mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:26 -05:00
Cleanup MSVC warnings and deprecated C++ exception stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ namespace CubicVR {
__float A = (right + left) / (right - left);
__float B = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
__float C = - (zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
__float D = - (-2.0 * zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
__float D = - (-2.0f * zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
return mat4((2.0 * zNear) / (right - left), 0, A, 0,
0, (2.0 * zNear) / (top - bottom), B, 0,
return mat4((2.0f * zNear) / (right - left), 0, A, 0,
0, (2.0f * zNear) / (top - bottom), B, 0,
0, 0, C, D,
0, 0, -1, 0);
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ namespace CubicVR {
static vec3 unProject(mat4 pMatrix, mat4 mvMatrix, float width, float height, float winx, float winy, float /* winz */) {
vec4 p(((winx / width) * 2.0) - 1.0, -(((winy / height) * 2.0) - 1.0), 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 p(((winx / width) * 2.0f) - 1.0, -(((winy / height) * 2.0f) - 1.0), 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 invp = mat4::vec4_multiply(mat4::vec4_multiply(p, mat4::inverse(pMatrix)), mat4::inverse(mvMatrix));
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ AppFrame::AppFrame() :
deltaLockButton = new ModeSelectorCanvas(demodPanel, attribList);
deltaLockButton->addChoice(1, "V");
deltaLockButton->setHelpTip("Delta Lock Toggle (V) - Enable to lock modem relative to center frequency.");
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ AppFrame::AppFrame() :
soloModeButton = new ModeSelectorCanvas(demodPanel, attribList);
soloModeButton->addChoice(1, "S");
soloModeButton->setHelpTip("Solo Mode Toggle");
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ AppFrame::AppFrame() :
demodMuteButton = new ModeSelectorCanvas(demodPanel, attribList);
demodMuteButton->addChoice(1, "M");
demodMuteButton->setHelpTip("Demodulator Mute Toggle");
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ AppFrame::AppFrame() :
peakHoldButton = new ModeSelectorCanvas(spectrumPanel, attribList);
peakHoldButton->addChoice(1, "P");
peakHoldButton->setHelpTip("Peak Hold Toggle");
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ AppFrame::AppFrame() :
spectrumAvgMeter = new MeterCanvas(spectrumPanel, attribList);
spectrumAvgMeter->setHelpTip("Spectrum averaging speed, click or drag to adjust.");
@ -888,8 +888,8 @@ void AppFrame::OnMenu(wxCommandEvent& event) {
@ -1427,10 +1427,10 @@ void AppFrame::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) {
if (spectrumAvgMeter->inputChanged()) {
float val = spectrumAvgMeter->getInputValue();
if (val < 0.01) {
val = 0.01;
val = 0.01f;
if (val > 0.99) {
val = 0.99;
val = 0.99f;
@ -1518,10 +1518,10 @@ void AppFrame::OnDoubleClickSash(wxSplitterEvent& event)
if (event.GetId() == wxID_MAIN_SPLITTER) {
w = mainSplitter;
g = 10.0/37.0;
g = 10.0f/37.0f;
} else if (event.GetId() == wxID_VIS_SPLITTER) {
w = mainVisSplitter;
g = 6.0/25.0;
g = 6.0f/25.0f;
if (w != NULL) {
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void DemodulatorMgr::updateLastState() {
if (lastActiveDemodulator) {
lastBandwidth = lastActiveDemodulator->getBandwidth();
lastDemodType = lastActiveDemodulator->getDemodulatorType();
lastDemodLock = lastActiveDemodulator->getDemodulatorLock();
lastDemodLock = lastActiveDemodulator->getDemodulatorLock()?true:false;
lastSquelchEnabled = lastActiveDemodulator->isSquelchEnabled();
lastSquelch = lastActiveDemodulator->getSquelchLevel();
lastGain = lastActiveDemodulator->getGain();
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ float DemodulatorThread::linearToDb(float linear) {
// http://dspguru.com/dsp/tricks/magnitude-estimator
#define SMALL 1e-20
if (linear <= SMALL) {
linear = SMALL;
linear = float(SMALL);
return 20.0 * log10(linear);
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void ModemAnalog::initOutputBuffers(ModemKitAnalog *akit, ModemIQData *input) {
double audio_resample_ratio = akit->audioResampleRatio;
size_t audio_out_size = ceil((double) (bufSize) * audio_resample_ratio) + 512;
size_t audio_out_size = (size_t)ceil((double) (bufSize) * audio_resample_ratio) + 512;
if (demodOutputData.size() != bufSize) {
if (demodOutputData.capacity() < bufSize) {
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ void ModemAnalog::buildAudioOutput(ModemKitAnalog *akit, AudioThreadInput *audio
unsigned int numAudioWritten;
if (autoGain) {
aOutputCeilMA = aOutputCeilMA + (aOutputCeil - aOutputCeilMA) * 0.025;
aOutputCeilMAA = aOutputCeilMAA + (aOutputCeilMA - aOutputCeilMAA) * 0.025;
aOutputCeilMA = aOutputCeilMA + (aOutputCeil - aOutputCeilMA) * 0.025f;
aOutputCeilMAA = aOutputCeilMAA + (aOutputCeilMA - aOutputCeilMAA) * 0.025f;
aOutputCeil = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bufSize; i++) {
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void ModemAnalog::buildAudioOutput(ModemKitAnalog *akit, AudioThreadInput *audio
float gain = 0.5 / aOutputCeilMAA;
float gain = 0.5f / aOutputCeilMAA;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bufSize; i++) {
demodOutputData[i] *= gain;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ModemKit *ModemFMStereo::buildKit(long long sampleRate, int audioSampleRate) {
// Stereo filters / shifters
double firStereoCutoff = 16000.0 / double(audioSampleRate);
// filter transition
float ft = 1000.0 / double(audioSampleRate);
float ft = 1000.0f / double(audioSampleRate);
// fractional timing offset
float mu = 0.0f;
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ ModemKit *ModemFMStereo::buildKit(long long sampleRate, int audioSampleRate) {
kit->firStereoRight = firfilt_rrrf_create(h, h_len);
// stereo pilot filter
float bw = sampleRate;
float bw = float(sampleRate);
if (bw < 100000.0) {
bw = 100000.0;
unsigned int order = 5; // filter order
float f0 = ((double) 19000 / bw);
float fc = ((double) 19500 / bw);
float f0 = ((float) 19000 / bw);
float fc = ((float) 19500 / bw);
float Ap = 1.0f;
