val @233
rig_raw2val_float @234
rig_recv_dtmf @235
rig_register @236
rig_reset @237
rig_scan @238
rig_send_dtmf @239
rig_send_morse @240
rig_send_voice_mem @241
rig_set_ant @242
rig_set_bank @243
rig_set_cache_timeout_ms @244
rig_set_chan_all @245
rig_set_chan_all_cb @246
rig_set_channel @247
rig_set_clock @248
rig_set_conf @249
rig_set_ctcss_sql @250
rig_set_ctcss_tone @251
rig_set_dcd_callback @252
rig_set_dcs_code @253
rig_set_dcs_sql @254
rig_set_debug @255
rig_set_debug_callback @256
rig_set_debug_file @257
rig_set_debug_time_stamp @258
rig_set_ext_func @259
rig_set_ext_level @260
rig_set_ext_parm @261
rig_set_freq @262
rig_set_freq_callback @263
rig_set_func @264
rig_set_level @265
rig_set_mem @266
rig_set_mem_all @267
rig_set_mem_all_cb @268
rig_set_mode @269
rig_set_mode_callback @270
rig_set_parm @271
rig_set_pltune_callback @272
rig_set_powerstat @273
rig_set_ptt @274
rig_set_ptt_callback @275
rig_set_rit @276
rig_set_rptr_offs @277
rig_set_rptr_shift @278
rig_set_spectrum_callback @279
rig_set_split_freq @280
rig_set_split_freq_mode @281
rig_set_split_mode @282
rig_set_split_vfo @283
rig_set_trn @284
rig_set_ts @285
rig_set_twiddle @286
rig_set_uplink @287
rig_set_vfo @288
rig_set_vfo_callback @289
rig_set_vfo_opt @290
rig_set_xit @291
rig_setting2idx @292
rig_sprintf_ant @293
rig_sprintf_func @294
rig_sprintf_level @295
rig_sprintf_level_gran @296
rig_sprintf_mode @297
rig_sprintf_parm @298
rig_sprintf_parm_gran @299
rig_sprintf_scan @300
rig_sprintf_spectrum_avg_modes @301
rig_sprintf_spectrum_modes @302
rig_sprintf_spectrum_spans @303
rig_sprintf_vfo @304
rig_sprintf_vfop @305
rig_stop_morse @306
rig_stragclevel @307
rig_strfunc @308
rig_strlevel @309
rig_strmtype @310
rig_strparm @311
rig_strptrshift @312
rig_strrmode @313
rig_strrmodes @314
rig_strscan @315
rig_strspectrummode @316
rig_strstatus @317
rig_strvfo @318
rig_strvfop @319
rig_token_foreach @320
rig_token_lookup @321
rig_unregister @322
rig_version @323
rig_vfo_op @324
rig_wait_morse @325
rigerror @326
rot_check_backend @327
rot_cleanup @328
rot_close @329
rot_confparam_lookup @330
rot_ext_func_foreach @331
rot_ext_level_foreach @332
rot_ext_lookup @333
rot_ext_lookup_tok @334
rot_ext_parm_foreach @335
rot_ext_token_lookup @336
rot_get_caps @337
rot_get_conf @338
rot_get_ext_func @339
rot_get_ext_level @340
rot_get_ext_parm @341
rot_get_func @342
rot_get_info @343
rot_get_level @344
rot_get_parm @345
rot_get_position @346
rot_get_status @347
rot_has_get_func @348
rot_has_get_level @349
rot_has_get_parm @350
rot_has_set_func @351
rot_has_set_level @352
rot_has_set_parm @353
rot_init @354
rot_list_foreach @355
rot_load_all_backends @356
rot_load_backend @357
rot_move @358
rot_open @359
rot_park @360
rot_parse_func @361
rot_parse_level @362
rot_parse_parm @363
rot_probe_all @364
rot_register @365
rot_reset @366
rot_set_conf @367
rot_set_ext_func @368
rot_set_ext_level @369
rot_set_ext_parm @370
rot_set_func @371
rot_set_level @372
rot_set_parm @373
rot_set_position @374
rot_sprintf_func @375
rot_sprintf_level @376
rot_sprintf_level_gran @377
rot_sprintf_parm @378
rot_sprintf_parm_gran @379
rot_sprintf_status @380
rot_stop @381
rot_strfunc @382
rot_strlevel @383
rot_strparm @384
rot_strstatus @385
rot_token_foreach @386
rot_token_lookup @387
rot_unregister @388
ser_get_car @389
ser_get_cts @390
ser_get_dsr @391
ser_get_dtr @392
ser_get_rts @393
ser_set_brk @394
ser_set_dtr @395
ser_set_rts @396
serial_flush @397
serial_open @398
serial_setup @399
sprintf_freq @400
sprintf_level_ext @401
sync_callback @402
to_bcd @403
to_bcd_be @404
vfo_fixup @405
vfo_fixup2a @406
write_block @407
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,4 +7,9 @@ and also
Those dependencies are installed from external/msvc/[x86|x64] dirs.
