// Copyright (c) Charles J. Cliffe // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "lodepng.h" #include "wx/glcanvas.h" #include "wx/filename.h" #include "wx/stdpaths.h" class GLFontStringCache { public: GLFontStringCache(); int drawlen; int vpx, vpy; int pxHeight = 0; float msgWidth = 0.0f; std::atomic_int gc; std::vector gl_vertices; std::vector gl_uv; }; class GLFontChar { public: GLFontChar(); ~GLFontChar(); void setId(int idval); // Returns the code point of the 16bit character, supposely Unicode. int getId(); void setXOffset(int xofs); int getXOffset(); void setYOffset(int yofs); int getYOffset(); void setX(int xpos); int getX(); void setY(int ypos); int getY(); void setWidth(int w); int getWidth(); void setHeight(int h); int getHeight(); void setXAdvance(int xadv); int getXAdvance(); float getAspect(); void setIndex(unsigned int idx); int getIndex(); private: // this is the code point of the 16bit character, supposly Unicode. int id; int x, y, width, height; int xoffset, yoffset; int xadvance; float aspect; int index; }; class GLFont { public: enum Align { GLFONT_ALIGN_LEFT, GLFONT_ALIGN_RIGHT, GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFONT_ALIGN_TOP, GLFONT_ALIGN_BOTTOM }; enum GLFontSize { GLFONT_SIZE12, GLFONT_SIZE16, GLFONT_SIZE18, GLFONT_SIZE24, GLFONT_SIZE27, //new GLFONT_SIZE32, GLFONT_SIZE36, //new GLFONT_SIZE48, GLFONT_SIZE64, //new GLFONT_SIZE72, //new GLFONT_SIZE96, //new GLFONT_SIZE_MAX }; enum GLFontScale { GLFONT_SCALE_NORMAL, GLFONT_SCALE_MEDIUM, // x1.5 GLFONT_SCALE_LARGE, // x2 GLFONT_SCALE_MAX }; GLFont(GLFontSize size, std::wstring fontFileName); ~GLFont(); //Called to change the scale of the rendered fonts static void setScale(GLFontScale scale); static GLFontScale getScale(); //Mean current scale factor: 1.0 in normal, 1.5 medium, 2.0 for large static double getScaleFactor(); //Return a valid font px height given the font size and scale factor static int getScaledPx(int basicFontSize, double scaleFactor); private: std::wstring nextParam(std::wistringstream &str); std::wstring getParamKey(const std::wstring& param_str); std::wstring getParamValue(const std::wstring& param_str); //Repository of all loaded fonts static GLFont fonts[GLFontSize::GLFONT_SIZE_MAX]; static std::atomic currentScale; //load a given font file, (lazy loading) void loadFontOnce(); //private drawing font, 16 bit char version, called by Drawer object void drawString(const std::wstring& str, int pxHeight, float xpos, float ypos, Align hAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_LEFT, Align vAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_TOP, int vpx = 0, int vpy = 0, bool cacheable = false); //private drawing font, 8 bit char version, called by Drawer object void drawString(const std::string& str, int pxHeight, float xpos, float ypos, Align hAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_LEFT, Align vAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_TOP, int vpx = 0, int vpy = 0, bool cacheable = false); GLFontStringCache *cacheString(const std::wstring& str, int pxHeight, int vpx, int vpy); void drawCacheString(GLFontStringCache *fc, float xpos, float ypos, Align hAlign, Align vAlign); void doCacheGC(); void clearCache(); //force GC of all available fonts static void clearAllCaches(); float getStringWidth(const std::wstring& str, float size, float viewAspect); //the string cache is per-front (internal font) std::map stringCache; int lineHeight; int base; int imageWidth, imageHeight, pixHeight; bool loaded; GLFontSize fontSizeClass; std::map characters; std::vector gl_vertices; std::vector gl_uv; //The font name as written in the def file. std::wstring fontName; //The full path font PNG filename std::wstring imageFile; //the real path location of the font definition file std::wstring fontDefFileSource; GLuint texId; int gcCounter; std::mutex cache_busy; public: //Proxy class computing and caching the selection of the underlying fonts //depending of the user input and requested scale for the fonts. class Drawer { private: //result of the computation int renderingFontIndex = 0; double renderingFontScaleFactor = 1.0; public: Drawer(int basicFontSize, double scaleFactor); //Public drawing font, 16 bit char version. void drawString(const std::wstring& str, float xpos, float ypos, Align hAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_LEFT, Align vAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_TOP, int vpx = 0, int vpy = 0, bool cacheable = false); //Public drawing font, 8 bit char version. void drawString(const std::string& str, float xpos, float ypos, Align hAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_LEFT, Align vAlign = GLFONT_ALIGN_TOP, int vpx = 0, int vpy = 0, bool cacheable = false); }; //end class Drawer //The User request a font of size requestedSize to display, with an additional //optional scale factor scaleFactor. static GLFont::Drawer getFont(int requestedSize, double scaleFactor = 1.0); };