kit->iirStereoPilot = iirfilt_crcf_create_prototype(LIQUID_IIRDES_CHEBY2, LIQUID_IIRDES_BANDPASS, LIQUID_IIRDES_SOS, order, fc, f0, Ap, As);
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void ModemFMStereo::demodulate(ModemKit *kit, ModemIQData *input, AudioThreadInp
size_t audio_out_size = ceil((double) (bufSize) * audio_resample_ratio) + 512;
size_t audio_out_size = (size_t)ceil((double) (bufSize) * audio_resample_ratio) + 512;
freqdem_demodulate_block(demodFM, &input->data[0], bufSize, &demodOutputData[0]);
@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ void ModemFMStereo::demodulate(ModemKit *kit, ModemIQData *input, AudioThreadInp
for (size_t i = 0; i < numAudioWritten; i++) {
float l, r;
firfilt_rrrf_push(fmkit->firStereoLeft, 0.568 * (resampledOutputData[i] - (resampledStereoData[i])));
firfilt_rrrf_push(fmkit->firStereoLeft, 0.568f * (resampledOutputData[i] - (resampledStereoData[i])));
firfilt_rrrf_execute(fmkit->firStereoLeft, &l);
firfilt_rrrf_push(fmkit->firStereoRight, 0.568 * (resampledOutputData[i] + (resampledStereoData[i])));
firfilt_rrrf_push(fmkit->firStereoRight, 0.568f * (resampledOutputData[i] + (resampledStereoData[i])));
firfilt_rrrf_execute(fmkit->firStereoRight, &r);
audioOut->data[i * 2] = l;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ModemUSB::ModemUSB() : ModemAnalog() {
ssbFilt = iirfilt_crcf_create_lowpass(6, 0.25);
ssbShift = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_NCO);
nco_crcf_set_frequency(ssbShift, (2.0 * M_PI) * 0.25);
nco_crcf_set_frequency(ssbShift, (2.0f * M_PI) * 0.25f);
c2rFilt = firhilbf_create(5, 90.0);
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ void ScopePanel::drawPanelContents() {
} else if (scopeMode == SCOPE_MODE_XY) {
RGBA4f bg1(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->scopeBackground), bg2(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->scopeBackground * 2.0);
bg1.a = 0.05;
bg2.a = 0.05;
bg1.a = 0.05f;
bg2.a = 0.05f;
bgPanel.setFillColor(bg1, bg2);
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ SpectrumPanel::SpectrumPanel() {
dbPanelCeil.setFillColor(RGBA4f(0.2,0.2,0.2,5.0), RGBA4f(0.2,0.2,0.2,0.0));
dbPanelCeil.setFillColor(RGBA4f(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,5.0f), RGBA4f(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,0.0f));
dbPanelFloor.setFillColor(RGBA4f(0.2,0.2,0.2,5.), RGBA4f(0.2,0.2,0.2,0.0));
dbPanelFloor.setFillColor(RGBA4f(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,5.0f), RGBA4f(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,0.0f));
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void SpectrumPanel::drawPanelContents() {
a *= (rangeTrans-(range-(rangeMax-rangeTrans)))/rangeTrans;
glColor4f(0.12, 0.12, 0.12, a);
glColor4f(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f, a);
for (double l = floorValue; l<=ceilValue+rangeStep; l+=rangeStep) {
p += rangeStep/range;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
ScopeVisualProcessor::ScopeVisualProcessor(): outputBuffers("ScopeVisualProcessorBuffers") {
fft_average_rate = 0.65;
fft_average_rate = 0.65f;
fft_ceil_ma = fft_ceil_maa = 0;
fft_floor_ma = fft_floor_maa = 0;
maxScopeSamples = 1024;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ SpectrumVisualProcessor::SpectrumVisualProcessor() : outputBuffers("SpectrumVisu
fft_ceil_ma = fft_ceil_maa = 100.0;
fft_floor_ma = fft_floor_maa = 0.0;
fft_average_rate = 0.65;
fft_average_rate = 0.65f;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SDRPostThread::SDRPostThread() : IOThread(), buffers("SDRPostThreadBuffers"), vi
dcFilter = iirfilt_crcf_create_dc_blocker(0.0005);
dcFilter = iirfilt_crcf_create_dc_blocker(0.0005f);
SDRPostThread::~SDRPostThread() {
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ GLPanel::GLPanel() : fillType(GLPANEL_FILL_SOLID), contentsVisible(true), visibl
rot[2] = 0.0f;
size[0] = 1.0f;
size[1] = 1.0f;
fill[0] = RGBA4f(0.5,0.5,0.5);
fill[1] = RGBA4f(0.1,0.1,0.1);
borderColor = RGBA4f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
fill[0] = RGBA4f(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f);
fill[1] = RGBA4f(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f);
borderColor = RGBA4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
@ -13,22 +13,22 @@ PrimaryGLContext(canvas, sharedContext) {
testChildPanel.setPosition(0.0, 0.0);
testChildPanel.setSize(1.0, 0.33);
testChildPanel.setSize(1.0f, 0.33f);
testChildPanel.setFillColor(RGBA4f(0.0,0.0,1.0), RGBA4f(0.0,1.0,0.0));
testChildPanel2.setPosition(0.0, -0.66);
testChildPanel2.setSize(1.0, 0.33);
testChildPanel2.setPosition(0.0f, -0.66f);
testChildPanel2.setSize(1.0f, 0.33f);
testChildPanel2.setFillColor(RGBA4f(0.0,0.0,1.0), RGBA4f(0.0,1.0,0.0));
testChildPanel3.setPosition(0.0, 0.66);
testChildPanel3.setSize(1.0, 0.33);
testChildPanel3.setPosition(0.0f, 0.66f);
testChildPanel3.setSize(1.0f, 0.33f);
testChildPanel3.setFillColor(RGBA4f(0.0,0.0,1.0), RGBA4f(0.0,1.0,0.0));
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ DataElementSetNumericVectorDef(DATA_DOUBLE_VECTOR, double)
DataElementSetNumericVectorDef(DATA_LONGDOUBLE_VECTOR, long double)
#define DataElementGetNumericDef(enumtype, datatype, ...) void DataElement::get(datatype& val_out) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { \
#define DataElementGetNumericDef(enumtype, datatype, ...) void DataElement::get(datatype& val_out) { \
if (!data_type) \
return; \
int _compat[] = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ DataElementGetNumericDef(DATA_LONG, long, DATA_CHAR, DATA_UCHAR, DATA_UINT, DATA
#define DataElementGetFloatingPointDef(enumtype, datatype, ...) void DataElement::get(datatype& val_out) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { \
#define DataElementGetFloatingPointDef(enumtype, datatype, ...) void DataElement::get(datatype& val_out) { \
if (!data_type) \
return; \
int _compat[] = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
@ -250,14 +250,14 @@ DataElementGetFloatingPointDef(DATA_FLOAT, float, DATA_DOUBLE, DATA_CHAR, DATA_U
void DataElement::get(char **data_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) {
void DataElement::get(char **data_in) {
if (data_type != DATA_VOID)