In addition, Hamlib also uses libusb but since it is a common
dependency with SoapySDR, it is not included in the external dirs.
dependency with SoapySDR, it is not included in the external dirs.
For Hamlib v4.x releases, only the export file 'libhamlib-4.def' is provided, so we need to re-generate .lib to work on Visual Studio projects:
- Open the 'Developper Command Prompt for VS 2022'
- For Win32, go to hamlib/32 directory and run 'LIB /DEF:libhamlib-4.def /MACHINE:X86'
- For Win64, go to hamlib/64 directory and run 'LIB /DEF:libhamlib-4.def /MACHINE:X64'
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#ifndef _RIG_H
#define _RIG_H 1
#define TRACE rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_TRACE,"%s(%d) trace\n", __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define __FILENAME__ (strrchr(__FILE__, '/') ? strrchr(__FILE__, '/') + 1 : __FILE__)
#include <stdio.h>
@ -31,6 +32,9 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/time.h>
/* Rig list is in a separate file so as not to mess up w/ this one */
#include <hamlib/riglist.h>
@ -97,7 +101,7 @@
constant from a constant number literal using ull */
// #define CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(BIT) (1 << (BIT))
// #define SWIGLUAHIDE
/* But this appears to have been fixed so we'll use the correct one now
/* But this appears to have been fixed so we'll use the correct one now
If you have the older version of SWIG comment out this line and use
the two above */
// This 1ul definition works on swig 4.0.1 and lua 5.3.5
@ -106,6 +110,14 @@
* \brief size of cookie request buffer
* Minimum size of cookie buffer to pass to rig_cookie
// cookie is 26-char time code plus 10-char (2^31-1) random number
extern int cookie_use; // this is global as once one client requests it everybody needs to honor it
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT_VAR(const char) hamlib_version[];
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT_VAR(const char) hamlib_copyright[];
@ -195,6 +207,11 @@ typedef struct s_rig RIG;
#define HAMLIB_FLTLSTSIZ 60 /* max mode/filter list size, zero ended */
#define HAMLIB_MAXDBLSTSIZ 8 /* max preamp/att levels supported, zero ended */
#define HAMLIB_CHANLSTSIZ 16 /* max mem_list size, zero ended */
#define HAMLIB_MAX_AGC_LEVELS 8 /* max AGC levels supported */
#define HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_SCOPES 4 /* max number of spectrum scopes supported */
#define HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_MODES 5 /* max number of spectrum modes supported */
#define HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_AVG_MODES 12 /* max number of spectrum averaging modes supported */
#define HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_SPANS 20 /* max number of spectrum modes supported */
#define HAMLIB_MAX_CAL_LENGTH 32 /* max calibration plots in cal_table_t */
#define HAMLIB_MAX_VFOS 31
@ -414,7 +431,7 @@ typedef unsigned int vfo_t;
/** \brief '' -- used in caps */
#define RIG_VFO_N(n) ((vfo_t)(1u<<(n)))
#define RIG_VFO_N(n) (1u<<(n))
/** \brief \c VFONone -- vfo unknown */
#define RIG_VFO_NONE 0
@ -449,6 +466,9 @@ typedef unsigned int vfo_t;
/** \brief \c MainC -- alias for MAIN_C */
/** \brief \c Other -- alias for OTHER -- e.g. Icom rigs without get_vfo capability */
/** \brief \c Sub -- alias for SUB */
#define RIG_VFO_SUB RIG_VFO_N(25)
@ -504,6 +524,7 @@ typedef unsigned int vfo_t;
#define RIG_TARGETABLE_BANK (1<<9)
#define RIG_TARGETABLE_ANT (1<<10)
#define RIG_TARGETABLE_ROOFING (1<<11) // roofing filter targetable by VFO
#define RIG_TARGETABLE_SPECTRUM (1<<12) // spectrum scope targetable by VFO
#define RIG_TARGETABLE_ALL 0x7fffffff
//! @endcond
@ -759,7 +780,7 @@ typedef enum {
* \brief Antenna number
* No antenna set yet or unknown
* No antenna set yet or unknown
* \brief Antenna conversion macro
@ -920,14 +941,15 @@ typedef uint64_t rig_level_e;
#define RIG_LEVEL_MONITOR_GAIN CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(37) /*!< \c MONITOR_GAIN -- Monitor gain (level for monitoring of transmitted audio) arg float [0.0 ... 1.0] */
#define RIG_LEVEL_NB CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(38) /*!< \c NB -- Noise Blanker level, arg float [0.0 ... 1.0] */
