// Copyright (c) Charles J. Cliffe // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ #include "GainCanvas.h" #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #if !wxUSE_GLCANVAS #error "OpenGL required: set wxUSE_GLCANVAS to 1 and rebuild the library" #endif #include "CubicSDR.h" #include #include wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(GainCanvas, wxGLCanvas) EVT_PAINT(GainCanvas::OnPaint) EVT_IDLE(GainCanvas::OnIdle) EVT_MOTION(GainCanvas::OnMouseMoved) EVT_LEFT_DOWN(GainCanvas::OnMouseDown) EVT_LEFT_UP(GainCanvas::OnMouseReleased) EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(GainCanvas::OnMouseLeftWindow) EVT_ENTER_WINDOW(GainCanvas::OnMouseEnterWindow) EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(GainCanvas::OnMouseWheelMoved) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() GainCanvas::GainCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxGLAttributes& dispAttrs) : InteractiveCanvas(parent, dispAttrs) { glContext = new PrimaryGLContext(this, &wxGetApp().GetContext(this), wxGetApp().GetContextAttributes()); bgPanel.setCoordinateSystem(GLPanel::GLPANEL_Y_UP); bgPanel.setFill(GLPanel::GLPANEL_FILL_GRAD_X); numGains = 1; spacing = 2.0/numGains; barWidth = (1.0/numGains)*0.8; startPos = spacing/2.0; barHeight = 0.8f; refreshCounter = 0; userGainAsChanged = false; } GainCanvas::~GainCanvas() = default; void GainCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // wxPaintDC dc(this); const wxSize ClientSize = GetClientSize() * GetContentScaleFactor(); glContext->SetCurrent(*this); initGLExtensions(); glViewport(0, 0, ClientSize.x, ClientSize.y); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); bgPanel.draw(); SwapBuffers(); } void GainCanvas::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &event) { if (mouseTracker.mouseInView()) { Refresh(); } else { event.Skip(); } bool areGainsChangedHere = false; for (auto gi : gainPanels) { if (gi->getChanged()) { areGainsChangedHere = true; // Gain only displays integer gain values, so set the applied gain //value to exactly that. wxGetApp().setGain(gi->getName(), (int)(gi->getValue())); //A gain may be exposed as setting also so assure refresh of the menu also. wxGetApp().notifyMainUIOfDeviceChange(false); //do not rebuild the gain UI gi->setChanged(false); } } //User input has changed the gain, so schedule an update of values //in 150ms in the future, else the device may not have taken the value into account. if (areGainsChangedHere) { userGainAsChanged = true; userGainAsChangedDelayTimer.start(); } else { userGainAsChangedDelayTimer.update(); if (!userGainAsChanged || (userGainAsChanged && userGainAsChangedDelayTimer.getMilliseconds() > 150)) { if (updateGainValues()) { Refresh(); } userGainAsChanged = false; } } } void GainCanvas::SetLevel() { CubicVR::vec2 mpos = mouseTracker.getGLXY(); for (auto gi : gainPanels) { if (gi->isMeterHit(mpos)) { float value = gi->getMeterHitValue(mpos); gi->setValue(value); gi->setChanged(true); break; } } } void GainCanvas::OnMouseMoved(wxMouseEvent& event) { InteractiveCanvas::OnMouseMoved(event); CubicVR::vec2 mpos = mouseTracker.getGLXY(); for (auto gi : gainPanels) { if (gi->isMeterHit(mpos)) { float value = gi->getMeterHitValue(mpos); gi->setHighlight(value); gi->setHighlightVisible(true); wxGetApp().setActiveGainEntry(gi->getName()); } else { gi->setHighlightVisible(false); } } if (mouseTracker.mouseDown()) { SetLevel(); } else { if (!helpTip.empty()) { setStatusText(helpTip); } } } void GainCanvas::OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { InteractiveCanvas::OnMouseDown(event); SetLevel(); } void GainCanvas::OnMouseWheelMoved(wxMouseEvent& event) { InteractiveCanvas::OnMouseWheelMoved(event); CubicVR::vec2 mpos = mouseTracker.getGLXY(); for (auto gi : gainPanels) { if (gi->isMeterHit(mpos)) { float movement = 3.0 * (float)event.GetWheelRotation(); gi->setValue(gi->getValue() + ((movement / 100.0) * ((gi->getHigh() - gi->getLow()) / 