throw(new DataTypeMismatchException("Type mismatch, not a CHAR*"));
*data_in = new char[data_size];
memcpy(*data_in, data_val, data_size);
void DataElement::get(string &str_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) {
void DataElement::get(string &str_in) {
if (!data_type)
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ void DataElement::get(string &str_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) {
void DataElement::get(vector<string> &strvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) {
void DataElement::get(vector<string> &strvect_in) {
size_t ptr;
if (!data_type)
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void DataElement::get(vector<string> &strvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchExcepti
void DataElement::get(std::set<string> &strset_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) {
void DataElement::get(std::set<string> &strset_in) {
if (!data_type)
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ void DataElement::get(std::set<string> &strset_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchExcept
#define DataElementGetNumericVectorDef(enumtype, datatype, ...) void DataElement::get(vector<datatype>& val_out) throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { \
#define DataElementGetNumericVectorDef(enumtype, datatype, ...) void DataElement::get(vector<datatype>& val_out) { \
if (!data_type || !unit_size) return; \
if (data_type != enumtype) { \
int _compat[] = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ DataNode *DataNode::newChild(const char *name_in) {
return children.back();
DataNode *DataNode::child(const char *name_in, int index) throw (DataInvalidChildException) {
DataNode *DataNode::child(const char *name_in, int index) {
DataNode *child_ret;
child_ret = childmap[name_in][index];
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ DataNode *DataNode::child(const char *name_in, int index) throw (DataInvalidChil
return child_ret;
DataNode *DataNode::child(int index) throw (DataInvalidChildException) {
DataNode *DataNode::child(int index) {
DataNode *child_ret;
@ -502,11 +502,11 @@ bool DataNode::hasAnother(const char *name_in) {
return childmap[name_in].size() != childmap_ptr[name_in];
DataNode *DataNode::getNext() throw (DataInvalidChildException) {
DataNode *DataNode::getNext() {
return child(ptr++);
DataNode *DataNode::getNext(const char *name_in) throw (DataInvalidChildException) {
DataNode *DataNode::getNext(const char *name_in) {
return child(name_in, childmap_ptr[name_in]++);
@ -167,45 +167,45 @@ public:
/* get overloads */
void get(char &char_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(unsigned char &uchar_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(int &int_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(unsigned int &uint_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(long &long_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(unsigned long &ulong_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(long long &long_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(float &float_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(double &double_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(long double &ldouble_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(char &char_in);
void get(unsigned char &uchar_in);
void get(int &int_in);
void get(unsigned int &uint_in);
void get(long &long_in);
void get(unsigned long &ulong_in);
void get(long long &long_in);
void get(float &float_in);
void get(double &double_in);
void get(long double &ldouble_in);
void get(char **data_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException); /* getting a void or string */
void get(string &str_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(std::set<string> &strset_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(char **data_in); /* getting a void or string */
void get(string &str_in);
void get(std::set<string> &strset_in);
void get(vector<string> &strvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<char> &charvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<unsigned char> &ucharvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<int> &intvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<unsigned int> &uintvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<long> &longvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<unsigned long> &ulongvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<long long> &llongvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<float> &floatvect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<double> &doublevect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<long double> &ldoublevect_in) throw (DataTypeMismatchException);
void get(vector<string> &strvect_in);
void get(vector<char> &charvect_in);
void get(vector<unsigned char> &ucharvect_in);
void get(vector<int> &intvect_in);
void get(vector<unsigned int> &uintvect_in);
void get(vector<long> &longvect_in);
void get(vector<unsigned long> &ulongvect_in);
void get(vector<long long> &llongvect_in);
void get(vector<float> &floatvect_in);
void get(vector<double> &doublevect_in);
void get(vector<long double> &ldoublevect_in);
/* special get functions, saves creating unnecessary vars */
int getChar() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { char i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
unsigned int getUChar() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { unsigned char i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
int getInt() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { int i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
unsigned int getUInt() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { unsigned int i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
long getLong() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { long l_get; get(l_get); return l_get; };
unsigned long getULong() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { unsigned long l_get; get(l_get); return l_get; };
long getLongLong() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { long long l_get; get(l_get); return l_get; };