#define RIG_LEVEL_RFPOWER_METER_WATTS CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(39) /*!< \c RFPOWER_METER_WATTS -- RF power output meter, arg float [0.0 ... MAX] (output power in watts) */
#define RIG_LEVEL_40 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(40) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_41 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(41) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_42 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(42) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_43 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(43) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_44 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(44) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_45 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(45) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_46 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(46) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_47 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(47) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_MODE CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(40) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_MODE -- Spectrum scope mode, arg int (see enum rig_spectrum_mode_e). Supported modes defined in rig caps. */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_SPAN CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(41) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_SPAN -- Spectrum scope span in center mode, arg int (Hz). Supported spans defined in rig caps. */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_EDGE_LOW CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(42) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_EDGE_LOW -- Spectrum scope low edge in fixed mode, arg int (Hz) */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_EDGE_HIGH CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(43) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_EDGE_HIGH -- Spectrum scope high edge in fixed mode, arg int (Hz) */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_SPEED CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(44) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_SPEED -- Spectrum scope update speed, arg int (highest is fastest, define rig-specific granularity) */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_REF CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(45) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_REF -- Spectrum scope reference display level, arg float (dB, define rig-specific granularity) */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_AVG CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(46) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_AVG -- Spectrum scope averaging mode, arg int (see struct rig_spectrum_avg_mode). Supported averaging modes defined in rig caps. */
#define RIG_LEVEL_SPECTRUM_ATT CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(47) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_ATT -- Spectrum scope attenuator, arg int (dB). Supported attenuator values defined in rig caps. */
#define RIG_LEVEL_TEMP_METER CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(48) /*!< \c TEMP_METER -- arg int (C, centigrade) */
#define RIG_LEVEL_48 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(48) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_49 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(49) /*!< \c Future use */
#define RIG_LEVEL_50 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(50) /*!< \c Future use */
@ -946,7 +968,7 @@ typedef uint64_t rig_level_e;
#define RIG_LEVEL_63 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG(63) /*!< \c Future use */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
@ -975,6 +997,30 @@ enum rig_parm_e {
RIG_PARM_SCREENSAVER = (1 << 8) /*!< \c SCREENSAVER -- rig specific timeouts */
* \brief Rig Cookie enumerations
* Cookies are used for a client to request exclusive control of the rig until the client releases the cookie
* Cookies will expire after 1 second unless renewed
* Normal flow would be cookie=rig_cookie(NULL, RIG_COOKIE_GET), rig op, rig_cookie(cookie, RIG_COOKIE_RENEW), rig op, etc....