100.0))); gi->setChanged(true); break; } } } void GainCanvas::OnMouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& event) { InteractiveCanvas::OnMouseReleased(event); } void GainCanvas::OnMouseLeftWindow(wxMouseEvent& event) { InteractiveCanvas::OnMouseLeftWindow(event); SetCursor(wxCURSOR_CROSS); for (auto gi : gainPanels) { gi->setHighlightVisible(false); } Refresh(); } void GainCanvas::OnMouseEnterWindow(wxMouseEvent& event) { InteractiveCanvas::mouseTracker.OnMouseEnterWindow(event); SetCursor(wxCURSOR_CROSS); #ifdef _WIN32 if (wxGetApp().getAppFrame()->canFocus()) { this->SetFocus(); } #endif } void GainCanvas::setHelpTip(std::string tip) { helpTip = tip; } void GainCanvas::updateGainUI() { SDRDeviceInfo *devInfo = wxGetApp().getDevice(); //possible if we 'Refresh Devices' then devInfo becomes null //until a new device is selected. if (devInfo == nullptr) { return; } DeviceConfig *devConfig = wxGetApp().getConfig()->getDevice(devInfo->getDeviceId()); //read the gains from the device. //This may be wrong because the device is not started, or has yet //to take into account a user gain change. Doesn't matter, //UpdateGainValues() takes cares of updating the true value realtime. gains = devInfo->getGains(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0); numGains = gains.size(); float i = 0; if (!numGains) { return; } spacing = 2.0/numGains; barWidth = (1.0/numGains)*0.7; startPos = spacing/2.0; barHeight = 1.0f; while (!gainPanels.empty()) { MeterPanel *mDel = gainPanels.back(); gainPanels.pop_back(); bgPanel.removeChild(mDel); delete mDel; } for (const auto& gi : gains) { auto *mPanel = new MeterPanel(gi.first, gi.second.minimum(), gi.second.maximum(), devConfig->getGain(gi.first,wxGetApp().getGain(gi.first))); float midPos = -1.0+startPos+spacing*i; mPanel->setPosition(midPos, 0); mPanel->setSize(barWidth, barHeight); bgPanel.addChild(mPanel); gainPanels.push_back(mPanel); i++; } setThemeColors(); } // call this to refresh the gain values only, not the whole UI. bool GainCanvas::updateGainValues() { bool isRefreshNeeded = false; SDRDeviceInfo *devInfo = wxGetApp().getDevice(); //possible if we 'Refresh Devices' then devInfo becomes null //until a new device is selected. //also, do not attempt an update with the device is not started. if (devInfo == nullptr || !devInfo->isActive()) { return false; } DeviceConfig *devConfig = wxGetApp().getConfig()->getDevice(devInfo->getDeviceId()); gains = devInfo->getGains(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0); size_t numGainsToRefresh = std::min(gains.size(), gainPanels.size()); size_t panelIndex = 0; //actually the order of gains iteration should be constant because map of string, //and gainPanels were built in that order in updateGainUI() for (const auto& gi : gains) { if (panelIndex >= numGainsToRefresh) { break; } // do not update if a change is already pending. if (!gainPanels[panelIndex]->getChanged()) { //read the actual gain from the device, round it float actualRoundedGain = (float)std::round(devInfo->getCurrentGain(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0, gi.first)); //do nothing if the difference is less than 1.0, since the panel do not show it anyway. if ((int)actualRoundedGain != (int)(gainPanels[panelIndex]->getValue())) { gainPanels[panelIndex]->setValue(actualRoundedGain); //update the config with this value : //a consequence of such updates is that the use setting // is overridden by the current one in AGC mode. //TODO: if it not desirable, do not update in AGC mode. devConfig->setGain(gi.first, actualRoundedGain); isRefreshNeeded = true; } } //end if no external change pending. panelIndex++; } return isRefreshNeeded; } void GainCanvas::setThemeColors() { RGBA4f c1, c2; c1 = ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->generalBackground; c2 = ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->generalBackground * 0.5; c1.a = 1.0; c2.a = 1.0; bgPanel.setFillColor(c1, c2); Refresh(); }