float getFloat() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { float f_get; get(f_get); return f_get; };
double getDouble() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { double d_get; get(d_get); return d_get; };
long double getLongDouble() throw (DataTypeMismatchException) { long double d_get; get(d_get); return d_get; };
int getChar() { char i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
unsigned int getUChar() { unsigned char i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
int getInt() { int i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
unsigned int getUInt() { unsigned int i_get; get(i_get); return i_get; };
long getLong() { long l_get; get(l_get); return l_get; };
unsigned long getULong() { unsigned long l_get; get(l_get); return l_get; };
long getLongLong() { long long l_get; get(l_get); return l_get; };
float getFloat() { float f_get; get(f_get); return f_get; };
double getDouble() { double d_get; get(d_get); return d_get; };
long double getLongDouble() { long double d_get; get(d_get); return d_get; };
std::string toString();
@ -248,14 +248,14 @@ public:
DataElement *element(); /* DataElement at this node */
DataNode *newChild(const char *name_in);
DataNode *child(const char *name_in, int index = 0) throw (DataInvalidChildException);
DataNode *child(int index) throw (DataInvalidChildException);
DataNode *child(const char *name_in, int index = 0);
DataNode *child(int index);
bool hasAnother(const char *name_in); /* useful for while() loops in conjunction with getNext() */
bool hasAnother();
DataNode *getNext(const char *name_in) throw (DataInvalidChildException); /* get next of specified name */
DataNode *getNext() throw (DataInvalidChildException); /* get next child */
DataNode *getNext(const char *name_in); /* get next of specified name */
DataNode *getNext(); /* get next child */
void rewind(const char *name_in); /* rewind specific */
void rewind(); /* rewind generic */
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ void Timer::reset(void)
void Timer::lockFramerate(float f_rate)
lock_rate = 1.0/f_rate;
lock_rate = 1.0f/f_rate;
lock_state = true;
@ -39,226 +39,226 @@ DefaultColorTheme::DefaultColorTheme() {
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0, 0, 1.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0, 1.0, 0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 1.0, 0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 0.2, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 0.2f, 0.0));
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
waterfallNew = RGBA4f(0, 1, 0);
waterfallHover = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
waterfallDestroy = RGBA4f(1, 0, 0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.2, 0.2, 0.9);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.35);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(1.0, 139.0/255.0, 96.0/255.0);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(148.0/255.0, 148.0/255.0, 1.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.75, 0.1);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0.75, 0.1, 0.1);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.9f);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.35f);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(1.0f, 139.0f/255.0f, 96.0f/255.0f);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(148.0f/255.0f, 148.0f/255.0f, 1.0f);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.75f, 0.1f);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0.75f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
text = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
freqLine = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
button = RGBA4f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65);
button = RGBA4f(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
RadarColorTheme::RadarColorTheme() {
name = "Rad";
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(5.0 / 255.0, 45.0 / 255.0, 10.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(30.0 / 255.0, 150.0 / 255.0, 40.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(40.0 / 255.0, 240.0 / 255.0, 60.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(250.0 / 255.0, 250.0 / 255.0, 250.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(5.0f / 255.0f, 45.0f / 255.0f, 10.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(30.0f / 255.0f, 150.0f / 255.0f, 40.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(40.0f / 255.0f, 240.0f / 255.0f, 60.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(250.0f / 255.0f, 250.0f / 255.0f, 250.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
waterfallNew = RGBA4f(0, 1, 0);
waterfallHover = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
waterfallDestroy = RGBA4f(1, 0, 0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.8, 1.0, 0.8);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.8f, 1.0f, 0.8f);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.8, 1.0, 0.8);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.45, 0.0);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.1, 0.0);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(1.0, 139.0/255.0, 96.0/255.0);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(148.0/255.0, 0.0, 0.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0, 0.5, 0);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0, 0.5, 0);
text = RGBA4f(0.8, 1.0, 0.8);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.8f, 1.0f, 0.8f);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.45f, 0.0);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.1f, 0.0);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(1.0f, 139.0f/255.0f, 96.0f/255.0f);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(148.0f/255.0f, 0.0, 0.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0, 0.5f, 0);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0, 0.5f, 0);
text = RGBA4f(0.8f, 1.0, 0.8f);
freqLine = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
button = RGBA4f(0.65, 0.75, 0.65);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(0.65, 1.0, 0.65);