enum cookie_e {
RIG_COOKIE_GET, /*!< Setup a cookie */
RIG_COOKIE_RELEASE, /*!< Release a cookie */
RIG_COOKIE_RENEW, /*!< Renew a cookie */
* \brief Multicast data items
* 3 different data item can be included in the multicast JSON
enum multicast_item_e {
RIG_MULTICAST_POLL, // hamlib will be polling the rig for all rig items
RIG_MULTICAST_TRANSCEIVE, // transceive will be turned on and processed
RIG_MULTICAST_SPECTRUM // spectrum data will be included
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
@ -998,14 +1044,14 @@ typedef uint64_t setting_t;
#define RIG_SETTING_MAX 64
* \brief Tranceive mode
* \brief Transceive mode
* The rig notifies the host of any event, like freq changed, mode changed, etc.
* \def RIG_TRN_OFF
* Turn it off
* \brief Tranceive mode
* \brief Transceive mode
* \def RIG_TRN_RIG
* RIG_TRN_RIG means the rig acts asynchrousnly
* \brief Tranceive mode
* RIG_TRN_RIG means the rig acts asynchronously
* \brief Transceive mode
* RIG_TRN_POLL means we have to poll the rig
@ -1044,7 +1090,7 @@ typedef uint64_t setting_t;
#define RIG_FUNC_ANF CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (8) /*!< \c ANF -- Automatic Notch Filter (DSP) */
#define RIG_FUNC_NR CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (9) /*!< \c NR -- Noise Reduction (DSP) */
#define RIG_FUNC_AIP CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (10) /*!< \c AIP -- RF pre-amp (AIP on Kenwood, IPO on Yaesu, etc.) */
#define RIG_FUNC_APF CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (11) /*!< \c APF -- Auto Passband/Audio Peak Filter */
#define RIG_FUNC_APF CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (11) /*!< \c APF -- Audio Peak Filter */
#define RIG_FUNC_MON CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (12) /*!< \c MON -- Monitor transmitted signal */
#define RIG_FUNC_MN CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (13) /*!< \c MN -- Manual Notch */
#define RIG_FUNC_RF CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (14) /*!< \c RF -- RTTY Filter */
@ -1077,9 +1123,9 @@ typedef uint64_t setting_t;
#define RIG_FUNC_DSQL CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (39) /*!< \c DSQL -- Digital modes squelch */
#define RIG_FUNC_SCEN CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (40) /*!< \c SCEN -- scrambler/encryption */
#define RIG_FUNC_SLICE CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (41) /*!< \c Rig slice selection -- Flex */
#define RIG_FUNC_BIT42 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (42) /*!< \c available for future RIG_FUNC items */
#define RIG_FUNC_BIT43 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (43) /*!< \c available for future RIG_FUNC items */
#define RIG_FUNC_BIT44 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (44) /*!< \c available for future RIG_FUNC items */
#define RIG_FUNC_TRANSCEIVE CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (42) /*!< \c TRANSCEIVE -- Send radio state changes automatically ON/OFF */
#define RIG_FUNC_SPECTRUM CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (43) /*!< \c SPECTRUM -- Spectrum scope data output ON/OFF */
#define RIG_FUNC_SPECTRUM_HOLD CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (44) /*!< \c SPECTRUM_HOLD -- Pause spectrum scope updates ON/OFF */
#define RIG_FUNC_BIT45 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (45) /*!< \c available for future RIG_FUNC items */
#define RIG_FUNC_BIT46 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (46) /*!< \c available for future RIG_FUNC items */
#define RIG_FUNC_BIT47 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (47) /*!< \c available for future RIG_FUNC items */
@ -1184,8 +1230,8 @@ typedef uint64_t rmode_t;
#define RIG_MODE_C4FM CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (33) /*!< \c Yaesu C4FM mode */
