// Copyright (c) Charles J. Cliffe // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ #pragma once #include "wx/choice.h" #include "wx/dialog.h" #include "BookmarkPanel.h" #include "BookmarkMgr.h" #include "MouseTracker.h" class TreeViewItem : public wxTreeItemData { public: enum TreeViewItemType { TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_GROUP, TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_ACTIVE, TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_RECENT, TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_BOOKMARK, TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_RANGE }; TreeViewItem() { demod = nullptr; bookmarkEnt = nullptr; rangeEnt = nullptr; }; // copy constructor TreeViewItem(const TreeViewItem& src) { demod = src.demod; bookmarkEnt = src.bookmarkEnt; rangeEnt = src.rangeEnt; type = src.type; groupName = src.groupName; }; virtual ~TreeViewItem() { // }; TreeViewItemType type; BookmarkEntryPtr bookmarkEnt; BookmarkRangeEntryPtr rangeEnt; DemodulatorInstancePtr demod; std::string groupName; }; class BookmarkViewVisualDragItem : public wxDialog { public: BookmarkViewVisualDragItem(wxString labelValue = L"Popup"); }; class BookmarkView : public BookmarkPanel { public: BookmarkView( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( -1, -1 ), long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ); virtual ~BookmarkView(); //order an asynchronous refresh/rebuild of the whole tree, //will take effect at the next onUpdateTimer() occurence. void updateActiveList(); //order asynchronous updates of the bookmarks, //will take effect at the next onUpdateTimer() occurence. void updateBookmarks(); void updateBookmarks(std::string group); bool isKeywordMatch(std::wstring str, std::vector &keywords); wxTreeItemId refreshBookmarks(); void updateTheme(); void onMenuItem(wxCommandEvent& event); bool isMouseInView(); bool getExpandState(std::string branchName); void setExpandState(std::string branchName, bool state); void loadDefaultRanges(); static BookmarkRangeEntryPtr makeActiveRangeEntry(); protected: void activeSelection(DemodulatorInstancePtr dsel); void bookmarkSelection(BookmarkEntryPtr bmSel); void rangeSelection(BookmarkRangeEntryPtr re); void activateBookmark(BookmarkEntryPtr bmEnt); void activateRange(BookmarkRangeEntryPtr rangeEnt); void recentSelection(BookmarkEntryPtr bmSel); void groupSelection(std::string groupName); void bookmarkBranchSelection(); void recentBranchSelection(); void rangeBranchSelection(); void activeBranchSelection(); void hideProps(); void showProps(); void onUpdateTimer( wxTimerEvent& event ); //refresh / rebuild the whole tree item immediatly void doUpdateActiveList(); void onTreeActivate( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onTreeCollapse( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onTreeExpanded( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onTreeItemMenu( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onTreeSelect( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onTreeSelectChanging( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onLabelText( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onDoubleClickFreq( wxMouseEvent& event ); void onDoubleClickBandwidth( wxMouseEvent& event ); void onTreeBeginDrag( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onTreeEndDrag( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onTreeItemGetTooltip( wxTreeEvent& event ); void onEnterWindow( wxMouseEvent& event ); void onLeaveWindow( wxMouseEvent& event ); void onMotion( wxMouseEvent& event ); void onSearchTextFocus( wxMouseEvent& event ); void onSearchText( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onClearSearch( wxCommandEvent& event ); void clearButtons(); void showButtons(); void refreshLayout(); wxButton *makeButton(wxWindow *parent, std::string labelVal, wxObjectEventFunction handler); wxButton *addButton(wxWindow *parent, std::string labelVal, wxObjectEventFunction handler); void doBookmarkActive(std::string group, DemodulatorInstancePtr demod); void doBookmarkRecent(std::string group, BookmarkEntryPtr be); void doMoveBookmark(BookmarkEntryPtr be, std::string group); void doRemoveActive(DemodulatorInstancePtr demod); void doRemoveRecent(BookmarkEntryPtr be); void doClearRecents(); void updateBookmarkChoices(); void addBookmarkChoice(wxWindow *parent); void onBookmarkChoice( wxCommandEvent &event ); void onRemoveActive( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onRemoveBookmark( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onActivateBookmark( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onActivateRecent( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onRemoveRecent ( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onClearRecents ( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onAddGroup( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onRemoveGroup( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onAddRange( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onRemoveRange( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onRenameRange( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onActivateRange( wxCommandEvent& event ); void onUpdateRange( wxCommandEvent& event ); TreeViewItem *itemToTVI(wxTreeItemId item); void SetTreeItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemData *data); MouseTracker mouseTracker; wxTreeItemId rootBranch, activeBranch, bookmarkBranch, recentBranch, rangeBranch; std::map expandState; TreeViewItem *dragItem; wxTreeItemId dragItemId; BookmarkViewVisualDragItem *visualDragItem; bool editingLabel; // Bookmarks std::atomic_bool doUpdateBookmarks; std::set< std::string > doUpdateBookmarkGroup; BookmarkNames groupNames; std::map groups; wxArrayString bookmarkChoices; wxChoice *bookmarkChoice; // Active std::atomic_bool doUpdateActive; // Focus BookmarkEntryPtr nextEnt; BookmarkRangeEntryPtr nextRange; DemodulatorInstancePtr nextDemod; std::string nextGroup; // Search std::vector searchKeywords; void setStatusText(std::string statusText); };