button = RGBA4f(0.65f, 0.75f, 0.65f);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(0.65f, 1.0f, 0.65f);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.05, 0.1, 0.05);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.05, 0.1, 0.05);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.05, 0.1, 0.05);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.05f, 0.1f, 0.05f);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.05f, 0.1f, 0.05f);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.05f, 0.1f, 0.05f);
BlackAndWhiteColorTheme::BlackAndWhiteColorTheme() {
name = "Black & White";
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0, 0, 0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0.9);
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0.9f);
waterfallNew = RGBA4f(0, 1, 0);
waterfallHover = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
waterfallDestroy = RGBA4f(1, 0, 0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0.9);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0.9f);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
text = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
freqLine = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
button = RGBA4f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65);
button = RGBA4f(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
SharpColorTheme::SharpColorTheme() {
name = "Sharp";
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0, 0, 0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.0, 0, 0.5));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(65.0 / 255.0, 161.0 / 255.0, 1.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.5));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 0.5, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 0.25, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.5, 0.1, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.0, 0, 0.5f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(65.0f / 255.0f, 161.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.5f, 0.1f, 0.0f));
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 1.0);
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f);
waterfallNew = RGBA4f(0, 1, 0);
waterfallHover = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
waterfallDestroy = RGBA4f(1, 0, 0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 1.0);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 1.0);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.85, 0.85, 1.0);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(28.0 / 255.0, 106.0 / 255.0, 179.0 / 255.0);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(14.0 / 255.0, 53.0 / 255.0, 89.5 / 255.0);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(28.0 / 255.0, 106.0 / 255.0, 179.0 / 255.0);
meterValue = RGBA4f(190.0 / 255.0, 190.0 / 255.0, 60.0 / 255.0);
text = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 1);
freqLine = RGBA4f(0.85, 0.85, 1.0);
button = RGBA4f(217.0 / 255.0, 218.0 / 255.0, 228.0 / 255.0);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(208.0 / 255.0, 249.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.85f, 0.85f, 1.0);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(28.0f / 255.0f, 106.0f / 255.0f, 179.0f / 255.0f);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(14.0f / 255.0f, 53.0f / 255.0f, 89.5f / 255.0f);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(1.0f, 0.0, 0.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(28.0f / 255.0f, 106.0f / 255.0f, 179.0f / 255.0f);
meterValue = RGBA4f(190.0f / 255.0f, 190.0f / 255.0f, 60.0f / 255.0f);
text = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 1);
freqLine = RGBA4f(0.85f, 0.85f, 1.0f);
button = RGBA4f(217.0f / 255.0f, 218.0f / 255.0f, 228.0f / 255.0f);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(208.0f / 255.0f, 249.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.05, 0.05, 0.15);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.05, 0.05, 0.15);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.05, 0.05, 0.15);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
RadColorTheme::RadColorTheme() {
name = "Rad";
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0, 0, 0.5));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(25.0 / 255.0, 154.0 / 255.0, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(201.0 / 255.0, 115.0 / 255.0, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 40.0 / 255.0, 40.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0, 0, 0.5f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(25.0f / 255.0f, 154.0f / 255.0f, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(201.0f / 255.0f, 115.0f / 255.0f, 0.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 40.0f / 255.0f, 40.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
waterfallNew = RGBA4f(0, 1, 0);
waterfallHover = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
waterfallDestroy = RGBA4f(1, 0, 0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(1.0, 0.9, 0.9);
fftLine = RGBA4f(1.0, 0.9f, 0.9f);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(1.0, 0.9, 0.9);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.45, 0.0);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.1, 0.0);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(1.0, 0.9f, 0.9f);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.45f, 0.0);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.1f, 0.0);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0, 0.5, 0);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0.5, 0, 0);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.5f, 1.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0, 0.5f, 0);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0.5f, 0, 0);
text = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
freqLine = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
button = RGBA4f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(0.76, 0.65, 0);