#define RIG_MODE_PKTFMN CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (34) /*!< \c Yaesu DATA-FM-N */
#define RIG_MODE_SPEC CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (35) /*!< \c Unfiltered as in PowerSDR */
#define RIG_MODE_BIT36 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (36) /*!< \c reserved for future expansion */
#define RIG_MODE_BIT37 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (37) /*!< \c reserved for future expansion */
#define RIG_MODE_CWN CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (36) /*!< \c CWN -- Narrow band CW (FT-736R) */
#define RIG_MODE_IQ CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (37) /*!< \c IQ mode for a couple of kit rigs */
#define RIG_MODE_BIT38 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (38) /*!< \c reserved for future expansion */
#define RIG_MODE_BIT39 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (39) /*!< \c reserved for future expansion */
#define RIG_MODE_BIT40 CONSTANT_64BIT_FLAG (40) /*!< \c reserved for future expansion */
@ -1580,6 +1626,66 @@ typedef int (* confval_cb_t)(RIG *,
//! @endcond
* \brief Spectrum scope
struct rig_spectrum_scope
int id;
char *name;
* \brief Spectrum scope modes
enum rig_spectrum_mode_e {
RIG_SPECTRUM_MODE_CENTER, /*!< Spectrum scope centered around the VFO frequency */
RIG_SPECTRUM_MODE_FIXED, /*!< Spectrum scope edge frequencies are fixed */
RIG_SPECTRUM_MODE_CENTER_SCROLL, /*!< Spectrum scope edge frequencies are fixed, but identical to what the center mode would use. Scrolling is enabled. */
RIG_SPECTRUM_MODE_FIXED_SCROLL, /*!< Spectrum scope edge frequencies are fixed with scrolling enabled */
* \brief Spectrum scope averaging modes
struct rig_spectrum_avg_mode
int id;
char *name;
* \brief Represents a single line of rig spectrum scope FFT data.
* The data levels specify the range of the spectrum scope FFT data.
* The minimum level should represent the lowest numeric value and the lowest signal level in dB.
* The maximum level should represent the highest numeric value and the highest signal level in dB.
* The data level values are assumed to represent the dB strength scale in a linear way.
* Note that the data level and signal strength ranges may change depending on the settings of the rig.
* At least on Kenwood the sub-scope provides different kind of data compared to the main scope.
struct rig_spectrum_line
int id; /*!< Numeric ID of the spectrum scope data stream identifying the VFO/receiver. First ID is zero. Rigs with multiple scopes usually have identifiers, such as 0 = Main, 1 = Sub. */
int data_level_min; /*!< The numeric value that represents the minimum signal level. */
int data_level_max; /*!< The numeric value that represents the maximum signal level. */
double signal_strength_min; /*!< The strength of the minimum signal level in dB. */
double signal_strength_max; /*!< The strength of the maximum signal level in dB. */
enum rig_spectrum_mode_e spectrum_mode; /*!< Spectrum mode. */
freq_t center_freq; /*!< Center frequency of the spectrum scope in Hz in RIG_SPECTRUM_CENTER mode. */
freq_t span_freq; /*!< Span of the spectrum scope in Hz in RIG_SPECTRUM_CENTER mode. */
freq_t low_edge_freq; /*!< Low edge frequency of the spectrum scope in Hz in RIG_SPECTRUM_FIXED mode. */
freq_t high_edge_freq; /*!< High edge frequency of the spectrum scope in Hz in RIG_SPECTRUM_FIXED mode. */
int spectrum_data_length; /*!< Number of bytes of 8-bit spectrum data in the data buffer. The amount of data may vary if the rig has multiple spectrum scopes, depending on the scope. */
unsigned char *spectrum_data; /*!< 8-bit spectrum data covering bandwidth of either the span_freq in center mode or from low edge to high edge in fixed mode. A higher value represents higher signal strength. */
* \brief Rig data structure.
