#include "CubicSDRDefs.h" #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif #include "DemodulatorPreThread.h" #include "CubicSDR.h" DemodulatorPreThread::DemodulatorPreThread(DemodulatorThreadInputQueue* iqInputQueue, DemodulatorThreadPostInputQueue* iqOutputQueue, DemodulatorThreadControlCommandQueue *threadQueueControl, DemodulatorThreadCommandQueue* threadQueueNotify) : IOThread(), iqInputQueue(iqInputQueue), iqOutputQueue(iqOutputQueue), audioResampler(NULL), stereoResampler(NULL), iqResampleRatio( 1), audioResampleRatio(1), firStereoRight(NULL), firStereoLeft(NULL), iirStereoPilot(NULL), iqResampler(NULL), commandQueue(NULL), threadQueueNotify(threadQueueNotify), threadQueueControl( threadQueueControl) { initialized.store(false); freqShifter = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_VCO); shiftFrequency = 0; workerQueue = new DemodulatorThreadWorkerCommandQueue; workerResults = new DemodulatorThreadWorkerResultQueue; workerThread = new DemodulatorWorkerThread(workerQueue, workerResults); t_Worker = new std::thread(&DemodulatorWorkerThread::threadMain, workerThread); } void DemodulatorPreThread::initialize() { initialized = false; iqResampleRatio = (double) (params.bandwidth) / (double) params.sampleRate; audioResampleRatio = (double) (params.audioSampleRate) / (double) params.bandwidth; float As = 120.0f; // stop-band attenuation [dB] iqResampler = msresamp_crcf_create(iqResampleRatio, As); audioResampler = msresamp_rrrf_create(audioResampleRatio, As); stereoResampler = msresamp_rrrf_create(audioResampleRatio, As); // Stereo filters / shifters double firStereoCutoff = ((double) 16000 / (double) params.audioSampleRate); float ft = ((double) 1000 / (double) params.audioSampleRate); // filter transition float mu = 0.0f; // fractional timing offset if (firStereoCutoff < 0) { firStereoCutoff = 0; } if (firStereoCutoff > 0.5) { firStereoCutoff = 0.5; } unsigned int h_len = estimate_req_filter_len(ft, As); float *h = new float[h_len]; liquid_firdes_kaiser(h_len, firStereoCutoff, As, mu, h); firStereoLeft = firfilt_rrrf_create(h, h_len); firStereoRight = firfilt_rrrf_create(h, h_len); // stereo pilot filter float bw = params.bandwidth; if (bw < 100000.0) { bw = 100000.0; } unsigned int order = 5; // filter order float f0 = ((double) 19000 / bw); float fc = ((double) 19500 / bw); float Ap = 1.0f; As = 60.0f; iirStereoPilot = iirfilt_crcf_create_prototype(LIQUID_IIRDES_CHEBY2, LIQUID_IIRDES_BANDPASS, LIQUID_IIRDES_SOS, order, fc, f0, Ap, As); initialized = true; lastParams = params; } DemodulatorPreThread::~DemodulatorPreThread() { delete workerThread; delete workerQueue; delete workerResults; } void DemodulatorPreThread::run() { #ifdef __APPLE__ pthread_t tID = pthread_self(); // ID of this thread int priority = sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO) - 1; sched_param prio = {priority}; // scheduling priority of thread pthread_setschedparam(tID, SCHED_FIFO, &prio); #endif if (!initialized) { initialize(); } std::cout << "Demodulator preprocessor thread started.." << std::endl; ReBuffer buffers; std::vector in_buf_data; std::vector out_buf_data; // liquid_float_complex carrySample; // Keep the stream count even to simplify some demod operations // bool carrySampleFlag = false; while (!terminated) { DemodulatorThreadIQData *inp; iqInputQueue->pop(inp); bool bandwidthChanged = false; bool rateChanged = false; DemodulatorThreadParameters tempParams = params; if (!commandQueue->empty()) { while (!commandQueue->empty()) { DemodulatorThreadCommand command; commandQueue->pop(command); switch (command.cmd) { case DemodulatorThreadCommand::DEMOD_THREAD_CMD_SET_BANDWIDTH: if (command.llong_value < 1500) { command.llong_value = 1500; } if (command.llong_value > params.sampleRate) { tempParams.bandwidth = params.sampleRate; } else { tempParams.bandwidth = command.llong_value; } bandwidthChanged = true; break; case DemodulatorThreadCommand::DEMOD_THREAD_CMD_SET_FREQUENCY: params.frequency = tempParams.frequency = command.llong_value; break; case DemodulatorThreadCommand::DEMOD_THREAD_CMD_SET_AUDIO_RATE: tempParams.audioSampleRate = (int)command.llong_value; rateChanged = true; break; default: break; } } } if (inp->sampleRate != tempParams.sampleRate && inp->sampleRate) { tempParams.sampleRate = inp->sampleRate; rateChanged = true; } if (bandwidthChanged || rateChanged) { DemodulatorWorkerThreadCommand command(DemodulatorWorkerThreadCommand::DEMOD_WORKER_THREAD_CMD_BUILD_FILTERS); command.sampleRate = tempParams.sampleRate; command.audioSampleRate = tempParams.audioSampleRate; command.bandwidth = tempParams.bandwidth; command.frequency = tempParams.frequency; workerQueue->push(command); } if (!initialized) { continue; } // Requested frequency is not center, shift it into the center! if ((params.frequency - inp->frequency) != shiftFrequency || rateChanged) { shiftFrequency = params.frequency - inp->frequency; if (abs(shiftFrequency) <= (int) ((double) (wxGetApp().getSampleRate() / 2) * 1.5)) { nco_crcf_set_frequency(freqShifter, (2.0 * M_PI) * (((double) abs(shiftFrequency)) / ((double) wxGetApp().getSampleRate()))); } } if (abs(shiftFrequency) > (int) ((double) (wxGetApp().getSampleRate() / 2) * 1.5)) { continue; } // std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lock(inp->m_mutex); std::vector *data = &inp->data; if (data->size() && (inp->sampleRate == params.sampleRate)) { int bufSize = data->size(); if (in_buf_data.size() != bufSize) { if (in_buf_data.capacity() < bufSize) { in_buf_data.reserve(bufSize); out_buf_data.reserve(bufSize); } in_buf_data.resize(bufSize); out_buf_data.resize(bufSize); } in_buf_data.assign(inp->data.begin(), inp->data.end()); liquid_float_complex *in_buf = &in_buf_data[0]; liquid_float_complex *out_buf = &out_buf_data[0]; liquid_float_complex *temp_buf = NULL; if (shiftFrequency != 0) { if (shiftFrequency < 0) { nco_crcf_mix_block_up(freqShifter, in_buf, out_buf, bufSize); } else { nco_crcf_mix_block_down(freqShifter, in_buf, out_buf, bufSize); } temp_buf = in_buf; in_buf = out_buf; out_buf = temp_buf; } DemodulatorThreadPostIQData *resamp = buffers.getBuffer(); int out_size = ceil((double) (bufSize) * iqResampleRatio) + 512; if (resampledData.size() != out_size) { if (resampledData.capacity() < out_size) { resampledData.reserve(out_size); } resampledData.resize(out_size); } unsigned int numWritten; msresamp_crcf_execute(iqResampler, in_buf, bufSize, &resampledData[0], &numWritten); resamp->setRefCount(1); resamp->data.assign(resampledData.begin(), resampledData.begin() + numWritten); // bool uneven = (numWritten % 2 != 0); // if (!carrySampleFlag && !uneven) { // resamp->data.assign(resampledData.begin(), resampledData.begin() + numWritten); // carrySampleFlag = false; // } else if (!carrySampleFlag && uneven) { // resamp->data.assign(resampledData.begin(), resampledData.begin() + (numWritten-1)); // carrySample = resampledData.back(); // carrySampleFlag = true; // } else if (carrySampleFlag && uneven) { // resamp->data.resize(numWritten+1); // resamp->data[0] = carrySample; // memcpy(&resamp->data[1],&resampledData[0],sizeof(liquid_float_complex)*numWritten); // carrySampleFlag = false; // } else if (carrySampleFlag && !uneven) { // resamp->data.resize(numWritten); // resamp->data[0] = carrySample; // memcpy(&resamp->data[1],&resampledData[0],sizeof(liquid_float_complex)*(numWritten-1)); // carrySample = resampledData.back(); // carrySampleFlag = true; // } resamp->audioResampleRatio = audioResampleRatio; resamp->audioResampler = audioResampler; resamp->audioSampleRate = params.audioSampleRate; resamp->stereoResampler = stereoResampler; resamp->firStereoLeft = firStereoLeft; resamp->firStereoRight = firStereoRight; resamp->iirStereoPilot = iirStereoPilot; resamp->sampleRate = params.bandwidth; iqOutputQueue->push(resamp); } inp->decRefCount(); if (!workerResults->empty()) { while (!workerResults->empty()) { DemodulatorWorkerThreadResult result; workerResults->pop(result); switch (result.cmd) { case DemodulatorWorkerThreadResult::DEMOD_WORKER_THREAD_RESULT_FILTERS: msresamp_crcf_destroy(iqResampler); if (result.iqResampler) { iqResampler = result.iqResampler; iqResampleRatio = result.iqResampleRatio; } if (result.firStereoLeft) { firStereoLeft = result.firStereoLeft; } if (result.firStereoRight) { firStereoRight = result.firStereoRight; } if (result.iirStereoPilot) { iirStereoPilot = result.iirStereoPilot; } if (result.audioResampler) { audioResampler = result.audioResampler; audioResampleRatio = result.audioResamplerRatio; stereoResampler = result.stereoResampler; } if (result.audioSampleRate) { params.audioSampleRate = result.audioSampleRate; } if (result.bandwidth) { params.bandwidth = result.bandwidth; } if (result.sampleRate) { params.sampleRate = result.sampleRate; } break; default: break; } } } } buffers.purge(); DemodulatorThreadCommand tCmd(DemodulatorThreadCommand::DEMOD_THREAD_CMD_DEMOD_PREPROCESS_TERMINATED); tCmd.context = this; threadQueueNotify->push(tCmd); std::cout << "Demodulator preprocessor thread done." << std::endl; } void DemodulatorPreThread::terminate() { terminated = true; DemodulatorThreadIQData *inp = new DemodulatorThreadIQData; // push dummy to nudge queue iqInputQueue->push(inp); workerThread->terminate(); t_Worker->detach(); delete t_Worker; }