button = RGBA4f(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(0.76f, 0.65f, 0);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(13.0 / 255.0, 47.0 / 255.0, 9.0 / 255.0);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0, 0, 50.0 / 255.0);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(13.0 / 255.0, 47.0 / 255.0, 9.0 / 255.0);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(13.0f / 255.0f, 47.0f / 255.0f, 9.0f / 255.0f);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0, 0, 50.0f / 255.0f);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(13.0f / 255.0f, 47.0f / 255.0f, 9.0f / 255.0f);
TouchColorTheme::TouchColorTheme() {
name = "Touch";
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0, 0, 0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(55.0 / 255.0, 40.0 / 255.0, 55.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(61.0 / 255.0, 57.0 / 255.0, 88.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(10.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0, 85.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0, 75.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0 / 255.0, 0.0 / 255.0, 0.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(55.0f / 255.0f, 40.0f / 255.0f, 55.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(61.0f / 255.0f, 57.0f / 255.0f, 88.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(0.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(10.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 85.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 75.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
waterfallNew = RGBA4f(0, 1, 0);
waterfallHover = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
waterfallDestroy = RGBA4f(1, 0, 0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(234.0 / 255.0, 232.0 / 255.0, 247.0 / 255.0);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(234.0 / 255.0, 232.0 / 255.0, 247.0 / 255.0);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.2, 0.2, 0.7);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.45);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(0.5, 139.0/255.0, 96.0/255.0);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(0.6, 108.0/255.0, 1.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(61.0 / 255.0, 57.0 / 255.0, 88.0 / 255.0);
meterValue = RGBA4f(61.0 / 255.0, 57.0 / 255.0, 88.0 / 255.0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(234.0f / 255.0f, 232.0f / 255.0f, 247.0f / 255.0f);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(234.0f / 255.0f, 232.0f / 255.0f, 247.0f / 255.0f);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.7f);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.45f);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(0.5f, 139.0f/255.0f, 96.0f/255.0f);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(0.6f, 108.0f/255.0f, 1.0f);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(61.0f / 255.0f, 57.0f / 255.0f, 88.0f / 255.0f);
meterValue = RGBA4f(61.0f / 255.0f, 57.0f / 255.0f, 88.0f / 255.0f);
text = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
freqLine = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
button = RGBA4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(208.0 / 255.0, 202.0 / 255.0, 247.0 / 255.0);
button = RGBA4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(208.0f / 255.0f, 202.0f / 255.0f, 247.0f / 255.0f);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(39.0 / 255.0, 36.0 / 255.0, 56.0 / 255.0);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(39.0 / 255.0, 36.0 / 255.0, 56.0 / 255.0);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(61.0 / 255.0, 57.0 / 255.0, 88.0 / 255.0);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(39.0f / 255.0f, 36.0f / 255.0f, 56.0f / 255.0f);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(39.0f / 255.0f, 36.0f / 255.0f, 56.0f / 255.0f);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(61.0f / 255.0f, 57.0f / 255.0f, 88.0f / 255.0f);
HDColorTheme::HDColorTheme() {
name = "HD";
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(5.0 / 255.0, 5.0 / 255.0, 60.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(5.0 / 255.0, 20.0 / 255.0, 120.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(50.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0, 200.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(75.0 / 255.0, 190.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(240.0 / 255.0, 55.0 / 255.0, 5.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0 / 255.0, 55.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0 / 255.0, 235.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(250.0 / 255.0, 250.0 / 255.0, 250.0 / 255.0));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(5.0f / 255.0f, 5.0f / 255.0f, 60.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(5.0f / 255.0f, 20.0f / 255.0f, 120.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(50.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 200.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(75.0f / 255.0f, 190.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(240.0f / 255.0f, 55.0f / 255.0f, 5.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0f / 255.0f, 55.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(255.0f / 255.0f, 235.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallGradient.addColor(GradientColor(250.0f / 255.0f, 250.0f / 255.0f, 250.0f / 255.0f));
waterfallHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
waterfallNew = RGBA4f(0, 1, 0);
waterfallHover = RGBA4f(1, 1, 0);
waterfallDestroy = RGBA4f(1, 0, 0);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
fftLine = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
fftHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.4, 0.4, 1.0);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.45);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(1.0, 139.0/255.0, 96.0/255.0);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(148.0/255.0, 148.0/255.0, 1.0);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0, 0.5, 0);
scopeLine = RGBA4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