@ -1646,11 +1752,14 @@ struct rig_caps {
tone_t *dcs_list; /*!< DCS code list, zero ended */
int preamp[HAMLIB_MAXDBLSTSIZ]; /*!< Preamp list in dB, 0 terminated */
int attenuator[HAMLIB_MAXDBLSTSIZ]; /*!< Preamp list in dB, 0 terminated */
int attenuator[HAMLIB_MAXDBLSTSIZ]; /*!< Attenuator list in dB, 0 terminated */
shortfreq_t max_rit; /*!< max absolute RIT */
shortfreq_t max_xit; /*!< max absolute XIT */
shortfreq_t max_ifshift; /*!< max absolute IF-SHIFT */
int agc_level_count; /*!< Number of supported AGC levels. Zero indicates all modes should be available (for backwards-compatibility). */
enum agc_level_e agc_levels[HAMLIB_MAX_AGC_LEVELS]; /*!< Supported AGC levels */
ann_t announces; /*!< Announces bit field list */
vfo_op_t vfo_ops; /*!< VFO op bit field list */
@ -1666,7 +1775,7 @@ struct rig_caps {
// As of 2020-02-12 we know of 5 models from Icom USA, EUR, ITR, TPE, KOR for the IC-9700
// So we currently have 5 ranges we need to deal with
// The backend for the model should fill in the label field to explain what model it is
// The the IC-9700 in ic7300.c for an example
// The the IC-9700 in ic7300.c for an example
freq_range_t rx_range_list1[HAMLIB_FRQRANGESIZ]; /*!< Receive frequency range list #1 */
freq_range_t tx_range_list1[HAMLIB_FRQRANGESIZ]; /*!< Transmit frequency range list #1 */
freq_range_t rx_range_list2[HAMLIB_FRQRANGESIZ]; /*!< Receive frequency range list #2 */
@ -1689,7 +1798,13 @@ struct rig_caps {
cal_table_float_t vd_meter_cal; /*!< Voltage meter calibration table */
cal_table_float_t id_meter_cal; /*!< Current draw meter calibration table */
const struct confparams *cfgparams; /*!< Configuration parametres. */
struct rig_spectrum_scope spectrum_scopes[HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_SCOPES]; /*!< Supported spectrum scopes. The array index must match the scope ID. Last entry must have NULL name. */
enum rig_spectrum_mode_e spectrum_modes[HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_MODES]; /*!< Supported spectrum scope modes. Last entry must be RIG_SPECTRUM_MODE_NONE. */
freq_t spectrum_spans[HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_SPANS]; /*!< Supported spectrum scope frequency spans in Hz in center mode. Last entry must be 0. */
struct rig_spectrum_avg_mode spectrum_avg_modes[HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_AVG_MODES]; /*!< Supported spectrum scope averaging modes. Last entry must have NULL name. */
int spectrum_attenuator[HAMLIB_MAXDBLSTSIZ]; /*!< Spectrum attenuator list in dB, 0 terminated */
const struct confparams *cfgparams; /*!< Configuration parameters. */
const rig_ptr_t priv; /*!< Private data. */
@ -1867,6 +1982,8 @@ struct rig_caps {
rmode_t *mode,
pbwidth_t *width,
split_t *split);
int(*set_clock) (RIG *rig, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, double msec, int utc_offset);
int(*get_clock) (RIG *rig, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *min, int *sec, double *msec, int *utc_offset);
const char *clone_combo_set; /*!< String describing key combination to enter load cloning mode */
const char *clone_combo_get; /*!< String describing key combination to enter save cloning mode */
@ -1948,7 +2065,6 @@ enum rig_function_e {
@ -1964,7 +2080,7 @@ enum rig_function_e {
@ -2072,6 +2188,8 @@ typedef struct hamlib_port {
int value; /*!< Toggle PTT ON or OFF */
} gpio; /*!< GPIO attributes */
} parm; /*!< Port parameter union */
int client_port; /*!< client socket port for tcp connection */
RIG *rig; /*!< our parent RIG device */
} hamlib_port_t;
//! @endcond
@ -2083,6 +2201,8 @@ typedef hamlib_port_t port_t;
#define HAMLIB_CACHE_ALWAYS -1 /*< value to set cache timeout to always use cache */
typedef enum {
HAMLIB_CACHE_ALL, // to set all cache timeouts at once
@ -2100,7 +2220,7 @@ typedef enum {
* \brief Rig cache data
* This struct contains all the items we cache at the highest level
struct rig_cache {
@ -2114,13 +2234,17 @@ struct rig_cache {
// Most rigs have MainA and MainB
// Dual VFO rigs can have SubA and SubB too
// For dual VFO rigs simplex operations are all done on MainA/MainB -- ergo this abstraction
freq_t freqCurr; // Other VFO
freq_t freqOther; // Other VFO
freq_t freqMainA; // VFO_A, VFO_MAIN, and VFO_MAINA
freq_t freqMainB; // VFO_B, VFO_SUB, and VFO_MAINB
freq_t freqMainC; // VFO_C, VFO_MAINC
freq_t freqSubA; // VFO_SUBA -- only for rigs with dual Sub VFOs
