# https://github.com/idiap/juicer/blob/master/cmake/FindRtAudio.cmake # # Copyright 2015 by Idiap Research Institute # # Licensed under 3-clause BSD. # # Author(s): # Phil Garner, November 2015 # # ...but basically copied from FindSndFile in libube, in turn from the examples # on the web. # # # Try to find RtAudio # Once done this will define # RTAUDIO_FOUND - System has RtAudio # RTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIR - The RtAudio include directories # RTAUDIO_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use RtAudio # RTAUDIO_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using RtAudio # RTAUDIO_VERSION_STRING - the version of RtAudio found # find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(PC_RTAUDIO rtaudio) set(RTAUDIO_DEFINITIONS ${PC_RTAUDIO_CFLAGS_OTHER}) set(RTAUDIO_VERSION_STRING ${PC_RTAUDIO_VERSION}) find_path( RTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIR RtAudio.h HINTS ${PC_RTAUDIO_INCLUDEDIR} ${PC_RTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) find_library( RTAUDIO_LIBRARIES NAMES rtaudio HINTS ${PC_RTAUDIO_LIBDIR} ${PC_RTAUDIO_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args( RtAudio REQUIRED_VARS RTAUDIO_LIBRARIES RTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR RTAUDIO_VERSION_STRING ) #mark_as_advanced(RTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIR RTAUDIO_LIBRARIES)