tuningBarLight = RGBA4f(0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0);
tuningBarDark = RGBA4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.45f);
tuningBarUp = RGBA4f(1.0, 139.0f/255.0f, 96.0f/255.0f);
tuningBarDown = RGBA4f(148.0f/255.0f, 148.0f/255.0f, 1.0f);
meterLevel = RGBA4f(0, 0.5f, 0);
meterValue = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
text = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
freqLine = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
button = RGBA4f(0, 0.7, 0.7);
button = RGBA4f(0, 0.7f, 0.7f);
buttonHighlight = RGBA4f(1, 1, 1);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.0, 48.0 / 255.0);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.0, 48.0 / 255.0);
scopeBackground = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.0, 48.0f / 255.0f);
fftBackground = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.0, 48.0f / 255.0f);
generalBackground = RGBA4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ GainCanvas::GainCanvas(wxWindow *parent, int *dispAttrs) :
spacing = 2.0/numGains;
barWidth = (1.0/numGains)*0.8;
startPos = spacing/2.0;
barHeight = 0.8;
barHeight = 0.8f;
refreshCounter = 0;
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void GainCanvas::updateGainUI() {
spacing = 2.0/numGains;
barWidth = (1.0/numGains)*0.7;
startPos = spacing/2.0;
barHeight = 0.8;
barHeight = 0.8f;
RGBA4f c1, c2;
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void GainCanvas::updateGainUI() {
float levelVal = float(gInfo->current-gInfo->low)/float(gInfo->high-gInfo->low);
gInfo->levelPanel.setSize(1.0, levelVal);
gInfo->levelPanel.setPosition(0.0, (-1.0+(levelVal)));
@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ void GainCanvas::updateGainUI() {
gInfo->highlightPanel.setBlend(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
gInfo->highlightPanel.visible = false;
@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ void GainCanvas::setThemeColors() {
c2.a = 1.0;
gInfo->levelPanel.setFillColor(c1, c2);
c1 = RGBA4f(0.3,0.3,0.3,1.0);
c2 = RGBA4f(0.65,0.65,0.65,1.0);;
c1 = RGBA4f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f,1.0f);
c2 = RGBA4f(0.65f,0.65f,0.65f,1.0f);;
gInfo->highlightPanel.setFillColor(c1, c2);
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ void MeterCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
glContext->Draw(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->generalBackground.r, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->generalBackground.g, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->generalBackground.b, 0.5, 1.0);
if (mouseTracker.mouseInView()) {
glContext->Draw(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, mouseTracker.getMouseY());
glContext->Draw(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.5f, mouseTracker.getMouseY());
glContext->Draw(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->meterLevel.r, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->meterLevel.g, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->meterLevel.b, 0.5, (level-level_min) / (level_max-level_min));
if (showUserInput) {
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawDemodInfo(DemodulatorInstance *demod, RGBA4f color, l
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6f);
float ofs = ((float) demod->getBandwidth()) / (float) srate;
float ofsLeft = (demod->getDemodulatorType()!="USB")?ofs:0, ofsRight = (demod->getDemodulatorType()!="LSB")?ofs:0;
@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawDemodInfo(DemodulatorInstance *demod, RGBA4f color, l
bool isSolo = soloMode && demod == wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getLastActiveDemodulator();
if (isSolo) {
glColor4f(0.8, 0.8, 0, 0.35);
glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0, 0.35f);
} else if (demod->isMuted()) {
glColor4f(0.8, 0, 0, 0.35);
glColor4f(0.8f, 0, 0, 0.35f);
} else if (soloMode) {
glColor4f(0.2, 0, 0, 0.35);
glColor4f(0.2f, 0, 0, 0.35f);
} else {
glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.35);
glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.35f);
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawDemodInfo(DemodulatorInstance *demod, RGBA4f color, l
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.2);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.2f);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, -1.0, 0.0);
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawDemodInfo(DemodulatorInstance *demod, RGBA4f color, l
if (ofs * 2.0 < 16.0 / viewWidth) {
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.2);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.2f);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, hPos + labelHeight, 0.0);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, -1.0, 0.0);
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawDemodInfo(DemodulatorInstance *demod, RGBA4f color, l
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8);
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8f);
std::string demodLabel = demod->getLabel();
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawFreqBwInfo(long long freq, int bw, RGBA4f color, long
glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.35);
glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.35f);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, hPos + labelHeight, 0.0);
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawFreqBwInfo(long long freq, int bw, RGBA4f color, long
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.1);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.1f);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, -1.0, 0.0);
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawFreqBwInfo(long long freq, int bw, RGBA4f color, long
if (ofs * 2.0 < 16.0 / viewWidth) {
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.1);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.1f);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, hPos + labelHeight, 0.0);
glVertex3f(uxPos - ofsLeft, -1.0, 0.0);
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawFreqBwInfo(long long freq, int bw, RGBA4f color, long