freq_t freqSubB; // VFO_SUBB -- only for rigs with dual Sub VFOs
freq_t freqSubC; // VFO_SUBC -- only for rigs with 3 Sub VFOs
freq_t freqMem; // VFO_MEM -- last MEM channel
freq_t freqMem; // VFO_MEM -- last MEM channel
rmode_t modeCurr;
rmode_t modeOther;
rmode_t modeMainA;
rmode_t modeMainB;
rmode_t modeMainC;
@ -2128,6 +2252,8 @@ struct rig_cache {
rmode_t modeSubB;
rmode_t modeSubC;
rmode_t modeMem;
pbwidth_t widthCurr; // if non-zero then rig has separate width for MainA
pbwidth_t widthOther; // if non-zero then rig has separate width for MainA
pbwidth_t widthMainA; // if non-zero then rig has separate width for MainA
pbwidth_t widthMainB; // if non-zero then rig has separate width for MainB
pbwidth_t widthMainC; // if non-zero then rig has separate width for MainC
@ -2138,6 +2264,8 @@ struct rig_cache {
ptt_t ptt;
split_t split;
vfo_t split_vfo; // split caches two values
struct timespec time_freqCurr;
struct timespec time_freqOther;
struct timespec time_freqMainA;
struct timespec time_freqMainB;
struct timespec time_freqMainC;
@ -2146,6 +2274,8 @@ struct rig_cache {
struct timespec time_freqSubC;
struct timespec time_freqMem;
struct timespec time_vfo;
struct timespec time_modeCurr;
struct timespec time_modeOther;
struct timespec time_modeMainA;
struct timespec time_modeMainB;
struct timespec time_modeMainC;
@ -2153,6 +2283,8 @@ struct rig_cache {
struct timespec time_modeSubB;
struct timespec time_modeSubC;
struct timespec time_modeMem;
struct timespec time_widthCurr;
struct timespec time_widthOther;
struct timespec time_widthMainA;
struct timespec time_widthMainB;
struct timespec time_widthMainC;
@ -2237,7 +2369,7 @@ struct rig_state {
pbwidth_t current_width; /*!< Passband width currently set */
vfo_t tx_vfo; /*!< Tx VFO currently set */
rmode_t mode_list; /*!< Complete list of modes for this rig */
// mode_list is used by some
// mode_list is used by some
// so anything added to this structure must be below here
int transmit; /*!< rig should be transmitting i.e. hard
wired PTT asserted - used by rigs that
@ -2263,6 +2395,7 @@ struct rig_state {
unsigned char disable_yaesu_bandselect; /*!< Disables Yaeus band select logic */
int twiddle_rit; /*!< Suppresses VFOB reading (cached value used) so RIT control can be used */
int twiddle_state; /*!< keeps track of twiddle status */
vfo_t rx_vfo; /*!< Rx VFO currently set */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
@ -2281,6 +2414,9 @@ typedef int (*pltune_cb_t)(RIG *,
rmode_t *,
pbwidth_t *,
typedef int (*spectrum_cb_t)(RIG *,
struct rig_spectrum_line *,
//! @endcond
@ -2314,6 +2450,8 @@ struct rig_callbacks {
rig_ptr_t dcd_arg; /*!< DCD change argument */
pltune_cb_t pltune; /*!< Pipeline tuning module freq/mode/width callback */
rig_ptr_t pltune_arg; /*!< Pipeline tuning argument */
spectrum_cb_t spectrum_event; /*!< Spectrum line reception event */
rig_ptr_t spectrum_arg; /*!< Spectrum line reception argument */
/* etc.. */
@ -2370,19 +2508,26 @@ rig_get_mode HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rmode_t *mode,
pbwidth_t *width));
#if 0
#define rig_set_vfo(r,v) rig_set_vfo(r,v,__builtin_FUNCTION())
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_set_vfo HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo, const char *func));
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_set_vfo HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo));
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_get_vfo HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t *vfo));
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_get_vfo_info HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
freq_t *freq,
rmode_t *mode,
pbwidth_t *width,
vfo_t vfo,
freq_t *freq,
rmode_t *mode,
pbwidth_t *width,
split_t *split,
int *satmode));
@ -2782,30 +2927,30 @@ rig_has_scan HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
scan_t scan));
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_set_channel HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rig_set_channel HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
const channel_t *chan)); /* mem */
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_get_channel HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rig_get_channel HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
channel_t *chan, int read_only));
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_set_chan_all HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rig_set_chan_all HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
const channel_t chans[]));
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_get_chan_all HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rig_get_chan_all HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
channel_t chans[]));
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_set_chan_all_cb HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rig_set_chan_all_cb HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
chan_cb_t chan_cb,
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_get_chan_all_cb HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rig_get_chan_all_cb HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
chan_cb_t chan_cb,
@ -2817,7 +2962,7 @@ rig_set_mem_all_cb HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
confval_cb_t parm_cb,
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_get_mem_all_cb HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
rig_get_mem_all_cb HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
vfo_t vfo,
chan_cb_t chan_cb,
confval_cb_t parm_cb,
@ -2879,6 +3024,11 @@ rig_set_pltune_callback HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *,
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_set_spectrum_callback HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *,
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int)
rig_set_twiddle HAMLIB_PARAMS((RIG *rig,
int seconds));
@ -2999,11 +3149,13 @@ extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strvfo(vfo_t vfo);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strfunc(setting_t);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strlevel(setting_t);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strparm(setting_t);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_stragclevel(enum agc_level_e level);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strptrshift(rptr_shift_t);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strvfop(vfo_op_t op);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strscan(scan_t scan);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strstatus(enum rig_status_e status);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strmtype(chan_type_t mtype);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(const char *) rig_strspectrummode(enum rig_spectrum_mode_e mode);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(rmode_t) rig_parse_mode(const char *s);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(vfo_t) rig_parse_vfo(const char *s);
@ -3029,10 +3181,14 @@ extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int) rig_get_vfo_info(RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, freq_t *freq, rm
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int) rig_get_rig_info(RIG *rig, char *response, int max_response_len);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int) rig_get_cache(RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, freq_t *freq, int * cache_ms_freq, rmode_t *mode, int *cache_ms_mode, pbwidth_t *width, int *cache_ms_width);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int) rig_set_clock(RIG *rig, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, double msec, int utc_offset);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int) rig_get_clock(RIG *rig, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *min, int *sec, double *msec, int *utc_offset);
typedef unsigned long rig_useconds_t;
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int) hl_usleep(rig_useconds_t msec);
extern HAMLIB_EXPORT(int) rig_cookie(RIG *rig, enum cookie_e cookie_cmd, char *cookie, int cookie_len);
//! @endcond
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
@ -121,6 +122,7 @@
@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ struct rot_state {
* non overridable fields, internal use
hamlib_port_t rotport; /*!< Rotator port (internal use). */
hamlib_port_t rotport2; /*!< 2nd Rotator port (internal use). */
int comm_state; /*!< Comm port state, i.e. opened or closed. */
rig_ptr_t priv; /*!< Pointer to private rotator state data. */
@ -619,6 +619,11 @@
#define ROT_BACKEND_ANDROIDSENSOR "androidsensor"
* \brief Convenience type definition for a rotator model.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user