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8);
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8f);
std::string demodLabel = std::to_string((double)freq/1000000.0);
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawDemod(DemodulatorInstance *demod, RGBA4f color, long
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6f);
float ofs = ((float) demod->getBandwidth()) / (float) srate;
float ofsLeft = (demod->getDemodulatorType()!="USB")?ofs:0, ofsRight = (demod->getDemodulatorType()!="LSB")?ofs:0;
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawFreqSelector(float uxPos, RGBA4f color, float w, long
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6f);
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ void PrimaryGLContext::DrawRangeSelector(float uxPos1, float uxPos2, RGBA4f colo
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6);
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.6f);
glLineWidth((last_type == "USB")?2.0:1.0);
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ ScopeCanvas::ScopeCanvas(wxWindow *parent, int *dispAttrs) : InteractiveCanvas(p
glContext = new ScopeContext(this, &wxGetApp().GetContext(this));
bgPanel.setSize(1.0, 0.5);
bgPanel.setPosition(0.0, -0.5);
panelSpacing = 0.4;
bgPanel.setSize(1.0, 0.5f);
bgPanel.setPosition(0.0, -0.5f);
panelSpacing = 0.4f;
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void ScopeCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
CubicVR::mat4 modelView = CubicVR::mat4::lookat(0, 0, -1.205, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
CubicVR::mat4 modelView = CubicVR::mat4::lookat(0, 0, -1.205f, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
float panelWidth = 1.0;
float panelInterval = (panelWidth * 2.0 + panelSpacing);
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ void ScopeContext::DrawTunerTitles(bool ppmMode) {
float viewHeight = (float) vp[3];
float hPos = (float) (13) / viewHeight;
glColor3f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65);
glColor3f(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f);
GLFont::getFont(GLFont::GLFONT_SIZE12).drawString(ppmMode?"Device PPM":"Frequency", -0.66, -1.0+hPos, 12, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, true);
GLFont::getFont(GLFont::GLFONT_SIZE12).drawString(ppmMode?"Device PPM":"Frequency", -0.66f, -1.0+hPos, 12, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, true);
GLFont::getFont(GLFont::GLFONT_SIZE12).drawString("Bandwidth", 0.0, -1.0+hPos, 12, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, true);
GLFont::getFont(GLFont::GLFONT_SIZE12).drawString("Center Frequency", 0.66, -1.0+hPos, 12, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, true);
GLFont::getFont(GLFont::GLFONT_SIZE12).drawString("Center Frequency", 0.66f, -1.0+hPos, 12, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, true);
void ScopeContext::DrawDeviceName(std::string deviceName) {
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void ScopeContext::DrawDeviceName(std::string deviceName) {
float viewHeight = (float) vp[3];
float hPos = (float) (viewHeight - 20) / viewHeight;
glColor3f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65);
glColor3f(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f);
GLFont::getFont(GLFont::GLFONT_SIZE12).drawString(deviceName.c_str(), 1.0, hPos, 12, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_RIGHT, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, true);
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ TuningCanvas::TuningCanvas(wxWindow *parent, int *dispAttrs) :
dragging = false;
freqDP = -1.0;
freqW = (1.0 / 3.0) * 2.0;
freqW = (1.0f / 3.0f) * 2.0f;
bwDP = -1.0 + (2.25 / 3.0);
bwW = (1.0 / 4.0) * 2.0;
centerDP = -1.0 + (2.0 / 3.0) * 2.0;
centerW = (1.0 / 3.0) * 2.0;
centerDP = -1.0f + (2.0f / 3.0f) * 2.0f;
centerW = (1.0f / 3.0f) * 2.0f;
currentPPM = lastPPM = 0;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void TuningContext::DrawTuner(long long freq, int count, float displayPos, float
GLFont::getFont(fontSize).drawString(freqStr.str().substr(i - ofs, 1), xpos, 0, fontHeight, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER);
glColor4f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65, 0.25);
glColor4f(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f, 0.25f);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ bool bottom) {
float p2 = displayPos + ofs * (float) (count - start + 1);
float p1 = displayPos + ofs * (float) (count - end);
float r = color.r, g = color.g, b = color.b, a = 0.6;
float r = color.r, g = color.g, b = color.b, a = 0.6f;
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ bool bottom) {
void TuningContext::DrawDemodFreqBw(long long freq, unsigned int bw, long long center) {
DrawTuner(freq, 11, -1.0, (1.0 / 3.0) * 2.0);
DrawTuner(bw, 7, -1.0 + (2.25 / 3.0), (1.0 / 4.0) * 2.0);
DrawTuner(center, 11, -1.0 + (2.0 / 3.0) * 2.0, (1.0 / 3.0) * 2.0);
DrawTuner(freq, 11, -1.0, (1.0f / 3.0f) * 2.0f);
DrawTuner(bw, 7, -1.0 + (2.25f / 3.0f), (1.0f / 4.0f) * 2.0f);
DrawTuner(center, 11, -1.0 + (2.0f / 3.0f) * 2.0, (1.0f / 3.0f) * 2.0f);
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ void WaterfallCanvas::OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent& event) {
scaleMove = 0.0;
zoom = 1.0;
if (mouseZoom != 1.0) {
mouseZoom = 0.95;
mouseZoom = 0.95f;
case WXK_DOWN:
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ void WaterfallCanvas::OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent& event) {
scaleMove = 0.0;
zoom = 1.0;
if (mouseZoom != 1.0) {
mouseZoom = 1.05;
mouseZoom = 1.05f;
case WXK_LEFT:
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ void WaterfallCanvas::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) {
if (!shiftDown) {
mouseZoom = 1.0;
zoom = 0.95;
zoom = 0.95f;
} else {
scaleMove = 1.0;
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void WaterfallCanvas::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) {
if (!shiftDown) {
mouseZoom = 1.0;
zoom = 1.05;
zoom = 1.05f;
} else {
scaleMove = -1.0;
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